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The Untold Story of Steve: Chapter 5

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KeinLantec's Avatar KeinLantec
Level 20 : Expert Birb
Chapter 5:

The eye-less man broke through the door. Steve
backed up to the wall again. He trembled. The eye-less man grabbed his
shoulder, before Steve could react he was overrun with another memory.
He saw a man with a beard, this was Notch. He saw this eye-less man,
talking to Notch. Notch called him Herobrine. Strange name to say the
least, Steve found he was floating above some endless cavern. Another
vision rushed through him. This time it was him, with another person…
were there other people before? She called him Steve. Now he knew that
Steve was his name, that must be Susie. That was his wallet he found
earlier. Herobrine was now in front of him. He was standing in some
place with Steve, it looked evil. It was hot, with flying white sad
creatures and undead men that resembled boars. There were also some
creatures made out of a strange flying group of smoking sticks of fire.
Herobrine readied himself as if he wanted to fight Steve. Steve stepped
back, another regret. He fell straight into lava, he was burning… it
seemed so real. Before he knew it the room began to cool. He was atop a
mountain now. Herobrine still in front of him still ready to fight.
Steve backed in fear, this time the ground was there to hold him up. He
threw a fist at Herobrine and fell. It seemed he fell hundreds of feet
before he hit the ground. He was back at the place of the black pillars
and the dragon. Herobrine rode atop the dragon now, but there were
others behind Steve. Susie, Notch, and many other people stood alive
with gear that shined like jewels and swords and bows. The stood ready
to fight, he was also prepared. He was ready now, he felt it in his
blood. Before Steve could charge or attack, Herobrine let go of his
shoulder and disappeared. Steve’s blood boiled. Why was this ghost man
chasing him? Why are those people gone now? Why is his skin burning on
fire… wait… FIRE! Steve quickly rolled on the ground extinguishing the
flames. He felt as if he just swam in lava… but he did… and didn’t.
Steve got off the ground. The rain already stopped, it was morning. He
looked around. Nothing but more charred flesh and bones. But wait, this
time there was something that made his spirits dance. Off in the
distance on the horizon, a small something, a shape. Something that
didn’t blend with the ground. That must be man made. He abandoned his
cobblestone hut, gathered his things and ran for the horizon.
This man had a long nose and green eyes with an unnecessarily
tall forehead. He grunted with a strange “Hermm” noise. Steve sort of
backed away in confusion. The villager was trying to communicate in some
way with his strange grunts. Shockingly, Steve was overrun with another
memory, one about these “villagers”. He remembers communicating with
them… he begins to recall some of their language. He come back to his
conscience state and looks at the villager. He tries to say he will
purchase some of the wheat and potatoes of the emeralds he has in his
wallet. The villager seemed more than happy to sell his crops. Steve
finally had some good food. He cooked his potatoes in his new furnace
and checked with other residents of this strange village. It was sad
that he only had 7 emeralds left. Maybe he could sell his stuff? Well
perhaps. He could make a small home nearby so that he would have good
access to these villagers. What was he thinking! He needed to find what
happened to his friends, not settle somewhere and never find out. He
needed to search more, he- Steve looked to his right, a small graveyard
sits atop a small hill. Not the most glorious thing he’d ever seen. Is
this what befall his friends? Or was this some villager graveyard. He
climbed the small hill with little effort. When he reached the graves he
went to the first one he saw, the largest one. This was Susie’s grave….
Susie is dead? What about the others?! He began hastily reading graves.
Notches was not there, but there were some Toby, Jeff, James, Lily,
June, and Frank. Then there was Herobrines… this grave was open.
Steve now knew why Herobrine was walking about. There is
something Herobrine needs to do, why else would he leave his grave.
Steve thought to himself, if there were people in the past, there must
be some place they lived. Not where these freakish forehead big nosed
weirdos lived. There must be a town for them. Perhaps there was some
materials for him to use. He needed to find some way to find this town.
Maybe these freaks knew where he and his friend went in the past, they
most certaintly knew him and his friends, why else was there a graveyard
of them. Steve went to ask the villagers where he used to live to the
best of his extent. When the villager replied, some words were, foreign.
But he made out city, east, and not far. What a happy coincidence that
he knew just the right words. He began east with his things and his
food. But wait, he had no shelter. The sun was just at the horizon,
surely it would be night again long before he made it to this city. He
needed to stay with one of these freaks?! Fine, he faced worse already,
shot in the arm, stalked by a ghost man, and burned alive. Staying the
night with a villager couldn’t be so bad. He gathered some wool from the
nearby sheep and made a nice bed. He placed it in one of the houses and
lied there, but there was one sad problem. The villagers did nothing
but stare at him while he tried to sleep. He heard a knocking at the
door and a raspy moan… the same he heard in the cave. He looked through
the window, no villagers outside, but hundreds undead raided the place.
The knock became louder, this time the door fell

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by KeinLantec 06/20/2014 6:24:06 pmJun 20th, 2014

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06/18/2014 5:34 pm
Level 20 : Expert Birb
KeinLantec's Avatar
By the way, Spoiler Alert but the next chapter is Steve's history. But consider it being "unlocked" by this chapter or any other chapter getting at least 5 diamonds. Should be too hard! If you want the next part of the current story instead, I'll wait for 5 favorites on any chapter and that'll unlock that. If I get both I will write both.
06/18/2014 1:30 pm
Level 20 : Expert Birb
KeinLantec's Avatar
Well, I was reading through it and before it says,"This man had a long nose and green eyes with an unnecessarily

tall forehead" There was a part of steve discovering the crops of the village but realizing he cant take any and already have the bad name of a thief among the only civilization he could find, so he goes to the closest house and knocks on the door when a strange man answers.
06/17/2014 9:19 pm
Level 20 : Expert Birb
KeinLantec's Avatar
Hows that for a chapter huh?!
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