Zoniat's Avatar Zoniat7/6/14 5:10 pm
7/7/2014 7:02 pm
Captain_Pig's Avatar Captain_Pig

So yeah, not that much to explain. The title really says it.
I'm starting up a quite big community, and the way I want it.

So I'm planning to start up a few small servers, with co-owners pretty much controlling the servers most. But First I need some ideas for the servers, if you come up with a great Idea, I'll make the server + make you co-owner on it.

I will make a teamspeak / mumble server for the staff to talk between the servers.

Please fill out this form:

1. IGN
2. Skype (Y/N?)
3. Idea to name for the community
4. Idea to name for the server
5. Server Idea
6. Age
7. Past experience
8. Possible time dedication in hours (weekdays, weekends)
9. TimeZone (GMT)

I'm from Denmark myself, settled in GMT+1. 18 years of age. With a lot of experience in Minecraft indepth development, as well as java. etc.

You do not need the plugin experience, I'm a coder and I do know a lot of plugins. Else, I code them myself.

Since I want my co-owners to be very focussed on this server, I don't wan't people who's admin on 231 other servers and mod on 53 as well as co-owner. I want one unique person with a lot of dedicated time, on each server. Who then sets up the staff.

//Vedel, Zoniat
Posted by Zoniat's Avatar
Level 9 : Apprentice Network

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07/06/2014 5:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
bob222750's Avatar
1. IGN bob22275
2. Skype (Y/N?) no
3. Idea to name for the community Zone infinity
4. Idea to name for the server x-zone infinity
5. Server Idea Factions
6. Age14
7. Past experience I was an admin on one server before it got shut down
8. Possible time dedication in hours (weekdays, weekends) Weekdays and sometimes weekends
9. TimeZone (GMT) PST
07/07/2014 6:51 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
Zoniat's Avatar
Idea falls a bit short, I'm afraid.
07/06/2014 5:28 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Krispro2275's Avatar
1. IGN: krispro2275
2. Skype (Y/N?): Y ,, krispro2275
3. Idea to name for the community: My idea for a community is a very, very friendly one
4. Idea to name for the server:
5. Server Idea: My server idea is unique from others as I don't think I've seen any other server like it! It's to create a server based to help new players and bring in the friendliest community out there. It will be like a normal server but the catch is that there will be no pvp, no fighting, no cursing or swear etc, it will be to help players and creating towns and allowing players to socialize and to employ staff who are extremely friendly.
6. Age: 16
7. Past experience: I have played minecraft since beta 1.7.3
8. Possible time dedication in hours (weekdays, weekends): I mostly play 8-9 hours a day
9. TimeZone (GMT): GMT
Thank you
07/06/2014 5:34 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
ServerWizard's Avatar
You got skype
I am not looking for staff but I need help
07/06/2014 6:05 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
Zoniat's Avatar
I have skype, yes.
07/06/2014 5:43 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Dragon
Posh's Avatar
Can I contact you on skype? I have an idea, but I don't really want to reveal it on this thread, just so the idea isn't stolen.

Skype: monkeybacon1009
07/06/2014 7:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
payj2's Avatar
1. IGN : iz_gotz_issuses
2. Skype (Y/N?) :yes
3. Idea to name for the community: ?
4. Idea to name for the server: ?
5. Server Idea: add lockette to kep chest safe from griefing
6. Age :13
7. Past experience: was a spawn builder for a server and a modarater
8. Possible time dedication in hours (weekdays, weekends): both weekends and weekdays
9. TimeZone (GMT): eastren time zone
07/06/2014 7:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Mindfall123's Avatar
IGN: Mindfall
Skype: Yes
Idea to name community: No
Idea to name server:
Server Idea: Story themed multiplayer. Like a continuous adventure map in multiplayer. For example, you start out being convicted for a crime, and you are taken to a mine, where you need to mine up several amounts of minerals and do odd jobs (NPC based and the ores will self regenerate over time). Then you meet several NPC's that lead to your escape, and you take down whoever accused you. A Adventure map in multiplayer XD. At the end, you are finished with your quest and you have the option to settle down somewhere or to replay it. You could have multiple multiplayer adventure maps people could choose from, or you can alternate each week or so,
Age: 16
Past experience: Built some stuff
Time dedication: It's summer
TimeZone: Pacific time zone
07/06/2014 7:56 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Pokemon
Spigot's Avatar
1. IGN ViperGamez
2. Skype (Y/N?) y, name: chris22470
3. Idea to name for the community: RazerNetwork
4. Idea to name for the server RazerMap
5. Server Idea: I was thinking of having a roleplay server with a bit of adventure theme. They would first start on an island that will have certain resources that they would have to collect and sell to be able to rankup. Each island that they get to there would be more resources and a better shop. Every 4 islands there will be a hidden chest that they could find with different loot everytime it respawns.
6. Age 14 almost 15
7. Past experience: i have owned multiple servers and networks in my past and i was also lead tech for a server host.
8. Possible time dedication in hours (weekdays, weekends) 12-13hrs weekdays probs more on weekends
9. TimeZone (GMT): Mst
07/06/2014 8:21 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
Zoniat's Avatar
Good ideas out there! Still curious for more!
07/06/2014 9:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
brags123's Avatar
1. IGN:
My ign is brag123.

