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The Ultimate Map Building Guide!

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laikapad's Avatar laikapad
Level 30 : Artisan Button Pusher
Hello everybody! I have over time, built many different maps (none of which I have released), but I have always had trouble finding how to do different things (without flicking between too many different pages), so I have decided to make a compilation of it all! So here it is.

The Ultimate Map Building Guide!

Firstly, use this command to get a command block (it will be needed!):

/give @p command_block

So, first thing is first, most people (including me) want a cool intro/title. Using command blocks, this is simple.
So, first we will be using the /title command. This enables us to show text in the center of the screen, without the use of signs.

Now. How to use this command? Use this code:

[b]/title @a title {text:"InsertTextHere"}

[/b]This command will display to all players ([b]@a[/b]), but this can be replaced with [b]@p[/b], to display this to the nearest player to the command block, and [b]@r[/b] to target a random player. [b]{text:""}[/b] will display the text held within the quotation marks. The second title shown can be changed, between [b]title[/b] and [b]subtitle[/b]. [b]Title[/b] will display the text in bold letters across the screen, whereas [b]subtitle[/b] will display smaller text below the [b]title[/b] area. Another thing you can do with[b] /title[/b] is change the colour. using the command below.

[b]/title @a title {text:"InsertTextHere", color:"colour"}[/b]

The colour can be changed between the quotation marks. Here is a list of the colours that can be used (Thanks to minecraft.tools).

Chat color codeMOTD color codeColor name / Description

Now you have a title!

Now I personally like using gold blocks with pressure plates on in order to start command blocks. However, I only want these to run once. Using this command, I can remove the gold block and the pressure plate, and replace it with an emerald block. I am going to use the /fill command.

/fill {xcoor1} {ycoor1} {zcoor1} {xcoor2} {ycoor2} {zcoor2} minecraft:(Add block ID here) (Damage value, e.g. 0) replace

This command replaces any blocks between the coordinates you set {{x,y,zcoor1} and {x,y,zcoor2}) with the block that you added (minecraft:blockid). Now that is a lot to get your head around, so I will give an example. This example uses a gold block with a pressure plate above, being replaced by an emerald block and air.

/fill 12 34 -5678 12 34 -5678 minecraft:emerald_block 0 replace (This replaces the gold block)
/fill 12 35 -5678 12 35 -5678 minecraft:air 0 replace (This replaces the pressure plate)

So now, I am left with only one emerald block, in the place of my command block controller.

In my map, I also want to have a conversation in the chat, between two NPCs (I will come to later.). This can be done with the /tellraw command. The tellraw command sends the message set to the chat. For example:

/tellraw @a {text:"<Bert> Hello there!"}

This then sends Bert's message to the chat! Also the colour can be changed, using the colours above, with this command:

/tellraw @a {text:"<Bert> Hello There!",color:"gold"}

See, simple!

So now, I will move onto NPCs! NPC's can be spawned using this command:

/summon villager ~ ~ ~

This will summon a villager in the location you set.. But what if we didn't want the villager to move? We can use the same command, but with some spice! Let's use this command so that the villager does't move.

/summon villager ~1 ~3 ~-4 {NoAI:1}

This will spawn a villager with no AI, so it won't move. There are lots more of these data tags, and if you follow this link, it will show loads more for you to use, and to test (http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Command_NBT_Tags).

Another useful command, is the /entitydata command. This will enable you to change entity's data tags,without having to destroy it. For Example:

/entitydata @e[type=villager] {NoAI:0}

This will turn off the NoAI function (P.S.  0 means off, 1 means on). Really simple!

Now, my adventure map is looking good, but we need more! Let's equip our villagers! This can be done with the entitydata command. So this command will equip a villager with a diamond sword.

/entitydata @e [type=villager] {Equipment:[{id:"minecraft:diamond_sword"},{},{},{},{}]}

This will now provide my villager with a diamond sword, which will heavily improve my story. In each of those curly braces, you just add 'id:' and then the item id. The first brace is the hand, the second is feet, the third is legs, the fourth is torso and the fifth is head. Now we're rolling! However, I want to seel custom items with the villagers. I will show a basic version of this, but if you want to read an in depth one, this one is really interesting and detailed. Here is a basic command to make your villager buy 15 books for a cake.

/summon Villager ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:Jeff,Profession:1,Career:1, Offers:{Recipes:[{buy:{id:book,Count:15},sell:{id:cake,Count:1}}]}}

So, CustomName sets the NPCs name, Profession and Career show what the villager looks like, and Offers shows what it is trading. If you would like a more in depth look, read the article linked above.

Our map is infinately improving. We now have a title, a conversation and a custom villager with a diamond sword! Next, I want to have some heads. Heads can be spawned in using the /give command. Here is the command:

/give @p skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:""}

If you insert your (or someone elses) username in between the quotation marks, it will give you your head! This can be used for decoration, or just for fun to wear! We are now approaching the end of the ultimate guide, but there is still much to do! Now I feel I should just give you some basic commands that you can run, or you can run via a command block.

The /gamerule command is useful for lots of things. These can be set to either true or false.
commandBlockOutput - This is used to prevent messages spamming your chat. Useful for hiding command block usage,
doFireTick - Turns on/off fire spread. Useful for maps where fire is needed, but there is lots of wood around!
doMobLoot - Turns on / off drops from mobs. Useful for adventure mpas using basic hopper systems (Prevents cheating),
doMobSpawning - Turns on / off automatic mob spawning. Toggles mobs spawning in dark places, or at night.
doTileDrops - Toggles items being dropped when destroyed (TNT/Creeper explosions). Prevents lag.
keepInventory - Toggles items being kept in inventory, even after death. Useful for maps where dying is a necessity.
mobGriefing - Toggles mobs interacting with blocks. Useful for boss battles, when you don't want your hard work to be destroyed!

Here are some base commands for minecraft.

/testfor - Tests for a certain condition, like whether someone has an item in their inventory.
/clear - Is used for clearing a person's inventory, or ALL of a specified item from their inventory. Useful for security.
/difficulty - Changes a player's difficulty. Useful for mob based levels.
/effect - Adds an effect to a player. Useful for horror maps!
/enchant - Enchants the item the player is holding. Useful for secret hunger games things!
/gamemode - Changes the player's gamemode.
/gamerule - Changes the gamerule specified to either true or false.
/give - Gives a player an item. Useful for keys and such.
/say - Broadcasts a message to the chat. Useful for conversations.
/spawnpoint - Sets the spawnpoint to your current location. Useful for Hubs and Spawns
/time - Argument "set" (/time set) <number | day | night>. Useful for changing times, between day and night.
/toggledownfall -Toggles rain/snow. Useful for making maps clear of weather.
/tp - Teleports player to a location set by you. Useful for most maps!
/weather <clear/rain/thunder> - Used to change the weather. Useful for horror maps!
/xp - Gives the player a set amount of Experience Orbs. Useful for XP doors.
/xp <amount>L  - Gives the player a set of Experience Levels. Useful also for XP doors.

For more information on the commands above, visit this page. Also, for armor stand information, vist this page.

Thanks for reading this!  If you have anything you want me to add, post it in the comments! I would appreciate any favourites and diamonds, as it tells me to make more tutorials and maps! If you want a virtual minecraft version conatining all of this, a map will be released shortly with all of the commands and some extra cool things you can do in your maps!

Thanks for reading!



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11/13/2015 11:45 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Sardonyx's Avatar
This is a really good guide! <3
11/14/2015 6:39 am
Level 30 : Artisan Button Pusher
laikapad's Avatar
Thanks! Feel free to give a diamond if you want more!
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