Stephcraft's Server [recruitment]

Stephcraft's Avatar Stephcraft10/5/16 5:25 pm
3/8/2017 3:59 pm
ToxicBlue99's Avatar ToxicBlue99
We need staff members

To become staff please do the following:

1. Go check out our server
here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/stephcrafts-server/

2. As a staff member you want to support the server as much as possible so
you need to vote, favorite and add a diamond
here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/stephcrafts-server/

3. By supporting this server you agree that you like the gamplay so you will need
to play a minimum of two days (in the server total time) before you can apply our before your apply is
accepted our denied
ip: mcstephcraft.ddns.net:26287

4. You need patients your apply might not be answer soon. If you keep talking
about your apply our the ranks your apply will be automatically denied

5. As a staff member you will be always there to help players and other staff members (connected each day).

6. Respect the players and other staff members (if you do not have any respect you will not only be denied but also banned)

7. tell the world you like this server and why if you do not then tell what we should add our modify
here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/stephcraft-server-t570405.html


Open ranks

-Name (minecraft Username)
[Rank you apply for]

-contact account: Skype, planet minecraft our enjin (Skype is the preference)

-Age & sex (boy, girl)

-Since when did you played minecraft ?

-what is your experience whit minecraft ?

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...)

-If possible add a link to your older projects

-Talk about you

-Are you currently staff on an other server

-more information more chance to be accepted

-add: if( r = 2) { } at the end of your apply

Exemple of a Accepted Staff member

Name - DarkCards
[Rank you apply for] - Staff-Manager mainly but any rank will be awesome!

-contact account: Skype, here obviously =)

-Age & sex (boy, girl): 17, Male.

-Since when did you played minecraft ?: I started Minecraft about 3 years ago with a dream to become the greatest! Singleplayer was my thing. I enjoyed making dropper maps and then my friend introduced me to Multiplayer. Very confusing at the time but I got used to it. I started playing on a very popular server called FadeCraft. I adored it. I always had a dream that one day I would become a Administrator or something along those lines. I applied when I was 15 and the next 2 weeks I got a Email from the Server Developer. He said he adored my application but the age requirements where a bit shaky. I was denied after a bit of talking and started this. Applying on new server, it has been my thing for about 9 months now. And I love it!

-what is your experience whit Minecraft? - I'm going to change this answer a bit and make it What is your experience with Minecraft Servers. - I previously owned 4 MC servers. 1 being called SkyShooters, a Prison and Factions server that had it's very own twist. 2 being called PixelMastersMC a Pixelmon server where you could get shiny starters, that server got 75-100 players daily. 3 being called RaidersInk just a normal Factions server. And finally WanderersInk a survival / factions server. I was also a developer on Skylark MC a amazing server with Prison, Towny, Survival, Creative, KitPvP, Factions, Skyblock and Minigames. And finally I am was Moderator on a server called OPGods a Prison Server that has 15-25 players daily but I resigned.

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...) - I believe my talent is Accepting / Declining applications and running a staff team as I have had good experience of it.

-If possible add a link to your older projects - Didn't understand this. Message me about it.

-Talk about you - I am a 17 year old kid who loves life! I love Minecraft and League of Legends and I am currently looking for a job. I adore the huge and ever-growing community of Minecraft and it has changed me. Recently my nan died from breast cancer and it was pretty tragic. It changed my life but motivated me to get a job and hopefully a life XD

-Are you currently staff on an other server - No.

-more information more chance to be accepted - Why do you want to be staff - I want to be staff because I absolutely LOVE your server, it's great and it includes so much great features that most servers don't have. I also love the owner Stephen, he is great and provides lots information and he actually plays unlike every owner. I want to be staff because I see that your server has an extreme lack of staff, this meaning that not many people are provided with the information they may need and nobody to persuade them to stay on.

I also want to be staff because. I previously said before I love your server, and with a staff rank I would make sure I help new comers. I also want to be staff for the obvious reason that everyone wants to be staff, reputation. I am a big guy when it comes to reputation and I love to gain the most reputation and be the most famous. I am a good staff member because I don't use a Staff Filter (Meaning I don't lie to get staff) I speak what I do. Everyone who has applied has applied to gain some sort of reputation.

I also want to be staff because new people can see me in chat and ask for help, personally I love that and I love helping new people and persuading them to stay longer and maybe even purchase a rank. I also want to be staff because I can help clearing chat. I am a very fast typer not to brag so I can type fast and instantly clear the chat free of any server names.

With staff I can get Stephen or any other staff to Trust me Trust is a very big thing when it comes to staff and to be trusted by an owner is amazing. I can help provide support, bug support and additional support. With support I will tell you commands about plugins, plugins you should get and ways to do stuff like finding hackers. With additional support, it's any support that you know a little bit about but maybe want to know more. For example PEX or World Edit. And finally bug fixes. With bug fixes I help provide information about any bug's and how they may be fixed for example many servers are having trouble with votifier so, I can help with that.
Posted by Stephcraft's Avatar
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner

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03/08/2017 3:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ToxicBlue99's Avatar
-Rank you are applying for-Moderator

-contact account-Skype,Discord

-Age & Sex-13 % male

When did you start playing Minecraft? I started playing Minecraft around 4 years ago I first started off playing with on my iPad I played single player with my friends and we had a lot of fun so I decided to get it for PC. When I got it for PC I felt in love with it even more. I would play nonstop everyday all day. There was no stopping me from playing Minecraft. My dad would tell me to stop playing Minecraft and I just kept saying "Yeah, okay one more second". I would play for another hour. One day I was at Walmart and I found a shirt saying "One more block, one more block, one more block". So my dad got it for me I still have that shirt to this day. One day my friend came over to my house he introduced me to SkyDoesMinecraft. He was one of the funniest people I ever heard. I would watch his videos everyday while playing Minecraft. When he got his server I fell in love with that server. I stopped playing Minecraft a year ago but now I'm starting to fall in love with it again.