2. Skype (Y/N?):
Yes, I have skype, but I prefer not to voice-chat. It's "brags1232."

3. Idea to name for the community:
I made a server once, and a friend gave me the idea for the name. I liked the name, and since I'm not using it, you can! It's "MixyCraft." I have a website for the old server, since I never removed it: "mixycraft.enjin.com."

4. Idea to name for the server:
I think it's best to have the same name for both the community, and server.

5. Server Idea:
I have two ideas. One normal and fun one. And one I have never seen before, which we would need custim plugins for.
A survival server, with shops and maybe towns. Not factions, and no PvP. Just for players to vave fun at, without getting killed all the time. Personally, this is my favourite type of minecraft server, and I would like to put that as my most wanted suggestion.If you want something a little more special, I will tell you my idea on skype. I think it seems really cool, but we need a great team of developers, imagination, time and players for this to work properly!
I was basicly thinking ablut a survival server, but with heroes, and villains. People start out by choosing a super power. Like flight, x-ray etc... (or we could make them choose between superheroes, and get their powers.) They would also choose a morality, either hero or villain. We could then set up missions and quests, or let them play regular survival with this super powers. Or both. People can't PvP, unless they are of different moralities. A hero and a villain. (This can either happen anywhere, or in certain areas.)
At least that's my idea, but we can talk more about it.

6. Age:
I am 15 years old, but quite mature and experienced.

7. Past experience:
I have owned 3 servers myself, but they didn't work out since I never got them 24/7. After those servers, I learned everything I need to know about permissions, plugins, commands, groups, prefixes, suffixes, website-design, etc... I know what plugins you need, (essentials, pex, core protect, world edit, etc...) and I know how to use them. I am able to make a website through enjin, and all that stuff. I haven't been so much on the forums earlier, and I never advertised or got staff here. This might be one extra reason why the server didn't work out well, but now I've been a little more on the forums, and I'm prepared to get staff-ranks, and advertise here. Since you can't find proof of my servers here, you could check out the website for one of the servers I made, since I haven't removed it yet: mixycraft.enjin.com.

I have also been an admin on another server, and I want to tell you that I started out as a trial-mod, but got ranked up. This has to mean they liked my work, right? Unfortunately, I got demoted when the server reset, and I never got to know why, but that's a while ago, and it was a push for me to make servers. So no hard feelings. This is also when I learned a lot about server commands and plugins, like Essentials, CoreProtect, WorldEdit. I started out by not knowing much, since this was the first time I had been staff on a server, but I was eager to know, and I'm now experienced with several plugins because of that, and many more because of owning my own.

I have also been moderator on a norwegian server, even though they wanted 16+ staff. I asked why they still accepted me, and they said they liked my app so much. They still haven't really demoted me, but I'm hardly ever on the server since there's nothing to do, and there's always other staff on, so they don't really need me either. But still, I know a lot about making and maintaining a server, so thumbs up for that! 

8. Possible time dedication in hours (weekdays, weekends):
I can probably play about 2-4 hours during weekdays, and more during weekends, butcit's really hard to say a specific time!

9. TimeZone (GMT):
My timezone is GMT+1. I live in Norway.

I hope you liked my application, and at least consider it. I want to point out that I don't have a PayPal, and I'm not interested in donation-money, or money-related responsibility.

Sincerely: brag123.
07/07/2014 5:56 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
Zoniat's Avatar
Great ideas, I'll contact you Sir.
07/07/2014 2:46 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Sun-Cloud's Avatar
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Sun_Cloud's (Sun's) Staff Application.
(Hope You Like) : ) <3

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

What Is You In Game Name?:

What is you Age?:

Where Do you Live?:
United States, Virgina.

What Is You Skype?:

What Is You Email?:

What Is You Real Name?:
I would rather not give out my real name. I truly hope this does not effect my chance. If it does let me know.

What Is You Idea For The Community Name?:
We could do like UltraCraft or something. Make a custom IP something like Hub.UltraCraft.Net.

What Is You Idea For the server Name?:
I personally would use the name UltraCraft for my server to keep them connected. Make the IP Custom, Like Pvp.UltraCraft.Net, Factions.UltraCraft.Net, or Fac.UltraCraft.Net. I dont know. Lol something.

What Is your Idea For the Server?:
I would like it to be a faction server. There is more but id rather not put it up publicly.

