Recuiting Moderators for Craftastic

DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar DEADname_UNREAL2/24/13 12:20 am
3/17/2013 10:52 am
Mercer's Avatar Mercer

Welcome to the moderator application signup for Craftastic! The original server page can be found here!

http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/b ... craft-146/


Minecraft Name:
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10):
What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules:
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules:
How would you help the server:
Posted by DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
Level 21 : Expert Network

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03/13/2013 5:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
shapelesscross2's Avatar
But still come on the server Make amazing things in creative mode. Or roam survival fighting mobs etc. Its a really awesome server with a great community!
Come join the fun!
03/13/2013 10:47 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
I guess maybe we can shut down the thread, we have many mods.

03/13/2013 8:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
shapelesscross2's Avatar
I guess so... We have a lot of mods atm though. There is always a mod online.
03/12/2013 11:05 pm
Level 24 : Expert uwu
Girouette's Avatar
Recruiting again?
03/12/2013 8:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
7iiRaZoRii7's Avatar
Minecraft Name:7iiRaZoRii7
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10):8-9
What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules:It would depend on what it was.
Swearing:Warning and mute.
Griefing:I would ask them why they did it and then jail them,possible temp-ban depending on situation.
Modding:Perma-ban, maybe temp-ban
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules:Like the first one it depends on the situation.
Swearing:Longer mute or temp-ban, maybe perma-ban depending on the situation.
Griefing:Perma-ban, I hate greifers
Modding:Definite perma-ban

How would you help the server:I would help the server in all different ways. I will make sure everyone is following the rules.Make sure everyone is having fun. Making sure no one is modding or griefing that will make everyone else happy. I will also help building all kinds of awesome creations. Overall i just want everyone to be happy and keep the server a fun and safe server for anyone who wants to join.

Thank you,
03/12/2013 11:04 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
03/12/2013 12:51 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
onursmail's Avatar
Minecraft Name:onursmail
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10):6
What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules:Warn them
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules:Kick

How would you help the server:In any way possible
03/12/2013 12:53 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
03/04/2013 11:08 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
BafioFTMinecraft Name: bafioft
Gender: male
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10): 8
What would you do the first time someone beoke the rules: I would give them a warning
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules:then i would temp ban then ban them
How would you help the server: i would help the server by elemiteing the spam and the hackers and keep it a happy and fair environment

03/04/2013 9:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
nicepyro250's Avatar
Minecraft Name: nicepyro25
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10): 10

What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules: ask them why they broke them if they give a vaild reason give them a warning next time its a ban if they dont give a good reason or just ignore you then ban seeming rules are rules.

What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules:if it was the same person id explain they broke the rules and they would get banned and have to appeal on the website.

How would you help the server:ive had alot of experience in moderator positions and i think i would benefit about in this server

thank you for reading this hope you have a nice day
03/04/2013 11:08 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
03/04/2013 7:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
shapelesscross2's Avatar
Application: Mod

Minecraft Name: Shapelesscross2

Gender: Male

Maturity (On a scale from 1-10):7-8

What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules: Depends on what rule they had broken. If they had used a hack then i would Perm ban. If something like spamming then warn-kick-mute

What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules: If they had broken rules for spamming again then i would temp-ban, Jail maybe ban depending on what they spammed. Like a server IP? (which would be a ban) or one word just to annoy people. A 2nd chance for hacking is rare. If they hacked once what would stop them from doing it again? That is why i would ban if they had hacked. Following the rules isn't that hard. If you don't follow them then you will be penalized for it. Simple.

How would you help the server: I would help the server by helping other players with what ever problems they might be having that day. I would also hope to Donate a good amount of money to help keep the server up. I like helping players and making sure that the rules are being followed.