-What is your experience with Minecraft? I cant really put much in this because I put a lot of it in, When did you start playing Minecraft? Like I said I loved Minecraft but then I got into games like Ark Survival Evolved and Overwatch. Now I realized how much Minecraft has evolved since then so I'm playing Minecraft again.

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...)- I believe my talent is helping people in school I am a very social person and everyone comes to me for help. I am also a fast learner and I obey my orders.

-If possible add a link to your older projects - Didn't understand this question.

-Talk about you - I'm 13 years old and I love life. I play a lot of Overwatch and Minecraft. I am currently doing very well in school and I know how to juggle problems.

-Are you currently staff on an other server - No.

-more information more chance to be accepted - Why do you want to be staff - I want to be staff because I love your server and the community everyone is so respectful. They help each other out and I would just love to be a big part of this community.
02/26/2017 4:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Aggra's Avatar
-Name AggraXD
Admin And/Or Builder

-contact account: Skype (Non Video Calls) Theo S, slyrex23@gmail.com
-Age & sex Male, 13

-Since when did you played minecraft ?
Since 2013 On PC, '12 On XBox And '11 On PE

-what is your experience whit minecraft(servers)? Since I started playing Mc On Pc i played on mineplex, I then purchased The ultra rank on there about a year later, seen as how often I played, I have a good eye for hacks, so I can see if anybody is breaking rules, I applied for trainee, but was turned down for age reasons.
I have always wanted to own a server, but cannot afford it, so have not been able to.

I am great with redstone, and building too.

-If possible add a link to your older projects
-Talk about you
My name is theo, I live in england and am 13 at the time of writing, I have always loved video games and especially open world, sanbox games, Like minecraft.
Seen as I am in a small school, with little homework (about 24 hours per 8 weeks) I have lots of evening time on my hands, and even more on weekends, so I learned slowly, how to play minecraft, and got where I am now!

-Are you currently staff on an other server

-more information more chance to be accepted

-add: if( r = 2) { } at the end of your apply
if( r = 2) { }
02/25/2017 8:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KoGaMa2004's Avatar
My name on Minecraft is: KoGaMa2004
Rank i apply: Admin but but any rank is good.
Contact: Skype (Marmota_Gamer)
Age: 12 Sex: Boy
Since when do I play: I think its 2014
My experience with Minecraft: I play it a lot and i think its very cool, i think im good at it but at the begining i was really n00b.
Talent: I was pretty good at building (i dont know now)
About me: I have a channel on youtube (its a small channel... like 20 subs) and when i get more subs i can make publicity of the server.
More information: I can download Hacks to know if someone is hacking. And then i can warn them, ban them...
Are you currently staff: No
02/25/2017 8:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xXStrafe_PvPXx's Avatar
-xXStrafe_PvPXx (Maybe changed to LolYourEZ_360, will msg in game if so)
Admin, or helper.

- The easiest way to contact me would be either through Twitter, or facebook
Twitter: @DagrimREAPER920 -snip-

-I'm currently 14 turning 15 in march, I am Male.

-I've play Minecraft since the release of Minecraft ps3 edition, and I moved over to pc gaming about 3 years ago, and played Minecraft since then.

-My experience with minecraft is that its really fun but at times it can be a little dull.

-My main talents are: I'm pretty good at telling who has hacks on, I'm kinda good at pvp, im good with redstone, but not really good with building.

-I used to run my own server until it was shut down because of some admins giving power to everyone on the server and it was D-dosed daily, I really want to become an admin because I want to help the server grow and evolve.


-As I said earlier I want to help the server grow and evolve, I also want to help everyone who joins, I remember when I was starting off on servers and needed help I hated when the admins would just ignore me, and I don't want any one to feel like they're not good enough to be helped.

-xXStrafe_PvPXx, Casey
02/25/2017 7:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tyrant_TesTube's Avatar
NAME: Endercraft064
Admin (but i don't care what i get i'm ok with anything)
Contact: preferably messenger (face book messenger) because its my top site i use and my name th'ere is Dallas Shea with a red and brown dinasour on the photo
Age / Sex : i'm 12 and i'm a boy
I started Minecraft after its 1st year of being out... it came out in 2011 and i started playing it on 2012
My Experience: i have been a staff on 1 server so far but it's in development... Datskelly and so far besides that i have been trying to find a server that has a lot of potential for me to help out with then someone texted "come to our server __________ we need staff" so i'm here...
Talents: I'M A REDSTONE MANIAC... i'm good at all kinds of redstone / plugins / command blocks so i feel like i could help out with the warps and what not... and i'm very good at making modern and retro builds like giant circles... Mario... and fancy modern redstone house's
About My Self: I'm a very... helpful and cheerful guy who isn't the most shy but loves to help anyone with anything and likes to make big stuctures for people to look at... i already said i'm a redstone pro but the reason i got into redstone is from my talent and LOVE of engineering and science... but i would do anything to help other people because at the time i'm always feeling like i'm depressed... btw i have a client that tells me who is hacking so i could be of help with that to...idk what else to say besides i'm on minecraft usually every day and when i'm on i'dm ON like the entire day... and before i finish my apply READ THIS...: DON'T MAKE CATCHING HACKER's VIDEO's... if u do more hackers will come and will take over...
(r = 2) { }
02/25/2017 3:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Farfad3ts's Avatar
That server is too cool
02/03/2017 7:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
super_dante11's Avatar
-contact account: Skype, planet minecraft our enjin (Skype is the preference)
Skype- You already have it and Planet minecraft.

-Age & sex (boy, girl)
I am a 15 year old male.

-Since when did you played minecraft ?
I have played minecraft for close to 4 years now... You know its something that when I want to build something its what i turn to. I have played other modpacks based off of minecraft such as tekkit or pixelmon.

-what is your experience whit minecraft ?
Well I tried to make a horror map, I had it open on a server then someone hacked on and greifed it all ;(. But I have had my own server before and let me tell you. I know how much work and how stressful it is to have your own server which is why I want to help.

