Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

Kai's Decay & DeVine: Plant Growth AI, Custom Biome, Upkeep, Archaeology, Structure Decay V8 {1.19.2}

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kaimedina's Avatar kaimedina
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
Kai's Decay & DeVine: Plant Growth AI, Custom Biome, Upkeep, Archaeology, Structure Decay  V8 {1.19.2} Minecraft Data Pack

This datapack is currently discontinued. The file was fixed since planetminecraft corrupted it, but I do recommend going into the datapack and removing the folders dimension + worldgen if you are trying to use it in 1.20 and want new biomes. No promises on if it still works well, but on very quick testing it seems to function with those removed in 1.20.


What happens when projects and builds go unattended for too long? This bit of code will add several new features to the game, some never before implemented: natural plant spread AI, structural decay, water sprinklers, phantom nests, Archaeology, various methods of upkeep, slight block gravity for certain instances of decay, advancements, special compatibility with certain datapacks, custom loot tables, the trenches biome, and much more. It's all a bit of a slow burn, but it's worth it!

When you leave an old tower outside town alone too long, you might find nature had other plans for it.

This datapack is still being updated fairly often! Favorite the post to get updates!! The Update Logs at the bottom of the page; above the comments, will refresh you on what's new. Last Update: May 16, 2022

1.19 only works for 22w18a+

And if the Americans out here want some great plant growth in real life, check out this great guide (w prizes!) to native pollinator plants! https://www.wildlifecenter.org/pollen

Plant Spread
Plant Spread
Note: plants only spread in loaded chunks. See commands section to change range.

Plant growth will come in stages, slowly overgrowing areas in loaded-in chunks that are not attended to.

Leaves and Mossy Blocks, aka spreaders (Leaves, Vines, Mossy Stone Bricks, Mossy Cobblestone, Moss Block), when near stone bricks wood planks and cobblestone, will start to vine through and infect others with the moss. The start of a vine must be in direct sunlight to grow (based on the mechanics of a spreadplayer command used in the code), but the start of a vine can seep indoors. Wood planks can be carriers of the vine, but will only help vines get to the stone bricks/cobble.

Other building blocks that don't naturally occur in nature will also begin spreading moss carpet which acts as a spreading agent but does not give any of the below effects. Mossy carpet on polished blocks have a chance of unpolishing the blocks. Higher chance and moss carpet spread during rain. (1.19+ only)

Once enough blocks near become mossy, they'll start developing moss carpet on the top of them, which then can turn a whole block nearby into a moss block!

vine will start to spawn on the sides of mossy blocks.

Beneath mossy blocks, spore flowers and roots will form. These are more aesthetics if anything, but roots can be sponged off and provide small bits of loot. I made sure to code everything so you won't have a grid of every single block with roots beneath it, just the occasional one. A tidy mess.

Horizontal pillars of mossy blocks (one block wide/tall, multiple blocks in a x or z direction) will deteriorate over time at random - they may turn into slabs or stairs, and slabs may fall down due with some gravity. Horizontal pillars will not deteriorate like this if they're on the ground.

If a mossy block is by a lower mossy block (say the bottom of the wall and the floor), biome specific leaves may form.

too many moss blocks around may make a nearby mossy block fall down (and often the block that falls might break on landing)

Moss blocks open to the sky have a slight chance of growing a biome specific tree, if the conditions for a tree to grow are right, if none others are growing nearby.

Grass blocks have a small chance to grow more grass blocks on top of mossy blocks, if the bricks are one block down (aka a floor of mossy stone bricks with a grass block a layer above it, forming an added layer). Grass will not jump up or down a block. If directly below a grass block lays a mossy block, that's enough for the sun to do it's stuff. A tree may grow on a grass block above a mossy block, and to signify that it wants to grow, the grass block will turn into podzol.

If a mossy block/leaf has a pumpkin or melon by it, there is a slight chance more melons and pumpkins will grow along anywhere on the vine, as long as it's not within 3 blocks of any others. Melons and Pumpkins compete, so if the start of the spread is too close together, neither will spawn new blocks.

