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Nether Adventures Chapter 12 (Finale): Take Back The Nether

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DarthKilliverse's Avatar DarthKilliverse
Level 45 : Master Nether Knight
Chapter Twelve Season Finale: Take Back The Nether

“Get out of my head, get out of my head.” Darth whispered to himself. He was sitting on a bed in a house one of the villagers lended to him when they arrived after being released from The Entity’s spell. Forcing his way out of the spell didn’t come without any side effects though, occasionally he would get agonizing headaches and hear whispers in his mind. The spell wasn’t completely gone. “We are having an emergency meeting soon, I need to get moving.” He said to himself. He stood up and tried to walk. His head started pounding intensely and the voices got louder. “AGH!” He yelled, falling to the ground. Naomi ran in. “Darth are you okay?!” The voices went away. “I-I’m fine, for now. Let’s just get this over with.” Naomi helped Darth up. “Okay, we’ll figure this out later then.” She said. “Yeah, hopefully.” Darth replied. A few minutes later they arrived in a meeting room. The mayor of the village looked at Darth. “I assume you rebels don’t plan on staying long? Our village is peaceful, we prefer not to get involved with The Entity and his business.” “Don’t worry, if all plays out well we will be long gone sir. The Entity won’t be expecting an attack this quickly, it will be the perfect time to strike.” Darth said. “So, how do you plan on defeating him?” Ash asked. “Well, we have no way of reaching that skull in the castle, so that’s out of the picture.” Kate explained. “So we will need to find an alternative.” They took a minute coming up with ideas, then Sammy’s eyes lit up. “I have an idea.” The planning went by for about an hour, then soon enough they were out of the meeting room and preparing themselves. “I can’t even remember what the overworld looks like outside of a few paintings, if we succeed I’m going to be very excited to say the very least. In fact, it will be Darth’s first time seeing the light of day, won’t it Darth?” Sammy said as he put Noah’s armor on. “Yeah, I’m excited too.” He said, sneaking in a small smile. “I’ll finally get to go home, my family must be worried sick!” Naomi said. Darth smile faded and he started to look a little down. “You don’t actually plan on leaving us... do you Naomi?” Naomi looked at Darth and smiled. “Of course I don’t, you are all the reason I found what I’m good at, protecting people. I wouldn’t just abandon that.” Darth let out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness.” Straight after the voices came back briefly and Darth was on his knees. Kate walked over and helped Darth up again. “Are you sure you are in good enough condition to fight? That, curse, could eventually be the thing that decides between life and death.” She asked. Darth nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll have Smithy and Richard watching my back. If I fall briefly they’ll protect me, right?” Over at the other side of the room Richard nodded, and Smithy let out an assuring sigh.

The green figure stood in the center of the room in The Entity’s castle. “Is that all you’ll need?” It asked. “Indeed. The rebels have been flushed out of their base, they are likely low on resources, and their most powerful weapon is still partially under my spell. They don’t stand a chance.” The Entity looked out the window to see rebels marching towards the castle. Not all of their leaders were there. “Huh, it seems they are making a desperate attempt to take us down, this should be easy. Hurry along the process, then we’ll snuff out any hope left.” The figure nodded, then disappeared into the skull he formed from.

Darth alongside Richard, Smithy, Naomi, Kate, and an army of wither skeletons and blazes were all approaching the castle. They stopped halfway down the giant bridge, waiting for The Entity come out. Surely enough, The Entity and Richard came out of the castle, an army of pigmen followed, coming out of the castle and the buildings nearby. Ghasts came in from the distance too, ready to fire. The Entity halted the pigmen, leaving the armies only a small distance away. “Do you really think you will stand a chance?” He asked. “You underestimate us Entity,” Darth said. “we are more powerful then you may think.” “We’ll see about that.” Darth raised his sword in the air. “Ready?!” Some of the wither skeletons raised their bows and crossbows, while the blazes ignited. “Steady?!” The warriors got ready to attack, ready to launch themselves at the enemies. “Attack!” He yelled. The two armies started charging towards each other with arrows and fire charges flying around them. They collided creating a sea of dark grey and pink. The Entity, in the middle of that sea, fought of the wither skeletons with his two crimson red swords, made purely of dark magic. “No matter what you do don’t hold back! We should have reinforcements any second now, then we will crush them!” The Entity yelled to the pigmen. Darth, Richard, and Smithy approached him, weapons ready. “We have other plans.” Darth said. The Entity looked to the hills nearby, surprised by the result.

