How do I get back my motivation and life?

Fetch me's Avatar Fetch me10/5/13 5:15 pm
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10/11/2013 6:09 pm
Cayteecat's Avatar Cayteecat
How do I get back my motivation and life?

Hey, I am 14 years old and I have already given up on life. What should I do?
I know it sounds silly, but I am really desperate and the only thing I can do is to ask this question.

I have given up on graphic designing, creating games, photography (that I never even started) and even gaming. The only thing I do is sit and look at my computer screen all day long. I can't take it anymore..

I also don't have any friends, and no one in my class is normal". So I would rather be alone then with them.

Im asking again, what should I do? Please help me.

Posted by Fetch me's Avatar
Fetch me
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner

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10/11/2013 6:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Cayteecat's Avatar
Get a Pokemon Game
10/11/2013 6:04 pm
Level 42 : Master Blockhead
Javi_San_Power's Avatar
Sounds like me. I had plans of committing suicide when I turn 18. And I regret saying any of those things V.V but yeah my life sucks, just feel like ending it all.
10/11/2013 5:57 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
revilosmith99's Avatar
10/06/2013 12:21 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
-Rusty-'s Avatar
If you could bring religion up on PMC

I'd give you the link that would change your life, add a ton of meaning...

But sadly I can't (no i can pm)... So let me just say....

Harry potter... read harry potter...
Then watch the movies

If you have...
10/06/2013 12:17 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc408770's Avatar
-R A W R-
10/06/2013 11:20 am
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
-R A W R-'s Avatar
I've been in that position, and I could offer you my experience if you'd like to take it. When I first went to middle school in 6th grade, most of my friends stopped hanging out with me. But, there was this one kid with a locker above mine, who enjoyed the same hobbies as me. (video making, gaming, drawing, and playing Minecraft) As soon as I found that one friend, he introduced me to his friends, who also introduced me to their friends. Now, I'm not the best at making friends, but the key thing is to at least try. And not just a simple hello could do you much, you have to commit and really want to make friends. Like tell a joke to break the ice between you guys, and then start saying hello to them in the halls or whenever you see them. Hope you got something out of that, feel better soon dude!
10/06/2013 11:06 am
Level 20 : Expert Mage
prof_Lucus's Avatar
Try to pick a meaningful hobby that actually provides something in return, like learning music. Music heals the soul, as many would say, and later in life, when you are all grown up, you will be extremely stressed by many factors, like work, study and of course, your love life (don't say you will never have a lover. You will be surprised what types of people you truly captivate, from a begger to an girl or boy of godlike beauty that turns head over heel for you). Try to take up a skill in minecraft, like improving your building skills or redstone skills. Rise to be the grandmaster in these area, because building together will beget a feel of family and brotherhood, especially if you build in a team. You will truly feel a sense of belonging and family in a team, and watching your hard work pay off as you create will truly make you satisfied. After all, isn't minecraft about undefined creativity and freedom of the mind? For me, I am a adept builder that continually provides the best creativity I can give back to this community. Try downloading Worldpainter and some custom brushes, and some custom tree repositorys, and create the most beautiful world, unrestrained by any opinion, and infinite in creativity and sheer hard work with your heart poured into. Rise from your darkness and show yourself what true strength, both mental and physical strength you TRULY pocess. You are what you believe you are, and you WILL soar in the air, unstoppable by anything...
10/06/2013 10:35 am
Level 25 : Expert Unicorn
madisonjack01's Avatar
Hey non of us are perfect. Not even life at all. We are all unique in many ways. If you have gave up on all of that try to do after school programs or volunteer to clean up your town or a beach. There is a lot to do in your community or online. I have been working with a local donation to give all my toys I do not need to kids who has lost everything. Lots to do. Find something online that catches your eye that you and your parents will agree with. Hope this has helped.

