★ ★Nations United ★ ★ Need Admins, Developers, Builders, ETC

Damien_Thane's Avatar Damien_Thane6/6/15 5:45 pm
6/6/2015 7:15 pm
Damien_Thane's Avatar Damien_Thane
Hello, I am the Owner of United Nations. I will start by telling you who we are and what we are looking for in people for our staff group!

Who we are!

We are a RPG server that surrounds around Nations! There are some Quests you can do, and also build your Empire! You will start by Creating a Nation or joining one of your friends, or make friends and join them! The whole point of the server is to rise to the top of the leaderboards and rule the Nations! We will be using the Many plugins to create towns and such until we can make out own custom Nations Plugin!

We will give you the IP once you are accepted

Ranks We Are Accepting!


GFX Artist







How long have you been playing Minecraft:
Have you ever played a RPG server?:
What past Experience do you have as Staff on Servers:
Are you currently staff on any other servers:
If not, When was the last time:
How active will you be to the server:
Time Zone:
What Skills/Qualities Do You Have?:
Why Do You Want The Position?:

GFX Artist

Previous Experience with creating logos/banners:
Examples of your work:


Pictures of previous builds:
How active will you be on NationsUnited?

Head Builder

Pictures of previous builds:
How active will you be on NationsUnited?
Why should you be the Head-Builder:
Whats are your building skills:
How long have you been building for servers:


How well can you code:
How long have you been coding:
What do you code in:
What plugins have you made before:
What proof do you have that you are a Plugin Developer:
What are your Coding Skills:
How did you get into coding:
Can you code GUI displays:
What servers have you coded for before:
How active will you be:
Maturity 1-10:


How long have you been playing Minecraft:
Have you ever played a RPG server?:
What past Experience do you have as Staff on Servers:
Are you currently staff on any other servers:
If not, When was the last time:
How active will you be to the server:
Time Zone:
What Skills/Qualities Do You Have?:
Why Do You Want The Position?:
How Mature Are you?:
What makes a good admin to you?:
Posted by Damien_Thane's Avatar
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior

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06/06/2015 5:54 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
AnonymousNausea's Avatar
IGN : AnonymousNAusea
Age: 14
Skype : aaronkanga
Name : aaron

I have played Minecraft for 2 years

Yes i have played on a RPG Server

I have been staff on 16 different servers so far I`m very experienced in admin since i have been on this position for ages and a lot ,

I am currently staff on 2 servers 1 is my friends and there is other 1 server
Although i have been staff on 16 servers rest of them were disbanded since the owner could not afford more money ,
in 1.5.2 cracked i was a co owner on a server that has 300 people averagely everyday . I do not play on that server since i play on 1.8.7 premium now .

I will be active everyday

Time Zone : GMT+12

I have building skills as well as using commands effectively i also am really good at //wand since i have practice / used them for a long time

Mature : 10/10

I Want the position since i was placed on it for a long time and i am confident with it

