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Valahar The Mythology Part 1

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Thadrious's Avatar Thadrious
Level 47 : Master Strawberry
A Story By Thadrious Inc.

Valahar the Mythology Part 1

Long ago before earth and time before the ancients and the evil, there was the high lord and god Forsha. I myself being an Ancient, am still unsure if there was another world before ours, that Forsha created or lived in, he has told no one, and probably will never tell anyone what time was before our time. I do know how he created our world though and that is a tale I will never get tired of tellingo ¦

Forsha created the world with pure power and holiness, for that is the only way to create a perfect creation, he spoke out in great force and power sayingo ¦ o Let the empty space be filled with stars and worlds.o And all of the sudden the sky burst open with light showing its epic multitude of heavenly stars. But as Forsha did this his power weakened, Forsha then spoke again in a strong voice saying; o Let two earths be created, the heavenly kingdom in which I will dwell and the earthly kingdom where my subjects will prosper.o And so the world of Mooch was created with all its epic mountains and large forests and the overwhelming seas, and the heavenly kingdom of the Forsha appeared in the sky above it. He then created the animals of Mooch speaking; o let the crosses and the Goblin walk on the earth that I have created and my they be pleasing to my subjects.o After that the animals of Mooch filled the earth giving it life. o My creation is great and pleases me much; it is good and will last as long as I wish it to.o

And after it had happened Forsha raised his hand and the heavenly kingdom filled with holy paladins and angles, and then he said in a broad voice to them; o My power weakens the more I create this world, but my holiness will never end, I have chosen Cret, Gunsh, Shnakaly, Nightas, Nova, Novra, Alfar, Grol, Tevok, Saphanra, Zerforth, Rohtt, Avol, Kul, and Brono ¦o he paused for a minute, and I shuddered hearing my name be spoken from his mouth, he then continuedo ¦ o I have chosen you to govern and help guide my subjects to me, though I still haveno t created them yet I know that they will be my favored creation and I will love them more then myself. I have chosen you for different reasons, my subjects will fill the world I have created and prosper in every corner of the world I have created, they will build cities and empires, I have chosen you to guide them and lead them to worship me, I will place you in each empire which they will create, Creto ¦ you will be placed to see over the empire that will prosper in the sunned fields, there I trust you to guide them and lead them to know and worship me, Gunsh you will be set to rule and govern over the land which never sees the light of day, show them my light and who I am.o He then looked over at Shnakaly who looked a bit scared, he spoke; o You will govern the land across the Moochiean sea and lead the people to feed off of my holiness, Rohtt you to will travel with Shnakaly to the land across the Moochiean sea and govern the other half of the land, fallow in the steps of Shnakaly and he will help guide you to show the people of my greatness.

Nova you will rule the kingdom where there is no warmth, shield them from the cold and lead them to me. Novra the deep sea kingdoms need guidance to see the light above the watero s surface I trust you will do well, Alfar, you will be placed into one of the sea kingdoms as well and rule them with divine authority and show them that I am the high king. Zerforth I am commanding you to lead the people of the forest to the light above the trees which I have planted there. Bron,o he looked straight into my eyes and I felt sick to my stomach and scared, he then spoke in a voice which seemed to calm my hearto ¦ o Bron, you will rule the mountain kingdoms and lead them to climb to the highest mountains to see me. Tevok, Grol, and Saphanra, you will go into the main land of Mooch where the most powerful city will spawn and you will rule together and guide them to my perfect light. Kul you will be sent to the desert lands to help guide the people away from the light of the suns and to the light of myself.o

He then looked over at which we all thought was the weakest of the Paladins, Nightas who could not look up into Forshao s eyes and instead looked down to the flooro ¦ he spoke then in a soft voice towards him; o Nightas why are you afraid?o he did not answer; o You have one of the most difficult jobs, you will be sent to rule the kingdoms where no plants or animals grow where life seems dead but I have faith that you will guide them to my light and show them the life of my words.o Nightas started to look up at Forsha and raised his head high enough to see his broad shoulders and then spoke these words which I will never forget; o I will do my best.o

Forsha looked upon him with concern and then said; o Your best is for me.o and with that he sent them off into the mortal world where they took on the form of their subjects, and by the time they had gotten down to Mooch Forsha had already created the subjects which they where to rule, the elves in the forest, the dwarfs in the mountains, the Parinaras in the seas, and the people on the earth.

All was well and the years proceeded on earth and since there was no evil there was no death and the subjects lived long and happy lives as the ancients guided them to Forsha who loved them with great delight, with delight on all the empires, all accept oneo ¦ Forsha saw that Nightas was having trouble leading them to Forshao s light and so one day Forsha came down to earth and asked Nightas; o Is this what you call your best. I know that you have great potential deep down inside of you Nightas, use it and please me.o Forsha talked long with Nightas and eventually leaved to return back to his holy kingdom.

