PMC Fighter II: Mr. Clay VS Little Timmy

Carcharodontosaurus's Avatar Carcharodontosaurus5/7/22 12:18 pm history
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5/30/2022 1:17 pm
Carcharodontosaurus's Avatar Carcharodontosaurus

Mr. Clay
Little Timmy

Welcome back ladies and gents! After a short break, we're back at it again! It is time for another brawl! Welcome to PMC Fighter season 2!

The name is Mick McLaren, and I will be your host and commentator for this rumble! It is a fuming redhead versus a man made of... yeah, let's get to that shall we?

In the red corner we have (Ivango) Nikolay Glinin, also known as Mr. Clay! I think his nickname speaks for itself. He is made of a clay, and he is carrying his mud with style. How was he re-animated as clay you ask? No clue. How does it work? No idea. Can he fight though? Let's hope so! Apparently he is participating, because he is in need of money. He wants to buy himself a gun. Yea. I guess that's one way to use the grand prize money. Let's check out his stats shall we?:

Strength: 7
Speed: 6
Hardiness: 6
Wrestling: 6
Hit Points: 15

And here comes Mr. Clay's adversary for this match, lookin' very angry.

In the yellow corner from the suburbs of a really nice place probably, we have (SaraTheChef) Little Timmy, also known as "The Raging Redhead"! Timmy here got picked on by people in school for his glowing red hair. "You don't have a soul Timmy!", "Strawberry helmet!", "Wash your face, you got turd-freckles everywhere!". Those are examples of what people would shout at him. Now, he has grown into the most hateful beast of a ginger one could ever imagine. That's right. A ginger who knows karate. And worse yet. A buff moody teenage ginger who knows karate. And he is here to bring the pain, to show everyone, that gingers have souls. Very very angry souls, that will karate-kick you so far into space, that you'll crash into Uranus. Anyways, let's check his stats, cause they are glowing red too:

Strength: 9
Speed: 7
Hardiness: 5
Wrestling: 4
Hit Points: 12.5

The Fight

Alright alright, this is gonna be an interesting fight. I'm very excited to see if the man of clay actually lands punches that rock. We know for sure that the Raging Redhead can, so let's see if the redhead can punch right through the mud-man. The referee has explained everything it seems, and here goes the bell!


Starting out FAST both fighters are DASHING towards each other, Mr. Clay makes a quick jab at Timmy, but the redhead dodges and uses his huge momentum to throw what can ONLY BE A DEATH FIST! YIKES! AND THERE'S A HUGE DENT LEFT IN MR. CLAY'S TORSO- but wait OW! There's a SECOND fast jab coming in hot from Mr. Clay!
(Mr. Clay takes 9 damage) (Raging Redhead takes 3 damage)

Holy smokes, and now they are both trying to wrestle each other! The redhead has got a grip of Mr. Clay's arm, but HE TWISTS IT OFF, PUTS IT BACK ON, AND TAKES DOWN THE REDHEAD IN A TACKLE! Timmy landed RIGHT ON HIS BACK! OOF!
(Raging Redhead takes 6 damage)

The redhead looks fuming after he took a dipper to the floor, he gets up here, and Mr. Clay does not hesitate, he goes straight for a launching kick to Timmy's solar plexus, but the redhead is quick and makes a timely parry! Timmy jumps into the air to land a punch, but HE GETS A FIST RIGHT TO THE SACK! OUCH! THAT IS ONE DIRTY MOVE FROM MR. CLAY! BUT IF IT WORKS IT WORKS!
(Raging Redhead takes 5.25 damage)

And IT IS OVER! Timmy is NOT getting up from that one! Mr. Clay fights dirty, but what else can you expect from a man who is literally made from dirt and water!? You could say, Mr. Clay rocked his world with that last nut-cracking cave-man punch!


Combo (Mr. Clay):
1. Dash --> Double Jab --> Grapple

2. Kick --> Punch --> Duck and Grapple
3. Dash --> Kick --> Duck and Kick
4. Move forward--> Punch --> Chokehold

Combo (Raging Redhead):

1. Dash --> Duck and Death Fist --> Grapple
2. Parry --> Punch and Jump --> Kick
3. Move Backwards and Duck --> Dash --> Grapple
4. Duck --> Dash --> Electric Wind God Fist
Posted by Carcharodontosaurus's Avatar
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Fish

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05/29/2022 7:35 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
ArcaneKnight's Avatar
... when's the next fight?
05/30/2022 1:17 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Fish
Carcharodontosaurus's Avatar
Soon enough. I am handing in my BSc. project in two days, and can then finally get back to the tournament.
05/07/2022 3:10 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Explorer
Hansby's Avatar
Really dirty. It reminds me of a certain fighter I intended to train for the tournament, but... no avail.
05/07/2022 2:27 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Ghast Rider
Ivango's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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