Moss blocks can be crafted using loot from mossy drops, shapeless recipe (should be in the recipe book): 2 sticks, 2 vines, 2 wheat seeds, 2 slimeballs, and a podzol block.

Random other details

Bamboo may start appearing on moss blocks in jungles.

Player heads on a mossy block -> skulls

Lilypads may grow by mossy blocks near water.

Azalea shrubs specifically will not be growth blocks because they are well kept bushes.

Cracked stone bricks when infected with moss will turn into mossy cobble.

Plants likely will not spread in the nether - there's no water on sun, just my items lost somewhere in a fortress.

1.19+ only:

Wood spread!

Wood planks can now spread moss too! The mangrove root block forms the perfect texture to vine through wood planks.

- this will only happen if block destruction is on (see commands, on by default)

- this will only happen if wood destruction is on (see commands, on by default)
  • If there is a moss-causing block nearby and partly open to the sun (moss block, leaves, mossy cobble, vines, mossy stone brick, mangrove roots, etc), then there is a chance that wood planks can turn into mangrove roots
  • Mangrove roots have a lower spread speed compared to mossy stone bricks due to their block-destructive nature. They will normally spread 1/4 as fast, but speed up to 1/2 as fast during rain
  • They will only infect wood planks if 2 or less of the blocks close to them are also mangrove roots
  • They will also have a high chance of getting mossy carpet on them
  • Hanging roots will be twice as common on mangrove roots compared to mossy bricks and cobble
  • Lilypads, Cobwebs, leaf spawning, Beehive, Spore Flowers, and Vines all work as well, but they will not turn into moss blocks or create trees (so that mangrove trees don't start spawning their own trees)
  • mangrove trees thus naturally grow moss carpet, mangrove roots, lilypads, and cobwebs too
Note: no interaction yet with wood slabs, logs, stairs.

Non-Plant Decay
Non-Plant Decay
Cracked Bricks

- falling from a very high distance can crack bricks
- Arrows of any kind now damage stone bricks (watch out for skeletons!)
- Cold Biomes:
  - Cracked bricks spread in cold biomes due to ice wedging: ice freezing in the cracks and the water within expanding, enlarging cracks
  - If desctruction is on, then cracked bricks also have a 1/8 chance of turning to packed ice, which will also spread cracks nearby
  - Ice spreads quicker in cracked brick - contrast to the moss mechanic where it'll mainly just chance one block per found mossy block, it has that 1/8 chance of turning ice every time the detector moves through a cracked block to crack some more
  - if a mossy block is next to a cracked block in a cold biome, a mix of effects might occur. Not sure which it'll favor.

Cobwebs will not spread blocks, but they can form on the corners of mossy/cracked ceilings. They have a small chance of spawning a cave spider. I chose not to use a normal spider, due to their size causing some quick deaths.

Dripstone can form if there's a mossy/cracked block under a water block.

In the future I'll update the last two to include cracked brick as a cause, just too busy at this exact moment to fix em.

Fire (1.19+ only)
  • Dropped torches (item form) now ignite most flammable overworld blocks and melt normal ice
  • On by default, turn off by turning off destruction or
    /scoreboard players set DoTorchFire DoTorchFire 0
    (replace 0 with 1 to turn it back on)

  • cleans moss off of mossy cobble block and mossy stone brick block
  • Lights campfires. Dirt also now puts out campfires. So, it is now possible to rig a system to light and put out campfires autonomously.


Because who doesn't like chores? Honestly, some people aren't in the game for the enderdragon and monsters, some just want to tend to the town.

Crafting: You can craft a sponge using 4 string, 3 honeycombs, 1 slimeball, and a bucket of water. Honeycombs were chosen for their waxing mechanic on copper, and to make slimeballs more available, small slimes will now spawn on mossy blocks during rain. A recipe should be displayed in the crafting book, but the recipe is string on the corners, slime in the top middle, bucket in the true middle, and honeycombs everywhere else.

