AoS Kingdoms ≈ Searching for Dedicated Staff!

cMido's Avatar cMido7/8/15 11:09 pm
1 emeralds 183 6
7/11/2015 5:59 pm
Pengwano's Avatar Pengwano
AoS - Age of Supremacy

Age of Supremacy is a rising server, which is home to a colorful fantasy experience for all types of people to enjoy. You can do what you want in this depthful world that the AoS staff team have spent a long while striving for. We want to make an entertaining server for you all to enjoy, and for this reason we have three main policies basing on what the majority of people enjoy.

Our three main policies are as follows:

- Make an original server, introducing a new concept to make it a fun and exciting new experience as well as a memorable one.

- Make the server work, and have a kind, interactive and fair staff team. The staff team spend hours into making an awesome platform for you to enjoy, however we treat players just as well as we treat staff and that treatment maintains the highest quality that we can physically provide. You have nothing to worry about in terms of rule breakers.

- Lastly, we strive to have a server where all our players come together, in a welcoming and warm-hearted community based server. We do this by having helpful tutorials that will settle you into place here at AoS.

- With these 3 magical ingredients, components, we will brew the perfect server for any sort of person of any sort of age to enjoy and have an exciting and enjoyable experience. To deliver our promises we need staff. Staff must be the highest of quality, putting lots of their time into this server and into it's player base.

- As a staff, you must play on this server a lot, helping it grow and constantly adding to it in anyway. This could be building, helping players, monitoring the forums or anything in between. You must be a highly skilled and valued individual, and as so you will be treated like that. You must live every breath on this server promising that you will help and contribute. Good luck.


IRL Name :

Age : (Be honest, it's good for reference and building up trust)

IGN Name :

Sum up your experience in being a member of staff : (Try to include what you did and how you helped)

Please state what you can bring to the server :

Skype :

Do you have a microphone :
Posted by cMido's Avatar
Level 34 : Artisan Ninja

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07/11/2015 5:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Pengwano's Avatar
IRL Name : Vladimir

Age : (Be honest, it's good for reference and building up trust) 14

IGN Name : MinePotter7

Sum up your experience in being a member of staff : I have been staff on many a server (Previously on The Range Server & applied for Swegcraft & more) I am well experienced

Please state what you can bring to the server : Experience respect Staff monitoring and fun for all players but punishment for anyone breaking the rules

Skype : PenguinXL (Fasciata77 if it does not work)

Do you have a microphone : Yes
07/09/2015 7:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CaptainPengi's Avatar
IRL Name : Ossie

Age : (Be honest, it's good for reference and building up trust) 17

IGN Name : NuCraze

Sum up your experience in being a member of staff : (Try to include what you did and how you helped) ONtop of being a classy builder I have managed my own server before, helped my friends server, which used to receive a regular player count of over 70 people. I also help many servers such as yours but when I have put lots of effort into a server (the young) owners always quit.

Please state what you can bring to the server : I can bring long periods of attention and monitoring to the server. I can bring initiative ( cool ideas, original additions o the server ) a strong understanding to websites, plugins, donation stores and a creative mentality.

Skype : captainpengi

Do you have a microphone : yes
07/09/2015 7:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
XLittlePandaX's Avatar
IRL Name : Sharni

Age : (Be honest, it's good for reference and building up trust) 13

IGN Name : xXLittlePandaXx

Sum up your experience in being a member of staff : (Try to include what you did and how you helped) I am a co-owner and helped build a faction server from scratch, I am a head-admin but the server hasnt had many people on it yet, i am a helper on a server and of course i helped new people and answered peoples questions and a few more staff ranks but it would make this a big paaragraph.

Please state what you can bring to the server : I can make it a good place to be by bringing kindness. i can bring more players to the server and make it popular.

Skype : Sharni.cotter4

Do you have a microphone : Yes.. i dont talk much though since i am shy.
07/09/2015 4:30 am
Level 34 : Artisan Ninja
cMido's Avatar
07/08/2015 11:22 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Retric_Jacob_x's Avatar
IRL Name : Jacob (aka Jake aswell) XD

Age : (Be honest, it's good for reference and building up trust) 14

IGN Name : dccash12

Sum up your experience in being a member of staff : (Try to include what you did and how you helped) I have been a builder in my past many of times because i have helped many poor server grow into a huge spawn and have many many complements

Please state what you can bring to the server : I can bring many builds and construction.. I am able to help as-well.

Skype : retrick_gaming

Do you have a microphone : Not right now but i will tomorow i left my phone at my couzin
07/08/2015 11:17 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
SkaterPro8's Avatar
IRL Name : Jake

Age : (Be honest, it's good for reference and building up trust) 14

IGN Name : Xx_7Ender7_xX

Sum up your experience in being a member of staff : (Try to include what you did and how you helped) I co own a server ( that kind of explains itself) I have been admin 5 times ( i helped with plugins and peoples requests and needs. i also made sure mods were doing there job right) Mod 7 times ( i kept servers free of hackers and the chat free of advertisers and spammers.

Please state what you can bring to the server : i can bring a joyful person who loves to help servers and is familiar with everything i need to do

Skype : skaterpro889

Do you have a microphone : yes

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