Custom Modpack Server: Seekings Techs & Mod-Lovers

AlphessSavage's Avatar AlphessSavage12/31/15 1:08 pm
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1/13/2016 1:18 pm
AlphessSavage's Avatar AlphessSavage
Modern Modded: Alternate Reality WW3/Fallout Server

Please be sure to read everything listed!!!!

I'm going to attempt to start a 'Modern' Alternate reality server. With a twist, MODS. Of course, I know the cons & pros, there being more cons than pros due to the fact some people may find it hard to understand mods, how to download them, or they lack the ability to play because of their potato of a computer.

At current, I'm seeking people who would be willing to help me in this endeavor. What I plan to do is collect a group of mods, possibly even make a few ourselves, and place them into an easy to use Technic Modpack. This should prevent what was stated above; "Lack of understanding how to install, download, or use the mods.

The Current Modpack (1.7.10 Mods)
Game Mods
Animals+ (Realistic.Animals&Critters)
Aqua-Culture (Oceanic.Animals&Critters)
Back-Packs (Carryable-Backpacks)
Biblio-Craft (Lotsa-Blocks)
Carpenter's-Blocks (Customizable Blocks)
Currency (Money.Coins.Credit-Cards)
Deco-Craft2 (Props.Fancy-Beds.Signs)
Doggy-Style (Tamable-Realistic-Dogs)
Garden-Stuff (Pots.Window-Boxes)
Mono-Blocks (Street-Lights.Street-Signs.Lotsa-Blocks)
Mr.Crayfish's Furniture
Pam's Harvest-Craft (Food.Cooking-Stuff.Crops)
Pneumatic-Mod (Elevators.Machines)
Security-Craft (Cameras.Keypads.CardSlots)
Vending-Block (Market-Blocks)

Enhancing Mods
Rei's Minimap

Flans Content
Manus's Civilian-Content
Manus's Ship-Content

I do have the ability to purchase the server as soon as I get a few staff applications sent to me through message. If you are interested in helping with this project, please fill out the follow form and send it to my planetminecraft inbox. If you post it on the forum, I will skip over it and have an admin/mod remove the post. Thank you! ~

[IGN] ||Your Minecraft Username||
[Name] ||First Name||
[Age] ||Your real age.. I will find out if you lie.||

[Skype] ||A preferred means of communication until we get a Teamspeak[TS3]||
[Enjin] ||Your Enjin Username.. If you don't have one. Get one.||

[Knowledge] ||Do you know coding? What types of coding? How good are you at coding?(1-10)||
[Experience] ||Previous servers you have worked on..LINKS REQUIRED||
[References] ||Is there anyone I can contact to vouch for your skills?||

[Country] ||US .. UK ..? --- ||
[Timezone] ||If you don't know your timezone, please look it up online.||

[What do you think you can offer the server?]
|| At least a 5 - 8 FULL sentence paragraph. ||

[Why should I choose you to join the server team?]
|| At least a 3 - 5 FULL sentence paragraph. ||

Before you ask, no this will not be some crazy modpack that allows super nukes, mass quarries, magical weapons or enchants. I want this modpack[as well as the possible server] to be as close to realism as possible. This includes in all aspects, from jobs, to housing, to food, marketing, buildings, sleeping, eating .. the whole sha-bang!


For those interested, please be sure to check out lentebriesje!!! We will be using his map for our server, and know that many other servers have used his map in the past. Including a previous server of my own, Global Conquest, as well as servers such as Renaissance Craft, ReCrafted, and WorldScape.. to name a few. Be sure to check those servers out too if you are interested in modern or historical role-play and earth maps! #AdvertisingLol

ᖶ ᖺ ᕦ - ᔖ ᖶ ᓋ ᖇ ᗂ ----

All documents regarding the government have been lost, burned, or considered worthless or obsolete. The government is struggling to hold power over the once unified people, while still being stuck in an all-out war. "WW3?! How could that have happened?" you must be wondering. Northern Korea, after finally overcoming their southern neighbors, unifying them into a single dictatorship called the 'Korean States'.. has been weaving itself into China. Eventually, they made their way into the government and took over in secrecy. Double agents of the Chinese-Korean government, took the place of the original leaders, ensuring the Korean's victory. However, Korea knew it would only be a matter of time before they were exposed to the public. The only ones who would be a true threat? The USA.

The USA, having been quiet until this point on the radar of most countries, suddenly found itself the prime target of war in Asia.

America had only one problem though, they had fallen into an economic collapse that would have an outcome far worse than the depression of the 1920s if they didn't do something fast. Prices rose, quality of items decreased. Bills were brought forth to 'expunge' [get rid of - remove] the degenerates of the country. Homeless, Poor, Starving.. it seemed like a mass genocide was right on cue to happen. People fled this way and that in hopes for salvation as America tore itself apart under it's now six leader government. Indeed, no longer just one leader, but six running the country in hopes for a better opinion on decisions.The end result, unfortunately; was catastrophic.

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Citizens began to rebel, forming a faction called 'Lawless'. They were fearless, able men and women, who knew how to survive off the land in harsh circumstances. Many knew how to fight, and those that didn't, always had a gun stashed somewhere for extra protection. They despised the government with all their being, and taught their children such as well, ensuring the future to be filled with loathing. They live in the underground of the city, or away in secluded buildings, or in fields and forests. Waiting.. biding their time for a moment to strike at their enemy.

