Solic.us | Builders and Developers needed!

MrGhettocraft's Avatar MrGhettocraft1/3/15 1:57 pm
1/7/2015 8:50 pm
MrGhettocraft's Avatar MrGhettocraft
Hello! We are looking for experienced builders (and developers, see below) who want a position on a upcoming server-network, Solic, we hope to provide a network centered around a unique factions experience along with counterparts so that you never need to find another server. We promote a fair and balanced server where a player does not have to donate to enjoy their time on the server. We've got a lot of the technical side of the server done, it's mainly just the building that needs to be done to finish the server. Here is what we are asking:

Needed Builds:
- KoTH (King of the Hill) arenas, we need a lot of them so we can replace over-played ones throughout the map

KoTH of the hill is something new to factions, it's getting popular more and more each day and we plan to focus different points from other servers. For those new to factions imagine a red square at the center of your build, that is the capture point (just like in other gamemodes). From there it's totally up to you. Do you want to build a huge arena with flat land and open space, or do you want to have a windy KoTH with tight corridors? This is what Solic is about, we want users to imagine there own experience and make the impossible possible.

- Castles, new concept we're working on.. we'll need a couple of those as well

Castles are something we want to keep private at this time. However, if you have a interest and love the rpg element of Minecraft feel free to shoot us a PM and we will respond with details

- PvP Arenas, sorta like KoTH, but spread out and not focused at one point.. a few of these

PvP Arenas are pretty much explained in the title. It's a area with 2 points (normally opposite of each other) with a flat ground in the middle. The key point of these arenas is to simulate actual PvP.

- Spawn for Creative server

This doesn't need explaining, Just a nice detailed spawn to be used in a PlotWorld.


Now for the developers we are looking for skilled web developers in the fields of:
- JavaScript
- MCAPI (Or similar, for website integration)

We are also looking for plugin developers with knowledge of the Bukkit API, and possible willing to learn Sponge in the future (not a requirement)

This may seem like a lot of work, especially for one person, but we plan on working as a team to accomplish and check these goals off. With hard work and dedication, we could finish the pre-release stage and start growing our community. We don't expect anyone to do this for free by any means, however we are a new server and a lot of our bill is the server itself. With that being said, we do plan on giving you credit for your builds via in game ranks, rewards, and even the possibility of monetary payment in the future.

  • Builder App:
  • First Name (or what to call you):
  • TeamSpeak or Skype:
  • Age:
  • IGN:
  • Favorite style to build:
  • How long have you been building:
  • Screenshots/previous builds:

  • Developer App:
  • First Name (or what to call you)?:
  • TeamSpeak or Skype?:
  • Age?:
  • IGN?:
  • Web-dev/plugin-dev or both?:
  • How long have you been developing?:
  • Previous works?:
Posted by MrGhettocraft's Avatar
Level 17 : Journeyman Network

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01/07/2015 8:50 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
MrGhettocraft's Avatar
We're still looking for people to fill these positions!
01/05/2015 5:40 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
MrGhettocraft's Avatar
01/04/2015 4:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Snix's Avatar
uh. Mind if you send me your skype via PM?
01/04/2015 1:02 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
MrGhettocraft's Avatar
SnixFirst Name (or what to call you)?: Snixecution/Bartlett
TeamSpeak or Skype?:skype_ Snixe.
Web-dev/plugin-dev or both?:Web-dev
How long have you been developing?:Previous works have been containing HTML and CSS mostly,but few cases with MYSQL
Previous works?:eradicationx.com/, http://elveron.org/
Plugin creation has been mostly private,had created a plugin for minecraftmod Pixelmon ( safari zone system)

Trying to add you onto skype, but there's multiple 'Snixe'
01/04/2015 12:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Snix's Avatar
First Name (or what to call you)?: Snixecution/Bartlett
TeamSpeak or Skype?:skype_ Snixe.
Web-dev/plugin-dev or both?:Web-dev
How long have you been developing?:3 years for about 10 different orderers. Previous works have been containing HTML and CSS mostly,but few cases with MYSQL
Previous works?:eradicationx.com/, http://elveron.org/
Plugin creation has been mostly private,had created a plugin for minecraftmod Pixelmon ( safari zone system)
01/04/2015 12:35 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
blake852369's Avatar
ok just contact me when
01/04/2015 12:43 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
MrGhettocraft's Avatar
Okay, I added you on skype
01/03/2015 3:54 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
blake852369's Avatar
01/04/2015 12:08 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
MrGhettocraft's Avatar
Awesome. Okay, either I or another owner will add you on skype and further speak with you.

EDIT: I believe one has already
01/03/2015 2:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ExistingMC's Avatar
Builder App:
First Name (or what to call you): Name: Dylan, Call Me: Existing/Exist
TeamSpeak or Skype: Skype: ExistingMC
Age: 11 (Please dont judge by age)
IGN: _Existing_
Favorite style to build: Western, Old type
How long have you been building: From as long as I can think. Build Raided at: 8.5
Screenshots/previous builds: I have reloaded my computer and forgotten to get my world for I have no proof.
01/03/2015 2:29 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
jammieraider's Avatar
First Name (or what to call you):Jay
TeamSpeak or Skype:jammiedoger
IGN: jammiedoger only problem is im on cracked version
Favorite style to build: medieval,fantasy and big
How long have you been building: not long at all but i can
Screenshots/previous builds:imgur.com/t9Ad0Es,Sy6MOkT,DslVh0W
01/03/2015 2:02 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
blake852369's Avatar
First Name (or what to call you)?: blake
TeamSpeak or Skype?: i have both skype: blake852369
Age?: 15
IGN?: blake852369
Web-dev/plugin-dev or both?: im a plugin dev but could try to learn to be a web dev if needed
How long have you been developing?: 3 months
Previous works?: i make private plugins for servers that i dont release to the public to keep that specific server unique but if you need a plugin i can make a basic one to show you what i can do
01/03/2015 2:21 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
MrGhettocraft's Avatar
Can you give me ideas of plugins you've made?
01/03/2015 2:49 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
blake852369's Avatar
i have made staff duty plugins cool vanish plugins, a handcuff plugin and many more
01/03/2015 3:24 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
MrGhettocraft's Avatar
Have you done anything with plugin APIs?
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