Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

[1.19.4/23w03a+] Iron Golem - Rideable Golems with Upgrades!

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alderski's Avatar alderski
Level 45 : Master Engineer

==== IMPORTANT ====

This datapack works ONLY with Minecraft 1.19.4 or snapshot 23w03a and above! These versions add the necessary /ride command!


Iron Golem
is a datapack which makes players automatically tame their Iron Golems upon creating them.

Players can mount their Golems by hitting them with an empty hand or a Compass. Once player mounts a Golem, they are three ways to ride it:

1. walk as if they were walking normally,
2. hold Compass in mainhand to make it automatically go where player is facing,
3. hold Compass in offhand to "lock" a direction and make it continually go there.

The tamed Golems in this datapack have new behaviors:

1. they will attack any mob, which attacks their owner,
2. they will defend their owner from any mob attacking them.

The datapack also adds an individual twist to each Golem: attributes and 63 unique traits!
Attributes define each Golem's health, speed, damage and fuel efficiency, which determines how fast Golem's health depletes when riding.
Each Golem has two random traits, which can positively or negatively alter movement speed, attributes, fighting capabilities and more.

Iron Ingots, in addition to repairing a Golem, can also upgrade their attributes and traits. Spyglass allows to status check Golems. By hitting them with a Spyglass, player can get an overview about their owner, statistics (hp, damage, speed), attributes and traits.
Spyglass can also be directly used to check whether Golem is player created and has an owner.

Lodestone is another useful item in leading Golems. When holding it in hand, nearby owned and tamable Golems will follow the player.


There are 2 types of Iron Golems in Minecraft:

1. Non-player Created, generating naturally in Villages or Pillager Outposts,
2. Player Created, by placing 4 Iron Blocks in T-shape and Carved Pumpkin on top to create them.
Only the second type (Player Created) can be tamed. When the Golem is created, it is automatically tamed. For Golems created before installing this datapack, the "finders keepers" rule applies - a player using Iron Ingot on such Golem will tame it. A tamed Golem is forever bound to its owner.


Each player can very easily mount their Golems - by hitting them with an empty hand or a Compass. The datapack tries to compensate the health loss caused by hitting your Golem (make sure it has at least 1 hp first!)


When on a Golem, walking mechanics work the same (using arrow keys).

Golems cannot jump or swim and they sink in water (unless they have a special trait). They also take no fall damage.
If you have Compass in your main hand, Golem will automatically walk in the direction you're looking.

If you have Compass in your off hand, Golem will lock in the direction and continue going that path. This way you can walk and face different directions.
Just remember to switch hands quickly not to fall off a cliff.

Holding Recovery Compass in any hand will make golem walk 33.3% faster (and double the wear out tempo, see Attributes and Fuel Efficiency).
The last important thing to know is that when there's a hostile mob nearby, the Golem will try to walk to it it even if you're controlling it.

It will result in Golem not walking exactly the straight path you want it to.

Tamed Behavior

Original Golem AI only attacks nearby hostile mobs.
Your Golems will also attack any mob which attacks you, e.g. wolves.
They will also attack any mob which you attack, even Villagers. There are limitations to what Golems can attack:
- can't attack Creepers or other Players (hardcoded AI)
-will not attack mobs owned by you (your other Golems or your pets)
-will not attack Player Created Golems which are tameable (without owner)
Golems can still attack other player's Golems and Non Player Created ones. Be careful not to strike other player Golem by mistake, this can lead to a Golem fight!


Using Iron Ingot on a Golem restores it 25 health. The only difference in this datapack is that if Golem is not fully upgraded, it will be healed up to 99.99% instead of 100%, so it's possible spam many Iron Ingots for upgrading.
This mechanic can be disabled/enabled by following commands:

/trigger irongolem.disable_infinite_repair
/trigger irongolem.enable_infinite_repair

Status Checking

When hitting a Golem with Spyglass, you can immediately see its owner, stats, attributes and traits.

The datapack tries to compensate the health loss caused by hitting the Golem (make sure it has at least 1 hp first!)
Hitting Golems with Spyglass shouldn't cause aggression towards you or it (unless you do more dmg due to Strength).

If you want to know who the Golem belongs to and if it is tameable, you can use the Spyglass to show particles near each Golem:
- Hearts mean the Golem is yours,
- Angry Villager particles mean Golem is Non Player Created,
- Black hearts mean the Golem is someone else's,
- Green glow means the Golem is tameable.
The particles can be disabled/enabled by following commands:

/trigger irongolem.disable_spyglass_particles

/trigger irongolem.enable_spyglass_particles

Leading Golems

When holding Lodestone block in any hand, all nearby your and tameable Golems will walk towards you at 75% speed.

This is useful if you want to move multiple golems or lead them to particular place.
Keep in mind the Golems don't pathfind, but walk to you in a straight line. A useful tip is to hold Compass in one hand and Lodestone in another if you want to move multiple Golems while riding one.


This Datapack introduces Attribute system. There are 4 attributes:

- Max Health,
- Movement Speed,
- Attack Damage,
- Fuel Efficiency.

Each Attribute has 101 levels, from level 0 to 100 inclusive.
Each Golem starting attributes are random, initially roughly between 0 and 50.

