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Repent, Tainted Soul -Story-

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Eighth_Flame's Avatar Eighth_Flame
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect

This is a story that I will be updating daily with an extra chapter, considering I don't think I could do a blog for every chapter. I plan on working hard on my descriptions, my character development, and my dialogue very hard. This story will be a work in progress and a new experience. I'm hoping it will do well as it will be the first story of this magnitude. A comment for suggestions on how to describe things more properly or whatnot would be appreciated and maybe even a diamond/fave/sub if you really enjoyed it. 

Here we go...

Chapter 1: Guilty 

   "Rrrrgh... my head... Huh? Wh-Where the hell am I?", groaned the man. He was confused and couldn't tell which way was up and which way was down. "Damn...it...my head is pounding and I don't know why." The strange man slowly gets back on his feet. The fear of his current predicament has not yet hit him. "I can't see two feet in front of me." It is pitch black in the room and his eyes have not yet adjusted, but soon the horror will come, and he will not be able to unsee what he will witness. "Oh God, what is that smell? It smells like rotting meat." The man takes a few steps and stumbles on something, but his eyes are just now getting used to the darkness. "Son of a-, ah, I can actually see a bit now. My eyes are finally getting used to the dar-" It hits him. The terrible images that he will forever see, that which will be burned into his mind. There are mutilated corpses, something that either a wild animal had done, or someone that was sick in the head.  This was inhuman, even for someone like this man, the man that is a mass murderer. "How did I get here?! The last thing I remember...is my trial..."
   He sees it in his mind, his last days within society, surrounded by other humans. "You are hereby found guilty of the mass murder in which you took part in. You will serve twenty-seven life sentences with no chance of parole." The judge bangs his gavel against the wooden table, and every hit is a punch in the chest for the convicted. He goes to his cell and sleeps. Then everything is dark. "Why can't I remember anything else?! Think! Think! Think!", this is what he does to pass the time for a few minutes, but to no avail, an answer does not come. His eyes can see more clearly in the dark, not that that is necessarily a good thing... Despite being a murderer of twenty-seven, even the sights here are too much for him. Broken bodies, some skeletal, others almost fresh. The majority, however, were decayed, but still intact. They all seemed to have been killed in a simialar fashion. Bite wounds, deep gashes far enough to reach the bone, and blood loss from lost limbs. "I can't keep wasting time by staring at them. If I do that I just might end up like them.", this was a good plan but quickly broke when he saw something written upon the wall. It freezes him dead in his tracks as he reads.

Chapter 2: He Comes

  The message had been written by a poor soul who was now sprawled out on the floor in front of his last words. He seemed to have suffered a massive gash to the arm and had bled out, but used the only resource he could to write the warning. Blood. Even in death, the man had a horrible look on his face, as if he'd seen something that came straight from the lowest depths of Hell. Fear was spread across his face. Too terrible that even death couldn't free him from this fear. "What happened to this poor sod? Damn, looks like something got to him bad. Hope I don't end up like that." The felon stares at the corpse for a while longer and then reads the message. What he reads will haunt him forever.

"He's here. Somewhere in this dark, broken building. He's HERE! I know, because I've seen Him. That thing...It won't stop. Once it smells you, you fear, your sin. It won't stop until It kills you. It's here to break you. To break your faith. It is a true embodiment of evil. Wretched Sin."

"Wretched...Sin...? What is th-?", the man is brought out of his thought by a noise. A sound that he will never forget. Chains scraping across the floor, becoming louder and louder as the seconds pass. A low moan could be heard behind the cackling of the chains. The man was paralyzed by fear. He couldn't run even if he wanted. He takes a look at the message again, realizing he missed something.

"The chains, that's all I hear now. And the moan that haunts my dreams as I try to sleep at all. It won't be long now. I can hear them again, coming near. He comes."

Chapter 3: An Unholy Abomination 

   The room is still dark, yet the man can tell this sinister noise is coming from behind. He turns and sees a large door, rotting to the point of self-collapse, but that's not what he's worried about at the moment. All he cares about is the sound, coming closer and closer with each breath he takes. A soft glow can soon be seen under the space of the door.

"Hah...wh-, light! Maybe it's someone that know what's going on here!", the man thinks, however naively it may be. He is desperate.

   He watches the rotten doorway with suspense, his heart pounding and his breathing rapid. The door creaks open with a shuddering sound which can only be found within the aspect of a horror film. The sound, however, only adds to the terror of what opened it. The door swings open and leaves the man dumbstruck. The man is too shocked to speak, which is just in his case. He is witnessing something that came straight from the lowest reaches of Hell itself.

   The man cannot process fully what he sees. It is a distorted being for a few seconds, as if God is taking pity upon the poor soul and shielding him from the horror of this spectre, or maybe the man just can't comprehend the true image of the horrific creature. The image clarifies soon, but either possibilty does not make the monster less terrifying.

