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On Death (Philosophy) (Edited)

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FKRS's Avatar FKRS
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon

On Death

Written and edited by FKRSYT

Perhaps some of you will think of me as a psychopath, someone obsessed with death and violence. Others will think of me as a genius, someone who wants to devote serious time to philosophizing about the human nature, the forces of life, or whatever.

Death is, from my point of view a blessing. I have reasons that support this:

-Without death, religion becomes greatly pointless, and life becomes a start/end cycle. Religion becoming pointless is a blessing and a curse. Religion often has valuable life lessons, but it also sparks a lot of conflict and turmoil.

-Without death, food would be hard to come by. Killing an animal for meat causes death, and picking berries or plants kills it just the same. If you do not kill, you starve. While not being able to die from starvation, you would suffer.

--Side Note on Vegan/Vegetarianism and Pacifism: Like a point I made in my book, The Light Bringer, because of this, survival (and power) is granted to those who hurt and kill, and it is stripped from those who have moral quarrels against pain and killing. Even vegans must kill to eat. Plants can die. How is that any different then killing or hurting animals? Animals that are is killed humanely is no different then plants killed humanely, under this lens.

-Without death, we will not mourn deaths. Mourning makes us stronger; it makes us grow, just like any type of pain. Without death, we are trapped in a bubble where we are safe. Safety does not help us grow; it stops us from growing.

Looking at this, we should not fear death. This does not mean we should go racing towards it. This simply means to me that we should be glad that we are making those around us stronger, or that other peoples deaths are making us stronger. A rather grim way to look at the world, but a way, nonetheless.

This is my viewpoint on the world, that I am happy to share. You should follow whatever you hold true, and if you find truth in the same things I do, then good. If you do not, also good. You should find whatever you hold to be the truth and defend it passionately.

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07/03/2021 3:36 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Peacock
AllNumbers's Avatar

ok first off my guy you said "without death people wouldn't have live life to their fullest." and it's true that people won't have to try to live life to it's fullest but the reason for that is because they won't have to try with all the time they'd have they wouldn't have to try it would just happen with all the time people would have without death.

You'll whole point about food also just doesn't make sense."If you do not kill, you starve to death." Think about that for a second . If death doesn't exist you can't starve to death. You don't know what would happen if you didn't eat and couldn't die either because... well you can die and this is a completely hypothetical situation.

You also said "I am sure some study revealed that plants feel pain." but that simply isn't true at all no credible studies say that.

"Death is inevitable, why fear it?" just because something is inevitable doesn't mean you shouldn't fear it. I'm not saying you should fear death you're whole life but the reason you gave actually just doesn't have any credibility to it.
07/08/2021 8:34 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon
FKRS's Avatar
Rather then getting angry at you for leaving this comment, like most people on the internet would, I would like to thank you for catching these because I don't have much free time for editing. You saved me a little bit of time. Thanks!
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