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Stop minecraft griefing

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swebb3d's Avatar swebb3d
Level 36 : Artisan Herobrine
Hello guys, this blog is about the griefers as we all know that ruin everything. Try to apply these at anymoment you find yourself in a griefing situation. Remember griefers are smarter then you think! I USED TO BE ONE! I KNOW WHAT THEY THINK!!!!

1st Question:
What is the point in griefing?
Hmmm? Well the only reason is to make people mad. Ok whats the point in that if your gonna make someone mad why not just go up to them face to face and punch them. Griefers have no reason but to make you mad. I don't know why making people mad is fun. I mean do you walk to a house in real life and beat it with a hammer and make holes in the walls. No. It's kinda illegal like most servers say not to grief. Well in minecraft people don't follow rules.

2nd Question:
What is a griefers mind like?
Well when a griefer sees a sign that says no griefing that makes them wanna grief more because it makes people really mad. So they will go find a house and they don't just see a really small house and grief it right away. No they go try to find as many diamond items in chests as possible and then leave the house and go find a house that looks like it took a lot of effort to build and then they destroy with the diamond items. So don't expect to build a mansion faraway from everything and expect it not to be griefed.

3rd Question:
Why not just tell the owner or staff about a griefer?
Well heres the thing. You may think that owners are gonna ban them but no. They will say ill take care of him and then get sidetracked and never care again. Most staff only care for themselves and say well ill only ban him if my building gets griefed. So never tell the owner or staff that theres a griefer. If they really cared for you they would ask you questions about you needing help. So never tell the staff or owner.

Thank you for reading this if you did. I will have more about how to stop griefers next week! Thank you!

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Electric Block
02/02/2013 9:25 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Electric Block's Avatar
I'm staff on a server and i'd disagree with #3. If someone says they got griefed i tp to them, look at the damage, find out who did it, and deal with it.
12/26/2012 6:05 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Spelunker
kaihiwatari55's Avatar
These are all untrue. I am a griefer (sometimes) an I do it for the fun. You don't grief for rage, you grief for the thrill of avoiding the ban hammer and for fun. If we see a sign that says no griefing, we won't get excited, we'll just disregard the sign. We'll grief ANYTHING, not just big houses.
12/26/2012 6:44 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Herobrine
swebb3d's Avatar
I guess you are right
12/26/2012 6:09 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Herobrine
swebb3d's Avatar
Okay then I will have to do more research because apparently a griefer read a ANTI GRIEFING BLOG and thought he could correct me
12/26/2012 6:18 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Spelunker
kaihiwatari55's Avatar
And I DID correct you. I want you and everyone who reads this to get your facts right.
12/26/2012 6:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
cblack01's Avatar
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