Sammy and Ash, along with an army of wither skeletons, were spread out the hills nearby the castle. He watched as the battle broke out nearby. “Any moment now...” Sammy said to himself. The ground started shaking. “Now, everybody strike the pigmen before they fully get out of the ground! Don’t let a single one slip through!” The Pigmen started rising out of the netherrack and the soulsand. “Got it!” Ash replied, before stabbing one in the head, reducing it to steam. The pigmen struggled desperately to get into the fight, but were unable to prevail. Sammy and the others took them out too quickly. There was no easy escape to this one.

Meanwhile The Entity watched from a distance as everything played out. “ Impressive, you actually learned from your mistake this time. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be strong enough to beat me.” Darth smirked. “We’ll see.” He said, before clashing blades with The Entity. While Darth, Smithy, and Richard were fighting The Entity, Kate and Naomi had just worked their way to Garrison. He had just finished off a blaze knight when he noticed them. “Are you considering joining yet?” Garrison asked Kate. “The question is, are you? We won’t lose this time.” Kate said. Garrison readied himself. “We’ll see about that.” Kate dashed towards Garrison, her daggers collided with his blades. “Switch!” Kate yelled, and she backed up quickly. Garrison tried to swing at her but Naomi took her spot and blocked his blade with her shield. She pushed towards him, knocking him back, and Naomi yelled “Again!”. Kate dashed past her and she starting swinging at him with her daggers. Their blades collided over and over again until Garrison found an opening and went for a swing. Kate spun around and Naomi took her place, blocking the blade. Suddenly Naomi’s armor shines extremely bright and blinded Garrison, giving Kate the opening to run past Naomi and knock him to the ground. Before Garrison could get up he was met with a sword to his neck, it was Kate’s sword. “I warned you.” Kate said. “What was that?” Garrison asked. “The shine enchantment, exclusive to Diamond armor. I can blind my enemies with it, giving us the chance to strike.” Naomi explained. “Now stay down if you know what’s good for you.”

Meanwhile, not too far away, The Entity was fighting Darth, Richard, and Smithy. The Entity threw himself towards Darth, his crimson blades colliding with Darth’s fiery ones. They took a few swings, then The Entity backed into the air to throw a red fire charge at Darth. It was halfway to the ground when Richard shot it out of the sky using a crossbow. Not far behind The Entity was Smithy. He fired at him using his bow, but all of the arrows either missed, or were blocked by his blades. The Entity countered by hurling a fire charge at him. It landed next to Smithy, and the shockwave knocked him away. Richard tried to fire at him also, but The Entity swooped down on him at a high speed and kicked him in the chest, throwing him across the bridge. The Entity turned to Darth. “You’re next.” He said. Darth braced himself. He flew in and clashed his swords with Darth’s. Although he stayed upright, he slid backwards from the impact. Darth forced his swords outward forcing The Entity to back up. They clashed their blades again, and continued their fight. Sparks flew as Darth’s fiery blades struck The Entity’s. Darth had trained hard in the short time he was away. His skills were more coordinated, more precise, and way less reckless. He had learned since his last encounter. Some of the way in the Entity struck Darth hard, forcing him back. He flew up in the air, and was about to charge another fire charge when it happened. “AGH!” Darth yelled. Darth’s curse, it came back, and at the worst time possible. It was worse then it had ever been, his head pounded like there was no tomorrow, he was getting dizzy, and he could hardly even focus on the pixels on his hand. The Entity noticed this and chuckled. “I knew it, I knew something wasn’t right. I saw your eyes were still red when you forced your way out of my spell, and now I know why.” Darth looked at The Entity in pain, unable to speak. “My curse is still trying to find it’s way back into your mind, and that’s making you vulnerable. I would spare you to use, but I’m losing my patience.” The Entity charged up the biggest fire charge he possibly could. “Goodbye Darth, it was nice knowing you.” Richard noticed the situation and dashed towards Darth. “DARTH!” He yelled. The Entity threw the charge and Richard jumped towards Darth, knocking him out of the way. The charge hit Richard, launching him back, and the shockwave threw Darth into the wall of the bridge. The curse wore off. “Ow...” Darth said to himself. He stood up and tried to gathered what happened, then he noticed Richard laying on the ground, not moving. “Oh no, Richard!” Darth ran over and sat him upright. Smithy, after recovering from his recent blow, noticed this too and ran over. “Richard, come on, say something!” Richard groaned. “It’s the end of the line for me Darth, I’m barely hanging on.” Darth started tearing up, with Smithy doing the same after him. “No, please, I need you, you can’t go!” Darth pleaded. “It’s too late, I won’t last much longer.” He said. “Darth, I want you to keep a promise for me. No matter what happens, don’t let him win. Make sure the rebels make it out today, and make sure you get to see the sunlight for the first time. Promise me that.” “I-I promise.” Darth said, crying. “Thank you.” Richard said, before vaporizing into the air. All of his items, armor, and experience fell to the ground, and Darth shrunk, crying even more. Smithy put his hand on Darth’s shoulder to comfort him, but even he was about to explode in tears. Meanwhile, Kate and Naomi, with Garrison still pinned, noticed the steam rise in the air from a distance. They saw Darth on his knees, and in front of him was Richard’s stuff. “Oh no...” Kate said. I’m going to go check it out, you stay here!” Naomi said desperately. “No you won’t. You aren’t really going to abandon your friend, leaving her vulnerable while she keeps me at bay will you?” Garrison said, while being tied up by Kate. Naomi growled, and stayed with Kate.

