Mobs hanging at MY couch at night:(

Dutchgamer1982's Avatar Dutchgamer19829/21/12 7:11 pm
9/23/2012 5:13 pm
sed11's Avatar sed11
Lately I have the problem of mobs spawning IN my house.

they will NOT wake me when I sleep, but they will be there in the morning AFTER I slept.

Opening the door of your bedroom, and having a creeper smiling you in the face each morning (2 mobs every morning, so far I have had skeletons, creepers, elderman and spiders visiting on my couch!

yes thats right they always are in the same corner of my house that is RIGHT next to a fireplace and very well lit.
I thought the may come from the attic, but that too is very well lit.

also my house is on an island, a WALLED island, I can walk outiside freely at night no mobs there at all, so the area around my house is safe.

I do have multiple beds, and one of them IS near a wall (however since that wall is lit on both sides, it should not cause mobs to come though should it?)

I tried sleeping in that bed, no mobs waking me, but they will be on their spot the next morning.

than where DO those mobs come from? what can trigger them?

How to get rid of them..

I do hear some mobs ratteling somewhere else in my house, checked all rooms, found none. I digged all around my house, no caves.
they could hide in my redstone wiring but I torched that too now.

stll mobs are IN my house:(
I want them to get out and STAY OUT (exept for bob and steve, my pet-creepers in a cage that is)
Posted by Dutchgamer1982's Avatar
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner

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09/21/2012 7:14 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
If you're on the computer version, that bug should've been fixed by Mojang already, forgot in what update.If you're on the XBox 360 version, 4JStudios hasn't fixed this bug yet, I don't think.
09/21/2012 7:43 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
athleteperson101's Avatar
i hate wen tht happens :/
09/22/2012 4:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
lukemdukem1's Avatar
maybe bob and steve are having mob parties while your sleeping? lol jk, Do you have a light source near the area where the mobs are spawning?
09/23/2012 3:11 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Dutchgamer1982's Avatar
@luke, +1 like to you;) no bob and steve are not partieng, why else would they leave my cake untouched? But perhaps the mobs are from some green extremist group, that fight for creeper rights or something like that:P


I am running version 1.3.2 (no "a" versions for me)
I am playing on PC (I am a "true" gamer, I never ever even TOUCHED a console and spend an avarage of about 100 euro every month on hardware, software I won't even start to calculate)

your right it SHOULD have been fixed, thats what I found (before I ask I go google ofc, thats how I found the bed-bug)

More details :
my house has 4 floors.

They are OPEN connected (a circulair stairs going up, with no doors between)
They seem to spawn BEHIND the stairs right beside my fireplace, and about at the same location at the 2d floor (though it IS possible that is only where I see them and that they spawn somewhere else on the upper floors, I sleep in the cellar)

I tried lightening the place to the EXTREME, I even placed torches IN MY CHIMNEY, light level 15 everywhere now... inside AND outside the house..

still they spawn somehow... :S
09/23/2012 4:02 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
gunnerman21's Avatar
ceepers have been spawned by herobrine nuff said
09/23/2012 4:06 pm
Level 41 : Master Hunter
polaristar's Avatar
i dont want to get in a big debate or anything gunnerman21, but i personally think that herobrine DOES NOT EXIST. B)
09/23/2012 4:12 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
hyperdragon97's Avatar
perhaps someone hacked your account and placed a mob spawner or spawners? but you'd have found that... Dang, this is strange.
09/23/2012 4:13 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
gunnerman21's Avatar
i got it do you leave your door open at night? no just jk
09/23/2012 4:53 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Dutchgamer1982's Avatar
placed a mob-spawner, the would have no room to hide it properly?
besides spawners also do not spawn if light level is to high eh?

also they should have placed multiple, as I have seen, creepers, zombies, elderman and skeletons in my house (only slimes I have not seen yet)

however the number of mobs seem to be 2, in the morning EVERY morning, and the anoying thing, they don't burn, not even when skeletns are behind my BIG window where the sun shines brightly though..

But I guess it must be indeed herobrine, and his pal, the fallen king, that must be it indeed;)

Guess they don't like me building a subway system that already is like 20.000 blocks long, slowly connecting alll lan on a fast and safe way.

(heck I do NOT have mobs in that big a subway system, but I have them in my house... strange;))

about leaving the door open : I even tried replacing all doors by iron, and placing levers on them closing them shut.. would not work either, besides when I spend the night OUTSIDE my house : no mobs, all my gardens are well lit.. but when I go back in, in bright daylight they always will be 2 mobs greeting me...
09/23/2012 5:13 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Hero
sed11's Avatar
But I guess it must be indeed herobrine, and his pal, the fallen king, that must be it indeed;)

Herobrine does not exist.
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