On A Scale 1-10, What Is You Maturity Level Rating?:(0-10)
I am not always mature but when it come to my job I am very. Yes I take staff just like any other job. When it comes down to it I can be as mature as I need to be. Id say on the scale... Probably a 8 or 9.

On A Scale 1-10, How Dedicated Are You?:
If I love/like the server I am very dedicated to it. Id say Probably a 10. I am 100% dedicated. School is out as well so that helps a lot.

On A Scale 1-10, What Is You Building Skill Rating?:
Sorry to say... Its probably definitely a 4 or 5. This is not my strong point. I am truly sorry.

Why Do You Want To Join?
I want to join because I love helping out and I really need a new server to work with. The server i am with at the moment is still good. I just need to move on and experience other server and more ways of helping. To grow in my learning process. For I have been with that server for about a year now. The server before that I was with was my server. It was close due to money issues. The server before that I was with for about 2 years of my life. So yes I do stay for a long time.

Why Can We Trust You?
I would like to say that you can trust me because I do not like to harm. Only help. Even when I get upset I cannot destroy the server. For I would feel to guilty. I know a lot of people worked really hard on it. Plus put a lot of time and energy into it. From me owning 2 servers, I now do realize how much for and time it is. I know how I would have felt if people wrecked mine. I do not wish to make others feel that way. Technically I have owned a 3rd server but it wasn't up long enough for me to count it. There was this person who never liked me. When he found out I had made a server. He destroyed it. Oddly to say.. It was like a heart break :/ I don't want other people to have to go through what I did. Right then. Even if I did do something, Id just fix it right after. So no point. Believe me iv tried once.Sorry to say. At least i couldn't do it.

How Would You Help The Server?:
I could help the server by Managing chat, Making sure no one is abusing other players (take screenshots for proof and punish what is needed), Making sure everyone knows how to play factions, Helping with basic information about the server. Getting rid hackers and fix shop/plugins glitches. I have experience with organizing which gives you an advantage if you hire me. I not only love being staff. I love following rules and enforcing rules as well. I like listening to questions that other people may have and answering them. If there is one thing I wont do it is break rules, abuse commands or disrespect anyone (Unless called for). Also if you hire me, you will hire someone that will help with advertising and organizing event such as mini-games etc. building is not my strong point in spite of this I will still try to make a good structure. If you hire me to be staff you will be hiring a person that cares for the server and everything in it. I will also suggest things you need to add to the server such as plugins. I can also create a website for the server using Enjin. I have noticed how new people sometimes don't feel real comfortable, When they first join a new server. Well I want you to know I can solve that. There are many people who just spam and spam in chat and in Pm. Having a Staff member that will be there and be able to give them a warning is a great thing for this server. I really am wanting to help make the server even better than it already is. I think we all know that Hacking is a very important rule that if broken there will be very serious consequences. I want you to know I will be there and make sure that hackers are not getting away with Force field, Tracers, Sprint, X-ray those are all hacks that are huge unfair advantages. I know that we all agree that hacking is a huge unfair advantage. I want to completely wipe that out of this server. Along with advertisers. I will check ban Appeals daily. I will check the ban appeals section of the website at least 13 times a day or every hour. That is to ensure that I take a look at each appeal posted and that will obviously help when trying to give the banned player a second chance. I will be active on both the forums and the server. As I said above, in I will be online everyday for way longer than I should be. Lots of people need help and can't inform staff members in game, so the website is a great place to help people and fix the server's bugs and problems. If a member is asking for help, I will contact him in-game and try at my best to helping him, if of course he needs some HELP, I will never spawn items in for members, neither donors. If his problem is too serious which I can't take care of on my own, I contact high authority. If high authority is not available I will contact another member of staff. If a Donator is abusing, I will kindly ask the donor to stop, however if he keeps on doing that or/and disrespects me or any of the other staff members, I will proceed onto Kick, Mute, Temp-Ban, Ban the donor with the accuse of abusing his powers as i see fit and fair. If another fellow staff member is abusing their powers I will proceed by screenshots of it. Then continue by sending the screenshots and an explain to the owner. I can also make ranks and kits. I can help a small server grow very well. I can get good people to staff as well.

Why Should We Choose You To Be Part Of The Staff?:
I think I am rather good staff . I am good at punishing people the right way and being fair. Plus everything in the "How Would You Help The Server" section of my application.

