LegendaryMc|Faction Server| Staff Needed

NotReallyRabbit's Avatar NotReallyRabbit7/23/14 6:02 pm
7/27/2014 6:41 pm
austin652's Avatar austin652
Hello, i am the Head-Admin of a server called LegendaryMc. We are in need of new staff members to help us make our server big and popular.


LegendaryMc is still in building stages right now, but we are hoping to get valuable staff members to help set things up. We are in need of the following ranks:

[Builder] Unlimited Spots open

Click to reveal
Must be super good at building without world edit or voxelsniper. Must also have worldedit skills (voxelsniper skills are not required). Must be active and willing to help build anything the server needs. Must also NOT abuse powers given to them.
Builders do not have access to any extra commands, but are called on when we need something built.


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Minecraft Name:


Proof of Building Experience (Pictures required):

What interests you in building:

What type of building are you good at:

What is the command to use world edit to set stone brick:

What is the command to use world edit to create a sphere:

What is the world edit command to activate a brush:

Any other information:
Posted by NotReallyRabbit's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect

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07/27/2014 6:41 pm
Level 28 : Expert Network
austin652's Avatar
sorry im late :/
07/26/2014 1:28 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
NotReallyRabbit's Avatar
One Person accpeted bbut we still need builders
07/25/2014 1:36 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
NotReallyRabbit's Avatar
We no longer need mods But we still need builders
07/24/2014 8:02 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
crazyman77's Avatar

What rank you're applying for: Staff

What skills do you have that can help you do your job here: I have experience with helping run a server with greifers hackers and abusive players i am also experienced with most plugins

How can you help my server grow and stay safe: I can do this by keeping a watch on players and making sure they follow the rules and stay out of trouble.

Proof that you have been staff elsewhere: I was staff on a server which has closed down i was admin and the server owner was named Aaron. I have also had my own server in the past (but had to shut it down due to internet reasons)

What rank do you think best suits you (out of what is listed): I think Admin or Moderator does since i have much more experience with them.

What plugins are you experienced with: World edit, Essentials, Group plugins, and i can generally figure most plugins out in a few minutes

How long can you be online each day: On Weekends 5-6 hours and Weekdays 2-3 hours

Are you currently staff on a different server: No i am not so i will devote my time to this server

Can you bring friends to this server: Yes i can

Any other info: I have played minecraft since 2007 and i am used to it all along with building and enforcement.

07/24/2014 8:01 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
MrConHD's Avatar
Alright, well let me know when I can get the IP to check it out.
07/24/2014 7:50 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
EternalDarkLord's Avatar
Age: 14 (Born 2000)

What rank you're applying for: I am applying for the moderator position.

What skills do you have that can help you do your job here:
The skills I have that can help me do my job here is my knowledge of plugins, experience on other servers, and my willingness to help others.

How can you help my server grow and stay safe:
I can help your server grow and stay safe because personally I believe that there are a number of fundamental aspects to "being a good team member". I believe these aspects to be: Obedience, trust, commitment and flexibility. Most of the time, within a team you will find some form of a 'leader'. In a team, the most frustrating thing that can occur is disobedience. That is why for a team to function properly, everyone should be prepared to listen and carry out orders. Sometimes people may not see any good out of the order but they should be prepared to carry it out which comes to my next point - trust. Trust acts as 'glue' and is what keeps the team together. It is such a valuable and delicate thing because once trust it lost, it's very hard, if not impossible to recuperate.

Team mates should trust each other and be able to rely on one another because that's what teams are; Co-op mode. I have done inexcusable things in my past which I truly regret, and some would argue that I'm not trustworthy at all. But I want to state this here and now that I will not repeat my mistakes, I will value any trust invested in me and not let anyone down. I've spent many months reflecting on my actions and realized the damage I've dealt however I'm here, confident I can be someone you can rely on.

My saying is: "If you make a commitment, stick to it." and I'm saying that I'm prepared to fully commit to becoming a staff member. The last aspect; Flexibility is really to explain that team members should be able to adjust to a situation which they may not be too familiar with. The word 'sacrifice' may be relevant as component in being a good team member is to pull your weight even if it isn't beneficial towards yourself. Hypothetically speaking, I'm prepared to do my share of the work as well as more because I know being a member of the Staff Team isn't easy - it's hard work.

