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The Top 6 Cartoon Network Pilots of 2015

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Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar Eli the Zeratoed
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Hey Guys, It's Eli here with a... Top (Number) List!? Okay, before we explain that, I'd want to remind you it's Peridot Month! Why do I name it this? Well, the August Birthstone is Peridot, and even though I don't have a Birthday in this month, who really cares! And that's exactly why I have a different Profile Picture (and Class) than my usual! (If you're reading this in the Future, the "New" Profile Picture probably became dated and it's not August, so if it ain't that month, wait till August 2017/18/whatever.) Besides all that stuff that's just News Digression, I've never really done a Top (Number) List before on here, and very few have done so. This one is about the year where not one, not two, but SIX new Pilots came to Cartoon Network to see who will be the next show. Two of them will become shows (For Example, Evil Con Carne and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy came out as two new shows for the time), others are just thrown in the trash, never to come back... EVER. These include the two Pilots that became shows, but I'll be taking it's shows into the account as well. Since this is for those Old 2015 Pilots, I'm excluding the 2016 Pilots such as Twelve Forever and... Jammers *shrudders*. So without further ado, lets get to the countdown!
The Top 6 Cartoon Network Pilots of 2015

Number 6: Mars Safari

The Top 6 Cartoon Network Pilots of 2015

For as weird as this show is, it's just an all around bad show. What's the plot? Well thankfully, there is one. In a Post-Apocalyptic Mars Universe, an Alien, a Chicken, and a Weird Derpy Shark, try to survive the evils of Mars and find that "Mall" the Shark was looking for. It's creative, yeah. But the problems lie in it's design and humor. It's humor is mainly designed for 5 year-olds, as there's many fart jokes in this one... It's design is also weird. As creative as it is, it looks kinda like a derpy dude trying to draw his first cartoon. The characters are also bad, and the only one who keeps the show together is the Chicken. He's probably the only smart one in the group to balance the show's derpiness out, kinda like Mr. Gus in Uncle Grandpa. The Shark is the derpiest one in the show, as he's getting himself into dumb situations. The Alien just has an obsession for his Radio, and will do anything to get it back. It did also mess up the Definition for what being a Cannibal actually is. What those "Cannibalistic" Aliens do is eat a Human by turning him into piles of Popcorn with an oversized oven. What it really means is eating your own kind, but they still label it as "Cannibalism". It's just a weird show, but besides the fart jokes, kids won't like it, and I'm glad it's in the abyss of rejected pilots.

5. Paranormal Roommates

The Top 6 Cartoon Network Pilots of 2015

This show has a good idea, but why is it at number 5 out of all the things out there!? "Why is it Not at Number 3 at least!?" Well Random Guy, here's why... Before we get to that, lets get into what it's about. A guy who works for the Government is trying to keep an eye on The Lock Ness Monster (aka, Nessie) and Bigfoot for research and them fitting into Human Society. It's a really good idea, but the problem is it's characters. Nessie and Bigfoot literally act like babies when trying to fit in, while that dude that's keeping an eye on them has to give them what they want (Bedtime Stories, etc.). It's a cute story of how they're trying to defend themselves from a Robber and other nonsense, but Benton Connor's College Short of this show is much better than the Pilot itself. I recommend you check that one out and compare for yourself.

4. Clarence


Okay, You gotta Admit, this show is cute. It's more of the lines of a Slice of Life story than anything, kinda like Nickelodeon's The Loud House. Instead of being a show about a kid and all his sisters, this is about a kid just having a normal life, with his friends Jeff (A kid that looks like Steve from Minecraft who is a clean freak) and Sumo (Who's the Crazy Kid of the Bunch). It's that show that's basically "Daww I remember that! I Remember doing this!" and you can relive the Nostalgia of those old memories. Unfortunately, this show had an Incident where it's creator did a weird thing, and "That's no Good!" (Said by Sonic in his cartoon). Because of that weird thing, the dude got kicked out and the show never aired ever since. I felt bad for that dude, since he made such a cute show. Okay onto the next one, which is what you didn't expect to be in this placing...

3. My Science Fiction Project

"Dude! Why this Cartoon at the Number 3 Spot!? And why the heck would you put a Cartoon by Pete Browngart on here!? Are you Insane!? You're the Worst Person Ever!" Chill Random Guy, Pete only was a Supervising Producer in this, but my weird sense of humor enjoys these types of cartoons, especially when I gave Uncle Grandpa (Now my Least Favorite Cartoon) and even Secret Mountain Fort Awesome a Chance. I too, when looking at this Cartoon, thought this was a horrible cartoon as well. Seriously, a Robot with time traveling hair? Who thought of this!? But when I looked at it, I found the most dumbest but most hilarious villain ever. His name is Chancellor Maniac, and by gosh, he sold this cartoon for me. Even though his design is an Alien Version of Melvin from Uncle Grandpa (Or Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls), I can live with it. His humor is more of the lines of "Derp Talk" and is a pretty chill villain. By "Derp Talk", I mean sentences like "This Pizza has my Cookie!". Basically replacing some words with odd choices. I only use Derp Talk when I'm utterly bored or just when my mind goes derpy. This dude only used it for this one segment, and if it gets a show (Even though I'm thankful it isn't), I want to hear more of it. He also does whatever you want if you ask him nicely. Anyways, for now, "We shall Rule the world together as Father and Puppies!! ...Oh Hello, Are you a Potato?" Even though this Show might've made you rage (Go rage somewhere else you Magikarps!), here's something to make up for it...

