Need Staff for a small whitelist bukkit server [1.7.4]

mcd573's Avatar mcd5731/4/14 6:03 pm
4/9/2014 4:26 pm
AlexDoMC's Avatar AlexDoMC
Hello, I would like some people who can help me with my server.
I need help controlling people with griefing, trolling and more.
Admins, Moderators, Builders, and Redstone makers are needed.
Skype: If yes put your Skype name, If no, put N/A
Rank you want:
Why you should be this rank:
(If builder or redstone maker) Screenshots of work:
Would you abuse this power:
Posted by mcd573's Avatar
Level 5 : Apprentice Modder

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04/09/2014 4:26 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
AlexDoMC's Avatar
rank you want: I would like to be a admin
Why you should be this rank:i am really good with worldedit and the commands with it and I can catch griefers good
Would you abuse this power:no
02/11/2014 8:28 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Princess
penguin_kraft's Avatar

Age:13 (14 in march)
Skype: Sorry I do not have one...I do not like talking to people I don't know irl...
Rank you want:Admin Or Mod
Why you should be this rank:Because I am really mature and i have experience of being apart of staff.
Would you abuse this power:No Never!

My experience:
Mod:6 Servers
Admin:2 Servers
Head Admin:1 server
Builder/Helper:2 Servers

PM me if you like my app
02/11/2014 8:08 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Mr_Fluffy51's Avatar
Rank you want: Admin or Moderator
Why you should be this rank: I have been an admin and mod on other servers and I believe I could really help you with anything you could need!
Would you abuse this power: Of course not! The main purpose of staff is to assist owner and help players.
If you have any other questions feel free to email me at: nhechtl1@gmail.com
01/06/2014 10:31 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
joelcubbin's Avatar
IGN: joelcubbin
Age: 12
Skype: joelc2001
Rank you want: Administrator or Moderator
Why you should be this rank: I am a very persistent punctual person, I will not let any player trespass the rules. Even though I am young, I am mature for my age, great with vocabulary and a very fast typer. I am sure that I can nurture the server as best as possible. I think I deserve this rank because I have a very kind personality, and I wish to help and treat the players as caring as possible. I shall show myself as a person who wants to have fun, help the server, maintain all issues and treat everyone nicely as long as they use the same principal. Factually, I have been an Owner of 2 servers, a Co-Owner of 4 servers, a Super-Administrator of 1 server, an Administrator of 5 servers, a Super-Moderator of 1 server, and a Moderator of 3 servers. I would not mind if a mistake is made; and if a new player has joined the server, I will look after them and make sure they have the best experience.
Would you abuse this power: Never in any way. I see myself as a normal player of the server.
01/05/2014 2:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
raultm's Avatar
IGN: raultm
Age: 14
Skype: Raultm
Rank you want: An Admin-Builder
Why you should be this rank: Becouse i had experience with building aweasome structures and being a cool admin
(If builder or redstone maker) Screenshots of work: http://raultm.imgur.com/all/
Would you abuse this power: i would not, becouse, im not a troll, why i would screw up another people server?!?!?! I hunt people who do this!

If u dont find me on skype, try raultm2012.
If dont work, contact me at raultiessi@hotmail.com =D
01/05/2014 1:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheArcticPheonix's Avatar

IGN: TheArcticPheonix

Age: 16

Skype: N/A sry but i have teamspeak

Rank: Admin

Why i should be this rank: i am very helpful to people and i can be on every day , i can help build stuff or help work on the server, i am a very kind person and i can advertise on planet minecraft, i have owned a server but it got hacked i have been a co-owner on 2, head admin on 2, admin on 4, and mod on 6 and i have never been banned before.

you ever abuse these powers?: no definetly not never i would never admin abuse or anything! you dont have to pm me the ip just contact me at reillyparker31@hotmail.com! have a nice day! i hope i get it!
01/04/2014 8:54 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Slight-Silver's Avatar
Ok, sent the PM ^^
01/04/2014 7:26 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Legend530's Avatar
IGN: Legend530
Age: 13
Skype: FuSionMagnus
Rank: Admin or Mod
Why you should be this rank: I really like to help out new people and i think that it is important that people on servers know the rules.
Would you abuse this power: Not at all
01/04/2014 7:33 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
mcd573's Avatar
You sound like a good moderator. PM me.
01/04/2014 7:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Robinson03player's Avatar
IGN: minecraftjay1234
Age: 17
Skype: N/A
Rank you want: Administratpr
Why you should be this rank: I love to help people and take control if needed. I promise to help and be online a lot.
Would you abuse power; Definitely not!
01/04/2014 7:32 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
mcd573's Avatar
Personally I think you could be a moderator. Please PM me.
01/04/2014 6:41 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Slight-Silver's Avatar
IGN: Slightsilver
Age: 14
Skype: slight-silver
Rank you want: Mod or Admin
Why you should be this rank: Well i believe all servers need someone to help out new people, joke about with the more experienced members, and just have fun. That is pretty much what I do. I try to make myself approachable and friendly, but i can be unbiased and firm when i have to be, i listen to both sides of the story, but if there is no evidence i won't take action- but i will monitor whoever was reported.
(If builder or redstone maker) Screenshots of work:
Would you abuse this power: Of course not, i know it sounds cliche but it's the truth.

Thanks for reading c:
01/04/2014 7:31 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
mcd573's Avatar
Have you moderated any other servers? You might be a admin. Please PM me.
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