The more Golems you create and upgrade, the higher the upper cap becomes.
In order to level up attributes to lvl 100, you need to use Iron Ingots to upgrade the Golem.
How Each attribute scales between lvl 0 and 100 (and what's the original Iron Golem default):

- Max Health between 75 and 175 Health (100 originally),
- Movement Speed between 0.2 and 0.4 (0.25 originally),
- Attack Damage Speed between 12 and 24 (15 originally),
- Fuel Efficiency Speed between 75% and 150%.

Fuel Efficiency is an inconvenience, which makes Iron Golem's health slowly deplete when you are riding it.
Each step you take slowly wears out your Golem. It's not a huge number, but adds a cost mechanic to having your all-in-one bodyguard & vehicle by your side. What changes is you need to have some Iron Ingots with you to heal the Golem when travelling long distances.
The higher level of Fuel Efficiency, the slower the Health drains. When Golem health is under 75%, it receives a riding speed penalty, dependent on missing hp, up to 50% slow:
- 100% hp = 0% slow,
- 75% hp = 0% slow,
- 50% hp = 16.7% slow,
- 37.5% hp = 25% slow,
- 0.01% hp = 50% slow.


Traits are unique bonuses for Iron Golems. They can improve speed, stats, give auras and more. They can be positive or negative.

Each Golem starts with two traits - one positive and one negative.
The negative trait can be eventually upgraded to a positive one. So even if you roll a really bad trait, keep in mind you can upgrade it.


Every time you heal a Golem, there's a:

-96% chance to upgrade one random Golem attribute,
-4% chance to upgrade one Golem trait.
Upgrading a Golem creates particles.

(!) Useful Triggers (!)

Click to expand Useful triggers
/trigger irongolem.guidebook - gives the player the Guidebook
/trigger irongolem.stats - shows stats (how many Golems you've tamed, how many upgrades etc. + what's your max attribute roll)

/trigger irongolem.disable_spyglass_particles
/trigger irongolem.enable_spyglass_particles
/trigger irongolem.disable_infinite_repair
/trigger irongolem.enable_infinite_repair

(!) List of Traits (!)

Click to expand list of Traits

- Min Lvl: -20% riding speed in Water

- Max Lvl: +40% riding speed in Water, doesn't sink in water

Dirt Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed on Dirt

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed on Dirt

Endstone Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed on Endstone

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed on Endstone

Grass Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Grass

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Grass

Ice Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed on Ice

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed on Ice

Indoor Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed on Logs, Planks and Wool

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed on Logs, Planks and Wool

Terrain Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed on Gravel, Mud and Clay

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed on Gravel, Mud and Clay

Netherrack Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed on Netherrack

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed on Netherrack

Lightweight Snow Walker

- Min Lvl: -20% riding speed in Snow, doesn't sink in Powder Snow

- Max Lvl: +40% riding speed in Snow, doesn't sink in Powder Snow

Sand Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed on Sand

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed on Sand

Snow Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Snow

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Snow

Soul Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed on Soul blocks

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed on Soul blocks, no Soul Sand riding penalty

Stone Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed on base Stone

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed on base Stone

Terracotta Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed on Terracotta

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed on Terracotta


- Min Lvl: -30% riding speed in Water

- Max Lvl: +100% riding speed in Water

Badlands Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Badlands biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Badlands biomes

Beach Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Beach biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Beach biomes

Cold Walker

- Min Lvl: -20% riding speed in Cold biomes

- Max Lvl: +40% riding speed in Cold biomes

Desert Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Desert biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Desert biomes

Forest Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Forest biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Forest biomes

Hill Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Hill biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Hill biomes

Hot Walker

- Min Lvl: -20% riding speed in Hot biomes

- Max Lvl: +40% riding speed in Hot biomes

Jungle Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Jungle biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Jungle biomes

Mountain Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Mountain biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Mountain biomes

Plains Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in grassy Plains biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in grassy Plains biomes

River Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in River biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in River biomes, doesn't sink in Water in non-Ocean biomes

Savanna Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Savanna biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Savanna biomes

Swamp Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Swamp biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Swamp biomes

Taiga Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in Taiga biomes

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in Taiga biomes

End Walker

- Min Lvl: -15% riding speed in the End

- Max Lvl: +25% riding speed in the End

Nether Walker

- Min Lvl: -15% riding speed in the Nether

- Max Lvl: +25% riding speed in the Nether

Overworld Walker

- Min Lvl: -15% riding speed in the Overworld

- Max Lvl: +25% riding speed in the Overworld

Dark Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in the dark

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in the dark

Depth Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed underground (y < 48)

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed underground (y < 48)


- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in high areas (y > 96)

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in high areas (y > 96)

Sun Walker

- Min Lvl: -25% riding speed in light

- Max Lvl: +50% riding speed in light


- Min Lvl: +5 Armor

- Max Lvl: +11 Armor

Shield Aura

- Min Lvl: +2 armor to players within 16 blocks

- Max Lvl: +5 armor to players within 16 blocks


- Min Lvl: Uncontrollable when chasing an enemy, during which has Speed III

- Max Lvl: Uncontrollable when chasing an enemy, during which has Speed III and Resistance II

Blast Resistance

- Min Lvl: 16% blast damage resistance

- Max Lvl: 64% blast damage resistance

Copper Generation

- Min Lvl: +1 Raw Copper every 30 seconds (max 64), drops when repaired.