-madisonjack01 minecraft builder on MCM server
10/06/2013 10:16 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
UTZ's Avatar
At my school, everyone got bullied at least once, but by the later years most people just got along
10/06/2013 9:44 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
agent2839's Avatar
Really you have zero friends? Even I who am terrible at making friends has at least one. Also with the bullying thing just ignore them or fight them (like I did).
10/06/2013 9:32 am
Level 26 : Expert Cake
eccsdee's Avatar
Depression is a serious thing, and it's common with teenagers. You can't just 'get the hell over it' like that.

I've been through it. As I said, my advice is purely from experience. It's there to be taken in or ignored.

I meant that magicman said 'get the hell over it' and I was trying to tell him it's not as simple as that.
Fetch me
10/06/2013 9:27 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
I've actually gotten inspired to do a comic book. I know the basics of drawing and most people say I am good at drawing (I don't think so) But I want to be good and feel proud over something. So I will do it.

Thanks for all comments. You're all in my heart <3
10/06/2013 9:33 am
Level 26 : Expert Cake
eccsdee's Avatar
Good to hear! I think you'd be great at drawing comics!
10/06/2013 8:44 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
Depression is a serious thing, and it's common with teenagers. You can't just 'get the hell over it' like that.

I've been through it. As I said, my advice is purely from experience. It's there to be taken in or ignored.
Hearts Glow
10/06/2013 12:55 am
Level 27 : Expert Pony
Hearts Glow's Avatar
I don't know any good advice as I've never come to this, but PLEASE don't harm yourself in any way. I'm sure you're a great person and everyone has a lot to live for. I'm on my computer all day. I never go outside with people. I don't care what other people think because I rule my own life. Just don't worry about you having hardly any friends. There's someone for everyone.

