Server Basics / Server Help FAQ [WIP]

CalPal_'s Avatar CalPal_8/22/14 11:41 pm
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8/31/2014 7:35 am
CalPal_'s Avatar CalPal_
Server Basics/ Server Help FAQ [WIP]

As I've looked around the Server Help section, I've noticed a few different topics that come up quite often, so I decided to make this thread in order to possibly save you a little time! Here you'll find answers/links to answers concerning these popular problems, along with basic info about servers and how to start one up! I hope it's of help!

Table of Contents:
Server Basics
Server Help FAQ

Posted by CalPal_'s Avatar
Level 38 : Artisan Cake

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08/27/2014 3:34 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Cake
CalPal_'s Avatar
Sever FAQ

Things You Probably Shouldn't Post in the Server Help Section:

First things first, a few things you probably (read: don't) post in this section.

Server Advertisements: As is said here, servers shouldn't be advertised/posted here. They belong here.

Server Recruitment: TECHNICALLY allowed (I believe), but it would probably be better to post it in the dedicated section.

Hosting Help: If you are looking for a host and want to know which is the best, we CAN NOT help you.

MOTD Verification Errors

This is a very common problem and as each problem is different, there is really no concrete solution.
Some common solutions include:
Restart your server.
Clear your servers cache.
Make sure there are no extra characters before or after the code, INCLUDING SPACES.

If none of these work, the best thing to do would be to PM any of the Site Moderators or try to catch one in chat, they should be able to help you out.

Group Manager Set-Up/Use

Most anything you should need can be found here, on the Essentials wiki. Also, here is a serviceable video tutorial.

PermissionEx Help:

Here is a video tutorial, and here is some pretty in-depth stuffs.

Can't Connect To LAN World?
Not exactly a server issue per-say, but something I've seen in here more than a few times. You can find the solution that works for most here.

General Permissions Help!
If you just have trouble setting up your permissions in general, jdf2 is currently working on an awesome permissions editor that does a lot of the work for you. You can find it here.

Of course, if you are going to ask a question, be sure to check out this thread first.

This post has the [WIP] tag for a reason. xD If would like something added you could post something about it here, or you could PM me.

Also, please don't hesitate to ask me questions (by PM ONLY please). I was a (plugin handling) Admin (eventually Head Admin) on a large server for about 6 months, I may be able to help.
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