This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Things I Want Implemented in Minecraft ~Minedeas Contest Entry~

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spongeman10's Avatar spongeman10
Level 25 : Expert Taco
There are many things I want implemented in Minecraft. From New Content, to Aesthetic Changes. Something that will keep me excited every time there's an update. Here is a list of things I want in Minecraft.

1. More Dragos
Because what's more awesome then dragons? Unlike the Ender Dragon, some of the other dragons will be friendly and can be tamable. There will be different types of dragons like Fire Dragons, Earth Dragons, Water Dragons and maybe a special Nether Dragon. All of them will have their own special attacks. Maybe an attack that will cause an earthquake for the Earth Dragon. And maybe a mini-tsunami for the Water Dragon. The dragons might have more health then the Iron Golem. There are two ways of taming a dragon. One is to obtain a dragon egg and raise the dragon. Two, if you're impatient, you can gain its trust by giving it food. You can ride on the dragons and fly.

2. In-Game Friends List
So I heard recently that there's a new app that can let you connect with friends playing Minecraft. It will show if your friend is online, it can let you post pics of your creations, like them, it's basically like Facebook but for Minecraft. Well, I want to see this feature actually in Minecraft. It will be much more easier to access. Here's the link, so I don't have to explain everything :3 --->

3. Story Mode
So yeah, we have adventure maps and all but I want to see something created by the Mojang team. Maybe the story would be like, a quest to find a magical item or something. It would be like Skyrim or something. You can still do anything except break certain blocks, use certain items etc. There would be quests from, maybe the villagers. Main quests, side quests, you know what I mean. Full on RPG. With a cool storyline and stuff.

4. Enderman Stare Side-Effects
So, I have some ideas about side-effects for when you stare at an Enderman. 1 is Nausea,
the 2nd is your frozen and can't move so that the Enderman has some time to attack you. The 3rd is you get caught on fire. So maybe the Nausea side-effect will only happen on Easy, the Frozen side-effect, maybe on Normal, and the fire side-effect on Hard.

5. Mob Mode
In Mob Mode, you can control any mob in the game. For example, you create a new world, go to More Options, set it to Mob Mode, and pick a mob. So when you're controlling the mob, Human mobs will spawn. You can kinda interact with them. Some human mobs will try to kill you for food, or if you're a hostile mob. I think this would be a cool feature so you can see what the life of a mob is like.

So that's all I can say right now. I'll keep this blog updated every time I get a new idea. For now, Comment, Diamond, and Favorite if you like. Peace!


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01/03/2013 11:53 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
Quixzil1's Avatar
Hey :D long time no see!
Those are some really good ideas. I like the mob mode the best.
01/04/2013 12:36 am
Level 25 : Expert Taco
spongeman10's Avatar
Thanks Quix :D
12/10/2012 2:04 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
mrstiraan's Avatar
hmm isn't the dragon idea from another mod?
12/12/2012 3:04 am
Level 25 : Expert Taco
spongeman10's Avatar
Well, yeah. But I really do want more dragons in Minecraft.
12/12/2012 4:41 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
mrstiraan's Avatar
:D agreed!
12/10/2012 12:02 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
LuccaH0607's Avatar
Just like Steam community.
You have a friend list in all of your games and that list shows online friends.
Just click on the 'join game' button to join a friends server.
12/10/2012 9:33 am
Level 31 : Artisan Modder
Lpswheat's Avatar
Do u like Pokemon?
12/12/2012 3:06 am
Level 25 : Expert Taco
spongeman10's Avatar
Well, I want to play pokemon but I don't have any nintendo platform except for a wii. Although I played Pokemon World Online before but I got bored of playing it. :P
12/12/2012 7:41 am
Level 31 : Artisan Modder
Lpswheat's Avatar
12/14/2012 9:49 pm
Level 25 : Expert Taco
spongeman10's Avatar
Sorry, I tend to give out TMI xD
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