*EventuallyCraft* - Builders & Plugin NEEDED [BENEFITS]

EventuallyAIGHHT1's Avatar EventuallyAIGHHT17/11/13 7:15 pm
1 emeralds 142 8
7/12/2013 10:09 pm
cjcool060199's Avatar cjcool060199
Hello, me and my friend own a server, which we have been working on for months. We are two qualified Minecraft Builders; but completing the job alone isn't enough.

Our server is basically an all in one server; as we have a Main Spawn; which leads to our two main servers; a games server, and a faction.

Our server is at the standard of a premium server, as you will see when you go on; but we will be making it cracked, to offer a wider audience to view, reach and join it.

Your benefits:

You will receive 5% of the donations when we go live, and honestly, whats better than being creative on a famous server?

Fill in the following application to be accepted; we will reply to everyone [PM].


[u][b]Builders Application:[/b][/u]

1) How old are you?:
2) Where are you from?:
3) Do you have skype?:
4) Your building skills, out of 10:
5) Mature/Are you a serious builder?:
6) Can you be online often, how long?:
7) Why should we choose you?:
8) Some pictures of YOUR buildings?:

[u][b]Plugin Manager Application:[/b][/u]

1) How old are you?:
2) Where are you from?:
3) Do you have skype?:
4) Your plugin skills, out of 10:
5) Mature/Are you a serious worker?:
6) Can you be online often, how long?:
7) Why should we choose you?:

[u][b]Thank You[/b][/u]
Posted by EventuallyAIGHHT1's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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07/12/2013 10:09 pm
Level 23 : Expert Cake
cjcool060199's Avatar
Plugin Manager Application:

1) How old are you?: 14

2) Where are you from?: Australia

3) Do you have skype?: Yes, if you want to add me ill PM it too you

4) Your plugin skills, out of 10: 9 as i am still learning the more experienced plugins.

5) Mature/Are you a serious worker?: Yes, i put a lot of time and effort into the things i do and am very mature.

6) Can you be online often, how long?: 2-6 hours depending on School, but i will be checking up on the server and plugins constantly!

7) Why should we choose you?: Because i have lots of experience especially with Group Manager and Essentials as i have worked with them the most. I am also really good at permissions and know how it works. I am a cool and fun guy but i always get the job done.

Thanks for reading,

- CJ
07/12/2013 9:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IanisCool001's Avatar
1) How old are you?: 15
2) Where are you from?: Philippines ( but good in English)
3) Do you have skype?: yes , IanisCool
4) Your plugin skills, out of 10: 9
5) Mature/Are you a serious worker?: Yes
6) Can you be online often, how long?: i can be online as much as i can maybe if i'm not busy , in school , in my mom's house but i will get one the server as fast that i can
7) Why should we choose you?: you should choose me because i'm a honest man , never been banned , i'm a friendly person , iv'e got good qualities , i know much plugins,
i can do the permissions and i am a helper person

~Thanks For Reading
- Vertaximus
07/12/2013 9:41 pm
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
1) How old are you?: 15
2) Where are you from?: California, USA
3) Do you have skype?: Yes
4) Your plugin skills, out of 10: 9
5) Mature/Are you a serious worker?: Yes, I own a server (adventurewalls.enjin.com) and am one of three owners on another popular server (mcwalls.enjin.com) and have experience in hosting and maintaining a server.
6) Can you be online often, how long?: Since it's summer, quite a while everyday.
7) Why should we choose you?: Well, I heard you need a plugin developer and none of the applications look like somebody that would resemble a plugin developer, which is what I would like to do. Although I'm not the best plugin developer in the world, I'll try my best and receiving 5% of the donations sounds good enough for me (I accept PayPal, please don't scam )

PS: My IGN is swimmer1929. PM me the IP for your server and I'll meet you on there, we can talk about what kind of a plugin you need.

With Best Regards,
07/12/2013 9:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
EventuallyAIGHHT1's Avatar
Still Recruiting Builder and more Plugin Managers.
07/11/2013 11:00 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Taco
Rice's Avatar
1) How old are you?: Dont really want to release
2) Where are you from?: U.S.A
3) Do you have skype?: Yes, But I only use it for private uses
4) Your plugin skills, out of 10: 9.5
5) Mature/Are you a serious worker?: Yes. I own a server, I am admin/op on two servers, Soon to be mod on another, and veteran on the last one. 1-10 Maturity: 10/10
6) Can you be online often, how long?: Yes, on a rainy day maybe 2.5-4 hours
7) Why should we choose you?: I install every plugin on my server and on another server, I also installed plugins for my friends server that is not active anymore.
07/11/2013 7:36 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Swishye's Avatar
1) 15
2) Midwestern USA (Won't get too specific, don't want to be stalked or something
3) Yes
4) 7/10? I'm not sure what is considered standard ability.
5) I'm pretty mature for my age.
6) How often I'm online depend on how many people respond to my offers as a builder, but I should make it on pretty often
7) Have experience with redstone, minigame creating and design, and MCEdit. I also really want to work on a server.
8) I can't figure out how to post pictures, but you could look at my project Random Map PvP. I have put some work into it, the next update almost doubles the project's size.
07/11/2013 7:26 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Icyeti's Avatar
Builders Application:

1) How old are you?: 10
2) Where are you from?: New York
3) Do you have skype?: Yes Skype is Icyeti.minecraft
4) Your building skills, out of 10:9
5) Mature/Are you a serious builder?: Yes
6) Can you be online often, how long?: 3 hours a day
7) Why should we choose you?:I will build for NO BENEFITS i just LOVE building
8) Some pictures of YOUR buildings?: I dont have them sorry
07/11/2013 7:23 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ZepPvP's Avatar
1) How old are you?:


2) Where are you from?:

Arizona, Unites States of America.

3) Do you have skype?:

Yes, I will message you it in-game.

4) Your plugin skills, out of 10:

A strong 8 1/2.

5) Mature/Are you a serious worker?:

Yes, I've worked on many servers before, and know how to do the job right.

6) Can you be online often, how long?:

2-5 hours per day, 5 days per week.

7) Why should we choose you?:

I'm a very mature and experienced person, who knows most of everything about plugins. If needed, I will also act as a moderator, or admin. Banning hackers. Although I cannot code plugins yet, I'm just starting to learn the java language, and will be happy to code a plugin for you as soon as I'm acknowledged enough in coding.

Also, my IGN:

Planet Minecraft


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