This Blog is an entry in the completed What Makes You a Minecrafter? - Blog Contest #7.

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What makes ME a Minecrafter ((Contest))

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Ohana_girl08's Avatar Ohana_girl08
Level 31 : Artisan Musician
This blog is about what makes ME a Minecrafter. Please diamond so I can be a finalist! Thank you, and please enjoy :)
How I found out about the game
The first time I heard of Minecraft was from my little brother, Woody_09. He had gotten the pocket edition for his iPod, and was playing it constantly with my next door neighbor. My brother kept urging me to play the game, and I remember when he described it to me thinking of a creepy house with 3D zombies and skeletons that you had to fight and keep out of your house. When I first played it, I didn't really like it, but I kept trying it, and obviously eventually took to it. After playing the pocket edition for about six months, he found out that it was originally a computer game. He saved up all of his money and went to the store to purchase a game card. He played it, loved it, and urged me to try it again. I liked it way better than the version for Android and Apple, and started playing with his account almost everyday.
How I got my account
If you've read my profile, you'll know that I am homeschooled. So, I got my own account for Minecraft when my mom found out about a server called "Minecrafthomeschool". The server has a rule that you can't share an account, so my mom bit the bullet and paid for me to be able to take Minecrafthomeschool classes and have my own account. I immediately knew what I wanted my name to be. When my brother and I first got into the game we would play skywars in real life (Cheezy, I know, but it was actually kind of fun,) and we got to make up "account names" for ourselves. Mine was Ohana_girl08, and it stuck.

(Just a few months ago I finally changed my name for the first time to Chewie_We_R_Home)
The first time I played on a server
The first Minecraft server I ever played on was My brother, his best friend, and me would play skywars together while we all talked over FaceTime. As soon as I played these extremely addicting minigames, I was hooked. The three of us would all play for hours and hours on end, never getting sick of the games. I also loved that I could play with people I didn't even know, some of which were from different countries. There was such a diverse gathering of people that all wanted to play a game, and I was amazed by it.
How it helped me
This is going to sound really weird at first, but once I explain it, it'll make sense. I met my best friend by playing Minecraft.

As you know, when my brother and I would spend countless hours over FaceTime with Woody_09's best friend, I started to become closer to my brother's friend's sister. She would talk to me over FaceTime and would sometimes call the phone. That was about three years ago, and she's my best friend. I text her everyday, and we're both always there for each other. Without Minecraft, I probably would have never had the opportunity to talk to her as often, and we probably wouldn't be as close as we are.
CreditCover photo by simeonradivoev on DeviantArt

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07/25/2016 10:28 am
Level 29 : Expert Button Pusher
Voice_in_my_head's Avatar
Clap clap sis xD
07/25/2016 5:36 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Musician
Ohana_girl08's Avatar
Thanks? lol
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