2. Steven Universe...


"If you're Evil and you're on the rise, you can count on the four of us talking you down!" (Said by Steven Universe) *Groans* Why...? Well, to be honest with you, I used to despise Steven Universe with a passion. The Art style of the Pilot didn't really connect to me, and it seemed to be a Generic "Monster of The Week" plot with a McGuffin (Maybe a Deus Ex Machina?) thrown in for good measure. When this got a show and I watched it, it was decent, until that dumb Cat Fingers Episode came along! That Episode made me give up watching cartoons, and heck, TV in general (Also special shout-out to Uncle Grandpa's Space Emperor for making my desire to quit more than usual). So after Ruby and Peridot appeared in the show, it became clear to give the show another chance, and guess who now likes Steven Universe? Yup, It's me. Anywho, I liked the Chibi Style they used in the final production because it seemed to fit the show better. Gosh... I would've hated that Style if they stuck with it. Imagine Peridot in that Style, I would fudging hate it. Call me a Steven Universe fan, but nothing compares my love of the Number 1 Pilot on this list.

1. Lakewood Plaza Turbo!!

YEAHHHHH! Nothing, just NOTHING, can beat this show's epicness! This show Combines 80s References, Video Games and DRAGON FUDGING BALL! Come on! Who Doesn't love- Okay. I've calmed myself from the hype. This is literally my Favorite Pilot out of the Bunch, and it's a Shame it never got picked up... (Yet again, there's a Game and 3 Minisodes, so there could be hope! :D) Anywho, as I'm smiling in happiness and glee while writing this, the Pilot is basically a Hyperactive Kid Goku (Yes, the Person who Voiced Kid Goku voices KO as well! :3) named KO who works in a Plaza in the middle of nowhere, while having to face off the Robot Factory on the other side, fighting others with "Power Battles" (Fudging GENIUS!!). This show also made me get the Reference to the verse "A Winner is You!", and there's a pun on that quote in the Pilot, so I encourage you to find it. The Characters look Very Derpy (In a good way), where it makes you giggle when you watch it, and they are very likable because of it. Even Rad is getting some love, even if he's the Teen Version of Piccolo from DRAGON BALL! YEAH! "Dude! Calm The Heck Down!" You Can Never Calm The Hype! YEAH--

Well, besides my Inner Kid hyping over this, I hope you enjoyed this Top 6 List! If you're wondering when Total Steven Universe Island Episode 3 is coming, uh... I'd say sometime in August (Before the time I start School...). But thanks for reading, and I'll see you all next time! Bye!
CreditCartoon Network and All The Pilot's Rightful Creators! xD

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08/04/2016 10:14 am
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
Did you watch the Gravity Falls pilot? Gravity Falls together is a good show, but the pilot was pretty bad...

The animation wasn't exactly great, but I guess it's because I'm too used to the animation style in Gravity Falls. Also, there were many animation errors. I did like the ending though XD
Eli the Zeratoed
08/04/2016 7:15 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
lol yeah. I've seen bits and Pieces of the Gravity Falls Pilot floating around the internet, but I just ADORE Gravity Falls! :D
08/04/2016 7:33 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Endure_Slayer's Avatar
I do too :D

But I still think SU is better X3
Eli the Zeratoed
08/04/2016 7:44 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Yeah, Steven Universe Rules All! :D (Except for Lakewood Plaza Turbo if you don't count Peridot into the Equation... x3)
08/04/2016 2:14 am
Level 42 : Master Dragon
Wyvern's Avatar
Clarence is... sorry i'm gonna get mad now.. Clarence is, the most retarded cartoon I've seen in a long time.
Seriously, when I was young, cartoon network was all, Dexter, Powerpuff Girls, etc. but now they have to watch this crap? Clarence is NOT helping anyone of any age, not impressed cartoon network, not impressed. That's not your fault though so I don't know why I'm writing this here :p
Eli the Zeratoed
08/04/2016 2:37 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Ahahaha... yeah. Come to think of it, it was a Dumb Cartoon. I still Reminiscent on the days when Dexter and The Powerpuff Girls was the best thing ever. I know there's a PPGs Reboot, but it ain't the same PPGs that I've known in love, they just want your money now... Now all we need is Dexter to come back and be fateful to it's Original. The 2nd One didn't do us justice, am I right? xD

Also, Angry Maloy is Angry! Lels.

(Oh yeah, speaking of which, I've seen some photos of a show called "Brickleberry", and every time I see that photo, it reminds me of you. x3)
08/04/2016 2:39 am
Level 42 : Master Dragon
Wyvern's Avatar
Yeah, I miss the old cartoon network, now I'd be sitting watching cartoons with my 3 younger siblings and I'd change the channel whenever Clarence comes on, I stopped watching the other stuff so I don't know whether there's something worse than Clarence, but still, I miss the old stuff, none of that reboot and stuff.
Eli the Zeratoed
08/04/2016 2:55 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Yeah. RIP Old Cartoon Network... 1992-2009. May you rest in Peace... (,╯︵╰)

And Oh Boy. You haven't seen the Horror that is... Uncle Grandpa. I dare you to sit and watch Space Emperor. It's even worse than Clarence, trust me...
Vincent _1987
08/04/2016 2:58 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Meme
Vincent _1987's Avatar
Good Morning!

seriously I hate Clarence, Uncle Grandpa, and Adventure time
08/04/2016 3:01 am
Level 42 : Master Dragon
Wyvern's Avatar
I hate Clarence and Uncle Grandpa, they're just trippy and high, but adventure time isn't and I still watch the newest episodes up to date.
Eli the Zeratoed
08/04/2016 3:01 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Good Morning! Q(`⌒´Q) <[Say Good Morning, One More Time!]

Yeah me too. Adventure Time is the one that is falling into obscurity thanks to Steven Universe, so...
Vincent _1987
08/04/2016 1:44 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Meme
Vincent _1987's Avatar
August Birthstone ? It's also my birth month too! I still have to wait 30237 minutes though. ;(
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