Proof that you have been staff elsewhere: I have not became staff on any server before, I am simply waiting for the right one.

What rank do you think best suits you (out of what is listed):
I honestly believe the Moderator rank would fit me best because like I said im hard working and can settle a dispute.
What plugins are you experienced with:
I am experienced with these plugins:
1. Essentials
2. WorldEdit
7.Citizens plugin
8. GroupManager
And more,

How long can you be online each day:
I can be online for at least 3 hours each day.

Are you currently staff on a different server: No I am not, although I currently ran a server. But I have left it for this one.

Can you bring friends to this server:
Of course I can, I have a couple buddies that I believe would be more than glad to get on =]

Any other info:[/center]
I pretty much covered everything up there, thank you for reading this and I hope to see you all on!
07/24/2014 7:09 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
NotReallyRabbit's Avatar
We still need Builders Make sure you apply
07/24/2014 1:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zenadus's Avatar
Age: 14

What rank you're applying for:

What skills do you have that can help you do your job here:
-I am online allot, so i get to know the players, and people to watch out for, also i can get to know the server more, because mods dont ALWAYS Mute,kick,ban, people they also help out newcomers, and i can do my best to serve these newcomers with a kind attitude.

How can you help my server grow and stay safe:
-I can provide a kind attitude and make the server more enjoyable, so that they will stay on the server, and invite their friends!
-I do NOT put up with any nonsense, and will provide a fair punishment to the user according to the actions that this user has done.

Proof that you have been staff elsewhere:
Ill post a picture at the end of the post proving.

What rank do you think best suits you (out of what is listed):
Head-Moderator, because i do NOT want /gm 1, or anything that will help me cheat, i want to play fair, so its easier to interact with players, and build relationships.
I also think it would suit me because im good at keeping the server clean, and it gives me all the right perms.

What plugins are you experienced with:
PermissionsEx, GroupMannager, and some i forgot the name of.

How long can you be online each day:
around 6 hours.

Are you currently staff on a different server:
Yes, but i haven't been on in a lONG time, and i think they got the message im no longer a staff member.

Can you bring friends to this server:
yes i can

Any other info: Yes, my Skype is RodneyFessler.
07/24/2014 11:32 am
Level 28 : Expert Network
austin652's Avatar
Age: 15

What rank you're applying for: mod

What skills do you have that can help you do your job here: not much skill is required to be a mod, but what i do have is the skill of being experienced as staff

How can you help my server grow and stay safe: by helping where help is needed, and making sure the players obey the set rules.

Proof that you have been staff elsewhere: nitro-pvp.mcph.co and http://imgur.com/31amHhy

What rank do you think best suits you (out of what is listed): Mod+

What plugins are you experienced with: essentials, factions, world edit, multiverse, etc

How long can you be online each day: most of the day

Are you currently staff on a different server: yes

Can you bring friends to this server: probably

Any other info: no
07/25/2014 5:18 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
NotReallyRabbit's Avatar
07/27/2014 6:40 pm
Level 28 : Expert Network
austin652's Avatar
07/23/2014 9:46 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
MrConHD's Avatar
May I have the IP? I would like to check out the server before applying.
07/23/2014 9:50 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
NotReallyRabbit's Avatar
The server is currently whitelisted at the moment
07/23/2014 6:12 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
HiR3z's Avatar
Minecraft Name: HiR3z

Age: 15

Proof of Building Experience : http://imgur.com/a/2j0bc

What interests you in building: Creating interesting and awe inspiring works

What type of building are you good at: All kinds, but I like to stick to medieval mostly

What is the command to use world edit to set stone brick: //set stonebricks

What is the command to use world edit to create a sphere: //sphere [dimensions]

What is the world edit command to activate a brush: Don't use brush, never have, never will.

Any other information: Nah, I'm too cool for that.
07/23/2014 7:56 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Architect
NotReallyRabbit's Avatar
Whats your skype?
07/24/2014 1:33 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
HiR3z's Avatar
My Skype is J_HiR3z, but I don't have a mic. Just FYI.
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