"The government? Trusted my foot!
I'll shoot them where they stand, those rats!
Random Lawless

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Those who were a part of the government, were running around in a frantic panic. Everyone was being attacked, from raids on houses, to murder in the street. Law enforcement, military, even school teacher and lawyers were being gunned down for simply having been a part of it all before the collapse. In hopes to resolve these inconvenient accidents, the government enlisted still trusting civilians in building a wall to close off the center of the city. This blocked them out the attacks, though an occasional betrayal managed to slip through the security now in place throughout the entirety of the capitol center. Cards are required to access even the simplest of places, cameras, gates, keypads.

"Though we face dark times, and certain measures are required..
We are still the voice of the people.
Trusted Leaders

ᑖ ᓮ ᐻ ᓲ ᒫ ᓮ ᕬ ᘗ
There were of course, those who did not know of the ongoing war, or even cared. Some lived simple lives outside the city, away from these places where the government or the lawless stretched. While others lived directly in the middle of it, uncaring or unknowing of the situation right under their nose. The rich and middle-class families had no reason to worry. The bills passed only attacked those less fortunate than themselves, so why should they feel bothered? These people go about their daily lives as though nothing has happened, remaining under the government's influence. Or.. will it be possible for the Lawless to reach out and take a few new followers?

"Oh yes, I love my life in the city.
It's pretty quiet unless those red-shirted idiots show up.
Random Civilian

ᖽᐸ ᓍ ᖆ ᕨ ᗩ ᘗ - ᔤ ᖶ ᗋ ᖶ ᕧ ᔙ
The Korean States, having contently sat back and watched America eat away at itself.. had begun to take the next step towards their plans. "World Domination!" They chanted in the streets, all the countries had been alerted and were preparing themselves for WW3. Surely, they could do it on their own. Who would back up the Koreans? Surprisingly enough, Russia found itself making a pact with the yellow-skins, soon after India & the minor states of Pakistan and Iraq had joined in for the chance at glory, fortune, and war. It seemed as though they were all ready and willing to sink sword and bullet into enemies they had long been waiting to destroy. What will really happen though? Russia is looking awfully suspicious, though Korea doesn't see it. Could they be wanting to take the world for themselves?!

"We have waited far too long.
It is time to step out of the shadow, my brothers!
Korean States Officials

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Those who watched is shock and dismay, disgusted by what America had become after they had collapsed.. feared for their own people. What if that happened to them too? It was Korea's fault! Surely they couldn't let this happen to anyone else! The remaining nations gathered their resources, preparing for an all out battle, while some were sent overseas. Where they were sent, you ask? Why.. The USA of course! In a last friendly effort, the UK & Canada offered as much help as possible to the 'Trusted' faction. Supplying resources for war, food and water for civilians, and mass trade between the nations. In the meantime, back on their homeland, tanks, ships, guns.. all were in mass production as soldiers were pushed harder and through steeper training than ever had been witnessed. Will they give up, or could this truly be.. the end of the world as we once knew it?


So, my future plan with this server is that once an all out WW3 has taken place, I will take the map that we had been using, blown up buildings, destruction, and all.. to make.. you guessed it.. A FALLOUT SERVER! In such a manner, I really do hope it goes that far. I expect the war server to last at least, but no less than 3-4 months if possible. Which, within that time I expect to see modern builds, realistic role-play, and extreme politics playing out in front my nose.

I do have a few guidelines already in place;:

NO, Korean States may NOT end the possibility of war.
it MUST happen.
YES, China does have the ability to remove itself from the Korean States.
NO Southern Korea does not have the ability to remove itself from the Korean States.
NO The Lawless is not allowed to join up with Trusted for any reason, be it war or otherwise.
Posted by AlphessSavage's Avatar
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter

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01/13/2016 1:18 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
AlphessSavage's Avatar
The Server Is Purchased ! ! ! ! !

We finally purchased the server! At current, we have someone working hard to create an earth map to scale for us. We chose at first to go with lstenbre's map, however we need something a bit.. larger for the scale we plan on running with on the server itself. We would prefer countries not to be right up on each other, if you know what I mean. So, this should take about two weeks time.

In the meantime, I finally finished the last bit of configuration within the modpack.INCLUDING A TEXTUREPACK. Some items are set in a 3-D form. Much thanks to NicStOnge for his work with the pack. Eventually, the pack will also be changing the appearance of modpack items for those who choose to use you pack.

You can check out the modpack reasonably named, GC:V2 World@War. Named after the original server I had owned, Global Conquest.

We have created the enjin aswell, though we recommend to those ahead of time, do not attempt to join the website or purchase from the donation store until given notice by myself. When the website is ready, I will alert everyone through another forum message, as well as front page of the website.

--- Still seeking capable, mature staff members.. Apply here, or contact my skype @AlphessSavage
01/02/2016 3:31 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
AlphessSavage's Avatar
R e S e R v E d ~ <3

For those curious, I have now purchased the server and will be uploading the extensive 40+ GB map. It's ridiculous, isn't it? Anyways, I will still be accepting and expecting those who wish it, to send staff application my way through PMC's messaging system. If you are still wary about becoming staff until the server IP is actually listed, please understand it will not be listed until we have completed the general beginnings of the map download, chunk checking, and plugin setting updates. My plan is mostly to ensure that when it opens to the public, they will not have to deal with constant restarts caused by errors, crashes, or plugin faults that will require fixing.

Thank you for understanding this~
01/01/2016 9:28 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
AlphessSavage's Avatar
R e S e R v E d ~ <3
12/31/2015 4:07 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
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R e S e R v E d ~ <3
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