Loot: A wet sponge can clean any nearby mossy blocks that you look at! Mossy blocks have a chance of dropping specific randomized loot based on the block, the weather, and the time of day, to reward your hard efforts. For instance, more slimeballs in the rain, more glow lichen at night. Careful if you're in a stronghold, silverfish don't take to cleanliness. Special loot for those cleaning with the Creepers Code datapack (1.18.2 only, see compatibility)

The Sponge: You will never run out of uses on a sponge, but you will need water. A sponge can dry 21 blocks, and then will dry up. You can prevent this drying by carrying a water bucket or water bottle on hand, which will be used up (returning the bucket/bottle), to wet your sponge.

Weather: If it is raining, and you are standing in the rain, you will not need to wet your sponge. Lightning strikes can also clean up moss for you, and there's a special advancement for those who clean with lightning rods.

Spackle: When falling from a tall tall height, and landing on stone bricks, you'll crack them! Use clay bits to patch it up.

Desire Paths Inspired by this datapack, when you walk on mossy cobble or mossy bricks, you have a chance of smushing out the moss. Same on walls (walls not blocks used as walls) you walk by. If you rub up against the bottom of a mossy block and the top of one at the same time, you might trip and get momentary slowness.

Air Filtration: Looms happen to look like AC units! Wonderful! They will act as air filters and prevent the spread of any moss within a 15 block range.

Fire (1.19+ only): Fire / Non-Soul-Campfires will prevent moss growth and ice wedging 1-2 blocks above it.

Random Blocks: Most blocks used as roofing will prevent any growth, heck even glass (for now, I'll probably update that somewhere down the line, I just thought of it while typing this). However, oddly specifically, fully oxidized non-copper blocks can allow a vine to grow beneath it.

Sponges will also pick up overworld mushrooms, but not blocks.

Mold: careful! Wet sponges left outside near plant blocks can turn into moss blocks!

Sprinkler System (1.19+ only)

- Place a splash potion of water in an item frame to form the sprinkler
- A sprinkler needs to be powered by a redstone torch or redstone block, either a block above the block the item frame is on, or a block below, with air open to the opposite direction.
- wets farmland and puts out fires / campfires - 6x6 range, with height dependent on direction of redstone power.
- Bees take damage when too close, will not function in nether
- You can now make a proper fire alarm using a burnable block and an observer that links to a redstone torch/block connected to the water sprinkler.
- particles will let you know it's on

Sheep will eat moss off of blocks (or whole moss blocks) and regrow their wool, providing an advancement to those nearby, and occasionally dropping moss loot.
Goats will also eat moss off these blocks, but at twice the speed!
Bees will make hives in old abandoned windows, but don't worry! They don't like forming too close together. Bees take damage by sprinklers
Slimes will spawn on mossy blocks during the rain to help provide slime for recipes. Only small variants will spawn.
Phantoms: Oh did I forget to mention? Within 25 blocks of y=115 if there's mossy blocks up there, phantom nests have a chance to spawn. They won't summon more phantoms, unless you crack open the egg when trying to retrieve it. Use white wool to carefully grab those eggs! Keep holding the wool until you're a good couple blocks away from the nest, so to not shake it up. Why did I add this? My server calls them pigeons.
Creepers in minecraft lore, blow up to spread their algae to make more creepers. Don't worry I havn't added creeper spawning mechanics (yet...), but they will turn cobblestone and stone bricks into their mossy variants upon an explosion.
Silverfish can be sponged out of their blocks! But if you try and repair cracked stone bricks, it might take two layers to patch up their work.
Cave Spiders: Cobwebs will not spread blocks, but they can form on the corners of mossy ceilings. They have a small chance of spawning a cave spider. I chose not to use a normal spider, due to their size causing some quick deaths.
Pillagers and Illusioners: spawn within the trenches biome, along with some other mobs. Illusioners are super rare but possible.

