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"Premium" Minecraft?!

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athollian's Avatar athollian
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
I was scrolling through the forums on the Minecraft website recently when I noticed something strange.
There was some posts concerning a premium version of Minecraft and how some players were annoyed that, as non-premium players, they could not access some servers.

"Premium Minecraft?!" How did I miss an exciting new version of Minecraft?!

And then I noticed, they were talking about regular old Minecraft. The "non-premium" version they were referring to was a cracked copy of the game.

Let me make something perfectly clear.

Minecraft is not a "freemium" game.

You don't get to play and then choose whether you want to pay. that's what the demo is for. By playing on a cracked copy, you are leeching off of actual players. This actually raises the virtual cost for real customers of the game and lowers its value making it less worth keeping it updated. Not even getting to the fact that what you are doing is illegal and immoral.

It really annoys me that people find this acceptable enough that they would actually complain about a lack of functionality of the game they stole off the company they are complaining to.

That's like a burglar breaking into your house (okay, its a big company so lets say a warehouse), stealing a TV, then bringing it back the next morning to complain that the TV isn't working!
What's more, the act of the cracking is what is removing the functionality so it'd be like complaining the screen was smashed when the reason its smashed is because you dropped it while you were stealing it!

This kind of unfair system of some people not paying while others are is what causes rifts in the community.
And rightly so! Why should I pay for someone else to get what I paid for, for free?

Now maybe this won't push up the price; maybe it won't wreck the community; maybe it won't make Mojang put tougher measures in place to prevent illegal games.

However, I'll be damned if I get screwed over and have to endure invasive license checks, just because a group of leeches were too tight fisted to pay £17 ($27), which is way less than a triple A title, for a fantastic community driven game.

You truly want to join us in the Minecraft community? Buy the game.

Thank you for your time

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04/02/2018 2:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Bamekai's Avatar
Nice! I just got a Minecraft gift code for FREE! :D (Link removed)
04/30/2014 8:09 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Taco
basket_Pro's Avatar
(Ad link removed)/index.php?id=435528
11/17/2013 11:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
NightmaresAvery's Avatar
I am not saying i like to support this but it is legal to make cracked minecraft launchers and download them.I do not wish to make and internet fights here but it is completly legal.
08/17/2013 6:28 pm
Level 21 : Expert Goblin
NumptySWS's Avatar
That was the most beautiful thing that I have ever heard!
08/17/2013 6:26 pm
Level 25 : Expert Pony
Kfcnyancat's Avatar
I hate these blogs because they ALL suggest treating Cracked players like nobodies.
08/17/2013 6:31 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
athollian's Avatar
I'm afraid that that is my viewpoint. I don't find these people in any way bad people. I just think they spoil it for others because this is why digital rights management exists and why you have to log in in the first place. It puts the strain on other people because they are not willing to pay
08/17/2013 6:38 pm
Level 25 : Expert Pony
Kfcnyancat's Avatar
Anyway, Mojang actually DOES acknowledge full accounts as premium.
The one particular line "You truly want to join us in the Minecraft community? Buy the game." That's the line that really bothers me. Also, by the definition (not the law) of stealing, Cracked is Copyright Infringement, not stealing. Both are bad, though.
Other than that, it's a good blog.
08/17/2013 7:09 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
athollian's Avatar
I thank you for the compliment. It was more a vent of frustration than an accurate account of the laws but you're correct in that, by definition, its copyright infringement. However you're also right that when it comes to the law, its one and the same. Or at least you'd struggle to argue otherwise.
Once again thank you for the compliment
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