If you could be a superhero/villain, name, powers and why?

TerraPlaysYT's Avatar TerraPlaysYT2/20/16 6:59 pm
4/24/2016 4:41 am
VoxelBlox's Avatar VoxelBlox
Hey everyone, Terra here, and I was wondering, if you could be a superhero/villain, what would your name be, what powers would you have and why?

I would be called Terrablast, and I would have the power to control earth. I would have this power as I am fascinated by Earth.

I look forward to seeing your creations!
Posted by TerraPlaysYT's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer

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04/24/2016 4:41 am
Level 36 : Artisan Procrastinator
VoxelBlox's Avatar
Or I could be an antihero out for myself. My powers would be the power of an entire star and I could shoot miniature coronal mass ejections from my limbs at will. With these powers I can also create most any material in mass quantities. But all this power comes at a cost: I am almost immortal. I can quickly heal from any would no matter the size or how fatal the wound might be, and my life would quickly outlast the universe itself. Everyone would also be out to get me, to try to take my power for their own.

There are always cons for something good. Equal and opposite my power could cause my downfall, and the downfall of so many other people.

To give an example of a Coronal Mass Ejection, see below.
02/21/2016 5:08 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
Am I like the only person in the entire world who doesn't want any superpowers? The thing I'd like most is a bunch of money to give to people who need it.
02/21/2016 6:00 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
That's... kinda unrelated. This is a thread about superpowers, so, uh, people are going to talk about them.

Even then, there are plenty of "powers" you could use to help people. Hydromancy-type things for water, bio-manipulation for food, etc. You could give people all the basic necessities they need easily with things like that, allowing for them to get a stable foothold. Given some expenditure on your part you could make the process incredibly efficient, allowing for people to freely take what they need.

It's almost like giving them money, with the sheer amount they could save in grocery/water bills. It'd be restricted to a somewhat small scale, ergo, the world economy would not be in shambles.
02/21/2016 4:58 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Loremaster
Spectral's Avatar
I would be called Spectral and I would have the ability to bend reality and phase through layers of dimensions meaning I could literally do anything I want, teleport into other mirror worlds and even create a whole new universe.

Derp. Yeah.
02/21/2016 3:17 pm
Level 23 : Expert Dolphin
EmeraldEclipse's Avatar
I'd be a superhero. I can't think of a name right now, but my powers would be healing the sick and injured, which would extend to curing brainwashed villains or the villains' s brainwashed armies of their evil. I probably wouldn't do teams or patrolling or anything, just sorta be a backup that transforms only when truly needed.

I'd like to be a fire-based superhero, like the Human Torch, but I'd be terrible at controlling it, which would end in far more harm for others. And let's face it, the dentist's (And other public places I don't like) office would have a 'mysterious' fire late one night with no one there.
02/21/2016 2:39 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
Name: shadow
powers: regeneration and cloaking.
02/21/2016 11:42 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
TotallyNotMe's Avatar
Either DeadPool or Darth Vader. Both awesome.
02/21/2016 11:39 am
Level 24 : Expert Mage
z_ah's Avatar
My name would be toxic, i would have the power to shoot acid out of my hands, be immune to sickness, and shapeshift into anything.
02/21/2016 11:25 am
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
I can't list my name here since it'd be way too long.

Minor power is making villain monologues take 900% longer.

Also I'd be super adorable and have plant powers or something.

So if they decide to monologue in the middle of nowhere I can just use my plants to restrain them. If I've been captured and they're doing a dramatic monologue I'd just have to wait for someone to save me which should happen by the time they're a quarter of the way through saying my name.
Caporal Dxl
02/21/2016 5:51 am
Level 37 : Artisan Ranger
Caporal Dxl's Avatar
I would be a villain mastermind that destroys enemies (a.k.a. Wreck yo face, son!) with da force (Star Wars FTW). But because that's virtually not a superpower, uhmm, I would like to have an iron-man like suit that looks like a thunder bird
02/21/2016 5:22 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
TerraPlaysYT's Avatar
Just woke up, saw all your creations, absolutely love them. Keep up the great work everyone! I look forward to seeing more of your heroes/villains.
02/21/2016 5:16 am
Level 22 : Expert Network
YTCereal's Avatar
Deadpool, Health regeneration
02/21/2016 5:00 am
Level 36 : Artisan Procrastinator
VoxelBlox's Avatar
I would be the villain personally. I would see myself as the necessary evil in the world, to make the world change. I wouldnt bother too much on coming up with my own name, I would either put too much ego into it for it to sound scary or intimidating, or spend too much time choosing, picking and re-assessing my name over and over again until I have made my final decision, which would cost me my determination to my primary goal, and set me back years.

I would rather anyone else to come up with my name.
My powers? I wouldnt want any. Although, I dont know if you would count this as a power, but an attraction cast by you on others, the power to make enemies friends and allies. To me, that is the greatest power anyone could ever have.

And my main goal? Well, that is simple. Global unification, at most any cost. I would see that the only path to a true, long-lasting era of peace would only be created through conflict. If you think about it, our respective governments fight over resources and dispute over land and crops. I would seek out the leaders of oppressive governments and put an end to their regime. Peace, through Conflict.

But that is what I would be/do if I was a villain. I would be the Evil the world needs in order to settle its disputes and work for the good of our species.
02/21/2016 3:55 pm
Level 27 : Expert Button Pusher
Gladrian's Avatar
Wow this is deep! Really quite true. From every evil comes a redefinition of how we can be good.
02/21/2016 4:00 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Wars have sparked some of the most incredible technological innovations of humanity, as horrid as war is.

The sad thing about humanity is that it often takes that terrible urgency for us to get up and do something.
02/20/2016 10:54 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
anonpmc52215's Avatar
02/20/2016 8:08 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
500poundsofnothing's Avatar
I would be Power Pants. I would be able to shoot off my arms at terminal velocity and regrow them over the course of five minutes. Of course I don't have pain tolerance to having my arms violently propelled forward without my body so I would be in great pain as my arms slowly start to regrow.
02/20/2016 8:01 pm
Level 26 : Expert Zombie
Halorules555's Avatar
My name would be Gordon Freeman or something. I would have the Rinnegan. It is said that one who posses the Rinnegan is a god.
02/20/2016 7:53 pm
He/Him • Level 52 : Grandmaster Sus Imposter
Jewelman's Avatar
My name would be Saviour, and I would be a superhero because I like to help people and would feel terrible if I was a villain. I would have an invisible aura around myself which I could conpletely control to do things like amplify my strength, change my body temperature, move it in any way I wanted to fly, or protect myself.

If I was in a world full of other superpowered beings, I would probably still call myself Saviour, and I would have the power to absorb other peoples powers like Peter Petrelli or Absorbing Man.

Or, y'know, I'd just be omnipotent and be able to do anything.
02/20/2016 7:51 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Cowboy
Star's Avatar
I would be called the "MLG SCRUB 420" because I want the power of infinite Doritos.
And 360 noscoping.
02/20/2016 7:22 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Scribe
SuperSecretFakeAccount's Avatar
I would be called Imgurer. I would have the ability to put images in peoples mind, because I like cat pictures.
Anxiety Opossum
02/20/2016 7:42 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Pixel Painter
Anxiety Opossum's Avatar
02/20/2016 7:08 pm
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02/20/2016 8:03 pm
Level 26 : Expert Zombie
Halorules555's Avatar
What's that? Only krypton can kill you?
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