The end of world?

ingen159260's Avatar ingen15926010/4/13 8:37 pm
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10/15/2013 9:19 pm
iAMtHESushighost's Avatar iAMtHESushighost
What will be the fall of mankind? I think mankind will destroy ourselves. It's kinda sad unless some huge disaster brings mankind together, which almost will never happen because the rich will flee and leave everyone to die.
So what do you think the end of world will be?
Posted by ingen159260's Avatar
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner

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10/15/2013 9:19 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
iAMtHESushighost's Avatar
So in conclusion, With explosions.
10/14/2013 4:59 am
Level 24 : Expert Artist
asdfjkajksjgf's Avatar
You know what, everyone who said that the sun would disappear and we would all die instantly is WRONG. We could actually survive for a few years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rltpH6ck2Kc
10/14/2013 5:08 am
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10/15/2013 2:14 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Geek
fabbef's Avatar
Good point there! Since photosynthesis don't need the light of the sun, but it just need ANY light source, like a lamp, we can survive for billions of years without the sun. It would be hard, but it is possible if the sun doesn't explode.
10/05/2013 11:07 pm
Level 42 : Master Blockhead
Javi_San_Power's Avatar
I like pie.. I don't know why.. I eat pie - Javi_San_Power
10/05/2013 7:14 am
Level 24 : Expert Ninja
EnderPvPsYT's Avatar
Also, I don't know if my life is like some dream or something.

I suffer from alot of pain in my life - So basicaly I would prefer to die..

And half the time my life don't seem real..
10/05/2013 7:12 am
Level 24 : Expert Ninja
EnderPvPsYT's Avatar
Apparently the sun will die, Dunno tho.

But yeah
10/05/2013 7:06 am
Level 31 : Artisan Unicorn
Frankieellen's Avatar
I've just learnt about the big bang in class, I think it would happen again in another 5 or 6 billion years. I would really the future of the world that we are now would be a little more fairer because at the moment we are in a load of poopy-doopy with greedy humans and horribly sick humans!

10/05/2013 7:02 am
Level 26 : Expert Cake
eccsdee's Avatar
Lemons will attack us - wiping out the whole human race
10/05/2013 7:02 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Guard
ST_RD_ST's Avatar
ingen159260What will be the fall of mankind? I think mankind will destroy ourselves. It's kinda sad unless some huge disaster brings mankind together, which almost will never happen because the rich will flee and leave everyone to die.
So what do you think the end of world will be?

The rich will flee? waitasecond that's from the movie Elysium!
10/05/2013 6:46 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
aqok's Avatar
Hopefully a zombie apocalypse and soon, but it will probably be in thousands of years with the sun exploding.
10/05/2013 6:35 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
aqok's Avatar
hopefully zombie apocalypse, but the sun exploding is most likely.
Hearts Glow
10/05/2013 7:11 am
Level 27 : Expert Pony
Hearts Glow's Avatar
Yeah because I'd totally want to get eaten alive and then kill my whole family -.-
10/05/2013 5:16 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
lavalflamelord's Avatar
we all know that so dumb ass noob is gonna start a nuclear zombie apocalypse and kill us all
10/05/2013 5:00 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc476721's Avatar
10/05/2013 4:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Bigzeek45's Avatar
I think that the Illuminati will take over the government and we will have a world-wide Civil War.
10/05/2013 4:45 am
Level 21 : Expert Modder
Creeper_Modder's Avatar
The human race is extremely intellegent! In 200 years we made it to the moon and in another 20 years to the mars! What do you think will happen in a billion years?
10/05/2013 4:41 am
Level 43 : Master Princess
Buttsauce's Avatar
True Gods shall descend from the skies in 2186, and use us to reproduce.

