Need builders and moderators! (Kit PvP And Factions Soon)

COOOCOOO123's Avatar COOOCOOO1238/19/15 4:27 pm
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8/19/2015 11:29 pm
Crafter Frek's Avatar Crafter Frek
My server's IP: play.arcusmc.com

Builder Application:

How long have you been playing Minecraft?
Do you have any specific building styles you like to work with?
Do you require pay? (With my current builders, they get a small cut if the server starts making mad stacks of cash )
Could you link pictures to your work? (Proof is great, but not 100% required)
Skype? No mic is needed.
Minecraft username?
How many hours per day can you put into the server?
I probably missed a couple questions, so invent two and answer them.

Moderator Application:

How long have you been playing Minecraft?
Skype? No mic is needed.
Minecraft username?
How many hours per day can you put into the server?
Write a list of hacks and their effects
What are the responsibilities of a moderator
Two players are accusing each other of hacks. What do you do?
Multiple reliable people are accusing one person of hacks. There is no video proof, but the people are big influences of the community, and you don't think that they would be trolling, however, you never know. What do you do?
I probably missed a couple questions, so invent two and answer them.
Posted by COOOCOOO123's Avatar
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger

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08/19/2015 11:29 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Crafter Frek
Crafter Frek's Avatar
How long have you been playing Minecraft? 2 years
Skype? Kkillem121 and Crafterfrek
Minecraft username? DefyGravityMc
How many hours per day can you put into the server? 5-8 hours
Write a list of hacks and their effects-Kill-Aura - Better known from the hacked client Nodus as Force-field. This is an auto-attacking hack, being able to hit out of range of normal distance, and at speeds not possible.
Nuker- Basically an auto-block breaker, but breaks blocks at a faster rate.
Sprint- While not all people who sprint hack, if they stand still, or constantly sprint (as in stop-go motions) this is apparent. This sprint while not technically game breaking, can be used for laziness and also to gain a speed boost (in Nodus their is a sprint mode for fast, which makes your run slightly faster than normally possible)
Criticals- This hack is quite hard to detect at most times, but is apparent if the user always deals Critical hits while barely jumping or even not jumping at all. Nodus never had this feature, so it was nothing they never needed to worry about.
NoKnockback- If you cant guess what this is, the user does not take any knockback damage when hit. Pretty obvious.
Fullbright- Makes it so their is no darkness
Xray- Renders only ores user wants to see, mainly used for finding diamonds or chests or bases.
Tracers/ESP- Draws a line from user to a player from the middle of the users curser. and ESP just highlights a box around other players.
NameTags- Makes name tags bigger for the user to find players easier.
Teleport hack- Teleports user to a specific area that was designated
Godmode- Not what your thinking, with godmode, once toggled, your player is frozen in place, and just sends keepAlive packets to the server and denys hit packets. Luckily, NoCheatPlus caught up and patched this hack, so even toggleing this, the user will be frozen, and will take hits every few seconds if continuously hit.
Regen- This hack practically makes someone invulnerable. It acts as a fast-heal and heals the player when not hit. NC+ has affectively blocked this hack, but at one point it was possible.
What are the responsibilities of a moderator- to make sure hackers stay out of the server and in force the rules of the server
Two players are accusing each other of hacks. What do you do? Watch them PvP judge who is hacking if I can see there then I let them go tell them if see them hacking again take screen shots then I would futhee investigate them in gamemode 1. Then ban the real hacker if I find him or her.
Multiple reliable people are accusing one person of hacks. There is no video proof, but the people are big influences of the community, and you don't think that they would be trolling, however, you never know. What do you do? I will investigate the situation I would never jump to conclusions like I said I would go in gamemode 1 and make sure he isn't hacking.
08/19/2015 9:07 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
lions9091's Avatar
Moderator Application:

How long have you been playing Minecraft?
I have been playing since 2012

Skype? No mic is needed.
Yes i do, it's lions909111. I Have a mic just in case if you wanted to know.

Minecraft username?


How many hours per day can you put into the server?

Write a list of hacks and their effects
Auto-clicker, Automatic clicking that I can easily identify.
ForceField, A hack in which if you get in the players range you get hit.
Aim-Bot, A hack in which your mouse gets aimed to the closest player automatically.
I also know many more but I have to go soon so i'll stop there.

What are the responsibilities of a moderator?
To catch people who are breaking rules and result the player with a penalty in which they should be accounted for. They should also be online a lot and see if anyone is doing any wrong doing in-game, chat, or on the forums.

