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Nether Adventures Chapter 10: Old Memories

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DarthKilliverse's Avatar DarthKilliverse
Level 45 : Master Nether Knight
Chapter Ten: Old Memories

It was fourteen years ago. Richard was out mining with Sarah Floneria, Noah Fettian, Veronica Verse, David Verse, and various other rebels. They were decently far from the base when Noah noticed something. “David, I don’t think we are alone...” There was an unusually large amount of ghasts around, and even stranger they weren’t attacking, indicating they were being controlled. They pulled their swords out and formed a circle, just to shortly after be greeted by the words “Now!” Pigmen started flooding from the distance, ghasts started firing away, and behind it all was The Entity, Piggen, and Garrison. “Oh no, it’s Eugene.” Veronica said. The battle quickly broke loose, and the rebels were struggling to hang on. Meanwhile Sarah was confronting Garrison. “You don’t have to do this Sarah, we will gladly let you back in if you surrender.” Garrison said. “No... I have already discovered your intentions and I have no means to go back. You don’t want to bring order to the nether, you only want the power to crush anyone who opposes you.” She said firmly. “Sarah, you have one last chance...” Garrison warned. “No.” “Fine, you leave me no choice.” Garrison swung at Sarah, but she deflected it. Right after she went for the strike, but missed and ended up with a sword through her chest. She froze in shock. Garrison pulled her in and whispered in her ear. “I’m sorry, my love.” Straight after she disappeared into steam and her inventory fell to the ground. Meanwhile Richard was fighting for his life to keep the pigmen away. He heard yelling in the distance, and to his fright he turned his head to see Noah, beaten and fending off a pigman general. He yelled “Noah!” and rushed over to save him, but it was too late. The pigman’s battle axe hit Noah directly on the head, causing him to disappear into steam. “NO!!!” He yelled, as he fell to his knees, about to cry. He looked over to see Sarah’s inventory on the ground next to Garrison. “Is this... where it ends?” He asked himself. At this point the only rebels left were him, Dave, and Veronica. Dave ran over and shook him. “Richard, snap out of it! You need to run!” Richard shook his head then looked at David. “What about you?! I can’t just leave you two!” “Eugene is going to want us the most now that Sarah is gone, if you run they might ignore you.” David said. “But-“ “He’s right, they might. Just take care of Darth for us, okay?” Veronica said. “No! There’s got to be another way!” Richard insisted. “Richard, there is no other way. We need you to do this, Darth needs you to do this. Please... for us.” David pleaded. “Fine. For you.” “That’s the spirit, now go! Don’t look back!” David said. Just like that Richard got on his feet and retreated. He didn’t look back, but he was praying in his mind, by the slimmest chance, that they would make it out alive...

Present Day

Darth and the rebellion were lined up at the foot of the castle, only a small distance away from a horde pigmen waiting for them to strike. Garrison was at the front, but strangely The Entity wasn’t there. Darth shook it off. He had a task and he needed to focus on that, not The Entity’s whereabouts. “Charge!” He yelled. Quickly wither skeletons, blazes, and blaze knights started flooding into the pigmen as the battle broke loose. Slowly the rebels started winning, and glimpse of hope was on the horizon. The Entity walked out of the castle, and Garrison greeted him. “You got backup, I assume?” Garrison asked. “Indeed. He should be sending them in at any moment now.” The Entity replied. Darth noticed him and yelled from across the battlefield. “What’s the matter? Is fighting too good for you? Now look at your army!” The Entity chuckled. “Nah, I’m just making sure you learn from your mistakes.” The ground started shaking. “Oh no...” Kate said. Pigmen started rising from the ground, slowly overthrowing them. “No no no no no! Everyone fall back!” Sammy yelled. “Son of a-“ Darth said under his breath. He focused all of his mobs on the rising pigmen so they could get away. “Okay, let’s get out of here!” Naomi yelled. The Entity rose up into the air and charged up a red orb. “Not this time.” He said, before firing it at Darth. It hit Darth straight in the head, knocking him to the ground. Something flashed in his mind. “Darth!” Naomi yelled. She grabbed him by the hand, helping him up. He seemed phased by something. “Are you okay?!” Naomi asked. Darth shook his head and snapped back into reality. “Sorry, yeah, let’s go!” They started to get away. “Should we push after them?” Garrison asked. “No, they’ll be back.” The Entity responded.