Trenches Biome (1.19+)

Trenches Biome (1.19+)

New Biome: The Trenches

Summary: This biome showcases the ruins of two nations, once at the brink of war, now covered in moss and dirt. This new addition to the game has the purpose of allowing either reconstruction and the cleaning features of this datapack, or continued ruin as you and friends fight eachother in this new domain.

New Structures: Windmill (appears in several biomes, the rest only appear in the trench biome), landmines (2 varieties), trenches (3 varieties), towers/reconstructed windmills (2 varieties), mini hill bunkers (3 varieties), a tnt canon, abandoned village houses, graves, decayed fountain, archways, raillines, and a forgotten statue.

All of the structures are small-medium sized, nothing huge, and can be found throughout this biome at different rates, with some special, simple loot tables. They often spawn with randomized damage, so sometimes the canon will fire far and hard, sometimes it might just explode!


If you are in a new world:

/locatebiome waxon:trenches

If you are an old world the biome detection can have some issues, so I suggest looking for a specific structure. Run a /reload beforehand. Graves are pretty common.

To find specific structures (autofill after waxon:)

/locate waxon:
/locate waxon:grave

Recommended Multiplayer Gamemode:

I recommend creating a new world with this datapack, but setting it to World Type: Single Biome, and scroll to find waxon:trenches. Additionally, install this datapack which centers a worldborder on the average player location. Finally, run the Simple Voice Chat Mod for the latest 1.19 version available on it. Set keep inventory on, set teams of 2, and duke it out to see who has the most kills/least deaths!

Player Heads (1.19+)

Player Heads (1.19+)
Player Heads

To aid in the fun with the gamemode listed in the biome section above, on death you now have a chance to drop a skull. If killed by a player you have a 100% chance of dropping a player head. If killed via explosion, you're bones are but bonemeal. Heads will now auto place themselves on the ground if an air block provides after a few seconds, and if no other items are within a block away (to prevent multiple heads glitching and being lost).

Player heads sitting too long in a block thats not air (such as grass) will eventually decay into a skull.

Note: this does not affect the player heads within archeology, at least as long as they don't have a skull inside of them...

Archaeology Prototype (1.19+)
Archaeology Prototype (1.19+)
Kai's Decay & DeVine: Plant Growth AI, Custom Biome, Upkeep, Archaeology, Structure Decay  V8 {1.19.2} Minecraft Data Pack


The current archaeology features are a prototype, they're fully functional but I plan on adding more to it eventually. At the moment it only functions within dirt within the trenches biome, as those are the only place where there remains so much ruin. Future plans may affect other biomes, like adding desert features with excavation site structures.

- To use this feature, you must make a trowel! Simply plop a stick in the crafting table, with a smooth stone slab above it. You can also make an iron trowel by using the same recipe, but with an additional iron pressure plate above that.
- When digging dirt you have a chance to find a handful of ancient objects in the form of player heads! In the future I also plan to give these finds purpose; at the moment it's all decorative.

Other Features
Other Features
Advancements exist to help remind you of the features in this datapack. You can unlock them by cleaning a lot, by cleaning specific naturally generated structures, by dirty-ing pillager towers, by being near animals that chomp moss or lightning that spawns it, graverobbing, and so forth.

Hidden advancements for those using the Creepers Code datapack (tested in 1.18.2) for the Tundra Keep (mossing it up, cleaning, or fixing cracked stone). More hidden advancements in 1.19+ for those using Nova structures (cleaning up ruined town, living in it, bringing villagers back, cleaning up underground home structure).

The above datapacks are not required to use this one


Note: Certain features might not be on by default if you've used a previous version of this pack in your world

Block Destruction:
This will be on by default and is recommended to allow half of the plant features. If it is off, then everything that is infected with plants should be able to be cleaned back to it's original state. If it is on, then moss blocks, bee hives, horizontal pillars, etc will degrade a build after a while, so small holes may be taken out of it beyond repair. Don't worry, this pack should never destroy the whole building, just add these nice plant aesthetics. Really it would just be random bits of cobble or brick missing.