I guess the best advice I could give you is talk to a trusted adult. They'll help you out.
10/06/2013 12:45 am
Level 40 : Master Taco
Swimmer1929's Avatar
I was starting to feel a bit sad, then I saw your profile pic and felt utterly disgusted. :l
Get off the computer, play sports (swimming's fun :P). Lots of kids these days get influenced by the media a lot and think people really believe them when they say that they "give up on life", when in truth I'm pretty sure none of them mean it. You like life, admit it ;3
10/06/2013 12:40 am
Level 36 : Artisan Princess
mitten1717's Avatar
try falling in love worked for me
10/06/2013 12:34 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
ThePetrdiv's Avatar
Man, moving schools is a clean start, making friends can be as simple as talking about a math question in your math class and try to keep the conversation going. Later on if you see them at their locker, go up to them and start talking to them and maybe walk to class with them. Invite them over one time and maybe the new friend will introduce you to some of their friends. Remember, people are interested in what you have to say.
Good Luck!
10/06/2013 12:18 am
Level 43 : Master Engineer
aboveordinary's Avatar
Talk to your parents and then see a doctor. Depression is serious and should be treated that way. I've had it for a while and things can feel helpless sometimes. Their are many different ways to treat it and you might not need medication or therapy. For me, to help with depression I ride bikes with my dad, make sure I get plenty of sleep, and talk to someone when I'm feeling down. For you, I might recommend getting a pet such as a dog or cat, it seems silly but pets can really cheer you up. Believe me, things do get better but you have to try to make friends and meet people. A good group of friends can really make a difference. I'm always here to talk if you do need any further help.
10/06/2013 12:25 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Modder
ebrbrbbrbrb's Avatar
You sir are a person who really cares. Just for what you wrote i'm going to sub to you.
10/05/2013 11:58 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
19jrm's Avatar
try to forget about your problems, maybe gat a hobby.
hope it helped,
10/05/2013 11:45 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
Bbaronx's Avatar
well, i am not the person to ask if you want to be cheered up, i am a pessimistic narcissist by habit. i was bullied a lot when i was a "little" kid, and it had really gotten to me. but i got over it, if no one but me was going to care, i wasn't going to care. i was still shy but i was smarter than those idiots bullies so i always had a comeback, and eventually i got too big for them to beat up now i am 6+ feet tall and 15, and i am not worried about bullies, i am afraid they will get stuck to the bottom of my shoe (metaphorically). and don't tell me you can't make friends. one of my best friends has a medical condition where only one of his eyes open, he was bullied so badly that his family moved for his sake, and he decided that he was going to ignore everyone, no matter how mean they were.Now we are best friends and now he doesn't worry about bullies because I am backing him up, and some of those bullies, well they back me up so after a while people got to know him and realized that he isnt a half bad kid, even if he does look different. so that proves that life gets better, you just have to make it get better. now i have friends people don't like, its there problem, they know i don't care what they think so they tell it to my face, or leave me alone because it doesn't bother me. and if that doesn't convince you that life isn't all bad at least remember this, "when life gives you lemons, you take those lemons and squeeze them back into lifes eyes, shove them where the sun don't shine, and stomp lifes gut in for good measure. that'll teach life to f*ck with you."
10/05/2013 8:25 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Artist
xXchrispXx's Avatar
Trust me making music is the best solution
10/05/2013 8:16 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
OneTerrorist's Avatar
Who said you needed to know the friend personally?
I didn't have any friends too. I am only 13, and I have moved 11 times. Try making friends like that... Go on a great server - I would say one, but I don't want to end up like the douche who posted the first comment - and ask if any have skype or something.
I'm Auzzie, and I have mainly Canadian mates. Who knows? Maybe one day you will find that life is easier than it seems!
I'm also a type 1 diabetic. That isn't the kind of people who have glandular issues or stuff like that, I was born with it. Being a diabetic means needles. Tons of em. So that kind of got me angry. I was asking myself, when I was only 10, "why me, why can't my brother have diabetes, mum and dad think he's perfect..." And then I realized. If I don't think I'm perfect, then I can't possibly begin to become perfect. So pick yourself up, and go give life a shot.
10/05/2013 7:53 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Pixel Painter
ASF's Avatar
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Fetch me
Fetch me
Really? You have a nice perspective on kids.. And really you are the people that are just complete fools. And just beacuse you have to job that you hate isn't my fault. It means you made bad mistakes in your life. And what did you think, that you don't have to pay bills or food or anything else? Stop whining about having a job, it's a part of life.
I would have cared if you were whining about something that truly matterd yourself. But a job is not one of them. And I am guessing your a grown up, if you are a grown up you shouldn't act like this, to a little "kid" that you prefer to look at me like.

He's trying to help, and what do you do? You act like a jerk.
You know what you should do? You should do what he said, and get the hell over it.

Well could you describe how he helped me?

He's telling you that -crap- happens. Make yourself happy, live once in a while, be thankful for what you have, and get through the -crap- that life throws at you.

I have a suggestion. Instead of moping on PMC, you should really go to a therapist. They'll give you more help than the community of PMC ever could.
10/05/2013 7:33 pm
Level 45 : Master Dragonborn
Ninniy's Avatar
You like gaming.. so why not make a skin? Novaskin doesn't require downloading. Also, you could make a blog. They are fun making too.

Also, you could listen to music. Try out plug.dj
10/05/2013 7:27 pm
Level 1 : New Artist
ThermalAstronaut337's Avatar
Just love on people. Check out their point of view, and try not to judge. Oh, and listen to Beautiful by P.O.D., the song is amazing. The world gets nowhere with hate.
Fetch me
10/05/2013 7:31 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Great song, thanks.
10/05/2013 7:25 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
Overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, lack of interest in friend/family relationships and a loss of enjoyment in things that once brought you happiness (such as hobbies) are classic symptoms of depression. If this has been going on for a while, I'd suggest talking to a parent or (if they don't listen) a school counselor about your feelings and seeing if therapy or possibly medication might be good options for you. You should also read more about this here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_depressive_disorder

