BlazeCraft | All-Around Server Network | Staff Needed

yikesies's Avatar yikesies1/18/15 9:40 pm
1/19/2015 9:41 pm
Guywithsilver's Avatar Guywithsilver
Hello, everyone! I've created a server I like to call BlazeCraft. I may change the name later on, but I'm not sure. I'm currently looking for the following: Builds, Moderators, and Administrators. BlazeCraft is an all-around server, meaning it will be a server made up of several things. I intended to have mini games like Hunger Games, Spleef, CTF, and Hide and seek, also while having plots, creative, and even simple survival. If you're interested in any of these, apply TODAY!!!


In Game Name*:



Rank Applying For*:



How Long You've Played Minecraft:

When Can You Come Online:

Skype or Nah*:

I hope to see you joining us. If you have any questions, please add the user nikkiwikki234 on Skype. Thanks!

~ Nikki
Posted by yikesies's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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01/19/2015 9:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Guywithsilver's Avatar
In Game Name*: silverdogface

Age: 15

Gender*: Female

Rank Applying For*: Plugin Dev/manager If not Admin (Or really anything)

Qualities*: Great with working with plugins! I have had experience being plenty of different ranks most including Admin or plugin Dev. I have also been head builder - if you would like I could send you some pictures of things I have made and am working on right now. I have also owned my own server so I know how to do most things and see how things work. What also comes with that, is that I tend to be able to see a good staff member from a bad one. I think of myself as a pretty smart person in general. I am able to communicate to people easily, and make friends quickly. Something you may find very important for your server is that you have all these mini games which take lots of commands and such, I however know many plugins so I will probably know how to use the majority of your plugins. If not, then I can learn very quickly and set these games up for you, if you were to be working on something else. Lastly, when I have something that another staff member/owner/ or somethings players too, I will get them done as quickly as I can. I try my best to get things done on time (before due dates and such).

Inqualities*: I am one to judge quickly :/ When some one gets me mad I can get very aggressive (which could be a good thing but I dont think so in most cases).

How Long You've Played Minecraft: since 2009

When Can You Come Online: I can come on basically every day form around 3-6 on weeks days, and weekends I can basically be on all day on Sunday then on Saturday after 3.
If you ever need me you can just skype me and I will get on as soon as I can. I am usually able to get on at least on minechat.

Skype or Nah*: Guywithsilver
01/19/2015 9:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DeathDino's Avatar
In Game Name: Fundino



Rank Applying For*:it's not in there but i would like developer or you can give me admin

Qualities*: I am good at helping you with plugins and i can help out players if they need to and enforce the rules

Inqualities*: i'm not that good at plugins nor having good grammar.

How Long You've Played Minecraft:

When Can You Come Online: 3 years

Skype or Nah*:Fndino23
01/19/2015 8:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Avatart12903's Avatar
In Game Name*: Avatar12903



Rank Applying For*:(Head) Admin

Qualities*:smart,intuitive,large vocab,EXTREMELY PERSUASIVE

Inqualities*:zero tolerance to cursing

How Long You've Played Minecraft:3 years

When Can You Come Online:every day from 4-9pm

Skype or Nah*:nah
01/19/2015 7:59 pm
Level 1 : New Network
TheQuietTree's Avatar
In Game Name*: Marshallman90

Age: 17

Gender*: Male

Rank Applying For*: Admin (If not available moderator )

Qualities*: I've been staff on MANY servers so I have ample experience, I am good with people, Since I have been staff on multipul servers I know virtually all essentials commands. People SAY I am a great builder (I don't believe them).

In-qualities*: I haven't played MC for a few months so it may take a while for me to get used to the controls once again.

How Long You've Played MineCraft: Since 2009

When Can You Come Online: Roughly 8 hours a day.

Skype or Nah*: PM me and I will tell you (Don't want random peeps to have my Skype)
01/19/2015 5:14 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
yikesies's Avatar
All of you were accepted. I will contact your Skype. Thanks for applying ;D
01/19/2015 11:41 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Bloxus_'s Avatar
In Game Name*: OLL_97

Age: 17

Gender*: Male

Rank Applying For*: Manager or something of the sort.

Qualities*: I can work well within a team and posses good communication skills as well as great inter personal relations. I can lead, follow or listen well within a group of staff members, and can push staff to their limits in terms of getting on with another, and moderating well within the community.

Inqualities*: I can get a little hot headed sometimes I have to admit!

How Long You've Played Minecraft: approximately 1-1.5 years.

When Can You Come Online: Well I currently have a part time job which hinders my availability on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. However I could put as much as 5 hours towards the server everyday if need be.

Skype or Nah*: olhorder.

Extra: I am also a fanatic builder and wouldn't mind completing some builds if need be. I'm very familiar with the likes of world edit and voxel sniper, I can send you my portfolio through pm if you'd like!
01/19/2015 11:33 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
jjnyancat's Avatar
In Game Name*:jjnyancat



Rank Applying For*:Head Builder

Qualities*:I'll always be in a good mood to build and i like meeting people and make sure they are enjoying themselves. I will also try my best to encourage people to have fun

Inqualities*:I'm not that good at plugins or commands except worldedit

How Long You've Played Minecraft: 5 years

When Can You Come Online:I can come online whenever you need me

Skype or Nah*:Yep I'll add you

Extra: Or i could be the youtuber
01/19/2015 11:27 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
rinoboy4's Avatar
In Game Name*:zeroprice55



Rank Applying For*:building

Qualities*:can build almost anything

Inqualities*:never used anything like worldedit, but i learn quickly

How Long You've Played Minecraft:4-5 years

When Can You Come Online:anytime

Skype or Nah*:yeh, name-rinoboy5
01/19/2015 11:18 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Drahstick's Avatar
In Game Name*: supermanb00

Age: 16

Gender*: Male

Rank Applying For*: Moderator or Admin

Qualities*: I can talk easy to people and help them with their problems, also i listen,
reasonable, always in a good mood and open for critique

Inqualities*: Not perfect in english ( because i am from a foreign country ) , I can't think of other inqualities

How Long You've Played Minecraft: 3 years

When Can You Come Online: usually on the weekend 3 hours or something and middays 1-2 hours.

Skype or Nah*: Yeah i have skype
01/19/2015 10:31 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
kitkat12343's Avatar
In Game Name*: kitkat12343

Age: 15

Gender*: Female

Rank Applying For*: (Head) Admin

Qualities*: Determined, Smart, Fast Learner, Friendly, Encouraging, Kind, Fun, Clever, Good Grammar

Inqualities*: Slightly OCD, No tolerance for people that aren't serious about their work, Perfectionist, Daring

How Long You've Played Minecraft: About 6 years

When Can You Come Online: Almost every day

Skype or Nah*: Yep! I'll send you a friend request.

I'm looking forward to helping out!
Planet Minecraft


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