...I just realized that Christians would probably be the first ones to be turned into godpaste or husks since they would believe Jesus came down to take them to heaven. Ouch.
10/05/2013 12:21 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
krugle's Avatar
Colonization of other planets is already in the works. There is already a mission in the works to start colonizing mars (2025 I believe) in which they are already accepting applications from the general populous (not only scientists and specialists but regular people to give a better gene pool). In addition we are also getting better and better with space travel there is an ion drive currently being developed in the states. So life on earth eventually will probably die out but we will colonize planets and spread out its just our way.
10/05/2013 12:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mafio6_7's Avatar
probably the moon crashing on us
10/05/2013 6:41 am
Level 32 : Artisan Electrician
RustyTurkeyBrain's Avatar
Majoras Mask is coming true!!! We're all doomed!
10/05/2013 4:46 am
Level 21 : Expert Modder
Creeper_Modder's Avatar
The moon cant crash on us it is even moving away.
10/05/2013 12:20 am
Level 24 : Expert Taco
TacoBurgerzgaming's Avatar
The moon is moving away from us.

What will happen is technology will become so amazing creepers will be teleported to the real world and kill us all .
10/05/2013 12:03 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Cake
Sonic0v0's Avatar
everything will explode...the end
Ace Ginger
10/04/2013 10:58 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Ace Ginger's Avatar
Have you ever read Lord of the Flies?

I didn't read every post and someone already mentioned it. How ironic, I had to write a 7 page essay about LOF and just handed it today!
10/04/2013 10:56 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Creeper
CreeperSoul23's Avatar
KunatyI'm studying AP Psychology and AP Sociology.

The "Correct" answer is No.

(Let me remind all mega-religious people, I have my opinions and all trolls will be ignored!)

We humans have evolved to the mindset, of "Survival of the fittest".

No matter what we say, no matter how devoted to a religion we are, there is always a hidden "dark" side to us. Some people are just better at burying it inside them.

Sure, there are a handful of nice people out there with decent morals and ethics, but if they are pushed to a limit, they will crack.

Say that some sort of nuclear war broke out and only about 5% of the human population were to survive. People would begin to fight over supplies, we humans, are by nature, greedy and selfish. People of higher "social statuses" would claim that since they were once at the top, they deserve better treatment.
Read the Book, "Lord Of the Flies".
The author puts some kids on an island without "laws or society".
The main character is clear thinking and organized, and the antagonist is a boy who likes to do nothing but slaughter pigs and hunt just because he could now.
Things quickly go to chaos.
The book describes how we humans are bad by nature, and society and laws keep us in check.

TLDR: Humans are bad and should feel bad.

Posted this a while ago.

I truly do think that we will kill eachother off or use up too much of our resources and just die out.

Yes. People have a good and evil all inside of them. Humanity has it all. It's kinda like the colors: Black and white. There's never only black or only white, it's always gray.
10/04/2013 10:53 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
Teh_501st_Sniper's Avatar
When the internet and the real world merge. When the creepypastas arrive, I'll fight them off.

Got lightsabers, ancient demon swords (that are heavy as hell) and dual 1911's
10/04/2013 10:52 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
KnobleKnives's Avatar
The world will end when Zaralith loses interest in maintaining its existence and leaves it to die.
10/04/2013 10:55 pm
She/Her • Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu Kitten
Ash's Avatar
10/04/2013 10:58 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Lad
KnobleKnives's Avatar
10/04/2013 10:49 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Poro
Svenskeren's Avatar
The Earth will be destroyed when I summon Cthulhu from the undergrounds of the world, and use his powers on those who have betrayed us.
Cthulhu is all mighty
Cthulhu is lord
Cthulhu is master
Cthulhu is creator of the underworld
All Hail Cthulhu
10/05/2013 12:29 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
Bbaronx's Avatar
not if i summon and enslave Cthulhu first, then unleash him upon you puny mortals at will *lightning strikes* bwahahaha *thunder*
oh, and that wont end the world, vending machines will overthrow me in the year 2034 and kill my Cthulhu slave, and then i will be forced to use Russia's nuclear stockpile to destroy them, creating another ice age, and then earthworms will mutate and burrow out the earths crust making the crust of the earth collapse, then the earth's mantle will slowly cool until the surface of the earth cracks open, the planets core cools, and the earth's magnetic field dissipates, and we all are killed as the earths face is bathed in uv radiation
10/04/2013 10:45 pm
Level 23 : Expert Pokemon
Ramman1526's Avatar
Could be the religious end of the world scenario. Could also be the sun dying, An asteroid strike, alien invasion, or just heat death of the universe.
10/04/2013 10:34 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1247896's Avatar
10/04/2013 10:13 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Programmer
sycoinc's Avatar
Dolphins will come the dominant smart species and put humans in captivity in 2249 and then they will breed apes as their armed forces and pioneer to the sun to extract the sun gods core.