03/04/2013 8:55 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
02/28/2013 12:06 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
Capritorne's Avatar
hey can you unban me already you banned me like 3 months ago
03/02/2013 3:05 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
This is a page for applications, not asking to be unbanned.
02/28/2013 12:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xx__Beast__xx's Avatar

Minecraft Name: lxl_BEAST_lxl
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10):8
What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules:mute the player or warn him or jail him
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules:ban/tempban the player.
How would you help the server: iwill try my best to clean this server form bad people who
hacks or cheats and iwill help new players and show them what the server got.
03/02/2013 3:04 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
02/24/2013 1:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
lildrumma13's Avatar
Minecraft Name:lildrumma
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10):9
What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules:I would mute if it were chat related rules or kick if it were griefing
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules:I would temp ban them for how long i want it to be depending on the severity of the rule. If it does happen again after i temp banned them, its an automatic ban.
How would you help the server: I would help the server by putting my full 110 percent into everything i do. Im apart of a youtube channel so i can advertise the server and do some fun stuff in it to get some people to join. Also, i will dedicate my time into making sure everything is going smoothly and everybody is happy with it. I never leave a person behind, if one isn't happy, im not happy. I can also help with building and creative ideas, im full of imagination and i never stop coming up with wonderful ideas on how to increase popularity of the server.
02/24/2013 1:31 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
02/24/2013 1:16 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
skyclan123's Avatar
Minecraft Name: _Tekkit_
Gender: Male
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10): 9
What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules:
1. If two members had gotten into an argument, how would you break it up, and leave them both happy?
I will approach the situation respectfully. I will listen to both side of the stories and try to create a solution that will satisfy both of them. If one of the user’s is not satisfied, I will think *outside the box* to make them both happy with the outcome.
2. If someone broke a rule, and you caught them, what would you do? Why?
I would approach them and warn the user that they are breaking the rules. If they continue breaking the rules, I will ban them for a short period of time to make sure then understand what they did is prohibited. If they continue to break the rules, it may result into a ban. If the user has learned what he did was wrong, I will let him/her go.
3. What if you were notified of a rule-breaker by a member? What would you do? Why?
If I was notified of a rule-breaker, I would go into Mob-Mode and spy on them. If I see that they are breaking the rules, I will warn them. If I don't see any suspicious activity, I will let them go. If I see suspicious activity, I will warn them. If they continue to break the rules, I may result in a temporary ban. If she/he continues, I will result in a ban.
4. If someone found diamonds and it was broadcasted, what would you do? Why?
I would go invisible to spy on him/her. If the user is *branch-mining* and find diamonds, I will suspect that they are using X-RAY and continue to spy on them. If they find more diamonds by *branch-mining* I will ban them. If I don't see any suspicious activity, I will let them go.
5. If someone cursed you out with the words that haven't been censored, how would you respond? Why?
I would respectfully tell them to stop cursing. I will warn them that disrespecting staff members is strictly against the rules. If continue, I will temporary ban them and see if they learned. If they keep cursing, I may result in a ban.
Extra(Optional): In my own opinion, I believe that the ideal staff member for Your Or Any Server is being respectful to everyone. I also believe that they need to be loyal and always try their 100% best at everything they do. The staff should never let anyone down if the user’s need assisted. Lastly, I believe the staff members should try their best to stop greefers and hackers. These are some of my own opinion what I think the ideal staff member is for Your Or Any Server.
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules: Explained above.
How would you help the server:
I will always be there to help the server! - I believe I have what it takes to become a part of Your staff. I am loyal, respectful and do my 100% best at everything I do. I am always *Here to Help*. I will never turn anyone down. I will always respond to griefing problems and take care of them correctly. I speak English so any user can understand me. I will think *outside the box* to improve my level of intelligence. Lastly, I have been a staff member on another server, so I know what is expected.
02/24/2013 1:30 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
02/24/2013 1:10 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Pig
Minecraft Name: CONTREKEE
Gender: Male
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10): 9
What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules: If it's something little, i'll just kick them, but if it's something big they'll probably get temp banned for about 3 hours
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules: The seconed time, i'll probably perm ban them, or temp ban for like a week or so.
How would you help the server: I would help the server by helping people out when they need help. And if you need help building something ill help you with that. Also, make sure no one is hacking, or breaking the rules.
02/24/2013 1:29 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
Acifin Network
02/24/2013 1:03 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Acifin Network's Avatar
Hi my name is James, and this is my app!!