A few short days later Forsha called the ancients back up to the heavenly kingdom for a celebration, all the ancients and paladins sat at the table of Forsha where they feasted and talked for many days, then Forsha stood up and the end of his table and raised his glass to make an announcement. He said; o Thanks to my loyal friends and ancients my dearly loved subjects have given me much favor, and since they have done so my power has grown and I would like to give the gift of creation two of my closest friends.o Nightaso s eyes widened, when Forsha had talked with him he remembered that Forsha had said that he was a great servant with much potential, Nightas wanted the gift more than anything in the world, and that was the first step towards darkness, for when you set your desire on something besides Forsha which should be the one and only desire you start to turn towards evil. Forsha said that he would announce the two that will receive the gift after the feast was done.

Nightas sat next to his best friend Zerforth who started to eat again as soon Forsha had sat down and Nightas did not, deep inside Nightas thought to himself, I must have it, I musto ¦ Zerforth looked over at his troubled friend and asked; o Whato s the matter?o Nightas looked up at his friend and said in a burning voice; o Nothingo ¦ Nothings, wrong.o Zerforth stared at him for a while and then continued eating; Nightas didno t bring his eyes up the rest of the feast. Soon the food was all gone and Forsha stood up saying; o I will now announce the two ancients which are to receive the gift of creation, and may I warn those who receive it that, this gift is very powerful with it you can create anything you want but I warn you to create using your pure heart, which is one of the reasons I have chosen these two ancients.

Nightas froze in his seat because he knows that Forsha called him a weak heart and he began to become scared that he would not get the prize which he favored so dearly. Forshao s words seem to pour out slower than human time to Nightas as he sat in his chair froze hopping dearly to receive the prize that Forsha was about to bestow. Forsha then got straight to it and started to say the names of the two Ancients,

Nightas was sweating profoundly and his fingers clutched the table so hard that it started to crack where he sat. seconds felt like hours in the human time to Nightas as Forsha spoke the two words which he feared more than anything, feared more than Forsha. o Shnakalyo ¦o Nightas froze listening intently that he had one shot left at getting the prize which he cravedo ¦ o And, Zerforth.o Nightas looked blankly at Forsha as his fingers settled, he could not believe what he had just herd, he looked across the table to Shnakaly who sat next to me and Rohtt and then over o his friend who was standing in thanks to Forsha for such a wonderful gift. Nightas then started to burn with anger towards his friend and he became jealous of the gift that was given to him. As Nightas and Zerforth traveled back to their kingdoms that night Nightaso s mind raged with thoughts of evil and anger, How could he do this!, the prize was suppose to be mine! Forsha doesno t love me he hates me! if he loved me he would have given the prize to me! it should have been me! Nightas walked along in silence not talking to his friend or even giving him a look, Zerforth tried to start conversation with his friend but Nightas wouldno t talk or respond to any of his comment.
Finally Zerforth spoke up in a loud voice saying; o What is wrong with you! What has gotten into you Nightas! Why are you acting this way!?o he clutched Nightaso s shoulders as he said this and Nightas looked upon him in surprised anger and then said in a voice barely able to hear; o You dono t car eithero ¦o Zerforth looked at Nightas confusingly and responded in a confusing tone; o What?o right after that Nightas swung his arms up and grabbed Zerforth by the armpits lifting his arms into the air and threw him to the ground, Zerforth cried; o What are you doing?o but Nightas didno t respond and jumped upon Zerforth smacking him time after time in the face, finally Zerforth started to fight back after he found that negotiation was useless. And so Zerforth was able to fit his feat under Nightaso s body and kicked him into the air. Since the ancients had amazing strength and durability Nightas was kicked right into a nearby tree and fell out the other side, Zerforth got up in anger but stopped and thought to himself aloud; o What am I doing?o he then quickly ran over to Nightas who looked badly injured and knelt down beside him; o oh my. He spoke in a frightened voice fearing that he had badly hurt his best friend, he then laid his hands upon his should and turned him over, but as he did Nightas struck up as quick as lightning and pinned Zerforth to the ground clutching his neck. Zerforth tried to fight back but Nightas for some reason was stronger than he was before, Zerforth then tried to speak and he was able too for a second; o Nights!, why?, what?o but the more he spoke the fainter his words became and the stronger Nightas gripped his Neck until Zerforth laid on the ground lifeless.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Thadrious 10/29/2012 1:00:10 pmOct 29th, 2012

Fine details (wording and punctuation) has been tweeked

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12/10/2012 11:30 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
MooseBones's Avatar
mother of god that was epic.....
12/11/2012 8:04 am
Level 47 : Master Strawberry
Thadrious's Avatar
Was it?
12/11/2012 3:49 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
MooseBones's Avatar
Indeed it was :D
12/11/2012 4:24 pm
Level 47 : Master Strawberry
Thadrious's Avatar
Thanks bro :D
10/29/2012 6:32 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
HappyLine's Avatar

10/30/2012 9:00 am
Level 47 : Master Strawberry
Thadrious's Avatar
idk.... I have a scanner downstairs with no internet so i Scan, save to memory stick, go upstairs, load the pic onto my compy in my folder, and just upload it as a pic...
10/31/2012 9:38 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
HappyLine's Avatar
10/31/2012 10:35 am
Level 47 : Master Strawberry
Thadrious's Avatar
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