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Types of players we don't ban (but test our patience)

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EmpathyHeals's Avatar EmpathyHeals
Level 42 : Master Zombie
I find no use in long list of /rules; I lead with "be respectful" and enforce high standards about how people interpret it. Still, there are always those players on servers who don't quite break the rules, but, bless their hearts, still test our patience. What are some behaviors you put up with but sometimes wish you didn't have to?

In no particular order, here are some of mine:

Players who smother newbies with kindness. Let folks read and agree to the /rules, y'all! Some players are so friendly they don't give newbies much time to orient themselves and get a feel for what's going on. As nice as it is to help new players, approaching them too early can disrupt their orientation to the server.

Players who are addicted to /baltop. I have players who seriously seem to care about nothing but their wallet and shop. They come on to do /baltop and sign out (you know who you are). They do keep their shops stocked most of the time and can get quite creative/energetic promoting it.

Players who don't set a claim or build anything but still log on every day and treat the server like a chat room. This doesn't get on my nerves too much though as long as the people stay positive, but the only one I had like that on my server so far did get banned. I do prefer to see players building and doing things, but they don't have to; I can just see it making some server owners nervous or uncomfortable though at some points.

Players who roleplay on a non-roleplaying server (and won't quit when others ask them). People have a right to roleplay, sure, but sometimes folks pick a "persona" that others find annoying and keep going with it even if others tell them it's enough already. For example, using military language incessantly to address higher ranks after they said it got annoying.

Players who use the "sandbox" to validate their biases. These are folks who are not interested in setting a claim and protecting it, they want to prove that other people will grief them. Or that people can't be trusted for some reason. So instead of working within their claims, protecting stuff or /trusting people they actually get to know and prove they can be trusted, these folks purposefuly build for the "public" or outside their claims and then complain vehemently when anything (inevitably) happens to it.

Blatant sycophants. Flattery, praise, cheers, etc. are noted and appreciated, directly kissing up is not.

Players who love to "hate" us every single day. These are players who want another kind of server, different types of plugins, skyblock, whatever, it may be, that we don't have on the server, but they want our community nonetheless. They don't break the rules but they also never stop pining or hinting or bumping the forums about changes that may or may never materialize.

Players who have no concept of how many people are on. These are people who baffle me with questions/comments to the server when there are clearly not enough people on to do what they want and I know they know about tab and /list or /online. I might even say something about "wait until more people get on" and these people are undeterred; not two minutes later they again be like "anyone wanna eat at my diner?"

What are some of the challenging behaviors you've encountered?
Post below!

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10/31/2014 10:41 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Marthellio's Avatar
OMG my signs say do not build spawn, and I have it claimed, yet the moment its wilderness he builds a giant barricade around spawn with the lava and the works 0_0
08/08/2014 7:48 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Valkie's Avatar
Someone who indirectly breaks the rules, but is not seen as a rule breaker >.>
07/27/2014 12:39 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
SniperDude7843's Avatar
I hate ppl who join the server for 2 seconds and they already applied for staff.
06/23/2014 4:52 am
Level 1 : New Network
FrozenWorld's Avatar
me :)
06/23/2014 3:05 am
Level 41 : Master System
Devi The Panda
Devi The Panda's Avatar
Sadly I'm all of these! :P
06/22/2014 10:12 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
ThatEazyRider's Avatar
I hate it when those players keep on asking to get mod or admin, they just try really hard to get a staff position, and then there's those players who just go on the server and say "I'm from PMC, OP me now or you get banned".
06/22/2014 12:36 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
doofdoof67's Avatar
There's a person on mine that seems to report every little thing even if it isn't against the rules. He expects the Admins to be really tight on rules when instead we're pretty cool with our players. Like COME ON, he submitted 5 different reports in the past 3 days -_- I try to tell him to stop being so sensitive or just use the /ignore button
06/22/2014 10:25 am
Level 23 : Expert Mage
lactarius77's Avatar
one time someone said (on a server) quite randomly that pewdipie is the most poular youtube, then i replied that skydoesminecraft has more subscribers than justin bieber (from now on ill just write the conversation)
-justin bieber is gay. someone said
-youre using gay as an insult! someone else said
and then, 40 people or so was arguing about stupid stupid stuff, and 20 minutes later, everyone got kicked.
06/22/2014 10:08 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Victhetigger's Avatar
Those People that Are like "Where are the Hunger Games?!" When theres 3 people on -____-
06/22/2014 7:51 am
Level 42 : Master Elf
EnergyCrysis's Avatar
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