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Why should I apply to build on a server?

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Creation Bay's Avatar Creation Bay
Level 56 : Grandmaster Toast
I am not totally sure how common this sort of thing is, but I have noticed that quite a few servers require you to apply/register in order to obtain some sort of minimal or builder status/rank. My own server included.

Quite often we have new players come online and explore, they'll be surprised, impressed and excited at the sight of some of our impressive works and ask us how they can get away from the shackles of the "guest" rank. As soon as the world "apply" is said they almost always run away, claiming it is stupid to have to apply, or that it is a waste of time. Well let me tell you it isn't, and now I will explain why.

The biggest and most obvious reason is that it is a major griefer deterrent. Griefers aren't looking for a challenge, they want to be able to jump onto a server as an anonymous newbie and wreak havoc as quickly and easily as possible. An application system requires work on their part, they have to physically go to an external service and explain why they want to be apart of a servers community.

Secondly an application system is a fantastic way to understand a player, and learn what sort of experience they hope to have while on your server, it in many ways is a great starting point for building genuine relationships with your users and other players.

And finally it is fantastic for future reference. You can see who has joined your server, when they joined and why. It is also a handy tool to have when dealing with ban appeals, it serves as a great way of refreshing your memory when trying to determine whether or not someone deserves a second chance if they are banned for whatever reason.

So the next time you join a server, don't get cranky because they ask you to apply. It is more or less a security measure and is nothing personal. It has been my experience that an application system only strengthens a community, so don't hate on it :)

Thanks for reading :)

Peace out all!

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10/14/2012 9:01 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Unicorn
Ben_9821_'s Avatar
Well, what I think, If you are running a creative server you should have allot world, if they do a good build on the plot world then you should get ranked up, it's a lot easier, more players enjoy it and just a better technique overall.
Creation Bay
10/14/2012 9:45 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Toast
Creation Bay's Avatar
That is the system we apply these days.
This post is outdated as far as my server is concerned, but still some relevant points can be taken from this.
03/18/2012 1:24 pm
Level 1 : New Architect
SydShawFo's Avatar
pbw class is in session people, take muhfukkin notesss. it's a testament to the player's respect for a server and its community in general when they come on and either immediately ask to become builder, or ask HOW to become builder. it's good to strive for everyone getting a quality experience on a server; just letting errbody and they mama come on and do whatever they please without the owner, admins, or anyone else higher up in the rank system knowing anything about them is risky and could be detrimental to the overall environment. but then again, i'm preaching to the choir. you've already said all of this wonderfully. GOOD YOB. :D <3
03/18/2012 5:58 am
Level 20 : Expert Cake
BeatlesGirl's Avatar
fuck. yes. excuse my french.. but I'm sick of new people going "WHY CAN'T I JUST HAVE BUILDER, WHY CAN'T I JUST HAVE CREATIVE?!" 'cos shit son, we are running a quality server where people can have fun and not have fear of griefers when admins are not online. Far out >.> people shit me sometimes..
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