New Server Looking Staff! Hurry for good positions!

andrypedak's Avatar andrypedak12/26/12 5:14 pm
1 emeralds 145 7
12/27/2012 12:55 pm
skelaiterMC's Avatar skelaiterMC
Staff needed:
Builder (1/1)
Plugins manager (0/1)
Ingame help (2/2)
Site mod (1/1)
Ticket manager (0/1)
Supervisor (0/1)

Explaining Staff Jobs:

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Builder is the one who builds awesome creations and buildings to make the server look beautiful. Can make new worlds and use WorldEdit/WorldGuard. Must be online once a day (when going on a vacation or something please contact Andry). May not delete worlds (only Andry's permission is given). May not be banned/kicked. Is Opped.

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Plugins manager:
Plugins manager is a guy who looks for awesome plugins and keeps the plugins updated. You must know how to write permissions to get this position. Must be online once a day (when going on a vacation or something please contact Andry). May not be banned/kicked. Is Opped.

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Ingame help:
This guy has to help people ingame. If someone is traped or does not get his reward or something then You need to take care of it. Must be online once a day (when going on a vacation or something please contact Andry). Is Opped. May not be banned/kicked.

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Site mod:
This guy needs to keep the Website and MC server updated whit eatchother. Example: The Plugins manager guy adds a new plugin and now You need to update the website that a new plugin was added. Must be online once a day (when going on a vacation or something please contact Andry). Is Opped and Admin on the website. May not be banned/kicked.

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Ticket manager:
Ticket manager needs to check all the problems what have been made on the forums or sent to the server Email. The problem needs to be sloved in 48h. Must be online once a day (when going on a vacation or something please contact Andry). Is Opped. May not be banned/kicked.

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Supervisor needs to check that have the other Guys made there job or not. This guy can set dates when the job needs to be ready (Max. 2-7 Days). Is Opped. Has access to edit the remainders and set jobs to be ready. Must be online once a day (when going on a vacation or something please contact Andry). May not be banned/kicked.

To Apply:
Fill this up!

[b]Ingame Name:
Age (Min. 14):
Timezone (Max. -/+3 EET):
What position applying for:
Experience (detailed, Min. 100chars):
Online time per day:
Skype (required):
Proof of Work:
[u]I promise that the information above is True:[/b][/u]

[size=85][i][b]For more info add me on Skype.[/b]
[u][b]Skype:[/b][/u] [u]andry.kenert.pedak[/u][/i][/size]
Posted by andrypedak's Avatar
Level 1 : New Crafter

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12/27/2012 12:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
skelaiterMC's Avatar
12/27/2012 8:04 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
likea12yearoldboss's Avatar
My in game name is XxRasberryxX
I was a admin on the dragon craftservers
i have my own server but i prefer to help other
o would like to be a moderator
i am 15
im a guy
mt skype name
12/27/2012 6:49 am
Level 1 : New Network
Luke199's Avatar
Ingame Name: Luke199
Name: Luke
Age (Min. 14): 14
Language: English
Gender: Male
Timezone (Max. -/+3 EET): GMT
What position applying for: Site Moderator
Experience (detailed, Min. 100chars):
1st, I have a strong personality and can keep the server happy and joyful I am one of those people that know to have fun in the rules.
2nd, I am neat and orgernised and hope that my application can be also well I hope you can read it.
3rd, I think I have good grammar and spelling from what I see no spelling mistakes yet.
4th, I am a fair person I will investergate a broken rule and make sure I am not banning or kicking the wrong person and that they know what they have done wrong by me not getting stressed and shouting at them,
5th, I understand I have a lot of powers given op and I will promis not to abuse them they are given to me so I can protect the server and keep it a family friendly zone where people don't need to be scared of my rank and can still come to me and ask me questions and get a calm reply.
6th, I will listen to what you say but I do expect you to listen to what I say also and I hope that the server staff have meetings monthly or weekly so we can talk and discuss stuff about the server,
7th, I am a team player being staff on many servers and on my own I have learnt there is no running a server not working in a team because you may need someone for there administrative knowledge and someone for there plugin knowledge and they both have to work together so say I ask for a admin chat plugin then the plugin person can investergate more into it...
I used to run a 150 slot server PVP-Nation,
I was a helper promoted to mod then admin on loney online 150 slots I will post the owners review below,
Admin to head-admin then co-owner on Killercraft tekkit,
Head-Developer on Kingscraft,
And mod on another server but staff destroyed it so dont worry about that one.

Online time per day: 4-7 hours on the website and more ingame
Skype (required): message me -.-
Proof of Work: N/A
I promise that the information above is True: Oh its true
12/27/2012 5:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
skelaiterMC's Avatar
12/26/2012 5:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
skelaiterMC's Avatar
Ingame Name:skelaiter
Age (Min. 14):14
Language:UK English
Timezone (Max. -/+3 EET):GMT
What position applying for: Site Mod
Experience (detailed, Min. 100chars):I have had minecraft since the nether update (feels like 100 years ago XD) and during that time i have often spread my self across many servers until recently when i got trial mod and got up to Admin until the point the server went down. i have been mod on other servers but never really stayed long enough to get a higher position. I have helped run the website of the server that went down and found it relatively easy to do, and i hope i will be able to keep up with your demands if i get the position requested
Online time per day: 5 hours (varying obvs)
Skype (required):thomas.270
Proof of Work: erm... not sure what you mean
I promise that the information above is True:yep
12/26/2012 5:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
abiuv's Avatar
Ingame Name: abiuv
Age (Min. 14): 14, I'm mature
Language: English
Gender: Male
Timezone (Max. -/+3 EET): Eastern Time Zone (-5:00) US and Canada.
What position applying for: Builder/Supervisor/In-game help ---- Any of the 3
Experience (detailed, Min. 100chars): I have had Minecraft for PC for 2 years now. Minecraft for Xbox since May, and Minecraft for iOS for 3 months. I have been staff on 3 servers and have been a admin on 1.
Online time per day: Very Often. 6-7 Hours
Skype (required): abiuv.tng
Proof of Work: Sorry, what?

PS. I can donate for the server.
12/26/2012 5:17 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
JPalestis_'s Avatar

In game name?JPalestis
Age ? 14
Favorite color? Turquoise
Rank? Admin, headadmin, if no space moderator, or if u love it coowner
Why should We choose you? I have alot of experience, I own 3 servers, 1 i host 2 I bought, I have been owner rank on 2 servers besides mine, I can program small things , I have been admin 5 times and mod 2 times
Why do you want to join ? Well I am looking for a server to play on, because my old fav server went down for good
Time zone? Washington, D.C. USA
How long per day can you be on? 7-10 hours
How long per week can you be on?80-110
Next is 1-10
Building 9
Plugin 9
Command 10
Redstone 6
Pvp 9
Next is questions for if you can do
Make plugins? No
Make youtube vids? No but I have a youtube account
Host a server? Maybe
Play tekkit?yes
Play minecraft yes
Planet Minecraft


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