Need server help!

Phantomcraft's Avatar Phantomcraft9/15/12 4:06 am
9/15/2012 5:19 am
haribofighter's Avatar haribofighter
... i have a problem.. ive been wanting to get my own server for about a year, now i finally can host one..but, i have no ideas at all. And also nobody will join please help me
Posted by Phantomcraft's Avatar
Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger

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09/15/2012 5:19 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
haribofighter's Avatar
Why you?:why not?
Are you a good pvper:yes
09/15/2012 5:06 am
Level 1 : New Pixel Puncher
Kraytex's Avatar
As Amles123 rightfully said. Getting a player base can be hard. I myself operate a whitelist to try and minimize the wrong type of player joining and shouting their mouth off before quitting. This infact makes it a little harder to recruit, but I went about setting up a FREE forum, which can be done by googling free forums... Once I had one set up, I started advertising my server on these types of forums and asked ppl to submit applications on my forum before I added them.

Players that take the time to do this, in my opinion, are almost always the kind of ppl that i'm looking for. Players that do this are often ones that are sick and tired of joining an endless list of servers only to find next week its gone, been refreshed and all their stuff is gone, or they've logged off for the night, only to find when they log on the next morning their chests are empty, and their house is burnt to the ground.

But, one thing I will say.. You're gonna get it wrong many times before you get it right. Don't be put off.. there's millions of minecraft players out there looking for a server to call home. Sooner or later, you will have a server you are proud of.. so stick with it, and ignore those who don't appreciate your line of thinking.
09/15/2012 5:15 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
Phantomcraft's Avatar
Thank you so much you gave me hope
09/15/2012 4:51 am
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Amles123's Avatar
I would agree with Kraytex. Also, as said above, bukkit is much better than vanilla (default server).

I know the troubles of getting a playerbase on a server as I own a server myself. Google "minecraft server list" and add a listing of your server to all of them (once you have built spawn etc). Sure you will get people who come on, look around and say "this is gay" before promptly disconnecting. That happens to all servers.

Another suggestion I have is to try and become affiliated with a group of servers. I live in New Zealand, and luckily I was able to become affiliated with minecraft.co.nz I have my own subdomain under them and have got a few players who have joined the server through that.

If you are interested in checking out my server to see what I have done, you are welcome. The IP is forsaken.minecraft.co.nz:25569 (The server is The Gods of Minecraft Forsaken - we have a youtube channel under that name as well)

Finally, all I can say is - Don't give up, whatever you do, just keep on promoting it through PMC, Youtube, MC Forums, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook - anything and everything.
09/15/2012 4:50 am
Level 1 : New Pixel Puncher
Kraytex's Avatar
Also you will need to decide what kind of server you want to run. Here are 3 of the most popular.


Basic Minecraft, easy to maintain, but very hard to protect from griefing and cheating.


Minecraft but with plugins. This means that you will be able to add protection to your chests or world if you need to, make life easier with simpler commands, and give you access to many many other features. This kind of server is probably the most popular, however it takes up more RAM, and more CPU usage to run it. It will also mean it will take you some time to get to grips adding and removing plugins, and also configuring them. Its not that hard, but it will take some time if you've never done it before

And thirdly.. TEKKIT.

This is the kind of server I run. Not only will it accept plugins, but also comes packed with built in mods both server and client side. This kind of server will take even more RAM and CPU to run smoothly, but adds new blocks, machines, ores.. and in my opinion, is how Minecraft should be played
09/15/2012 4:38 am
Level 1 : New Pixel Puncher
Kraytex's Avatar
I recommend you join a few servers that don't have whitelists and take a look at how they run there spawns.

When players join my server they spawn in a large room that has partition walls to make sure the player proceeds through to the end of the room, reading the RULES of the server before proceeding out into the world.

So Basically, Player will spawn and be welcomed. He/She will see an archway with a sign in it, and proceed to that. The sign reads "Please take a moment to read the rules before moving on".. they look up to find a wall with RULES, and Exceptions to RULES.. after they read through, they will see another archway.. they move over to it, where the sign allows them to teleport out of the spawn area to the world. They will then find themselves on a small island.. where no monsters can spawn. they spawn with basic armor and stone tools, and they can take a Boat from another sign.. from there, they can sail off in which ever direction they want, to start their own adventure
09/15/2012 4:31 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
Phantomcraft's Avatar
Phantomcraft:x... i have a problem.. ive been wanting to get my own server for about a year, now i finally can host one..but, i have no ideas at all. And also nobody will join please help me

Hi there, as a server owner myself, I HIGHLY recommend you don't just add anyone to OP. You're better of doing it with a close friend, someone you can trust. If you need some advice then just let me know what you're trying to achieve, and what you want from a server, and i'll give you some ADVICE.

Hope it all goes well for you

Thanks for telling me all this =) but sadly a just have a few friends playing minecraft and they are morons... So maybe you could help me?
09/15/2012 4:28 am
Level 1 : New Pixel Puncher
Kraytex's Avatar
Phantomcraft:x... i have a problem.. ive been wanting to get my own server for about a year, now i finally can host one..but, i have no ideas at all. And also nobody will join please help me

Hi there, as a server owner myself, I HIGHLY recommend you don't just add anyone to OP. You're better of doing it with a close friend, someone you can trust. If you need some advice then just let me know what you're trying to achieve, and what you want from a server, and i'll give you some ADVICE.

Hope it all goes well for you
09/15/2012 4:11 am
Level 24 : Expert Artist
asdfjkajksjgf's Avatar
Kk I'm on.

Soo, First of all it needs to be bukkit.

I'll probably need to be op so i can build spawn
09/15/2012 4:21 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
Phantomcraft's Avatar
Im sorry server is acting weird add me on skype : johnxtrp
09/15/2012 4:08 am
Level 24 : Expert Artist
asdfjkajksjgf's Avatar
I'll be an admin and help build spawn.

Give me the ip and I will help you.
09/15/2012 4:10 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Ranger
Phantomcraft's Avatar
Ip =
09/15/2012 4:09 am
Level 1 : New Miner
XxTriggerxX's Avatar
Me too
09/15/2012 4:08 am
Level 74 : Legendary uwu
TheOfficialNano's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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