/function waxon:destructionon
/function waxon:destructionoff

Wood Spread (1.19+ only)

If the above destruction setting is on, and the wood destructive setting is on, then wood planks will spread moss via turning into mangrove roots. It is on by default.

Off: /scoreboard players set WoodDestruction WoodDestruction 0

On: /scoreboard players set WoodDestruction WoodDestruction 1

Torch item causing fire (1.19+ only)

On by default, off if destruction is off, sets fires on flammable substances that torches land on

Off: /scoreboard players set DoTorchFire DoTorchFire 0
On: /scoreboard players set DoTorchFire DoTorchFire 1

Find the Trenches Biome (1.19 Only)

If you are in a new world:

/locatebiome waxon:trenches

If you are an old world the biome detection can have some issues, so I suggest looking for a specific structure. Run a /reload beforehand. Graves are pretty common

To find specific structures (autofill after waxon:)

/locate waxon:
/locate waxon:grave

Size/Timing of Plant Spread
So here's how the plant spread works: an armorstand is randomly sent to a block via /spreadplayers. Based on how this is coded only one stand can exist, but it will be equally distributed between players. So more players = slower growth, but hey that's probably good when it comes to how long a server map might be up. So what can be changed is the size of the spreadplayers radius - this means more blocks that the stand can possibly land on and infect if they're next to a plant/mossy source. More blocks, means it might take more time for it to randomly find your build.

The default range is 40 blocks centered around players. I'm not sure on the math when it comes to timing. If you want to change it, below is the command.

/scoreboard players set MossRange MossRange VALUE

replace VALUE with one of the following numbers (no comma), this will be how many blocks away the stand can go. Make sure blocks this far away are loaded in via chunks, and that entities can still move that far away (simulation distance settings).

1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60

Small numbers exist if you want to specifically moss up where you are, and a specific build. I have not tested these numbers enough, because that would take a lot of time to do so. Please report back how you liked the timing at whatever range you play on. If plants arn't spreading quick enough for you, lower the value, but they just won't spread as far away (more abandoned builds).

The video in this post is at a MossRange of 10, with default tick speed. I have not yet tried messing around with tick speed, but it could make things move faster. I'll test that all out more soon. At the default 40 block range default tick speed in my singleplayer, it's been moving at a pace I'm happy with. It's a slow burn, but when more blocks are mossy, it'll spread quicker.

Raising Tick Speed

/gamerule randomTickSpeed 3

3 is the default tick speed in the game, by raising it, time passes quicker (crops grow faster, moss spreads faster) - however this will need higher performance from your computer, and could cause moss to stop working if it gets set too too high. When changing tick speed, experiment with a moss range of 1 in an area of stone bricks with one mossy stone brick nearby, to watch how the pace changes.


Compatibility: Versions, Multiplayer, and Datapacks

This datapack is multiplayer compatible, but of course if any bugs arise let me know.
This datapack was made for 1.18.2 and 1.19
The 1.18.2 version still works in 1.19, but it just has less features

Update: If you are using the new datapack with a custom biome, it will not be compatible with other datapacks that use similar 1.19 mechanics to change world generation, such as other biomes. To disable this datapacks custom biome and still use other features, go to the datapacks minecraft folder, and delete the dimension folder. Then go within the waxon folder and delete the worldgen folder. You can also likely do this in other datapacks. If you're fancy and know a little about how datapacks work, instead of deleting folders, you can combine both datapacks overworld folder within that dimension folder to make both datapacks possibly compatible.

I coded it so that no command/scoreboard/etc should interfere with other datapacks, however if something in their code messes up armor stands (they are used to cause plant growth) or other very specific things, then it might not work.

All in all, it should work with future versions and most other non world-gen related datapacks.