Sammy was pacing around the meeting room. “Ugh! How could we let this happen?! We knew they could do this but we just ignored it!” Sammy punched the wall. “We don’t even know how they are doing this either,” Kate said. “I saw a green figure summoned from some skeleton skull in the castle, but that’s all I know. Not to mention we have no way of reaching it.” Kate turned to Darth. “What do you suggest Darth? Darth?” He was staring into space again. Naomi walked over to him and waved her hand in front of his face. “Darth?” Darth snapped out of it. “Oh- sorry.” “Darth, is everything fine?” She asked. “I-I saw them.” Richard sat up in his seat. “Saw who?” “My parents, I think they are alive.” Richard had a shocked look on his face. “How?! Tell me everything.” He asked. “Well, we were starting to retreat when I was hit in the head with a red orb from The Entity. It was at that moment that something flashed in my mind. I saw my parents in a cell. It was blurry, but they were there.” Darth said. Richard sank back in his seat. “Darth,” Richard said. “this is bait, it’s way too obvious.” He said. Darth stood up. “I know it’s bait! But I also know they are still alive! You never told me you saw them die, and when we were at the battlefield I couldn’t find their inventories! I don’t care if this is a trap, we can work our way around it.” Darth said. “No, it’s too risky.” Richard said. “If The Entity gets your crown we are all screwed. I can’t allow you to try and rescue them.” “But-“ “No, Darth.” He said firmly. Darth stormed off, slamming the door behind him.

Smithy was greeted to Darth carrying his weapons and armor into the workshop. “Darth, what is this about?” He asked. “I’m going to go rescue them.” Darth said. “Against Richard’s orders? Darth are you sure this is a good idea?” He started enchanting his items with some books on the anvil. “They may hold valuable intel on defeating the Entity, if there’s a chance I will take it.” Darth said. “Darth, you know this is a personal thing, don’t lie to yourself.” Smithy responded. “I’m going, if you have a problem with that you can stay.” Darth said firmly. Smithy sighed. “Fine, I’m going with you.” He said. The door opened and Sammy, Naomi, and Kate walked in. “So are we.” Sammy said. “If we can’t stop you, we might as well help. I know what it’s like to lose a piece of my family, I can’t imagine losing my entire family.” He said. Darth finished enchanting his items and put them on. “Finally Sammy gets it.” He said. “Let’s go.”

Darth and the others swam through the lava to The Entity’s castle. All of them, except Darth, being part wither skeleton, were wearing nethergold scuba suits to protect them from the lava. They all rose out of the lava underneath the bridge and put their armor on. “Ok, me and Kate are going to clear a path, stay here.” Darth said. “Got it.” Sammy and Naomi replied. They drank some invisibility potions and climbed onto the path. One by one they assassinated the pigmen, and then they called Sammy and Naomi up. “They should be inside the castle and just downstairs.” Kate said. “Almost there...” Darth muttered to himself. They snuck inside and made their way towards the basement. There weren’t much pigmen, but Kate wasn’t surprised, it was this easy to sneak inside the first time. They snuck down into a cell block, and they looked around at the cells. All of them were empty so far. “It seems The Entity doesn’t like taking prisoners.” Sammy said. One of the cells at the end had someone in it, was it one of Darth’s parents? Darth ran towards the cell. “Mom, Dad?! Who’s there?!” “Darth wait!” Naomi said. “Hello? Smithy mine this door!” Darth said. Smithy mined the cell door open and the figure stepped into the light. It was Garrison. “I’m sorry, were you looking for someone?” He said. Darth pinned him against the wall with one of his swords, and pointed the other one at him. “Where are they?! Tell me!” “I’m sorry I’m afraid I’m not sure who you’re talking about.” Garrison responded. “You know who.” Darth said, pinning him to the wall harder. “Well, I would love to stay and talk, but it seems there’s someone else here who has more interest in you.” Darth let go, letting Garrison fall to the ground, and turned around. Pigmen started flooding in. “Ok people, this is going to get intense!” Sammy said. His left hand lit up red with electricity, and he started firing at the pigmen. They all started trying to fight their way out, but The Entity came in. Already enraged, Darth saw The Entity and was even more so, to the point where he could hardly focus. “You son of a-“ Darth yelled as he charged towards him. “You will pay for this!” The Entity hardly even cared. Darth started swinging at him, but he blocked all of his attacks. The Entity slashed at him, knocking him down. “Do you really think it’s that easy?!” Darth yelled. He tried again, but the same thing happened. “I’m not done!” He yelled again. He tried once again, but it just repeated. “You’re not getting out of this!” He yelled. He swung and swung but to no prevail. He was being too reckless, he had no form. The Entity kicked him this time, knocking him down. “Stay down.” The Entity said. Darth growled, and attempted to get up and charge at him again, but Naomi grabbed his arm. “Darth it’s hopeless! We are surrounded, we lost.” Darth looked around, the pigmen were in a circle around them, Sammy, Kate, and Smithy have already given up. “I would listen to her.” Garrison suggested. Darth growled again and put his hands up. The Entity would decide their fates now.


Here’s the Tenth chapter! We are starting to reach the season finale so expect it to be wild! I hope you enjoyed and peace out ma peeps!

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