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Why do people use hacks?

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MetalystyXx's Avatar MetalystyXx
Level 37 : Artisan Zombie
Okey soo um yah...Hacks aren't the greatest thing for fair combat .-. I'm sure the hackers themselves have reasons and excuses for why they hack...and some of them can be seen as unreasonable, but hopefully after reading this you'll understand a bit more about hacks..So here we go! ;D

Client hacks

Not the worst...They can be frustrating from time to time but everyone has to deal with it at one time in minecraft...unless you play singleplayer :P

Reasons people use them:

 1) Some people just use them because their computers run slow? Well thats not really an excuse cause like....My computer runs slow and I don't use hacks .-.

2) Another BIG reason people use them, is because the server allows them...many servers allow client hacks, and I don't really know why...its like putting a "free cheats" sign on your server website...

3) One more thing people use them for; to get revenge on other people. Why use client hacks for revenge? I can see that you'd have more advantages than the other player...still...I don't know xD

Server Hacks

Server hacks...I hate these so much, (not that I am a server owner) I just find it really annoying that some random persom has to come in, and make the server shut down, and blah blah blah its just ugh -_-

Okey so I've had 2 experiences of server hackings (the same server xD)

1) So this guy came on, and I didn't really know what he wanted, or why he was hacking, all I knew was I better get off so I don't get hacked myself o_o He started counting down from 3, 2, 1, and then he'd shut the server down...it was so weird...then like the other players were like "Do it again! :DD" and I'm like "...Um...yah...no." and eventually the owner got an email from staff telling about the hacks n' stuff...he shut it down until he identified the players name and banned him and yah :P

2) The same server...There was hacks and I had no clue? I got the message from other players and at first I was like "What :OOO Again? xD" It was a guy who got banned, he hacked the owners account, joined in the owners account, and unbanned himself...Then from the owenr's account he opped himself and some random person he didn't know...people eventually found out cause when they saw the owner come on he wasn't acting like himself...so we found out, ip-banned the guy and stuff...

So yah...I don't have many reasons why people would hack servers, maybe jealous cause they don't have they're own server? Well that's it :P Hope you liked this blog...sorry it wasn't that much :/ But if you liked it the way it was, give it a diamond, and comment what you think about hacks ;D Thanks and Peace ~Jill

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01/07/2015 10:46 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Meme
FennecFox's Avatar
LOL, the thumbnail actually brang me to this blog,i've seen it on nova skin, but it just looked like normal pvpers and one of them was jumping off, but because of the title, it literally looks like he's flying, and his face makes it more clear too! :p LOl i love it, great blog too!
01/08/2015 5:58 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Zombie
MetalystyXx's Avatar
Thanks so much c:
08/10/2014 11:30 am
Level 27 : Expert Ninja
thedarkwarlord's Avatar
Every person i see hacking will i report. I always have my recording software ready to report some hackers!
08/09/2014 2:19 pm
Level 24 : Expert Hunter
-DarkAssassin-'s Avatar
Hacks are just for people who don't have enough skill to play Minecraft or other games.
08/09/2014 5:08 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ladybug
McJackson3180's Avatar
Or to have fun by flying around and fastly shooting bows
08/09/2014 2:10 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
Craft's Avatar
1.] hack client's run typically slower than a vanilla client due to the fact it's trying to bypass many feature's and even check's yes there is part's of it that they cut out of the mojang client and they lobotimize it but over all they run either 60% the same as a vanilla laucher or 40% of the time they are slower to reaction time's.

2.] hack clients 90% of server's dont allow them and will IP ban you right away if they find out.
ac.tc. dont allow any hack's thats the largest server's in the minecraft world and they wont stand for Shiz like that and you cant buy you permaban away they will IP ban if you keep trying.
Skydoesmc server and deadlox of coarse will let you buy your way back but thats a diffrent story.

3.] mostly true but alot of the time people use them to have fun because they suck at pvp, which is a pisspoor excuse to hack.
07/24/2014 4:35 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
TheMiner169's Avatar
The secone server hack happened to me. The owner wasn't online so someone hopped on and somehow took his account. He then left and joined the server as Notch and Herobrine. At this point, we knew he had access to all the accounts and had to email Mojang with evidince. Quite scary.
07/24/2014 4:52 am
Level 37 : Artisan Zombie
MetalystyXx's Avatar
Wait are you talking about the same server I am :o
07/24/2014 5:06 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
TheMiner169's Avatar
What was yours called?
07/24/2014 5:07 am
Level 37 : Artisan Zombie
MetalystyXx's Avatar
L33T x3
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