“How cute.” The Entity said. Darth froze. He completely forgot that The Entity was watching over them. “One man down, two more to go. You stand no chance. Once I kill you I will kill every last person here, and destroy you rebels once and for all. How does that sound?” Darth remembered his promise. “No.” Darth said firmly. “No?” The Entity asked. The curse came back, but this time it was different. He could feel it flowing through him, as if it accepted him. Darth closed his eyes, stretched out one of his legs, put his right hand up next to him holding one of his swords, and the other on the ground. It looked as if he was about to sprint at something. He opened his eyes, and his irises were glowing red. “I. Will. Not. Lose.” He said, before launching himself off the ground at The Entity. The power from that takeoff shook the ground, and made a big booming noise. Darth’s blades collided with The Entity’s, knocking him back. Smithy, Kate, Naomi, and even Garrison were shocked. “No... He, he has his power.” Garrison said, worried. Kate finished tying Garrison up with a rope and left him to be guarded by a blaze knight and a few wither skeletons. “Come on Naomi, let’s go!” Meanwhile Sammy had heard the boom from a distance and looked over to see Darth. “Is that... Darth?!” Sammy said, shocked. “Indeed it is!” Ash answered. “Ash, are all of the pigmen neutralized?” Sammy asked. “Indeed, no more seem to be rising from the ground.” “Well in that case, let’s go help them out!” Sammy said. “Yes sir!” Ash replied. “No, that’s impossible!” The Entity said, worried. Darth, now hovering in the sky, smirked. “Well it seems it is now, and it’s all your mistake.” He shot towards The Entity, and once again their blades collided. Every swing Darth took knocked The Entity back even more, with no way of swinging back. He decided to back up, and launch himself towards Darth, but he blocked it and knocked him back again. Darth threw a red fire charge at him, and charged towards him again. After a few more swings Darth said “Let’s finish this.” and flipped himself forward. The speed of which he did it was enough to overpower The Entity and send him flying to the ground. He slid across the ground and tried to regain control, and once he did he looked up to see an army in front of him. Sammy, Kate, Naomi, Ash, and Smithy were all at the front with the other rebels, and there was an army of wither skeletons and blazes behind them. Hovering above them was Darth, with his crown and his eyes glowing. He pointed his sword at The Entity and said firmly “You have lost.” The Entity got up, and started backing away. “You may think that, but I have plenty more up my sleeve. This isn’t the end Darth, I can assure you that.” The Entity said. He raised his hand in the air, and black smoke came off of him. Sammy ran over to try and hit him with his axe, but he had waved his hand down and vaporized into that smoke before Sammy could hit him. “Is he... dead?” Naomi asked. “Unlikely,” Darth said, before touching the ground. “he probably just teleported away.” “Then he was right, this isn’t the end.” Kate said. “He may be, we haven’t won the war, but at least we won the battle. The worst of it is over.” Sammy said. “Yeah,” Darth said. “plus, look at my new powers!” He charged up a fire charge and threw it in the lava ocean. “By the way, where’s Richard?” Sammy asked. All of their smiles wore off. “He... didn’t make it.” Darth said. “No...” Sammy said. “But, I successfully forfilled my promise. Before he died he asked me to make sure we win, and that we did.” Darth said, trying to brighten the mood. “So, what now?” Naomi said. Darth grinned. “It’s time, to go to the overworld.” “Let me go back to the village to get Elmo and the others, and don’t go without me!” She said before running off. Darth chuckled and said “Don’t worry, we won’t.”

