Watch Dogs 2?

Skullduggerycain's Avatar Skullduggerycain6/16/14 6:46 pm
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6/23/2014 7:38 pm
Skullduggerycain's Avatar Skullduggerycain
Hey everyone,

So in my Binge watching of watchdogs today, I finally reached the end of the game.

No spoilers, but as the credits roll, it plays a news show from the world of Watch Dogs, showing [major] plot developments, that all are taking place after the game ends. Some of these non-major-spoiler events are:
-Mayor Rushmore homicide, possibly gang hit?

-Blume PR officer - possibly new mayor candidate?

These and other news announcements hint at future plot events of Watch Dogs, and possibly the rise of other Vigilantes? There are some really interesting interruptions through the newscast, caused by audio broadcasted by DeadSec, threats, plans, and other things.

Tony Key, Ubisoft senior vice president of sales and marketing, told game news sites such as GameSpot and IGN today at E3 that Watch Dogs is now officially a "franchise." Though he wouldn't confirm if Watch Dogs 2 is now in development, he said the commercial success of the first game (it sold 4 million copies in one week) shows that the brand has staying power.

"Creating a new franchise like that is the hardest thing to do in our industry because there's so much risk involved. We're incredibly happy with the sales of the game and the experiences that the people are having. So it's a franchise. It goes into the franchise barn and now we figure out what to do next. It's something that we can build on now."
Stated by Tony Key today.

Ubisoft has also [officially] announced a Watch Dogs Movie, which will be released around the same time as the Far Cry 4 and Rabbids movies.

The evidence is pressing, and it's evident that even though Ubisoft may not be planning on a sequel to Watch Dogs, it's definitely planning on doing further things with the game, even if it's just some more DLC.

So what do you guys think? Leave your thoughts on what you think Ubisoft is thinking of doing with the game below.
Posted by Skullduggerycain's Avatar
Level 33 : Artisan Geek

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06/22/2014 8:36 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Narwhal
MineOut's Avatar
I wont be surprised if Jackson actually turns into a Vigilante.
06/23/2014 7:38 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
The interesting thing is, Jackson shows a lot of character depth, especially towards the end of the game. I think if they do make a sequel to the game, Jackson will definitely have an important role in it, certainly more than the helpless character that he's portrayed as.
06/22/2014 7:41 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
06/17/2014 8:10 am
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
06/16/2014 6:49 pm
She/Her • Level 58 : Grandmaster Grump Pokemon
Azie's Avatar
It's Ubisoft, making the modern day Assassin's Creed that everyone wanted, but they said they wouldn't make in the Assassin's Creed series.

I'll be expecting a Watch_Dogs 2, Watch_Dogs: Brotherhood, Watch_Dogs: Revelations, Watch_Dogs 3, and Watch_Dogs 4: Black Flag.
06/17/2014 8:18 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Explorer
53MP3RF1's Avatar
And apparently, because it's "too much work", they won't have any of these with a female protagonist (I honestly want to see Aiden's sister take up the Vigilante act)

James Therin, Ubisoft technical director
Had female characters been included, Ubisoft would have had to "redo a lot of animation, a lot of costumes." In effect, "It would have doubled the work on those things. And I mean it's something the team really wanted, but we had to make a decision... It's unfortunate, but it's a reality of game development."

Article here.
06/16/2014 6:55 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Geek
Skullduggerycain's Avatar
And then a Watch Dogs Unity because YOLO.
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