   The man is too terrified to speak, to run, and to move in general. He witnesses a large, human-like thing. Its skin is peeling, as if it is the skin of a rotting corpse, and it is as pale as the Winter snow. It is wrapped in grey cloth which is tattered, worn, and caked with dry blood. The thing is blindfolded, such as the statue of Justice, however it carries no justice within itself at all. The creature is tightly bound within a tangle of chains. In one hand is an old, worn lantern. In the other, is a fetid claw, a claw like no other, fiercer than that of a pride lion's claws. It holds something within this grasp as well. It is a simple, bronze crucifix. 

   The thing suddenly lurches forward, with greater speed than it should be capable of with a girth of its size, towards the man, instantly snapping him out of his paralyzation. The man runs as fast as he can, through the winding tunnels of the building. He can hear a constant "thud, thud, thud", behind him. It's the monster, making haste towards the man. It has larger steps, and appears to have an unlimited stamina. The man is likely doomed, but he won't simply give up. Fear keeps pushing him to run, and he does this with great will.

Chapter 4: A Will To Live

"Oh God, please...no....NO! Leave me alone!", the man screams towards the monster, a foolish act to comit while running for one's life. The monster seems deaf to the man's plea for it does not hesitate to stop. The man feels as if his chest is about to burst. He's never had to run this hard in his life, but the things following him shows no fatigue. 

   "This is bad. Really bad. I need to get away from this thing or-", the man doesn't finish. He's knocked astray by something - the creature's crucifix. It's caught up with him. The man trys to stand but can only manage to sit up. He lays against the wall and stares at the monster. He can feel warm blood running downs the back of his head.

   "No...please...", the man croaks, while choking back tears of fear. The man has given up. He knows his time ends here. The thing's reply is that which seems to be a a glare. It doesn't look happy that the man is so sullen about this. The creature takes no joy from killing so easily. It wants a challenge. It lumbers away into the darkness, leaving the man, bleeding, exhausted, and confused. Shock is setting in for the man. He falls unconcsious in the dark hallway.

Chapter 5: A Sick, Twisted Game

  The man wakes within the darkness, he has forgotten where he is for a moment, but it comes back to him. Time is irrelevant within this Hell. It's always dark as if the sun has fled from what horror lives within. The blood from his wound is dried, but that doesn't make it any less painful.

   "Oh...damn.", the man groans. " I need to get out of here, but that thing...", he looks down the hall. "It's so dark, I can barely see my hand in front of my face." 

   The man hears a faint moan again. He is horrified within his mind, he needs to move for if he meets with the beast again, he will surely perish in a horid manner. He begins a descent into the pitch black hallway. He can barely see a thing, but there isn't a much better option at this point. The man feels along the wall, hoping for another doorknob or a lightswitch, he hits a huge stroke of luck, finding the latter. He flips it up and a buzzing sound is heard. Only a few of the lights are lit from the switch, and they are very dim, but he can see much better now, he has at least escaped the horror of the room he first awoke within.

   The man explores the hallway, noting that it appears to be part of a hotel of sorts. It has a few overturned coffee tables, and the carpets are filthy and damp. The man goes to check for one of the doors, hoping once again that he will have good luck. Fortunately the doors are unlocked, giving him room to explore more of his prison, or possibly a chance to find something that could be put to his use. He opens the door slightly and peeks in, as if to make sure he doesn't stumble upon another abomination. The room is clear and devoid of everything. No bed, as he expected, no tables, no anything. Just a room that had absolutely nothing except for one thing. A lone camera, and it was working.

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Eighth_Flame 07/14/2014 1:21:44 pmJul 14th, 2014

Added chapter 5, fixed typos

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07/28/2014 10:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
CamCraft063's Avatar
07/29/2014 12:02 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Eighth_Flame's Avatar
Heh, yeah. It'll keep going. Honestly, though I find myself at low points where I think what I just wrote is stupid, cliche, or just boring overall, so I get discouraged, but I started it, might as well finish it. :p
fuck this
07/13/2014 5:39 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Warrior
fuck this's Avatar
Love it! Great vocabulary and character! 
Also, I noticed a few spelling mistakes. I figured since you've put a lot of effort into the characters you might want to know about them so...
-working, introduction paragraph
-Not sure if this is a typo but... his time instead of hit time.
Love it so far! Can't wait for more!
07/13/2014 5:55 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Eighth_Flame's Avatar
Haha, thanks, glad you liked it. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if there were some spelling mistakes in there, seeing that I get to typing too fast and sort of mix words together or miss a letter, stuff like that. I'll have to update it tomorrow :p
07/11/2014 7:02 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
CamCraft063's Avatar
Very creepy! I hope you continue!
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