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...)
I Love to use redstone, I will make automatic farms and know the basic mechanics of minecraft such as some command block codes and spawn rates. I will always build redstone clocks and sometimes even traps I am also a builder, my style is anything
i will go into freebuild just to show you. I also know a little java.

-If possible add a link to your older projects

-Talk about you
Well i am 15 years old i take two Advanced placement classes in highschool I play soccer and work out. I love to draw. some of my favorite drawings is a gray scaled iron man helmet. I also love to game adding ps4 to my system collection.

-Are you currently staff on an other server
-more information more chance to be accepted
I used to have a youtube channel which was pretty bad ;( it wasnt hard it just took a lot of work this is one of my favorite servers to play on because it has very diverse games which i think i could add to. I would love to be a builder and help make the spawn grand. and just in general I love to help server owners manage plugins and that type of stuff. I always do research before suggesting plugins or items.

Thank you for your time
-Dante Paladino
if( r = 2) { }
01/14/2017 11:41 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Stephcraft's Avatar
Congratulation AndiB23, you got [accepted] !

AndiB23-Name (minecraft Username) AndiB23
[Rank you apply for] Admin, but anything is great

-contact account: Skype, planet minecraft our enjin (Skype is the preference) AndiB23 is my Enjin and PlanetMinecraft.

-Age & sex (boy, girl) 9, female.

-Since when did you played minecraft ? About a year and five months ago.

-what is your experience whit minecraft? I have been staff on multiple servers, learnt all the blocks, new updates, and helped make many creations, from building, to making an extreme command block/ redstone contraption. But of course, it took me months, due to me sucking at building at redstone....I have also learnt all the commands to plugins like: Pex, GroupManager, etc....

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...)

1) I'm experienced. I have moderated many communities before, so I have gained knowledge and experienced from my past positions. I know when to be serious, I know when to be chill, and I know when to joke around wholeheartedly. I believe that the ability to do that stems from maturity, and I regard myself as a mature person and I like to think that that is an area in which I excel in.

2) I'm mature. I've stated this, but I regard myself as a mature person. I believe that when I dived into Minecraft moderation, I was extremely immature. I look back on myself, and I'm able to laugh about it, which is a sign of realization, to be able to recognize your past faults and admit them takes a certain level of maturity. Each of my past staff positions were stepping stones to who I am now, and I'm grateful for every one of those opportunities.

3) I'm a fast learner, I pick up things very quickly. On each server that I was staff on, they use a multitude of different plugins. Of course, when you move on to a new community, you expect new things, and that's exactly what I do. From experience, I am able to quickly and fully understand punishment guidelines, punishment commands and the system overall. I am confident that I will have no trouble in this department and I would be a huge contribution to the team.

4) I'm a social or a people person. I try my best to get along with everyone, every type of person. On a Minecraft server, it's important to make the players feel comfortable and happy as a staff member. People can't just feel unwelcome when they first join the server because they are beginners and so on. I understand that, and I try my best to make people feel welcome. As a staff member, you have to talk to people you normally would not even consider talking to, they don't deserve poor treatment and I've come to realize that. My goal as a staff member would be that too.

5) I know perfectly well the qualifications it takes to become a staff member. When contemplating on whether to accept someone or whether someone is worthy of staff, I know that you have to look at their ability to convey what they mean, their reasons behind applying and of course, influence in the community which unfortunately I don't have much of yet. To be a good staff member, you have to develop skills that you normally wouldn't have as a teenager or child: being extra kind; putting the satisfaction of the player's over your own; being willing to help with anything at all and being professional.

6) I don't get jealous very easily. When someone else achieves something, I recognize it and congratulate them sincerely. Something I've noticed from past communities is that people tend to say "congrats" with a hint of jealousy behind it. I know when to bring things up publicly, when to discuss things privately and I know when it's better if something is left unsaid. Some sensitive issues would cause a big debate about it, depending on the severity, I would always discuss it with someone higher up who has the ability to handle it without any problems. My motivation comes from a series of denials both from Minecraft communities and real life businesses. Skill is important, but motivation is too. I find that remarkable staff members are always very driven to excel. I have an issue with constantly trying to improve something that I have done or something that I think I can improve. It's important to provide satisfactory work, but I feel like a good staff member should always strive to make satisfactory work become excellent work, to constantly strive to make things better. I gladly say to you that I have all of these skills.

7) Well, I'm a bit weird, but in a good way. Unusual personalities spice things up and make things more I'm also a very detailed person. I never like leaving even the tiniest of details when doing anything. I have a constant eye on the chat, a trait. I've adopted from previous experiences, I also tend to type very fast which would help in some circumstances. I am always fully committed to the staff positions I hold, and I strive to become the best at every job I have whilst helping others and receiving help too. I believe that my knowledge and experience makes me stand out the most. The best thing that could help a resume is experience, I believe that I have the necessary qualifications and experience to moderate a community of this size. Experience is a very powerful thing for a staff member because they need to have experience in order to keep improving and I believe that I have that.

-If possible add a link to your older projects Well, not older, but I'm currently a Co-Owner http://imgur.com/a/h81YZ.

-Talk about you I am a nine year old soccer player who loves to play minecraft. I have accomplished many things, like being a gymnast in the past, doing ballet, and playing basketball. I have also played tennis, but I quit a while ago. My favorite gamemode of Minecraft would have to be survival or hardcore, the satisfaction of finding my first diamond for me, explainable. It has been a long journey of playing minecraft and playing on servers, but I'm thankful for playing it, as I gained skill & knowledge/maturity.

-Are you currently staff on an other server Yes, a Co-Owner.

-more information more chance to be accepted <---- Question?

