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Worst In-Game Experience

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MixxdCraft's Avatar MixxdCraft
Level 22 : Expert Architect
What was your worst in-game experience? What was the one thing that happened in Minecraft that made you so mad, you had to stop? I've had my fair share of upsets, losses, and tragic deaths, but one experience tops all. And it doesn't seem terrible, but it was tragic, and it's fresh, because it was today. You all know how long it takes to mine obsidian, and you also know how torn up the wildernesses of servers are near the spawn. I had been mining obsidian for a few hours and nearly had 9 stacks, and I know what you're thinking, 'Oh wow you should have put them in a chest.' Well Yes, I should have. I had exhausted the cave of obsidian and needed a new one to mine in, so I warp to the wilderness of the server I frequent, and begin my search for large pools of underground lava. I near a small opening in the earth which had previously been made by another player. It was a 2-block wide straight down hole to bedrock. I brought a bucket of water in case I encountered a situation like this, and placed the water so that I would be able to ride it down the hole. As I began my descent, the perfect storm of mishaps occurred. The server began to lag, and so did my computer. My FPS temporarily dropped and before I knew it, I was falling and had hit the ground. Luckily I was far enough down, I only lost 4 1/2 hearts. But. Due to lag, I had been transported back to the point where I began falling and, yes, fell once more. And then the third time. I hadn't set a home anywhere nearby, either. On the respawn screen, I see my full diamond armor, 2 efficiency diamond picks, nearly 10 stacks of obsidian, and a few other useful things. Hours worth of mining, crafting, and slaving sat in the bottom of that hole. I searched for an hour hoping that I would be able to find that 2-block wide hole in the vast wilderness, but had no luck. I stopped playing and Haven't played since. Please share your stories and why it ruffled your jimmies so much. If you like this blog, DIAMOND it. If you love it, FAVORITE it. If you love me, SUBSCRIBE. Love you guys and I hope better for you than what's happened to me.

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07/10/2013 2:46 am
Level 25 : Expert Artist
legojones's Avatar
(Depends what you mean by quit the game, completely quit for life or just ragequit) But anyway I used to play on this factions server with my friends. It was a raiding server, which caused this. So we've had like 5 bases, each one got better than the next. But they kept getting raided until eventually this pissed me off enough for me to never go on that server again :P. The End.
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