Legends of the Emerald Fall RP

TheMooMeister's Avatar TheMooMeister3/14/12 5:57 pm
1 emeralds 170 5
3/14/2012 7:52 pm
DaHomie00's Avatar DaHomie00

Everyone here lives in a large town called Arkest, which is in a huge region known as Rubiseta.
Recently, a huge funnel cloud arrived directly in the center of Rubiseta, and large groups of Monsters were sent out of the cloud and they began to pillage towns.
Warriors fought off these cruel beasts, and made it to the funnel cloud in the center, they jumped in, and only one man survived to tell the tale.
He said beneath the cloud was a paradise, there were fountains, riches, jewels, waterfalls. You may be wondering 'How did anyone not survive? It's a paradise!' well, you couldn't be any more wrong. The ground shook beneath these soldiers that were camping in the Emerald Cave over night, and a massive hole split the ground, and a burst of fire shot out of the hole, killing everyone except this soldier, you now have much more curiosity than these soldiers, you know you may be risking your life to visit this Emerald Cave and destroy the Funnel Cloud, so best you look around town and get ready for you journey...

Character Name:
Describe what your Character looks like:
Good, Neutral, Evil:
Weapon of choice:
Back Story:
Anything else:

My App:
Character Name: Darimi
Describe what your Character looks like: Dark Blue Hair, Leather gloves, Black Tunic, Leather Boots, Brown Belt
Good, Neutral, Evil: Good
Weapon of choice: Bow, Arrow
Back Story: He used to walk around in a huge Forest full of monsters that came from the cloud, living in a tree house shooting each Monster down. He ventured to far into this forest and saw the town known as Arkest in the distance. It was being invaded by Skeletons wielding Axes, quickly shot an arrow at the Skeleton General and it died, and all the other Skeletons retreated.
A plaque of this doing can be found at the Town's gate.
Anything else: Nuh
Gender: Male

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Go here and begin RP if accepted: legends-the-emerald-fall-thread-t59521.html
Posted by TheMooMeister's Avatar
Level 9 : Apprentice Network

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03/14/2012 7:36 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
Scarifar's Avatar
Character Name: Day Dagger
Describe what your Character looks like: Black hair in bangs, blue eyes, brown shirt, dark green leggings, grey cloak.
Good, Neutral, Evil: Neutral, but slightly good
Weapon of choice: Short sword
Back Story: Day was trained by a man who was skilled with swordfighting. He was offered an apprenticeship and accepted. It took many years before perfecting the use of speed and the short sword. Day trained ad trained, until he could run so fast people didn't notice he was gone until the afterimage disappeared. He was trained to get in close and target their blind spots. When his training was complete, he was given a strong short sword and a pair of knives. They smiled and parted ways. Day has been wandering ever since.
Anything else:
Gender: M
03/14/2012 7:52 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dragon
DaHomie00's Avatar
03/14/2012 6:19 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dragon
DaHomie00's Avatar
03/14/2012 6:06 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dragon
DaHomie00's Avatar
Character Name:Dion Frejak
Describe what your Character looks like:
Click to reveal

Good, Neutral, Evil:Good
Weapon of choice:a Greatsword (Really long sword)
Back Story:Basically,Dion is like Cloud from Final Fantasy.But he fell into a hole in the ground.He then noticed that it was the Emerald falls,he said "This is paradise."He then remembered that people who came here died of something he couldn't remember."People died here..." Dion came through a cave and then noticed skeleton's covered with blood all over them."Huh,I guess they were right"."Good thing I brought this grappling hook and my greatsword incase I came in face with a hostile." Just then he went face to face to a stone golem holding a spear.Dion brought out his sword and clashed through the stone golem,breaking him in half with cracks.He came out of the hole using his grappling hook and then went home.
Anything else:nope
Gender:Male (Obviously)

Thats basically it,also this looks fun
03/14/2012 6:13 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
TheMooMeister's Avatar
Thank you, accepted and you are also allowed to accept.
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