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Stolen skins get more attention than the original? (Rant)

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FluffTheSkinMaker's Avatar FluffTheSkinMaker
Level 29 : Expert Taco
Hello, this is a rant about how people see a skin that's really good, but doesn't have many views, then the person downloads it, tweaks it minimally and posts it as their own and the mods of PMC don't catch it? then they add more tags and a "swagolicious title"(I usually don't use this but I saw a really long title, clicked on it and someone posted that the title was 'swagolicious') ex. 'Cool dude with headphones creeper hoodie assassin ninja' and they go on and on and then the old title is 'Guy in hoodie(shaded)' the person who stole it added a bunch of random features (headphones, creeper on hoodie, and really weird looking diamond sword on back). I saw this once and then I saw the original. It really angered me, and it makes you wonder "Have any of my skins been stolen?" It has made me wonder... I searched up some things about some of my skins, and i saw one of my skins tweaked minimally, I reported him and he got banned. I sometimes have seen a skin that looks really good, then a person adds a bunch of random stuff then posts it within 5 minutes of the original, it's just sad. I encourage you to do the same, if you have a similar pet peave post in the comments below

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06/25/2014 10:12 am
Level 43 : Master Pyro
NeonGhost_'s Avatar
I am going to admit, I used to do that. After I got banned for 2 days, I learned my lesson. I hate when people do that though
01/07/2014 7:11 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Toast
Bailesaurus's Avatar
I hate it when they don't catch the really obvious ones. I also don't like when they go way overboard and claim that original skins are stolen based on similarity. The staff that looks over the skins needs to step it up a bit.
01/07/2014 6:53 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
Creeper12341234's Avatar
I hate how I used to go to skin contests. I would come in my 100% original skin, of which only use, and then I would lose to a guy with a "Teenager with hoodie" skin. The same skin every time. Dang it.
01/07/2014 6:29 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
eagle64's Avatar
I hate it when people destroy your server
It pisses me off, it's like 'oh, you spent five days building that house? Oops!'
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