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These Four PVP Techniques Could Save Your Life!

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SoarynTheEagle's Avatar SoarynTheEagle
Level 34 : Artisan Unicorn
We've all been in that situation. Heart thumping we push down on that forward button as hard as we can in an attempt to get our character to move faster. Finally realizing that you won't escape your pursuer, you turn around and in a violent rage of button mashing you rise up the hill. Trudging past block after block to arrive at your mortal enemy. Neck in neck. Ready to destroy him. You raise your sword in attack and then.... he kills you.

Now dying is never a good thing to experience. Not in real life of course. That's definitely not a good experience. I mean in minecraft of course. The entire idea of video games is to have fun killing eachother! Usually. There's always the odd game out that doesn't have some sort of killing included in it. But minecraft can be especially frustrating to die in since you can loose all of your items after it. So today I'm going to tech you how you can become a PVP MASTAH!


Circling is one of the most basic techniques that you can use in minecraft. Really all you do is circle the opponent and wildly click hoping that it'll hit them. As long as you're paying attention and focus on where you're clicking, this should be pretty effective.

Why is this effective though? Essentially, when you're circling the opponent it becomes difficult for him/her to keep track of you. This is due to many minecraft players using laptops which have touchpads. Touchpads can only rotate your player so much while computer mice can rotate both faster and longer.

Pro tip: If you couldn't tell already you should probably use a mouse whilst pvping.


Rushing is a technique that consists of moving towards the enemy as fast as possible and trying to hit the person as many times as possible while you're close to them and then running through them. Minecraft mechanics allow you to move between players, so as long as that is possible, so is this technique.

This works because the enemy does not have time to react when you rush them. This is mainly because they may not be looking towards you or be expecting you to attack them. In fact, when you rush someone, they may not even realize that they're being rushed and dismiss it as a glitch. Of course they won't realize the truth until it's too late.

Pro tip: When rushing, position yourself at a place in which they opponent will not see you coming.

Bowman/Swordman combo

You've probably used this one before without even realizing it. This one can be one of the most deadly techniques that you can use to crush all opposition! The gist of it is that when you're close to somebody you use your sword, and when you start to get farther away from someone you use the bow instead.

This can be somewhat hard to do because while using a bow you're essentially in shift mode. Meaning that you player cannot move as fast as it would if you were not using a bow. This is why you need to be able to recognize when you should use this technique and when you shouldn't. You should use this technique when your opponent is far enough away that they cannot react to your bow and arrows. You shouldn't use this technique when the opponent knows that you are coming or is really close to you.

Pro Tip: You can also find some cover and just use the bow.

Always have the upper ground

Having the upper ground on your opponent can make or break the situation. Having the upper ground provides easier shots with bows and of course the ease of jumping upon one's opponent for a surprise attack. It also allows you to push through the opponent's "attack barrier" so to speak so as to more easily attack him or her.

Pro Tip: Don't obsess over the upper ground. The cover of trees can just as easily help you.

These techniques can and will help prevent you from dying as often in minecraft. I promise that if you use them you will not be dissatisfied with what you're getting. You will never again be defeated by strong men in diamond armor! Instead, it will be YOU who is the strong man(or woman) in diamond armor!

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01/27/2014 9:38 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Archer
levitheman's Avatar
The one big thing you missed was armor difference, and potions.

Sure, these are great tips, but you can't use them when YOU get ambushed, or you're going against somebody with OP diamond gear *Cough*Hc server*cough*
01/27/2014 6:56 am
Level 35 : Artisan Toast
Krotass's Avatar
I find circling really bad. Standing in front of them while jumping and getting crit hits is so much better :D
01/26/2014 3:35 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
drumjolter01's Avatar
Upper ground is actually a terrible idea. If a player is under you in any way, they have a better reach of hitting you than you have of them. Keeping lower than the other player is always the better strategy.
01/26/2014 6:05 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Ninja
Ep1canthony's Avatar
Not "always" as you said, in that small case it is good but when you look at the pros of having the upper ground like for example: great view of things around you, can use your bow very well, can jump onto players, etc etc. You see its not "always" the better strategy
01/27/2014 12:56 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
drumjolter01's Avatar
So basically, if you are far from a melee distance from the opponent, having upper ground is advantageous, but once the opponent starts to close in, getting lower would probably be a better solution.
01/26/2014 1:57 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
Mishkia's Avatar
I use all these and I still suck at pvp D: Pvp just ain't me.
01/26/2014 8:00 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
BioHelix's Avatar
I know how you feel. :/ I'm pretty horrible at PVP even when using techniques such as rushing and circling without reading this blog.
01/26/2014 8:46 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Farmer
Mishkia's Avatar
The day I joined the Chi club on Bending Heroes...Was the best day of my life.. (I say its a club because some people say Chi is the worst when really, its easy, and its really useful for combat)
02/01/2014 10:12 am
Level 35 : Artisan Electrician
finglelpuppl's Avatar
For more tips you guys should check out my blog on PVP. I'ts much longer with more info!
A Pro's Guide to Winning the Survival Games
01/26/2014 9:54 am
Level 40 : Master Geek
Ping0pong's Avatar
And then that's the point they start calling you a hacker....
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