Minecraft Name: stewie29
Gender: Male
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10): 10
What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules: If someone ever did break the rules, I would kick them, and if they come back and keep doing it I will jail, or temp ban them. If it's serious, jail or ban!
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules: Temp ban, jail or ban.
How would you help the server: I can do a lot for the server, I can advertise, make a professional website, get us a server banner and bring a lot of fun to the community. I have a lot of experience as I have owned, three of my own servers!! One was medieval the other two were factions based. I am very good with plugins and Pex, and know pretty much every command. I am very dedicated, and I work very hard. I also like a challenge The ranks I have been are, Owner, Co owner, Global admin, Head admin, admin, Head mod, Mod, VIP, trusted and OP. I am very friendly and am great with people. I like to get to know people and help people out. I look forward to working with you and fellow staff.

Tank you so much for a wonderful opportunity and hope you accept my app!!
02/24/2013 1:29 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
02/24/2013 12:53 pm
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
02/24/2013 12:57 pm
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
02/24/2013 6:35 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Zeppelindude's Avatar
Application: I'll start with mod and maybe work my way up to admin

Minecraft Name: Zeppelindude


Maturity (On a scale from 1-10): 9 (I like having a little fun sometimes ^^)

What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules: The first time breaking the rule would definitely depend on what they did. If they griefed a large part of a house. That's probably going to end up as a temp ban of about 3-4 days. Spamming, capsing, advertising etc. That's probably a day temp ban.

What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules: The second time? Oh, well that's a permanent ban. They are allowed to appeal to maybe be given another chance (Not all too likely) If someone griefs for example two houses (1 after they griefed the first and got temped) That, is a permanent ban. No excuses.

How would you help the server: I would help the server by enforcing the rules, I love building and helping new members. I think that I would be a good mod as well because I have experience as I was admin on 3 servers (They had to shut down sadly) and I am mod on a different server as well.

Thanks for reading. PM me if I'm accepted! ^_^

02/24/2013 11:42 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
02/24/2013 1:55 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Littlebear_'s Avatar
How Can I Approve It To Become a Moderator?
02/24/2013 3:21 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
Once it is denied, you have you prove yourself worthy on the server by being a good player and reporting rulebreakers.
02/24/2013 1:43 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Littlebear_'s Avatar
Application :

Minecraft Name:Littlebear_
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10):9
What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules: Warn,
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules:jail /Tempban/Banned
How would you help the server: Make Sure No one Breaks The Rules And let everyone enjoy the server,
02/24/2013 1:46 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
02/24/2013 1:00 am
Level 23 : Expert Modder
variXian's Avatar
Ok, can you PM me the IP?
02/24/2013 1:30 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
The server page has the IP.
02/24/2013 12:52 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
Famousie0's Avatar
Minecraft Name: famousi0


Maturity: i would say about 8-7. i get the rules across to everybody but still having fun while doing it.

First time someone breaks the rules: It depends on the situation and how big the situation is.if someone greifed someones house then probably a temp-ban or a kick.

Second time someone breaks the rules: probably a perma-ban.

How you would help the server: i would help the server by helping people with problems and also getting rid of the bad people on the server like greifers and hackers.

May i also suggest a website for the server so if someone gets perma-banned they can make a ban appeal just in case one of us banned someone for the wrong thing?
02/24/2013 12:56 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
I am in the process of making a website.
02/24/2013 12:32 am
Level 23 : Expert Modder
variXian's Avatar
Uh, you still on...?
02/24/2013 12:25 am
Level 23 : Expert Modder
variXian's Avatar
Application: mod or admin

Minecraft Name: zam1137
Gender: uh... Male
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10): 9. I gotta have fun sometimes.
What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules: I would listen to all sides of the argument, then make a decision based on what I've seen, heard, and who I trust.
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules: I would do the exact same thing, but if the player is found guilty, I will institute a harsher punishment.
How would you help the server: I can be mature and fun at the same time. I respect all players and I will do what I'm told. I will respect and follow the rules that I'm told to enforce. I will respect all those above me, and I will be uplifting and cheerful when the time is appropriate.
02/24/2013 12:55 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
DEADname_UNREAL's Avatar
You don't get to choose your app. Everyone has to be a moderator, I give out admin to special people.
02/24/2013 12:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Amosic3's Avatar
Minecraft Name:Amosic3
Maturity (On a scale from 1-10):8
What would you do the first time someone breaks the rules:Warning Depending on what rules they broke
What would you do the second time (last) someone breaks the rules:Temp banned for less serious offence and a perm ban for a more serious offence
How would you help the server: help the server grow and try to find new members to join
02/24/2013 12:54 am
Level 21 : Expert Network
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