-add: if( r = 2) { } at the end of your apply Thanks for reading this application, and props for having a server!
12/12/2016 7:28 pm
Level 22 : Expert Narwhal
EpicGamer10's Avatar
Contact me here. I started Minecraft 2014. I started out a total noob, but now i'm pretty much a pro. Talent is probably building. Builder. I love building and am pretty good at it.No links.Sorry.
12/11/2016 8:17 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Stephcraft's Avatar
answer to maceatsminecraft

sorry but you have been [denied]
-Not active
-Steps missing
-short and easy application
12/01/2016 9:53 pm
Level 22 : Expert Narwhal
EpicGamer10's Avatar
Contact me here. I started Minecraft 2014. I started out a total noob, but now i'm pretty much a pro. Talent is probably building. Builder. I love building and am pretty good at it.No links.Sorry.
12/01/2016 9:13 pm
Level 1 : New Artist
AndiB23's Avatar
-Name (minecraft Username) AndiB23
[Rank you apply for] Admin, but anything is great

-contact account: Skype, planet minecraft our enjin (Skype is the preference) AndiB23 is my Enjin and PlanetMinecraft.

-Age & sex (boy, girl) 9, female.

-Since when did you played minecraft ? About a year and five months ago.

-what is your experience whit minecraft? I have been staff on multiple servers, learnt all the blocks, new updates, and helped make many creations, from building, to making an extreme command block/ redstone contraption. But of course, it took me months, due to me sucking at building at redstone....I have also learnt all the commands to plugins like: Pex, GroupManager, etc....

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...)

1) I'm experienced. I have moderated many communities before, so I have gained knowledge and experienced from my past positions. I know when to be serious, I know when to be chill, and I know when to joke around wholeheartedly. I believe that the ability to do that stems from maturity, and I regard myself as a mature person and I like to think that that is an area in which I excel in.

2) I'm mature. I've stated this, but I regard myself as a mature person. I believe that when I dived into Minecraft moderation, I was extremely immature. I look back on myself, and I'm able to laugh about it, which is a sign of realization, to be able to recognize your past faults and admit them takes a certain level of maturity. Each of my past staff positions were stepping stones to who I am now, and I'm grateful for every one of those opportunities.

3) I'm a fast learner, I pick up things very quickly. On each server that I was staff on, they use a multitude of different plugins. Of course, when you move on to a new community, you expect new things, and that's exactly what I do. From experience, I am able to quickly and fully understand punishment guidelines, punishment commands and the system overall. I am confident that I will have no trouble in this department and I would be a huge contribution to the team.

4) I'm a social or a people person. I try my best to get along with everyone, every type of person. On a Minecraft server, it's important to make the players feel comfortable and happy as a staff member. People can't just feel unwelcome when they first join the server because they are beginners and so on. I understand that, and I try my best to make people feel welcome. As a staff member, you have to talk to people you normally would not even consider talking to, they don't deserve poor treatment and I've come to realize that. My goal as a staff member would be that too.

5) I know perfectly well the qualifications it takes to become a staff member. When contemplating on whether to accept someone or whether someone is worthy of staff, I know that you have to look at their ability to convey what they mean, their reasons behind applying and of course, influence in the community which unfortunately I don't have much of yet. To be a good staff member, you have to develop skills that you normally wouldn't have as a teenager or child: being extra kind; putting the satisfaction of the player's over your own; being willing to help with anything at all and being professional.

6) I don't get jealous very easily. When someone else achieves something, I recognize it and congratulate them sincerely. Something I've noticed from past communities is that people tend to say "congrats" with a hint of jealousy behind it. I know when to bring things up publicly, when to discuss things privately and I know when it's better if something is left unsaid. Some sensitive issues would cause a big debate about it, depending on the severity, I would always discuss it with someone higher up who has the ability to handle it without any problems. My motivation comes from a series of denials both from Minecraft communities and real life businesses. Skill is important, but motivation is too. I find that remarkable staff members are always very driven to excel. I have an issue with constantly trying to improve something that I have done or something that I think I can improve. It's important to provide satisfactory work, but I feel like a good staff member should always strive to make satisfactory work become excellent work, to constantly strive to make things better. I gladly say to you that I have all of these skills.

7) Well, I'm a bit weird, but in a good way. Unusual personalities spice things up and make things more I'm also a very detailed person. I never like leaving even the tiniest of details when doing anything. I have a constant eye on the chat, a trait. I've adopted from previous experiences, I also tend to type very fast which would help in some circumstances. I am always fully committed to the staff positions I hold, and I strive to become the best at every job I have whilst helping others and receiving help too. I believe that my knowledge and experience makes me stand out the most. The best thing that could help a resume is experience, I believe that I have the necessary qualifications and experience to moderate a community of this size. Experience is a very powerful thing for a staff member because they need to have experience in order to keep improving and I believe that I have that.

-If possible add a link to your older projects Well, not older, but I'm currently a Co-Owner http://imgur.com/a/h81YZ.

-Talk about you I am a nine year old soccer player who loves to play minecraft. I have accomplished many things, like being a gymnast in the past, doing ballet, and playing basketball. I have also played tennis, but I quit a while ago. My favorite gamemode of Minecraft would have to be survival or hardcore, the satisfaction of finding my first diamond for me, explainable. It has been a long journey of playing minecraft and playing on servers, but I'm thankful for playing it, as I gained skill & knowledge/maturity.

-Are you currently staff on an other server Yes, a Co-Owner.

-more information more chance to be accepted <---- Question?

