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My Thoughts On Emoji Merchandise Part 2: "A Game Show and a Movie!? It's Time to Stop!"

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Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar Eli the Zeratoed
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Hey guys. It's a sad... Sad day, when you have to review a really awful movie. A movie that I've predicted was going to be a massive bomb on the creative industry, making the entire globe cringe in fear and anger. This movie was critically panned, making it the first movie in years to get onto the bottom 100 movies on IMDB (currently number six as I type this out), and turning out to be worse than Norm of the North. Yes, I am talking about the piece of wince movie, the Emoji Movie... *shrudders*
My Thoughts On Emoji Merchandise Part 2: "A Game Show and a Movie!? It's Time to Stop!"
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Now, for this special Peridot Month blog, I'm going to save you the benefit of the doubt and make this a double whammy, because who doesn't love double the topics on this special tradition, am I right!? ...Whatever. I'm going to review two massive cringe nukes that have left bombs to not only the movie industry, but the TV industry as well. That's right, I'm not only going to review The Emoji Movie, but also something that I talked about on my feed posts called Emogenius (Ugh... Writing that word out just made me wince a bit).
My Thoughts On Emoji Merchandise Part 2: "A Game Show and a Movie!? It's Time to Stop!"

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Let's start with the easy one that we get out of the way, Emogenius. Now, those of you that haven't sat through the Game Show Network (GSN) during your vacation breaks, Emogenius is a game show that requires the players to "translate" the emojis on-screen, and it gets harder as the game goes on. I've got to say, it does genuinely get harder as you endure the cringiness of these "bootleg emojis" as I coin them. If you were to replace the emojis with Kaomoji, pictures, or even memes, it can be a legitimate show. The host is al least trying to give some giggles to the audience just like how the Idiot Test host is pulling off. Unfortunately, the Emoji Movie is what I blame for this show choosing the path of making this a cringefest. Sorry, but if I were to go onto a recent game show on GSN right now, I would go onto Idiot Test, because at least the game isn't cringy in my vision spheres (it's eyes, but for the sake of Peridot Month, I'm using Peridot terminology for this month only).

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Well, now that we've covered that quick blurb on that Emogenius show, let's get into the real elephant in the room, The Emoji Movie. By the way, just like the first blog, I'm just the small minority out there that just has a small piece in this, and some people really do genuinely "like" the Emoji Movie. To re-quote myself, you can go hug that poop emoji plush all you want, but just know that I have a different perspective than you, and if you can respect my points, I can respect yours. This isn't really a rant either, because it'll include some facts about that new 2017 Popeye movie as well. Well, let's get to this crappy movie, and go cringe at it! *sigh* ...Please wake me up inside.

The Glorified Smiley Face Movie is about an Emoji named Gene who is a "meh" Emoji. Okay, before I move forward, I used to say "meh" a lot because it was a really obscure word. Now that it's being overexposed to the point of no return, I stopped using it! Shame on you, Emoji Movie. Shame. *coughs out rainbow vomit* Uh, where was I again? Oh yeah, the freaking summary. Now, Gene over here, by programming, must stay as a "meh", but he actually has multiple emotions.

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Meanwhile outside the phone, Alex (Yes, IHE did a review on this too, and he's disgusted by this as much as I am) is trying to impress a girl that he likes through the use of cringy emojis. Look, if you want to be unique and impress your supposed GF, get Facemoji. It's a keyboard with Kaomojis that is far better than sending a wincey icon. While trying to send a text, "Wow I Can't Believe It's Not IHE" wants to send a "meh" emoji to her, but Gene "keeps making the wrong face!", so it comes out as a sneeze. Uh, couldn't he just send another text saying "Oh, my mistake! I really mean't to express mediocrity, not a sneeze! xD"? You know what, let me just move on before my brain explodes with illogical reasoning.

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Throughout the rest of the movie, Gene meets up with a few stereotypes known as High-Five and "The Wildstyle Ripoff" (I'm not kidding. She's literally Wildstyle from The Lego Movie... They aren't even trying to hide their laziness!) to go "jailbreak" Not-IHE's device to make him a "meh" again while trying to escape the evil clutches of Smiley. This next sentence is a spoiler, but I really despise this movie, so screw it. In the end, the iPhone the cringe faces inhabit is about to factory reset, so in order for Alex to impress his crush one last time, he sends it again and Gene turns out to be a "animated emoji", in which the girl likes it, and they live happily ever blooping after. Ugh... Wasn't this movie about being yourself and not conforming when they are clearly trying to get Gene to conform!? This movie's message is already screwed up as it is! Get it right, or else you'll get the wrong message across!