In my 23 years I've been treated for depression and also anxiety disorders so I know how annoying it can be when people tell you to just 'look on the bright side' or tell you 'well your life could be worse so it's selfish to be depressed'.
Fetch me
10/05/2013 7:28 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Thanks, but Im not good at talking and especially when it is about my own life and toughts.
10/05/2013 7:41 pm
Level 72 : Legendary Button Pusher
the_soup's Avatar
To clarify, when I was 14 I was treated for *societal anxiety*, so trust me when I say that talking to a counselor or therapist is easier than you might fear. Also trust me when I say that if you do have depression, all the nice comments from internet strangers aren't going to help you feel better worth a damn. The only thing that can help you if you have depression is treatment.
10/05/2013 7:15 pm
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
jonathanb987's Avatar
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." - Thomas Edison
Fetch me
10/05/2013 7:18 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Easy said but not as easy to do But a great quote!
10/05/2013 7:11 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
blypmc799's Avatar
I understand your trouble you are going through, I'm going through it now. (Mod rage in 3. 2. 1. I love there skin) It's hard, but it's worth it. Just try to think the things you can do. I can't really do anything but write. It gets boring but if you work hard enough, you could make a career path. Authoring does help people like you and me at times like this.
10/05/2013 7:10 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Ranger
VelociCraftor's Avatar
I may be wrong, and I hate to say it, but it kinda seems like you are fishing for attention. :P Sorry.
10/05/2013 7:05 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
You're 14, you should be excited for the new pokemon game or whining that your parents won't allow you to play GTAV. Soon you'll learn that life isn't a bundle of fun; you'll have a full time job you hate, have to pay bills, be jealous of people who are better off than you. The list goes on and on. 99.999% of people aren't considered "outstanding and special". We just go on with our lives, but we understand that a lot of the time, life is just getting through the day.
Why don't you cook yourself a bacon and egg breakfast in the morning and be happy that you didn't have to work to buy those ingredients to make it.
Fetch me
10/05/2013 7:12 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Really? You have a nice perspective on kids.. And really you are the people that are just complete fools. And just beacuse you have to job that you hate isn't my fault. It means you made bad mistakes in your life. And what did you think, that you don't have to pay bills or food or anything else? Stop whining about having a job, it's a part of life.
I would have cared if you were whining about something that truly matterd yourself. But a job is not one of them. And I am guessing your a grown up, if you are a grown up you shouldn't act like this, to a little "kid" that you prefer to look at me like.
10/05/2013 7:31 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Pixel Painter
ASF's Avatar
He's trying to help, and what do you do? You act like a jerk.
You know what you should do? You should do what he said, and get the hell over it.
10/06/2013 6:07 am
Level 26 : Expert Cake
eccsdee's Avatar
Sometimes when someone feels bad, comparing them to someone else and trying to make them feel grateful for what they have doesn't work - as a matter of fact, if he's depressed now, and by saying that your job will suck and you'll have to pay bills makes them more depressed.

Depression is a serious thing, and it's common with teenagers. You can't just 'get the hell over it' like that.
Fetch me
10/05/2013 7:32 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Well could you describe how he helped me?
10/05/2013 7:56 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
I'm not here to give you a nice perspective, I'm here to tell you that life really isn't a bundle of fun. Regardless of your age, life can get very depressing and feel like it isn't worth it. And though a lot of the time you feel like life isn't fair or things, it is. The best way to move past the feelings of 'no motivation' is to get on with things. There's no point in wallowing in pity; if you manage to keep yourself distracted you won't get those feelings.

I'm offering this out of experience, not out of being mean. You're still young, you have a lot a head of you and a lot of time to have fun and be a teenager. But you can't think that you can be a teenager for the rest of your life. I've been through a bit, and a while ago I used to think that life was meant to be a bundle of laughs and I got everything I wanted. It took me going through a very sudden life style change to realise it's not all fun and games.

I'm offering you this advice as a friend, I'm sorry if my first post seemed harsh. To get motivation back, you need to do something, even if it is a small thing, such as learning how to play a song on the piano. But the big thing is "commitment". Find something you can commit yourself to, even if you don't like it at first. Have fun, Fetch. Don't restrict yourself to the feeling of non-motivation.