-add: if( r = 2) { } at the end of your apply Thanks for reading this application, and props for having a server!
12/01/2016 8:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner

-contact account: Skype (BUDDERPUNK)

-Age & sex (boy) (13)

-Since when did you played minecraft ? Ive played minecraft since 2010 the 1.4 or 1.5 update

-what is your experience whit minecraft ? I know how to survive cuz its minecraft, A little bit of redstone and the tinyest bit of commands, And some building

-Talent (redstone or just helping)

-If possible add a link to your older projects(No projects)

-Talk about you. I'm a kind hearted person, I love helping people if I get the chance, I would Love to help on stephs amazing server

-Are you currently staff on an other server. I am not sadly

-more information more chance to be accepted. I like all the staff on the server they seem like very nice people. I like chatting with everyone if I get the chance

-add: if( r = 2) { } at the end of your apply (I don't have a clue what this means)
11/11/2016 4:34 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Prerogative's Avatar
This Application is sexist asking if someone is a boy or girl forcing them into a gender role
12/01/2016 9:13 pm
Level 1 : New Artist
AndiB23's Avatar
12/01/2016 9:53 pm
Level 22 : Expert Narwhal
EpicGamer10's Avatar
wait. it's putting them in a gender role?!? stupid! we're equals!
12/01/2016 4:04 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Stephcraft's Avatar
Please dont send these kind of messages here
go to: stephcraft-server-t570405.html

We ask to know if we say he our she, thats it, this message was unessasary and not constructive.
11/11/2016 4:19 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
littlemoosedog's Avatar
-Name: littlemoosdog

-contact account: littlemoosedog (skype)

-13 Male

-Since when did you played minecraft ? I have played this game in 2010 and so on.

-what is your experience whit minecraft ? A lot. Redstone, Command blocks, plugins, servers, building, etc

-Talent: My talent is with finding hackers and cheaters within a server. I am also a good beta tester and really good at finding exploits

-If possible add a link to your older projects: Ill send through skype. Contact me for the pictures, sorry

-Talk about you: I have been going trough advanced classes at my school.

-Are you currently staff on an other server: Yes, but on a really really really small server

-more information more chance to be accepted: Please don't decline because i'm a helper on another server because it is unnecessary to decline just because they help on a different server. I only build on it. I promise

if( r = 2) { }
11/11/2016 3:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SilverHawky's Avatar
-Name (minecraft Username) TigerPlayzYT
[Rank you apply for]

-contact account: Skype, planet minecraft our enjin (Skype is the preference) Skype

-Age & sex (boy, girl) Boy

-Since when did you played minecraft ? 2011. I have played it for 5 years.

-what is your experience whit minecraft ? I was young when I first played. I play single player back then and played about an hour. But I have played minecraft for a while now and know lots of commands and things like that. By far this is my favorite game.

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...) Building, Forums, Command, Hackers.

-If possible add a link to your older projects Well, I dont have any pictures but you know me

-Talk about you. I am 11 years old and I love to play mc and hang out with friends and family. I play minecraft a lot with friends and do martial arts.

-Are you currently staff on an other server. Nope.

-more information more chance to be accepted. Well, I have been admin for a while before but then I stopped playing on the server. I am well at spotting hackers and helping you out with things such as building, commands etc.

Thanks for taking your time to read this thanks!
11/10/2016 7:55 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
littlemoosedog's Avatar
Builder or Admin

-contact account: Littlemoosedog

-Boy 13

-Since when did you played minecraft ? I played minecraft for 4 years now and i have learned a lot since then.

-what is your experience whit minecraft ? I had quite a lot of experience playing minecraft and i wish to be admin or builder to your server!

-Talent: Building and Empathy


-Talk about you: I am currently working on my own server, but i need to earn my funds. I also have a lot of experience on woodworking and drawing = creativity

-Are you currently staff on an other server: No

-more information more chance to be accepted: I have been a builder for a my server in the video and i co host my friend, but i dont go there very often like i will on your server

( r = 2) { }
11/07/2016 7:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
maceatsminecraft's Avatar
-Name maceatsminecraft

-contact account: Skype: maceatsminecraft

-Age & sex: 13 Male

-Since when did you played minecraft): Since the game came out

-what is your experience with minecraft? I've been playing since the game came out and I've been Admin on two other servers but they closed.

-Talent: I'm good at talking to people

-Talk about you) I''m good at minecraft and I have good people skills and can be on your server for at least 2.5 or more hours a day. I'm nice but I will ban, block, or mute any one that needs to be ban, block, or mute. I hope I can be a admin on your server and if I do get Admin I will do anything you ask me to do. I will not abuse my powers of being a Admin and I hate hackers and people that have bad language.

-Are you currently staff on an other server) I'm not currently staff any server.

Thank you for taking a look at my application and I hope I can join you and your crew on your server as a Admin good luck.
11/07/2016 6:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GabyGamer's Avatar
-Name (GabrielGamer33)
[Rank you apply for] ADMIN

-contact account: Skype, planet minecraft our enjin (Skype is Gabriel Merlo Dominguez)

-Age & sex (boy,im 16
-Since when did you played minecraft ?I play minecraft since 2010

-what is your experience whit minecraft ?I play minecraft for entretaiment, when im bored i play and i like play this game because i bought it for my brother but he is not with me he is with my parents and i play online with him

-Talent redstone and building and advanced constructions.
-If possible add a link to your older projects: I send photo for skype

-Talk about you. im a student, and gamer, i have been in minecon and i want to share my experience in this events

-Are you currently staff on an other server. No because i dont have the chance

-more information more chance to be accepted.
I want to be admin because i want to help players to have a better experience in the server and the game, if i cant be admin i want to help in a different way

-add: if( r = 2) { } at the end of your apply
11/07/2016 10:39 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Stephcraft's Avatar
Answer to drvamps3

-missing details
-missing minecraft username / never been on
-Steps not respected

If you wish to become staff please retry in a minimum of 1 week and add more details and be sure to respect all the steps
11/07/2016 9:24 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Stephcraft's Avatar

-Intensive Greif
-Missing Details
-App incomplete
11/06/2016 8:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JimJamIsHere's Avatar

-contact account: Skype

-Age & sex
I’m 13, and male
-Since when did you play minecraft ?
I’ve been playing Minecraft since Christmas of 2012. It was a game I’ve always wanted since watching CaptainSparklez’s survival series. I’ve learned a lot from him them and have always went on single player. The first version I played was 1.9 Pre release 5, since I bought the game on a disc. I got the original version on the Minecraft website on July 1st 2013, where I usually go on survival.