Added Special Compatibility with Nova Structures (tested for 1.19+ before the biome update):
Note: Decay and Devine Datapack still functions without nova structures

Nova Datapack specific advancements:
- clean up the novas ruined town (50+ blocks)
- live in the town for roughly an hour
- bring villagers back to the nova town
- summon an iron golem in nova town
- clean up the underground home structure (10+ blocks)

all with the goal to encourage fixing up the town and living round there.

Added Special Compatibility with the Creepers Code (tested for 1.18.2):
Note: Decay and Devine Datapack still functions without Creepers Code

- Hidden advancements for adding 5 mossy stone brick blocks to the Tundra Keep, for cleaning it, and for repairing cracks in it.
- 20% chance of iceologer loot for filling cracks in Tundra Keep
- 5% chance of getting snail muscus when cleaning moss, 2% chance of getting a bat wing, 0.5% ancient acorn when cleaning in a old growth spruce taiga
- Creepers code is NOT required to use Decay and DeVine features.

Other Tested Datapacks
(Tested and functional with this datapack, not tested for all at once, not tested with Creepers Code)

* My other datapacks (though just don't hang in the lobby too long in chainworld, things would still keep growing)
* TreeCapitator (tested in 1.18.2)
* Terralith (tested in 1.18.2) - though remember: high elevation will getchu phantom nests
* BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack (tested in 1.18.2)
* Dynamic Lighting (tested in 1.18.2)
* Advancement Heartlink (tested in 1.18.2, Decay & DeVine will not add advancement hearts)


To install, download the pack, and unzip it. Open the folder that gives you, and only use the contents of the minecraft version you will play in (1.18.2, or 1.19+ (should hopefully work in future versions))

You will have to move the two folders inside of that into the datapacks folder. One is the datapack (titled waxon in 1.18 version, titled decay and devine in the 1.19 version). The other, titled Minecraft-Random-main, allows for random numbers to be generated, which this pack needs.

If it has successfully installed, a message should appear in the chat saying so, as long as you hadn't installed an old version of the pack prior.

You can always test if the pack is working, if you do /function waxon:
and let that autocomplete. You can also go to the commands section and make the range a low number, so you can test it out on some cobble/stone/plant blocks. /locate waxon:trenches should also see if its installed, an in a new world, where the biome is.

Room to Grow
Room to Grow
This datapack has room for expansion and updates! Throw any ideas or bugfixes you have, and feel free to make a pack that is compatible with it, or list datapacks that go well with it! You are free to learn from my (messy) code, and if you use what you learn from it elsewhere, please give proper credit to myself and this pack! You are not free to make an update to the pack itself, only compatible expansions.

Feel free to share any content using this pack (videos and such), just send them my way after cause I'd love to see it!

Possible Glitches

Possible Glitches + Solutions
1. Stone bricks keep cracking beneath feat - This seems to be caused by a skeleton shooting you, more commonly a multiplayer issue, making an arrow imbedded in the player that will keep cracking blocks for 1-2 minutes, possibly? It's been hard to replicate, just wait it out for a minute or two.
2. Sometimes lightning cleaning moss wont give an advancement
3. Sometimes destroying a phantom nest dosn't spawn a phantom
4. Sometimes creeper explosions don't spread moss
5. If you are in 1.19 and you are getting cleaning achievements for structures when you are not in one, redownload the datapack, I fixed this.
6. Sometimes random stone brick blocks open to the sky just get mossy...honestly this might just be a normal feature, it's not that fast anyway.
7. Sometimes structures spawn weird in new biome within water. If you installed in a preexisting world, the new biome might be hard to find with locatebiome, use /locate on a waxon:grave instead

Is it working?
Is it working?
sometimes the announcement of the pack in the ingame chat dosn't work. Oof.

You can always test the pack by going to the commands section on this page, and using a range of 1, then standing next to stone bricks with leaves next to it, then waiting a moment. Things will definitely have to take time though for general builds unfortunately.

The more moss and leaves around moss-spreading-blocks will cause them to spread faster, so it takes a moment to get started, but once a good green patch forms it'll kick more into gear.