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As you can see, I clearly hate this movie. Sure, it threw in a cat video that did make me laugh (Only once in the entire movie! That's bad in terms of movie standards!), but it felt cheap and manipulative overall. This movie, like most critics say, is a big massive advertisement. The jokes are not even that good, and they're only cringy at best. It's like sitting through a bunch of YouTube advertisements, sure they seem clever, but then you realize that they're annoying and manipulative just like those stupid lemmings from "Norm of the North".
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The characters are the most stock-filled stereotypes that I've ever seen. Gene is the generic hero, High-Five is a forced comic-relief, that weird "Wildstyle" character is a worse "rebel girl" character than the real Wildstyle herself, Alex is just a boring kid, his GF is bland, and "Poop Daddy" (Who is voiced by that bald guy from Star Trek, and yes, I'm as insulted as you are, Beverly...) is just... No. I'm even insulted by the alien character, and he/she only appeared for a few seconds! I mean, these characters are so stocky, that Peridot could easily replace them all and make self-aware jokes as well.

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The only thing I could really "praise" in this movie is the animation. For a crappy premise, they still seem to try and make the animation look pleasing. It's fluid and quick, but such good talent is wasted in making the characters look like bootlegged emojis rather than making them look like the real ones. Fun fact, Popeye was supposed to be released instead of the emoji movie, but Sony was like "Screw it! All we want is money! Not talent! Animators, go work on this pile of crap to see what you can do!". I'm pretty darn infuriated that they released this instead of Popeye. Imagine living in an alternate universe where Popeye was released, and I wouldn't be raging at this, but going to praise the glory that is Popeye instead.

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Oh boy, it's time I go and rate this thing. Now, I'm going to rate Emogenius and the Emoji Movie, because why not. Let's hammer these things!

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Concept: 4/10. A picture guessing game, but they just had to use Emojis...
Host: 7/10. An okay host, but not as self-aware as the Idiot Test one.
Toughness: 9/10. You could play it yourself, and it does indeed get harder as it goes!
Overall: 20/30. I cringed at most of this, but it wasn't as bad as I expected.

The Emoji Movie:
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Story: 2/10. Generic and stupid. Literally was Wreck-it-Ralph and The Lego Movie combined.

Characters: 1/10. Stock, boring, and sometimes even insulting!
Animation: 6/10. They are clearly trying, but the Emojis still look bootleg-like and not like the original counterparts.
Laughs: 1/10. Only the cat video made me laugh a little. The rest is like sitting through a very boring documentary about bottle caps.
Fun: 1/10. This movie indeed sucked the life out of me as I write this blog. I wanted to get off the ride.
Overall: 10/50.

Do not see this movie. Don't even see it as a joke! I warn you all, just like most critics, to not give money to this behemoth of wince. It's pandering, stupid, and will lower the quality of your life. This movie to me was just an excuse to make money off of it's merchandise so that it can fool grannies into thinking that those Emoji Movie plushies are the real ones. It's just a soleless sham that I will try to forget after this blog. You know what? In the spoiler below, I have an idea for a new Kaomoji movie, and Hollywood can go look at it pleases to, because it's a better idea than this horse crap of a movie I had to witness. I'll see you next time, and for now, I gotta go use a memory wipe stick from Men in Black to go erase the horror that I had to witness and go review a much more positive show/movie. Peace!

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The Kaomoji Movie, AKA, "The Kaomoji Mega Force" Trailer Script!
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ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Happy Gary - An overly happy goofball who wants to make others smile! Unfortunately, he learns that the world isn't all about sunshine and rainbows and goes through an existential crisis on whether he even matters. (Recommended Voice Actor Nomination: Tom Kenny)
(ಠ_ಠ) Look of Dissaproval (AKA, General Shock) - The leader of the Kaomoji Mega Force (KMF) who's been through it all. He has PTSD (They don't even sugar coat it. He flat out says he has it) and eventually learns how to be happy again from Happy Gary. (Recommended Voice Actor Nomination: Ryan Higa (Because of that Capital One dude in his "Be Your Favorite Actors" video))
(ಠ o ಠ)¤=[]:::::> Swoosh: The swordsman Kaomoji! He just never shuts up about his sword, and is kind of like Benny from the Lego Movie. (Recommended Voice Actor Nomination: Whoever did Benny in The Lego Movie)
(# ̄ω ̄) Tetsuya: A nerdy female Kaomoji who isn't afraid of anything! Unfortunately, she's the smallest Kaomoji of the bunch and gets embarassed when she's called "short". She still can go up to bigger foes without fear, despite her size. (Recommended Voice Actor Nomination: Shelby Rabara (I think that's how you spell her last name?))
(╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻ Bubba - A table flipping master! He may be big and bully-like, but he has a heart of gold. (Recommended Voice Actor Nomination: Whoever did Giant Gingy in Shrek 2)
(ノ°∀°)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆ Sprinkles: A magical Kaomoji! Often joked as the "plot device" member, he wants to prove that he's not just some tool to the story. (Recommended Voice Actor Nomination: Robert Paulsen)
(=^・ω・^=) Mew-Mew: A cute cat Kaomoji! She looks happy, but on the inside, she is cold and calculated. Maybe she holds some secrets inside? (Recommended Voice Actor Nomination: Kristen Schaal)
∪・ェ・∪ George Pawsible: The dog Kaomnoji! He's fiercely loyal, and his bite can tear through steel. (Recommended Voice Actor Nomination: Whoever did Doug from Up)
ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ The Claw: The main bad guy! Often joked for his massive claw hands, he wants to take over the Kaomoji World to turn them into spiteful emojis. He sometimes feels bad for pulling this off and being a monster, however. (Recommended Voice Actor Nomination: David Bowie's dead, so how about Jeremy Irons instead?)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Lenny: The Claw's second-hand man! A massive troll who annoys the crap out of our heroes with hidden adult jokes. (Recommended Voice Actor Nomination: Whoever did Gollum from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings)

Kaomoji World

2D Flash for smooth speed.