How Much Time Are You Able To Spend On The Server:
[i]It is different everyday, but although i am a daily player. I spend probably way more hours than i should. I'm one of those people who you would say had no life.
[u][b]Ha Ha #NoLife.[/i][/b][/u]

[u][b]Do You Have Any Staff Experience, If So Then What?: [/b][/u]
[i]Yes, I have staffed as helper 4 times. Plus staff as Mod on over 30 different servers now. Iv held the position Head-Mod on 6 servers. I have staffed as Admin on 26 servers. I have been in the staff position Head-Admin on 5 servers. Sadly I have never been a Developer. I'm not good at that yet. I have been Co-owner of 3 server. I have owned 1 test server. Also as well have owned 2 of my own servers. (Which have shut down due to money issues) [/i]

[u][b]Amount Of Experience With Factions?:[/b][/u]
[i]Well considering I only play factions. Plus owning 2 faction servers and having 1 faction test server. Don't forget adding how much i play to the equation. You tell me.[/i]
[u][i][b]LOL : ) <3 <3 <3[/b][/i][/u]

[u][b]Have you ever made a plugin?:[/b][/u]
[i]Sorry to say I have never, But I am learning and going to try to be able to make my first plugin by the end of this summer. : )[/i]

[u][b]How Good Are You With Plugins?:[/b][/u]
[i]I am good with getting then setup and working right. I can configure to fit the servers needs.[/i]

[u][b]What Other Information Can You Give Us About You?:[/b][/u]
[i]I am a girl who loves MineCraft. I am not a girly girl. Neither am I a tomboy. I love to play basketball and soccer. Along with making new friends and helping people out. <3 Not sure what else you would like to know :/ if u need other info please just let me know.[/i]

[i][u][b][size=150]- Love Sun : ) <3[/size][/b][/u][/i]
07/07/2014 3:45 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
Zoniat's Avatar
Too much Copy-Paste I'm afraid.
07/07/2014 6:03 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Sun-Cloud's Avatar
What do u mean to much copy and paste? I wrote all of that!?!
07/07/2014 3:49 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Warrior
preston7791's Avatar
1. IGN preston7791
2. Skype (Y/N?) exoticdrone
3. Idea to name for the community Kings craft Or Raid And get raided
4. Idea to name for the server kings craft
5. Server Idea A skyblock raiding server so it would have factions and sky block so the whole point is to get your skyblock/ faction the biggest and raid other peeps facs by over claiming or either tnting
6. Age 13
7. Past experience i have been on minecraft for 3 and a half years and i am very experienced with servers
8. Possible time dedication in hours (weekdays, weekends) week days mostly 5 hours a day and or more and weekends about 6 and or more
9. TimeZone (GMT) Eastren 3:00 pm

07/07/2014 6:16 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Sun-Cloud's Avatar
Add me on skype and i can explain any questions u have...
[b][u]Skype:[/b] sun.cloud18[/u]
07/07/2014 7:02 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Captain_Pig's Avatar

Skype (Y/N?)
Yeah, my skype is i_screwPigs

Idea to name for the community
Well I think it should be named after the server, I think it must be clean and something catchy eh?

Idea to name for the server
I suggest having all the games/minigames and then planning out the name from there.

Server Idea
Well I finally get a chance to speak and say I would love to see more of these types of servers, I come here and postpone to you a Ultra Hardcore server. Ultra Hardcore is a gamemode similar to Hardcore minecraft with a twist, you have teams of 2 or 4, maximum of 24 players. were they are spread across a map 1000x1000 blocks and then they collect resources and gear up. The only problem is they don't regenerate health, that makes a intense game and or PvP gamemode. The only way for them to saturate their health is by crafting a golden apple or by making a health potion. Strength and Regeneration potions are disabled making Ghast drop gold ingots instead of ghast tears. After 90 minutes if there is no winner they are teleported to a arena were they will battle to the death, to which a winner will be crowned for victory!

Another Idea I had in mind was a Arcade area were you can include some simple and fun to play games like King of the Ladder, big ladder only one king of it. Punch off all the players before they punch you off your throne!
Spleff it up! Receive a shovel with efficiency x and make all the players fall to the void by breaking the floor, last player alive wins!
Cook out, first one to slay all the cows get coal and cook the steak wins the game! Start off with a stone pickaxe and the winner is the one to 30 cooked steak.

14, I'm mature enough to understand whats right and whats wrong and to dedicate time to this big project.

Past experience
Well all these ideas were mine to use on my own server, I couldn't because I don't have enough funds to keep a server up.
I have alot of experience with different plugins, I was moderator on a decent size servers that shut down because the Owner disbanded the server.
I am Admin on a server, I will dedicate some time to this but not as much as a bigger agenda like this one. The server Owner there still needs alot done for it to be open yet.

Possible time dedication in hours (weekdays, weekends)
I can dedicate 5 days of my Weekdays and 1 day of my Weekends, I would like Sunday of as its my day I take to take care of my personal stuff. I would be on alot, being honest here 6-8 hours a day atleast.

TimeZone (GMT)
I am in Texas so my TimeZone is Central

I also want to say that If im not chosen I would still love to support you project by helping you anyway I can, either by moderating or just by helping around with anything you need. Take care and I hope to be able to work with you! - i_screwPigs
Planet Minecraft


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