Two players are accusing each other of hacks. What do you do?
First I would ask if any of them have any proof, if they both do and shows that they both where hacking then that would result in a ban for both players.

Multiple reliable people are accusing one person of hacks. There is no video proof, but the people are big influences of the community, and you don't think that they would be trolling, however, you never know. What do you do?
First of course I would ask if they have any proof but like you said if they didn't, I would ask the player if they have skype and if they do I would ask for them to stay online and have them screenshare there screen, and if he refused it would result in a ban.

"I probably missed a couple questions, so invent two and answer them." Alright, here are my 2 questions.

Do you have any past experience?
Yes I have owned 2 servers in which both have been somewhat popular. I've also been moderator on to successful servers (lonewolvespvp) (Xonia Factions).

What can you do to help the server?
I can help manage plugins because i'm really good with them. I can also help with any new ideas because i am very creative.
08/19/2015 7:57 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
DarkOdin's Avatar
Builder Application:

How long have you been playing Minecraft?: 2+ years

Do you have any specific building styles you like to work with?: My favorite is medieval, however I can build in other styles.

Do you require pay?: Yes, I can give you high quality work as well as a large chunk of my time. However, I absolutely do NOT work for free. I also will not wait till the server starts making money to be paid. I want half up front and half after each project i do is completed. I would be willing to sign a contract as well.

Could you link pictures to your work?: http://jzpimpin101.imgur.com/all/

Skype?: DarkOdin/Joel Zimmerman

Minecraft username?: jzpimpin101

Age?: 19

How many hours per day can you put into the server?: (Depends on how much you pay for my time)

can you work well with other builders?: Yes, so long as the other builders play nice and don't try and rule over me. Now if it is a person considered "Head-Builder" and they coordinate building plans well than that's fine.

Have you ever had problems working for anyone?: Nope. I'm a good guy
08/19/2015 6:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xXBexStarXx-'s Avatar
Please quote me and tell me results wether I'm accepted or denied!
08/19/2015 6:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xXBexStarXx-'s Avatar
Moderator Application:

How long have you been playing Minecraft? I've been playing since 1.2 and moderating servers for around a year now.
Skype? No mic is needed. Sadly, I don't have Skype but I hope my application impresses you enough for this not to matter!
Minecraft username? Garf_Vadar
Age? 13, 14 soon.
How many hours per day can you put into the server? Around 3 hours and any other time you need me.
Write a list of hacks and their effects

Fly hacks,
Obviously, they let you fly.
Aim bot means the player does not have to move there mouse to hit a player, they will be automatically pointed in there direction. It often causes the players head to snap/deep
Damages players within a certain radius
Force field
Player won't be damaged, can be confused with kill aura.
Jesus hacks
Allows the user to run/glide across water.
Allows player to climb up a wall without the use of a ladder.
In pvp terms, it allows players to see other users names and often what's inside cheats, can be used to spot ore.
Auto sneaker.
Allows the player to move fast, can be different speed levels.
Auto Clicker
Technically, this isn't a hack but a macro. It allows a player to click insanely fast like 25cps.

What are the responsibilities of a moderator
Most people would say ban mute kick. Ofcourse, these responsibilities are those of a mod and it is highly important to the server that mods catch hackers. Also, it is important to help people and stop arguments. Arguing spams up the chat and ruins players relationships, this is not idle for a successful server. Also, listening to people feed back and even recommending potential staff to you.
Two players are accusing each other of hacks. What do you do?
I warn both players, and speak to each one privately about the other person hacking. I will most likely go in vanish and investigate wether the accused is actually hacking, and take appropriate action if the player is guilty. If the players are found innocent and they continue to row a mute would be best.
Multiple reliable people are accusing one person of hacks. There is no video proof, but the people are big influences of the community, and you don't think that they would be trolling, however, you never know. What do you do?
I listen to what the players have said and investigate the situation. I will watch the accused player and if they are found hacking, will be banned. However, if the player is not online and there is no prove, I can't ban them as there is no proof against them. But, I am not accusing the players who reported him of lying.
I probably missed a couple questions, so invent two and answer them.
Past experience: I have been mod on a pvp server, I learnt al lot about hacks and working in a team with other mods. Also, mod on a free build server where I mainly stopped griefers trolls and spammers.
Why I want to be mod: I'd like to be mod as I find it very nice to help other servers. Also, I enjoy helping the dedicated members of the community in stopping hackers and abusers. Finally, I enjoy moderating!
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