Trailer Song:
DJ Vice - The World is Our Playground (Mostly instrumental)

Trailer Snippet ("-" equals a fade or cut. You choose!):

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Gary: Hello, world! I'm Gary! I still can't believe I'm starring in my own movie!
(ಠ_ಠ) Shock: Hey, can you please stop breaking the forth wall?
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Gary: Oh, sorry.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Gary: In the world of Kaomojis, using your imagination is the key to making new ones.
(ノ°∀°)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆ Sprinkles: Is that a boxing Kaomoji?
(# ̄ω ̄) Tetsuya: Yes... Yes it is.
✴==≡눈٩(`皿´҂)ง Box: Hiyah! *punches Tetsuya*
(# ̄ω ̄) Tetsuya: Avenge me!!
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Gary: But sometimes, things don't go according to plan.
ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ The Claw: It's time I take over the Kaomoji World with Emojis!
(=^・ω・^=) Mew-Mew: Oh sugarplums.
∪・ェ・∪ George Pawsible: Not good!
(ಠ_ಠ) Shock: Gary! You need to stop lolly-gagging and focus on your training!
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Gary: Oh, what? Sorry. I was just gagging at this lollypop, if you know what I'm saying! Haw haw!
(ಠ_ಠ) Shock: That's not even funny. The audience isn't even laughing at that.
(# ̄ω ̄) Tetsuya: Aw yeah! According to my calculations, I can totally beat that!
(ಠ o ಠ)¤=[]:::::> Swoosh: Uh, no. You're too short to actually kill it.
(# ̄ω ̄) Tetsuya: Don't remind me...
(╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻ Bubba: I love you!
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Gary: Please, stop hugging me!
(ノ°∀°)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆ Sprinkles: I'm not just some plot device. I'm a friend!
(ಠ_ಠ) Shock: Train hard, Gary. All you need to do is put effort and heart into what you love.
"The Kaomoji Movie!"
(ಠ o ಠ)¤=[]:::::> Swoosh: Stand back, Emojis! I've got a sword!
Laughing Emoji: Hashtag, such lol.
Poo Emoji: Hashtag, no crap!
(ಠ o ಠ)¤=[]:::::> Swoosh: Why won't you stop saying hashtag before everything you say!? It's annoying!
"Coming Soon in August 20XX!"

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Image result for it's time to stop memes

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06/27/2018 2:46 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
Antiquez's Avatar
Punch me in the face now....

You are so right!
07/04/2018 9:58 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
I guess I am! xD

But seriously, I won't punch you in the face because you're such a cool guy and you have plenty of time to improve if you're ever jealous of someone's work. Shoot for the moon! Don't be afraid to try new things! Just do it! :3
08/15/2017 1:45 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Botanist
Oldacc_'s Avatar
Or rainbow key, rainbowkey is cool
08/15/2017 4:11 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Hmm... Never heard of it. I'm going to look it up... *looks it up* It doesn't seem bad. I'll get it if you can remove emojis from the board. Thanks for the suggestion! :3
08/15/2017 4:14 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Botanist
Oldacc_'s Avatar
It has faces like these (๑·ี_เ·ี๑)
08/15/2017 5:38 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
That's cool, but can you get rid of the emojis? It's probably the only way that I'll get the app... :P
08/14/2017 10:34 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Botanist
mitties's Avatar
i think i never used an emoji before and an emoji is barely anything to make a plot off of, i should just make the sandwich movie, each meat has an emotion then the burgers come in and try to take over the restaurant but the sandwiches stop the burger, that would even be better than the dumboji movie.
08/15/2017 4:17 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Well, I'm glad you've never used emojis before. I think you're safe from the cringe... for now. :P

Besides that, I can agree with you. Your sandwich movie idea would be way better than the crappy cringy emoji movie.
08/13/2017 8:24 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Archer
jaebeom's Avatar
*subscribes for no real reason, just wants to subscribe*
And I agree, I didn't even watch the entire trailer
its probably one of the worst movies on earth
08/14/2017 2:44 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Awesome! I've noticed the rapid growth of subscribers on here, so welcome to the club! You don't really have to subscribe to enjoy my content, but it's a nice thing to do, because I love everyone (as friends xD), even if they haven't subscribed to me.

By the way, you're right saying it's one of the worst. Currently it's on the bottom 100 on IMDB at the #13th spot with a rating of 1.9/10 as of now. I hope nothing worse comes out of 2017, or else I'd consider it the bottom of the barrel from here... :P
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