Hydraa's Avatar Hydraa2/24/15 12:56 pm
1 emeralds 225 7
2/24/2015 3:37 pm
TrashCat's Avatar TrashCat
Hello, I'm looking for people to join SkyHigh as part of the staff team(find more info on the sever here). I need a team of experienced and committed moderators to well, moderate the server whilst I'm offline. I'm also looking for maturity as well as a good role model for new players. Furthermore, each moderator should be contributing positively to the growth of the server. Think you're up to this? Apply below!

Please use this generic template, feel free to add sections if necessary.

Minecraft Name:



Why do you want to be part of SkyHigh's staff team?

Do you have any past experience with moderation?

How can you positively impact the server?

Something cool about yourself:
Posted by Hydraa's Avatar
Level 1 : New Network

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02/24/2015 3:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TrashCat's Avatar
Minecraft Name: XlTrashCatlX

Age: 15

Timezone: Central Standard time

Why do you want to be part of SkyHigh's staff team? I have always wanted to become staff on any server. Just for the respect and I love helping people on MC! I also love the fact of moderating a server. I will really love to help!

Do you have any past experience with moderation? Yes I used to own a server (Still do) But its an aternos server which is a free german server hosting server

How can you positively impact the server?
I can moderate players, Do events as in Drop partys DTTC's GTTC's etc
Something cool about yourself:
I am a guy
PM me back for my skype
02/24/2015 3:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Muddyman13's Avatar
Minecraft Name: bentecuador12

Age: 17

Timezone: eastern

Why do you want to be part of SkyHigh's staff team? I am well respected and responsible and reliable and very helpful and kind

Do you have any past experience with moderation? I am sorry I have not but I have helped people in the past

How can you positively impact the server? I can promote the server for popularity and help all the new comers

Something cool about yourself: I play a lot of video games and I run track and bowling
02/24/2015 2:14 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Alexein's Avatar
Hello its me ZaidonPVP/Alexein
Im looking a developer for my Server
If u want to be one U need to know:
* How to download plugins (Website host and without)
* Group manager
* And alot of things
If u think u are ready
U can just add me on skype: Akaproo
Or join my server :

Gl guys!
02/24/2015 2:07 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
XxStormcrafterxX's Avatar
Minecraft Name: falseConfig

Age: 16

Skype: stormcreeper111 (I really need a new Skype name)

Timezone: Central Standard Time

Why Do You Want To Be Part of SkyHigh's Staff Team?: Because your server seems fairly new and I want to help in any way that I can.

Do You Have Any Past Experience With Moderation?: Yes I am currently a moderator on 3 different servers where I have greatly helped them fill their potential which I hope to do with your server too. I am also very experienced with plugins and coding.

How Can You Positively Impact The Server?: I can help you with anything you need on the server, if it's help with developing, advertising, or moderation, I am your guy!

Something Cool About Yourself: I am currently majoring in computer science at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) at 16 years old. (I've skipped 6th, 8th and 11th grade)
02/24/2015 1:54 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
MCAetherCloud's Avatar
Minecraft Name: jebusfathead

Age: 16

Timezone: Greenwich Mean Time Zone (UK)

Why do you want to be part of SkyHigh's staff team? Because your server sounds pretty new and I would love to help out new servers reach the top of their game, and be part of the team that helps does this.

Do you have any past experience with moderation? Yes a lot, I have been moderator and helper on many different servers, mostly survival, and I am also Co-Owner on a server as I help with the plugins.

How can you positively impact the server? I can help keep chat clean and make sure everyone is having a great experience, and I am also a plugin developer and am able to create custom plugins or modify existing ones if need be.

Something cool about yourself: I am a bukkit developer with almost 2 years experience just looking to help out new servers
02/24/2015 1:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BlueSmurf's Avatar
If you need an enjin website, or any type of graphics for your server add me on skype @ Goldenbeargraphics

Note: Graphics ONLY will not be free.
02/24/2015 1:18 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
_fireeeMinecraft's Avatar
Minecraft Name:JasonBoy21

Name: Jason Ford




Do you have any past experience with moderation? I used to have my own server Ive been admin, mod, helper many times and hope to be admin or mod on this sever.

How can you positively impact the server? Im a fun but strict person and can enforce rules and dont let people bend rules. I dont abuse any admin/mod commands. Example if a player is cussing or spamming I will mute for 3 minutes if it continues I will tempban for 10 minutes.

Something cool about yourself: I take college courses in high school.
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