Also what The_Soup said is a verrryy good idea. It doesn't have to be a professional if you don't want it to be, but find someone who is willing to listen to talk to, about everything and anything. I'm sure there are even people on PMC who are willing to listen, myself included, if you ever did need to just rant about life.
10/05/2013 7:09 pm
Level 29 : Expert Princess
ItsMorgan's Avatar
You are mean. That was mean

Don't be mean.

Click to reveal
10/05/2013 7:05 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Goblin
devilcupcakes's Avatar
Hey OP, I remembered this website and I think you might like it. I know my previous advice wasn't that helpful, but this is amazing, trust me.
http://thequietplaceproject.com/thedawn ... room&lang=
Fetch me
10/05/2013 6:57 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Well not most people tought so including me
10/05/2013 6:51 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cake
eccsdee's Avatar
Damn - I'd like to join but it's 12 O'clock where I live :/
Fetch me
10/05/2013 6:53 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
It's 00:53 at my place. Join, use headphones? The chat is with text if tought it was talking
Fetch me
10/05/2013 6:49 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Want to chat with me and listen to great music and also share music that will make you and me happier.



And thanks for all the comments you guys are amazing <3
Fetch me
10/05/2013 6:43 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Fetch me's Avatar
Thanks, and I don't want to get popular.
10/05/2013 6:51 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Programmer
EsvDefcon's Avatar
Well if you seriously don't want the attention, then that's just as fine. In fact, I prefer to be on my own sometimes, it gives me space to think, and to work on all of my projects, etc. However, it's always nice to have something to look forward too, and that's all I meant, but if you'd be more interested in taking up a new hobby, then go for it! Whatever helps you out the most is what you should do, no matter what anyone else tells you! So if you think that learning to play an instrument is a good idea, or maybe learning to do something useful that could help you later on in life (ummm... take coding for example, since you spend a lot of time on your computer anyway, then you could try your hand at some game development, or maybe web hosting, whatever you think), then you should definitely give it a try.

Hope this is more helpful,

10/05/2013 6:40 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Programmer
EsvDefcon's Avatar
Fetch meHow do I get back my motivation and life?

Hey, I am 14 years old and I have already given up on life. What should I do?
I know it sounds silly, but I am really desperate and the only thing I can do is to ask this question.

I have given up on graphic designing, creating games, photography (that I never even started) and even gaming. The only thing I do is sit and look at my computer screen all day long. I can't take it anymore..

I also don't have any friends, and no one in my class is normal". So I would rather be alone then with them.

Im asking again, what should I do? Please help me.


Well, it sounds as if you need something interesting to do. And I don't mean taking up swimming, or starting some new sport. You need something that you absolutely can't wait to do, so you could try what I usually do and throw parties every weekend, and get some friends who do the same thing. Even though you're 14(I've just turned 15 last week, by the way), you'd be surprised what you can do. By getting a reputation around your school for having awesome house parties, or for doing something else really awesome that gets loads people from your school together, you'll somehow become instantly more popular. I don't know how it works, but it just... does. Just saying, all of the parties at my school involve a lot of alcohol (not suggesting anything kids, just saying ), and if you can pull it off, then you'll make friends with almost everyone in your school(apart from people who you don't like, you can choose your friends when everyone likes you). And having said all of that, the point was that having loads of friends can solve your problems... instead of having to sit in your house, alone, if you've got loads of friends then there's always something to do.
And I read a comment before, about people at our age not being able to be in a serious relationship, well that's a load of **** Of course you can, you just have to find the right person, and trust me, having a girlfriend makes sure that you've always got something to look forward to/someone to talk to when you need them.
And if you're not good with girls, then it still doesn't matter. It's all about who you're trying to talk to, so if you find the right person, you'll know.
While most of the stuff I said probably sounds stupid, trust me, it works. And I hope that you manage to sort all of your stuff out soon.

All the best,

Planet Minecraft


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