You can actually watch the armour stand up above you in motion in spectator view! every few moments it'll teleport 20 blocks above you then spreadplayers to a nearby location depending on the range. If it finds moss you can watch the stand move through the vine. If it's just floating up above you, then make sure you have mossy/leaf blocks around you so it has a block to land on. If it's still floating, then it might indeed not be working.

Final test if it's working (1.19+ only), easiest of them all: Drop a torch on a wood plank. If the plank catches fire, you're good to go! Or craft the trowel, with a smooth stone slab over a stick in a crafting table!


This datapack was made by Kai Medina

Thank you to the /r/minecraftcommands discord for help with my many coding questions, Endblock for desire line inspiration www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/desire-lines/, Aeldrion for included random number generator github.com/Aeldrion/Minecraft-Random

My prototype that spawned this datapack: www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/concept-prototype-tutorial-reward-structure-repair/
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
toMinecraft 1.19

19 Update Logs

Update #18 : by kaimedina 05/10/2023 4:19:53 pmMay 10th, 2023

File Fixed

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09/30/2023 1:13 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
CosmicPelt's Avatar
Is there a way I can remove structures and biomes in a safe way? Datapacks that include biome and structure generations tend to just break my server and I really can't find any other datapack at all that ages buildings and such, apart from mods. Got anything?
07/11/2023 5:46 am
Level 43 : Master Warrior
HAK0TA538's Avatar
How do you just like detect blocks in the world and change them without causing lag (Summoning a armor stand or area effect cloud for every block in the world is INCREDIBLY laggy of course)
07/11/2023 10:04 amhistory
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
kaimedina's Avatar
Good question! I have an armor stand that gets summoned somewhere high up above the player. Then I use a spreadplayer command to randomly send it across the map in an area around the player. This will only affect areas in sunlight, which happens to work for plants thankfully. Then when the stand lands, it'll check the block below it. If it is a plant block that will spread decay, it will then send the armor stand in a random direction and convert that block. If it hits another decayed block, it will repeat up to a certain amount of times. I don't remember the specifics but if it hits too many it might dive down (it can get stuck in forest leaves moving all through the trees otherwise) and then die if it keeps hitting too many. Once it dies, a new one will summon and the process will repeat. Gravity is on for a stand, so say falling leaves can still impact blocks far below them, so sometimes it might go to a random block to its side if falling too long, which also means the farther down, the theoretically bigger range for plant infection (which makes sense comparing to your real life counterparts, like a tree releasing seeds from a cliff).

Unfortunately I will admit I went a bit complicated in how much I wanted in the pack (which worked for me at the time being), but all the different things did end up causing some lag or problems over time. I invite anyone to dissect my code and make their own versions, as long as they give credit.
05/28/2023 9:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ParagonTheParagon's Avatar
it worked once but it seems its broken, maybe try to split the pack up into smaller packs?
05/03/2023 11:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4549684G's Avatar
straight up does not work. datapack is invalid.
05/10/2023 4:14 pmhistory
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
kaimedina's Avatar
Some of the files that were previously uploaded seem to be straight up missing. I think they were lost in the planetminecraft system itself, corrupted. Gonna try to refind them somewhere (new computer but I probably have a world backed up somewhere with it) over the next few days

Update: Fixed!
05/12/2023 12:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4549684G's Avatar
still not working. still invalid. taking the folder out of the main one lets the world open but nothing happens. also it's not the 1.19 version
05/12/2023 8:44 am
Level 36 : Artisan Engineer
kaimedina's Avatar
Sorry bud, working on my end & V8-2 is not the minecraft version it's the datapack version.
05/28/2023 9:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ParagonTheParagon's Avatar
are you putting it in after world creation?
07/17/2022 3:55 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Modder
Gurkis's Avatar
Cool datapack, but I think the ruins and archaelogy should go in a seperate pack. Player heads being dropped is a random feature that doesn't fit in this pack.
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