-what is your experience with minecraft ?
Since I’ve played Minecraft for nearly 4 years, I’m very familiar with a lot of mods and have even made my own using MCreator. I’ve learned a lot over the years, from redstone to building and have been a moderator on two severs. However, they did get shut down because of the owner not being able to pay to host the server anymore. I’m good with catching hackers, because I try to be friendly with them, so they can gain my trust to tell me what hack they’re using, if any. I’ve caught many hackers on the servers I was moderator on and have succeeded to continue catching them on popular servers for instance Mineplex.

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...)
I’m very good with redstone and have made many complex contraptions, although I work best with command blocks. I’ve started making maps which were discontinued due to me being bored, one idea being you an astronaut, and you are trying to get back to earth whilst surviving from an alien, which was meant to be a parody of the movie ‘Alien’. My other talent is building, mostly because I enjoy it and have made many structures, my favorite being a medieval house as they’re simple to make but they look astonishing. I’ve even made detailed spawns on single player in the hope for them to be used in my own server or someone else’s.

-If possible add a link to your older projects
What do you mean about other ‘projects’?

-Talk about you
I’m 13, and am a great artist. I spend most my time gaming and have started video editing on sony vegas pro to make video montages on my new pc I recently built. It would be a pleasure to advertise this server if I could get some video footage of it since my pc isn’t that great to record Minecraft, unless it’s on the lowest settings. I do have a YouTube channel, however I don’t currently post anything anymore because of the slow pc I once had. My favorite game would probably be Minecraft however I also love CS:GO. The reason I want to become staff is so I can help the community to stay strong, and to help others if they need it. Not to mention I’d also like to help improve any lobbies/structures because I’m a good builder, and all the more I love it too.

-Are you currently staff on another server?
No, However I used to be staff on two servers which got shut down, I was moderator, and the owners and I had many good chats and ideas on how to improve their servers.

-more information more chance to be accepted
Being staff means a lot to me because it means that I can help others and show the hackers that there’s no need for cheating as it does ruin the game for others. I would love to support the server and save up money to donate, and I am quite a trustworthy person. I think you’d need those types of people because they are honest and obedient, and it helps the community so much more. Also, people will want to stay on the server if the staff are nice and helpful and it would be a warmer welcome for them seeing us being so helpful to them being new or old to the server. I’m good with ideas and would love to collaborate with other mods/people on the server to improve the way everything works and looks. It would be great for the community to share ideas of what to be built or done so that we could all enjoy being on the server and making it grow bigger. Thank you for reading my application, -JimJam

if( r = 2) { }
Erik The Red
10/29/2016 2:05 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Erik The Red's Avatar
-Name Duke_Antonio
-Contact: (you know how to contact me already )
-Age & Sex I'm 16 and a Male
-Since when you Played Minecraft: Played Since 2011 when the Minecraft Beta came out I'm pretty much a Minecraft Veteran, also I have seen and met Minecraft Youtubers. One I met with my sis was, TrueMuu aka MinecraftUniverse on his server while he filmed us on youtube, he also played with SkydoesMinecraft. Also, I own Minecraft Xbox edition and story mode.
-Experience: Been a Co-owner for a server before but it was shut down because of hackers and Head Admin of another server where I made medieval hubs,use command blocks, and made Ranks. Also, I know some commands and plugins.
-Talent: I'm known as the Great Builder, been building in Minecraft since 2011, I have build Cities, buildings, houses, Redstone builds, and some pretty amazing spawns.
-About My Self: Well, I grew up to a Spanish Family and lived in NYC since birth so I'm a true New Yorker, Also If you want I can talk like a Mobster NY style. I can speak Spanish, English and some German and Italian. I love sports especially Futbol in the La Liga in Spain and my team is FC Barcelona and NHL Hockey, my favorite team the New York Rangers with the best Hockey Goaltender in the World Henrikk!!! . I have played for sports teams since I was 5 like little-league baseball which was sponsored by the One and Only Derrick Jeter. I'm also a gamer on multiple gaming platforms like PC, where I Played many PC Games like Frogger,and etc. I also Play Xbox, Cod is trash because little kids make the game dead, Battlefield better Period you don't have to hear annoying little rats. Finally I know Some-Basic Coding taught to me in school. If you want to learn code ask me and I'll link you to a coding Website that taught me how to code. R=2
10/26/2016 5:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GabyGamer's Avatar
-Name (GabyGamer)
[Rank you apply for] ADMIN

-contact account: Skype, planet minecraft our enjin (Skype is Gabriel Merlo Dominguez)

-Age & sex (boy,im 16
-Since when did you played minecraft ?I play minecraft since 2010

-what is your experience whit minecraft ?I play minecraft for entretaiment, when im bored i play and i like play this game because i bought it for my brother but he is not with me he is with my parents and i play online with him

-Talent redstone and building
-If possible add a link to your older projects

-Talk about you. im a student, and gamer, i have been in minecon and i want to share my experience in this events

-Are you currently staff on an other server. No because i dont have the chance

-more information more chance to be accepted.
I want to be admin because i want to help players to have a better experience in the server and the game, if i cant be admin i want to help in a different way

-add: if( r = 2) { } at the end of your apply
10/25/2016 6:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
GetRxkt's Avatar
-Name GetRxkt
Admin if not Helper.

-contact account: Skype: LL_Chrome

-Age & sex: Boy

-Since when did you played minecraft ? I've been playing minecraft for many many years but around the first year I've gotten it I stopped playing it for a while becuase I thought it was uninteresting but I was totally wrong becuase minecraft is probably the most enjoyed game ever released

-what is your experience with minecraft ? I am very talented at designing builds, And I love to play with others. I've played on a lot of server that I enjoyed and not enjoyed but Steph craft is by far my favourite server (4 days total spent). I enjoy the server becuase it has an amazing community and always funny and cheering. Always a great day when Im on that server

-Talent: I guess you can say I am talented at catching hackers and cheaters, I've been An admin and helper on 2 different pvp servers and its been my dream to be one on steph craft.

-If possible add a link to your older projects: I can't link anything becuase I don't build or anything else but if needed I can share you the server ip.