“So, this must be the portal you came out of?” Sammy asked. “Yep,” Kate said. “right past that portal is my home, and the homes your families used to live in.” Naomi came running towards them, with Seris following behind and Elmo in her arms. “So, are we ready?” She asked. “Yeah, it seems everyone is here.” Darth replied. “Then let’s go.” said Sammy. They exited to portal, Sammy, Smithy, and Darth awed at the sight of the overworld. “It’s been so long...” Seris said. The sun beamed down on them, it was brighter then Darth expected, and hotter. “Huh, I expected it to be a little cooler.” Darth said, confused. “That’s because we are in the Mesa silly. This place is basically a red desert, it’s going to be hot here.” All of the buildings around them were abandoned, all but one. Sammy pointed at it. “That must be your house Kate?” “Yep, was. Dad won’t be here to take care of it anymore so I guess it’s mine now.” She replied. “So, what now?” Smithy asked. “I guess we scout the area.” Kate said. “We’ll explore the place, and find a spot to base.” Darth shrunk down. “Is everything okay Darth?” Sammy asked. “I... don’t want to leave. We’ve came so far, but still. The nether is where I was born, where I was raised. It’s my home, I can’t just abandon it.” He said. “That’s fine too.” Kate said. “Now that we have access to the portal we can always come back. How about we make two villages. We can restore the one here, and take The Entity’s fortress as our own. The portal will be our connection between the two.” She offered. Darth smiled. “Sounds like a plan.”

From that point on the rebels were free, and they slowly started started to build a kingdom of their own. The Mesa village was coming back together, and The Entity’s fortress had a complete redesign and became the main base for the rebels. The population started to grow too, with new people from near and far coming to settle at this new Kingdom. Naomi was reunited with her home village, but decided to stay with the rebels and be one of the knights there. Garrison was imprisoned in the dungeons under The Entity’s former castle. Smithy started a Blacksmith’s shop selling tools, armor, and weapons to the villagers and townsfolk for emeralds. Sammy was promoted to lead general in the ranks of the army. He helped command the wither skeletons and blazes in future battles, and would train the new knights to help fight. Kate set out to restore the damage her father and The Entity had done. She dedicated her spare time to traveling the land, looking for anyone who may have survived The Entity’s takeover. And finally Darth became the king of this newfound kingdom, or the nether lord as he likes to call himself. While he doesn’t have full power, and makes decisions with the agreements with everyone else of the high ranks, he still does command the wither skeleton and blaze army, and uses the nether crown to do so. Slowly he started taking down The Entity’s castle, and would eventually completely rebuild it into his own. While everything was definitely better then it once was, our hero’s stories aren’t over. The Entity was still out there, and had many tricks up his sleeve. There were still many enemies and ally’s they had yet to make. The future is unpredictable, and only time will tell what comes next...

The End, for now.


And we have FINALLY hit the finale! It was a wild ride bois, and I was so glad to write this. As for the future of my stories I plan to explain that in a future blog, so stay tuned! I hope you enjoyed and peace out ma peeps!

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