- Max Lvl: +1 Raw Copper every 15 seconds (max 64), drops when repaired.

Lava Walker

- Min/Max Lvl: Is immmune to fire, can walk on lava, no Lava riding penalty

Fire Resistance

- Min Lvl: 16% fire resistance, 15% burn time reduction

- Max Lvl: 64% fire resistance, 60% burn time reduction

Frost Walker

- Min Lvl: Has Frost Walker I

- Max Lvl: Has Frost Walker III

Gold Generation

- Min Lvl: +1 Raw Gold every 140 seconds (max 32), drops when repaired.

- Max Lvl: +1 Raw Gold every 80 seconds (max 32), drops when repaired.

Haste Aura

- Min Lvl: Applies Haste I to players within 16 blocks

- Max Lvl: Applies Haste III to players within 16 blocks


- Min Lvl: 33.3% to drop 5 experience when repaired

- Max Lvl: 33.3% to drop 20 experience when repaired

Heavy Armor

- Min Lvl: +4.5 Armor & Armor Toughness

- Max Lvl: +9 Armor & Armor Toughness


- Min Lvl: Grants Invisibility and Resistance I to rider

- Max Lvl: Grants Invisibility and Resistance II to rider

Iron Generation

- Min Lvl: +1 Raw Iron every 150 seconds (max 32), drops when repaired.

- Max Lvl: +1 Raw Iron every 60 seconds (max 32), drops when repaired.

Stability Aura

- Min Lvl: +0.1 knockback resistance to players within 16 blocks

- Max Lvl: +0.4 knockback resistance to players within 16 blocks


- Min/Max Lvl: Levitates if rider holds Recovery Compass


- Min Lvl: -17.5% Max Health

- Max Lvl: +32.5% Max Health


- Min Lvl: -25% Attack Damage

- Max Lvl: +35% Attack Damage


- Min Lvl: -20% damage for arrows shot by player on top of this Golem

- Max Lvl: +40% damage and +1 Pierce for arrows shot by player on top of this Golem

Projectile Resistance

- Min Lvl: 16% projectile damage resistance

- Max Lvl: 64% projectile damage resistance

Resistance Aura

- Min Lvl: Applies Resistance I to players within 16 blocks

- Max Lvl: Applies Resistance II to players within 16 blocks

Rider Empower

- Min Lvl: Grants Strength I to rider

- Max Lvl: Grants Strength III to rider

Slowness Aura

- Min Lvl: Applies Slowness I to hostiles within 16 blocks

- Max Lvl: Applies Slowness II to hostiles within 16 blocks

Swiftness Aura

- Min Lvl: Applies Speed I to players within 16 blocks

- Max Lvl: Applies Speed II to players within 16 blocks


- Min Lvl: -10% Movement Speed

- Max Lvl: +20% Movement Speed


- Min Lvl: Restores 4 health every 24 seconds to players within 24 blocks

- Max Lvl: Restores 4 health every 12 seconds to players within 24 blocks

Toughness Aura

- Min Lvl: +4 armor toughness to players within 16 blocks

- Max Lvl: +8 armor toughness to players within 16 blocks


- Min Lvl: 20% to drop precious items when repaired

- Max Lvl: 50% to drop precious items when repaired

Water Walker

- Min/Max Lvl: Can walk on water, no Water riding penalty

Questions/Ideas/Suggestions/Bugs? Don't hesitate to write in the comments! Enjoy!

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19

4 Update Logs

Update #4 - v1.0.7 : by alderski 02/10/2023 6:24:16 pmFeb 10th, 2023

- two new traits Heavy Armor (armor & armor toughness) and Rider Empower (Strength I - III to riding player)
- more tweaks regarding % weights

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06/07/2023 10:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Glezzoso35's Avatar
I'm studying your code, how do you make the iron golem go up when he's walking towards a +1 block height?

Also sometimes the iron golem I made stops moving for some ticks... weird, yours is so smooth.

Anyways nice job!
06/07/2023 10:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Glezzoso35's Avatar
I'm not trying to rip you off, I'm just making a thing for a friend to be able to ride his wolf in our smp
02/27/2023 2:53 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
AutismWebService's Avatar
Can you make a datapack that makes it so you can move while riding mobs with /ride? (doesnt have to be survival friendly, just wanna mess around with it)
Sculk Sensor
02/11/2023 7:44 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Sculk Sensor's Avatar
02/10/2023 6:40 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Dragonboi's Avatar
I am definitely going to try this out when the update launches
02/11/2023 9:15 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
ItsMatteo's Avatar
You already can with snapshots !
02/07/2023 8:07 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Engineer
ItsMatteo's Avatar
Amazing and underrated datapack !
02/07/2023 9:11 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
alderski's Avatar
Thanks. I just released it so let's give it a while :D If you like it, share it with others!
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