-Talk about yourself: I am a very trustworthy player. I enjoy to play with other and have a blast. Some can say im very humorous in ways and can always make someone laugh. I play sports such as soccer with friends, BasketBall, And football. I love to be active but its hard to be when im always on the best server. I like to stream a little when I have time, I love meeting new people. I am usually always. I dislike the fact that there are cheaters/hacker ruining other players experiences on the server, which makes people want to play. I want to improve the server the best I can.

-Are you currently staff on an other server. Im helper on one server but I don't really play it becuase im always on ''mcstephcraft'' but theres always room for another one.

Thank you, for taking your time and reading my application, Have an amazing day.
10/25/2016 12:57 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
KapainKewl's Avatar
Still in need of staff
10/25/2016 5:41 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
KapainKewl's Avatar
We are still in need of staff!
10/24/2016 5:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
drashy01's Avatar
-Name (Drashy01)
[Co-owner or Admin]

-contact account: Skype, jordan.drash also if u use discord drashy01

-Age & sex (boy,15)

-Since when did you played Minecraft ? ive been playing for couple years so far

-what is your experience whit Minecraft ? just helping out small servers and play a bit of big servers

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...) Building

-If possible add a link to your older projects got a new com all my other build on that sorry

-Talk about you well im 15 years old i go to school and im in year 9 and i like to play sports and games so like Minecraft,Roblox,Borderlands2,clusterTruck,Gta5,B03 And MORE

-Are you currently staff on an other server yea im admin on another server and co-owner and use to be on all diff server till i lost everyone server on MC so im starting again

-more information more chance to be accepted well i can be strict at times when need to be but im a very nice guys

r = 2 Love appying for diff apps cause i learn new things about them and what things i can do in stand of doiing nothing thanks for letting me apply
10/25/2016 6:30 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
KapainKewl's Avatar
I have contacted you on Skype.
10/23/2016 9:04 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
drvamps3's Avatar
Name (drvamps)
[Rank you apply for]- Admin

-contact account: Skype, planet minecraft our enjin (I got pmc its drvamps3) also I got email my email is drvamps3@outlook.com

-Age & sex (boy, girl) boy

-Since when did you played minecraft ? 5 years

-what is your experience whit minecraft ? owner and admin

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...) I can look after the server I cant dev or anything but I can help being admin

-If possible add a link to your older projects: don't have any projects because I don't build I do admin and moderator and helper

-Talk about you: I am good and reliable and you can guarantee at the end of the day you will be happy with my work

-Are you currently staff on an other server: nope

-more information more chance to be accepted- I am good person and reliable I know how to be a admin and if someone left me on the server with players etc I would know how to look after it

-R = 2 I appreciate the opportunity and I hope you enjoy my work!
10/22/2016 3:51 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Stephcraft's Avatar
Answer to YodaGames_

we are sorry but you are not accepted
- Inactive
- step 7 missing
10/22/2016 12:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Restless_soul's Avatar
-Name (Restless_soul)

-contact account: got none

-Age & sex 13 boy

-Since when did you played minecraft) ive played it for 2.5 years

-what is your experience whit minecraft ? Im good a building

-Talent (great at math)


-Talk about you) I am a very understanding and it very hard for me to lie

-Are you currently staff on an other server) no

-I am a ok build and a intense gamer who is always looking for new challenges

-add:R = 2
10/21/2016 10:36 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
KnightWind's Avatar
-Name (KnightWind)

-Contact account: My skype account username is KnightWind780
-Age & gender (Boy 13)

-Since when did you start minecraft? I started in the year of 2013 on pc version.

-What is your experience with minecraft? I have played it for a long time. I love to play on skyblock servers. (Acid Island is my favorite) I never had a server before but I still know how to run servers and plugins. I also play a lot with my friends on private hosts. I like to do command block creations and download others. I have experience with making mods, doing redstone, and making custom resource packs. I love to look at snapshots and test them out. I know how to make a website but I could not afford to make one.
-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...) I know a lot about redstone, building, and java.

Redstone: I love to do redstone and know how to make a few redstone things. I like commands on combined with redstone because there are way more possibilities. I know all the basics of redstone. Personaly I don't like redstone the most but I still love to play around with it in my free time

Building: I am very experienced at building. I love to do pixel art the most. I can build midevil and modern houses if you are wondering because that seems to be the stuff your looking for at the moment. I have proof that im a good builder and if I had could not be dev I would want to be builder. I like to go big on builds with tons of detail and takes longer. Personaly its my second favorite out of the three.

Plugins: The last one. I love plugins as much as minecraft. I have tons of expirence with plugins. I know all the good ones and how to get them. I would use them more if I owned my own server. I know all about mcmmo, bungee cord, etc. I could probably use bungee cord and make the server a developer spot where only admins, dev, and owners could go on. I know how to make a team speak server though it costs money. I also know how to make a website (Enjin is preferred since its a plugin too) Personaly this is my favorite and I would do it more if I owned a server or got a the chance to be developer.

we need someone good whit plugins and java to make a Call Of Duty Zombies plugin. We need a Mystery box, Perks like Joggernoght, Guns, Ammo, Doors, Points / Score) I also saw this. I probably could make guns, ammo, custom resources or points. Maybe even Mystery boxes!!!

-If possible add a link to your older projects: I don't really have a "link" to older projects but skype me if you need one.

-Talk about you: I am a 13 year old gamer who likes to play minecraft. I have built a computer to use for a Youtube, Twitch, or just for gaming. I love to play soccer and basketball. I do have a lot of time on my hands now a days. I love to program and I make mods and texture packs and I know a lot of plugins and commands.

