• check_circle Functions
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Leros69's Avatar Leros69
Level 35 : Artisan uwu
WARNING! The file uploaded contains 3 datapacks. Select which one you want to use based on the difficulty

With this datapack, you'll always have to move. Not in just any direction, you must move up or down. The datapack does this by recording your Y position every 5/10 seconds (based on difficuly). If your current Y position is the same as your Y position the last time it recorded it, well, you're dead. So try to move and not die.

As I mentioned in the beginning, there are 3 difficulties:
Hard- There's a 5 second delay between "vYbe checks" and it doesn't show your last position.

Medium- The delay is still the same, 5 seconds but there's a bar that shows your last Y position which can be really useful when you forget where you should go.
Easy- The delay is 10 seconds making it much easier and there's also the bar that shows your last position.

Some notes just for fun:
The hard difficulty is my original datapack, a really hardcore one. I made the other two difficulties because the first one was too hard. I could barely get iron before dying dozens of times.

If you want to use it for something else than just using it in-game, for example making a video about it or having some code from this datapack in your datapack/commands blocks please, credit me. You can use it as long as you credit me.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

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11/15/2019 10:57 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Cake
TomatoCake's Avatar
I do not quite understand the meaning of it.
But well - improvement crates:
1. At Medium and Easy shows the bar your last pos, divided into 255 parts.
2. The color of the bar changes, maybe even just when you're at the same height (or new difficulty).
11/17/2019 3:45 am
Level 35 : Artisan uwu
Leros69's Avatar
I'm not sure what you meant by your first idea but I understood that you would see your last pos from the bar, not from the name of the bar but it could be really difficult to judge where you were.
And for the second idea, I would have to recode my datapack because it only checks your Y pos every 5 seconds because the way it is coded it doesn't need to check more often so I couldn't really do that, for now just use F3.
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