To make a good admin i think that it should be a rank that helps the owner effectively and is able to controls the server with minecraft knowledge
i also think that it should contain helping skills ( helper) Following the rules ( Moderator) and should be really active and make people respect you and the server
06/06/2015 5:55 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
CowMan37777's Avatar
Administrator Application
IGN: CowMan377
Skype: CowMan377
Name: Aidan
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 4 Years.
Have you ever played a RPG server?: Yes, I have.
What past Experience do you have as Staff on Servers: I've owned my own server and I was Co-Owner, Head-Admin, Admin, Moderator, and Helper on other servers. I'm very good with commands.
Are you currently staff on any other servers: No.
If not, When was the last time: A few months ago.
How active will you be to the server: I can play for 2-6 hours.
Time Zone: EST
What Skills/Qualities Do You Have?: I'm very good with commands, I know how to use and install plugins, I am good with helping players, I'm kind of good at building.
Why Do You Want The Position?:I will help players out if it is needed. I am very flexible so if the server has a reset or staff demotion I can handle it. I love helping players out if they are having trouble with anything like commands or what to do. If a player is using a hacked client I will ban them from the server. If someone is spamming and IP I will clear chat then I will mute them. If a player is being mean to others I will give him 1/3 warnings by kicking him and if he doesn't stop I will mute him for 10 minutes. If a staff member is hacking or abusing I will either take screenshots of it. I am also very loyal and I will be dedicated to this server. If I ever get money I might buy something off this server to help it grow.
How Mature Are you?: 8 out of 10.
What makes a good admin to you?:I am a fun person and love to have conversations with members. But when Force needs to be applied I drop the act and get on the problem. I know what to do in situations such as dealing with Cheaters or just a person spamming in the chat. I am always willing to help someone that needs it and I am just an overall nice guy, greeting and answering questions whenever possible. I love to interact with everyone anyway I can. The experience I have had prepares me for the job that I need to do and I am always ready, I play about 4-5 hours on weekends and 2-4 hours on Weekdays. Unless I have something important to do or something personal/family related. Loyalty is one of my big traits. I always stick with people till the end, if I work for that server that's the only server that is a priority to manage.
06/06/2015 5:58 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
AnonymousNausea's Avatar
Dude you just copied your old application
06/06/2015 5:59 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
CowMan37777's Avatar
I did not.
06/06/2015 6:02 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
CowMan37777's Avatar
I did not copy and paste it, I worked hard on this.
06/06/2015 6:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Gamerbro21's Avatar
Administrator / Helper

IGN: Gamerbro21
Age: 14
Skype: Gamerbro21
Name: Jacob
How long have you been playing Minecraft: 4 years
Have you ever played a RPG server?: Yes
What past Experience do you have as Staff on Servers: I have been through many ranks on one of my friends old server. I was mod and went through all the ranks to co-owner.
Are you currently staff on any other servers: None at the moment, but i'm oped on one of my friends servers cause sometimes i help him build stuff for his server.
If not, When was the last time: Last year
How active will you be to the server: Realistically definitely more than an hour, but once every other weekend I will be gone 2 days
Time Zone: Central
What Skills/Qualities Do You Have?: I am good at helping players and staff on the server, trying to understand things better that I don't know so I can help you guys, and help you guys get more players.
Why Do You Want The Position?: I want this position because I like RPG or MMO servers and want to be apart to help it and understand it fully. I also want this position so I can help players and staff with the best of my power.
How Mature Are you?: On a scale of 1/10 i'm a 9/10 because sometimes you can't be serious all the time. (That doesn't mean i'm not mature)
What makes a good admin to you?: A good admin to me answers the players questions without ignoring them because that's super annoying to me on other servers, they also help out other staff members on the server whether its something easy, hard, or you the admin don't understand.
06/06/2015 6:19 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
StealCloud's Avatar
IGN; indskys
Age: 16
Name: Joshua
Skype: indskys.lane1
Timezone: Aus, QLD,
Pictures of previous builds: https://www.youtube.com/user/indskysYEAH
How active will you be on NationsUnited? I have a buildteam so not only will I dedicate all my time they will aswell. I know builder apps arnt meant to be long but ill just tell you a little about me. Well I am also a dev I can code plugins but not gui. My teams name is SpeedFlare builds ill try get them to do some free builds for this server. Thanks for your time!
06/06/2015 6:37 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ModelJulie's Avatar
IGN: ModelJulie
Age: 17
Skype: ModelJulieHowe
Name: Julie Howe
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since November 2011.
Have you ever played a RPG server?: Yes.
What past Experience do you have as Staff on Servers: Main would be moderator on Ecocitycraft. Responsible for dealing with player reports, in game questions and issues, and other miscellaneous tasks.
Are you currently staff on any other servers: Not at the current time, no.
If not, When was the last time: Ecocitycraft, around 3 months ago.
How active will you be to the server: I can commit around 3 to 4 hours per day.
Time Zone: EDT
What Skills/Qualities Do You Have?: I'm experienced and mature. I am able to use good interpersonal skills to encourage and foster a positive and growing community. These abilities will enable me to ensure a good community that plays well together.
Why Do You Want The Position?: I'm looking to join a new community, as I've become slightly lonely and am looking for a new group!
06/06/2015 7:07 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ChappyJames's Avatar

No no no.

Dont add this one boss
06/06/2015 7:15 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Warrior
Damien_Thane's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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