-Are you currently staff on an other server: No (Soon though )

-more information more chance to be accepted: Is this a question xD

R=2 I hope you guys behind steph craft take the time to read this and enjoy it
10/11/2016 7:01 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Stephcraft's Avatar
i unbanned u and changed the configs sorry for that :/.....
no spam bans will happend again i turned options off
10/10/2016 6:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
chelseamad300's Avatar
i got banned for spam
10/10/2016 11:47 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Stephcraft's Avatar
Added a new Question

new apply most answer this new question:
-Are you currently staff on an other server
10/10/2016 11:42 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Stephcraft's Avatar
Answer to JamesHamby1 (ChefRax)

we are sorry but you are not accepted
-Banned for spam
-did not respect step 7
-did not respect step 4
-you need to start as a lower rank to be Co Owner
10/09/2016 1:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheLonelyHobo's Avatar
-Name SlothHawk

-contact account: Please PM me in-game for skype details, thanks.

-Age & sex (boy, girl) 13, boy

-Since when did you played minecraft ? (How long have you played minecraft?*):
Since 1.2 release I believe.

-what is your experience whit minecraft ? (With*): I've played for a very long time, took a break, then started playing again. The break was about 2 years so I'm ready to play again!

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...)

I used to own my own server, so I understand what the basic concepts of a server are. I can control chat very well and don't get stressed easily.

-If possible add a link to your older projects - ( Do I need this, I want to be
mod.. but I have a testimony for one I made on my minecraftfourms profile: http://www.minecraftforum.net/members/iesloth )

-Talk about you - I enjoy coding, playing minecraft, gaming, and playing with friends. and working on this server would probably add another thing to this list.

if( r = 2) { }
10/09/2016 1:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
chelseamad300's Avatar
-Name chelseamad300
-Admin (but anything is good just my preference)
-contact: Skype: Luke Tennant
-Age & sex i'm 14 and a boy
-Since when did i play Minecraft: i first got it in 2011
-My Experience: i have owned my own server so know most plugins, I've been staff on at least 20 servers, not huge ones but had an average mostly of 20 - 30 players, and also I've had 5 years of experience which will be definitely more then other staff you will have.
-Talent: my main talent is being a rather good builder i have built loads of spawns for servers, using world edit, also i am very good at helping others and also i know how to use loads of commands to stop cheaters as i know how to look into their chats
using commands and i'm very good at communicating to younger people as well as i have a younger brother so anyone young who joins our server will be able to ask me questions no matter how stupid they could be and i will be more then happy to answer them, not just younger people either, anyone who needs assistance will get it no matter how busy i am the server is my priority.
-About my self: I am 14 i am a very good gamer, like lots of variety in games, I live in England, my name is Luke, i like sports like football(soccer) rugby and swimming, i have a younger brother who is 4, i have lots of experience playing Minecraft almost 6 years, I'm very understanding, helpful, a little bit confident but it can get you places and I'm always happy to have a joke, as long as they are not rule breaking jokes like swearing in them, but most importantly i am a team player but will always stick to the rules and enforce them.
10/09/2016 10:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
GetRxkt's Avatar
-Name GetRxkt
Doesnt really matter what rank

-contact account: Skype: LL_Chrome

-Age & sex ''Boy''
-Since when did you played minecraft ? I have been playing since the year 2013

-what is your experience with minecraft ? I am a very respectful player, I hope to make a better community by removing any hackers and such. And by preventing hackers from joining or doinging anything to ruin the game, It will create a bigger and stronger community. Which Is a very good thing to have on a small or big server.

-Talent: My talent would probably be catching hackers. I am very good at finding them, And every time I am online I will be recording so if I find a hacker I can send the video evidence to [Owner] Or anyone else higher than me. And I adress the rules. And I am very good at designing houses walls etc.....

-Talk about yourself: I am very trustworthy, Very mature for my age(14). I enjoy creating a better community the best I could. And I hate the fact that hackers ruin other players experiences, And I want to make that better by banning them or preventing them from doinging anything else.

-Thank you for taking your time and reading my application. Have a greate day.
10/07/2016 11:17 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Stephcraft's Avatar
Dont forget step 7

7. tell the world you like this server and why if you do not then tell what we should add our modify
here: http://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/stephcraft-server-t570405.html
10/05/2016 7:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
YodaGames's Avatar
-Name (YodaGames_)

-contact account: Skype, planet minecraft our enjin (Skype is the preference) Skype: brett.darnell1 PMC: YodaGames

-Age & sex (boy, girl) Boy 13

-Since when did you played minecraft ? since the first release of beta

-what is your experience whit minecraft ? I have been staff on many different servers.

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...) redstone and building and a little coding still learning

-If possible add a link to your older projects

-Talk about you I am 13, I go to high school, I am religious, I love gaming especially minecraft, I am hearing impaired and add if you dont know what add is it is a diagnosed syndrome of concentration so if I dont have my meds I cant concentrate and thats all.

-more information more chance to be accepted

-add: if( r = 2) { } at the end of your application. Done
10/05/2016 5:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JamesHamby1's Avatar
-Name ChefRax

-contact account: Skype, planet minecraft our enjin (Skype is the preference)
skype:ChefRax1, Planet Minecraft ChefRax atleast I think LOL., Enjin: ChefRax

-Age & sex Boy and I am 13

-Since when did you played minecraft ?
Since 2010 or 2011

-what is your experience whit minecraft ?
Good, I love helping others and I love your server. I have been Owner on multiple servers and you know mine plus I have a new one... I will tell you the Link in Skype later when I get home.

-Talent (plugin, redstone, building(what theme you prefer), Java...)
I am good at plugins, not making them but setting them up. Also I am good at helping people and I love helping out servers. I can kinda build too...

-If possible add a link to your older projects
I don't have any.

-Talk about you
Well... I was adopted at age 2 and I am in 8th grade. I also love helping others and helping servers like I said... I am also very smart when it comes to PC's.

-more information more chance to be accepted
Well... I don't have much more info other than my Dad is a doctor, My mom is a laser technician, they both own their own business which is a clinic. My Sister is Special needs. I also have 3 other brothers. One is a lawyer and is married, the other is in collage and isn't married but is soon. And the other one is in 11th grade and is really good at golf.
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