Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Glimmerkin - Origins Mod

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    ExcuseMeMai's Avatar ExcuseMeMai
    Level 15 : Journeyman Princess
    Introducing the Glimmerkin, beings of ethereal beauty and delicate resilience, embody the luminous essence of amethyst crystals within the Minecraft realm, tinted purple and adorned with glowing particle effects, evoking both awe and caution in those who encounter their shimmering presence.

    🟩 Amethyst Veil: The bearer gains improved cave vision, effortlessly finds treasures, and moves swiftly with unmatched agility in the depths, endowed by underground essence.

    🟩 Ethereal Transcendence: Glimmerkin can harness the power to transcend into the veil they will get a speed boost and go fully invisible hiding armour, only detectable by an amethyst ding. They will reappear after 5 seconds where they will be greeted with a 30 second cooldown.

    🟩 Lucky: Glimmerkin have an innate connection to both the earth's energies and ethereal realms renders it a beacon of extraordinary luck.

    🟪 Brighter Than Diamonds: Glimmerkin emit a radiant aura akin to shimmering amethyst crystals, glowing softly with purple hues and emitting sparkling particles as they move through the Minecraft realm, captivating all who behold them.

    🟥 Brittle Resilience: Glimmerkin delicate, crystal-like nature renders them more vulnerable to physical harm than other beings in the Minecraft realm, resulting in limited maximum health and increased susceptibility to injuries and perilous situations. This leads to a decrease in saturation as well as slower regen.

    🟥 Sunlight Aversion: Despite their ethereal nature, Glimmerkin possess a strong aversion to direct sunlight, experiencing unease and vulnerability when exposed to its rays. This discomfort slows them down and makes them more susceptible to harm.

    (Inspired By Dori's Crystalborne Datapack)
    CreditMain Development and Concept Design and Programming - Mai | Concept Help and Code Assistance - Dori1 (Crystalborne) | TheLuxuryShovel - Syntax Fixer and Formatting Help
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19
    toMinecraft 1.20

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    • 02/16/2024 7:29 pm
    • Level 15 : Journeyman Princess
    ExcuseMeMai's Avatar
    Update: 1.1.1:
    Fixed an incorrectly zipped file
    • 02/16/2024 4:48 pm
    • Level 15 : Journeyman Princess
    ExcuseMeMai's Avatar
    Update 1.1.0:
    New Cooldown Bar For Ethereal Transcendence
    Patched a bug where you keep slowness and weakness
    Added particle effects to show where you went into the void
    Planet Minecraft


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