Server no longer works.

XxchainsXx2477's Avatar XxchainsXx247712/5/12 9:47 pm
12/28/2012 4:09 pm
XxchainsXx2477's Avatar XxchainsXx2477
I made a server a week ago and I was playing on it fine. I created a spawn, had some regulars, and hired some staff. Today, I can't connect to it. I can only connect with it using localhost or 192.168.x.x. But, I was able to connect to it with the external IP before. People can't join my server now, and canyouseeme.org says my port is closed. I re-portfowarded, but it still didn't work. I also triple checked that the IPv4 address never changed. Help is appreciated, I really want to fix my server.
Thank you.
Posted by XxchainsXx2477's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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12/28/2012 4:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XxchainsXx2477's Avatar
I thought I fixed it, but the same thing had happened. I really need the help please. Thank you.
12/07/2012 7:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
XxchainsXx2477's Avatar
Well, a month ago I was being DoS'd by some guy, so I RESETED(not restarted) my router and got a new IP. Ever since, it worked for a week, and then stopped working.
12/07/2012 5:15 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Taco
MrWolfe's Avatar
XxchainsXx2477I also triple checked that the IPv4 address never changed.

I could pretend to be surprised by the fact that neither of you read the entire post, but that's too far-fetched.

I could pretend to be surprised that you are misunderstanding what the IPv4 is but that is too far-fetched.....

If you check the IPv4 on your adapter on your computer.....that will only give you your internal IP address and your default gateway. It will not tell you what your external IP address. It is more likely that his external IP address changed since ISPs can do that at wim unless you paid for a dedicated IP address.

Please, please, learn basic networking. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4

IPv4 is just a protocol. It is not just an "internal IP address".

Obviously, if he was giving out his (by your definition, an internal address) "IPv4" address, nobody would have been able to connect in the first place.
12/07/2012 9:49 am
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
Koz4Christ's Avatar
XxchainsXx2477I also triple checked that the IPv4 address never changed.

I could pretend to be surprised by the fact that neither of you read the entire post, but that's too far-fetched.

I could pretend to be surprised that you are misunderstanding what the IPv4 is but that is too far-fetched.....

If you check the IPv4 on your adapter on your computer.....that will only give you your internal IP address and your default gateway. It will not tell you what your external IP address. It is more likely that his external IP address changed since ISPs can do that at wim unless you paid for a dedicated IP address.
12/06/2012 5:06 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Taco
MrWolfe's Avatar
XxchainsXx2477I also triple checked that the IPv4 address never changed.

I could pretend to be surprised by the fact that neither of you read the entire post, but that's too far-fetched.

Did your computing environment change in any way prior to this happening? Did you enable/install a firewall? Any other things you installed lately?
12/06/2012 4:08 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pegasus
niklon's Avatar
External IP regularly changes, if you don't have a static one, which is rare today. Listen to the guy above. And, you may use something called DynDNS. It will take care of that, and give you a free domain for some time.
12/06/2012 10:39 am
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
Koz4Christ's Avatar
If you were hosting this out of your house check to see if your public IP address has changed. ISPs like to change these from time to time.

Go to google and type in "what is my IP"
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