Only then will the world die and all life as we know it will end...

That or Apple will cause the world to be taken over by Siri Robots
10/04/2013 10:05 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
babymonkeys's Avatar
God will decide when the earth will end. NOBODY KNOWS WHEN EARTH WILL END!
10/04/2013 10:14 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
Zoundrev's Avatar
Eh... There are numerous ways, the earth will cease to be liveable on. But em.. "god" is not one of the reasons. The sun is on a life-span just like a organism and will eventually expand and self-destruct itself into a supernova or reduce into a white dwarf. If the sun does explode all nearby celestial objects will most likely incinerate. Now if it gets reduced to a white dwarf the suns heat will no longer, heat our earth killing us off. Another is on human self destruction which is very possible. humans have never shared the same views since the start of time and it may go over the edge in the future and we could end ourselves. I do not mean to start a religious back and forth thing but im thinking of a logical means to an end.
10/04/2013 10:22 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
BleedCrimson's Avatar
There is this thing called an opinion. I have mine; you have yours.
10/04/2013 10:07 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
BleedCrimson's Avatar
I agree with this.
10/04/2013 10:18 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
Don't mean to start any sort of religious flame war or offend anybody, but I agree with this (my opinion).
10/04/2013 10:37 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1247896's Avatar
David Rain
10/04/2013 10:05 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
David Rain's Avatar
(sorry if this causes religion problems) Jesus will come down soon, take the Christians away, Destroy Everything, defeat Satan, and make a new world
10/04/2013 10:36 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Ranger
VelociCraftor's Avatar
Okay, I'm Catholic, but I don't think that is what's going to happen, I believe in the Second Coming of Jesus, but not with destruction of all non-Christians.
10/04/2013 9:56 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
PigKing's Avatar
Well there are a lot of variables that could bring demise to mankind or just the planet itself. The most probable defiant would likely be a meteorite too large to be mostly burned in earths atmosphere and impacts the planet. This is probably something space programs should have (if they haven't) worked towards stopping instead of going to the moon which in the grand scheme of things wasn't quite profitable in terms of information and knowledge.
10/04/2013 10:02 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Artist
ChrisL's Avatar
You clearly have no idea how much technological advancement came about because of the space program. Also, NASA already has plans to stop meteorites from hitting Earth (they involve nukes), but we don't have the infrastructure to keep track of every meteor heading at the Earth, though I believe a group is working on that.
10/04/2013 10:16 pm
Level 24 : Expert Taco
PigKing's Avatar
Well I may not be up to date with the exact specifications of the technological advancements brought about through space expeditions I'll give you that. I will personally take a look at that in the future.

Though really? Nuclear warheads or whatever variant form to deliver the explosive is much too complicated and elaborate. If not done completely and 100% correct the fragments of the meteor could leads to furthering issues of now multiple threats. Of course this is not factoring in the possibility that the fragments are now small enough to burn up in earths atmosphere. I suppose this all depends on efficiently we are able to launch said "nuke" at the target. Honestly though we don't even have to blow up a meteor instead just give it a push to any other direction. Withier this is done with a big blunt object, explosion to the side of a meteor, laser technology, etc. It doesn't quite matter.
10/04/2013 10:23 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Artist
ChrisL's Avatar
NASA isn't going to just throw them at the meteor, and I'm sure they have predicted all the problems you said. I haven't looked at the plan recently so I don't remember how it worked, but I believe the point was to push the meteor out of the way.
10/04/2013 9:48 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Unicorn
CreepyAndCo's Avatar
In about 5.6 billion years from now, the sun would go out. no plants, no light, no nothing.
Also true
10/04/2013 10:26 pm
Level 21 : Expert Archer
jadedwolf424's Avatar
yupppp But in that time can we create colonies on another planet?
10/04/2013 9:55 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Turtle
ryancat101's Avatar
no the sun will just turn in to a red gaint destroying all the inner planets then explode ending are solar system and life as we know it...then it will be a cool super nova!!!
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