Hello fellow ice cream makers
In this group you can post anything to do with ice cream and haza
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  • About

    At hazcumber.I.N.C we want are workers to know that we care for them just like we care for are food. people can post gross ice creams, can post lore, hazy bot skin design (best one gets featured on my profile plus a shout out.), Horror ice cream maps and characters that ever know haza in any way including being his help in crime or works for him or they could have met him in the same way Jim did. Or just go mad! Never the less have as much fun doing whatever you want with hazcumber inc.
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  • team shazam and the ice cream man.

    Chapter one

    15 years ago I remember a specific moment in my life I wish I could erase from my mind completely. It was so terrifying it would make a superhero cry. My friends called it the events of the ice cream man in 2002 . It all started when Jim didn't turn up to school. It was weird because I knew he wasn't sick. I'm sure he would have called me. The whole day I couldn't stop thinking about him, it was just so weird. At the end of the day I walked home as normal when a torn piece of paper pinned to the post caught my eye. It was a missing poster for Jim Bunting.

    My whole entire body shook like jelly and my fingers went cold i couldn't

    Believe it. It was only yesterday when we were playing snakes

    And ladders, at that time the only person who could possibly have kidnapped him was… Oh no.

    Team shazam meeting.

    Ok Ben do you have any ideas, Franklin called over to me. Then i replied with “yes i think it was his parents he's always saying how his dad drinks, i think they killed him” “who” said elisabeth in a slightly scared voice i sighed “his bluming parents!” i shouted “hey we are all worried for him but there's no need to shout” said lexi or what we nickname in the group which was bookworm because she's always got something smart to say even if it's about something that makes 6 billion people laugh. She once actually did that once. “I know,” I said softly. “ ok here's the plan, I will pretend to be sick so I don't have to go to school and then when my mum and dad go to work I will go to the Bunting house. then i will find out what's going on and we get a happy ending and possibly free ice cream” “ok” said my friends “but what do we do” “umm…… you can be at school making sure no one gets suspicious ok” i said “ok” said the others but in a confused voice.

    The mission.

    “I don't feel well” i screeched to my parents “well you don't have a Temperature” said my dad. “but if you are really do feel sick then, yes

    You don't have to go to school” said mum “so are you really ill”

    They said together “yes” i screeched this time with a bit more

    Excitement. “Hmm, those drama classes paid off,” I thought to myself. “What do we have for breakfast?” I shouted, still in a sick voice. “Toast,” said my dad, so I decided toast it was, it wasn't the best breakfast because I rushed it down my neck but I had to be quick. so they went to work as normal and five minutes later I was on my bike rushing to the Bunting house at 1 million miles a hour. That was weird . There were no cars in the driveway, instead there was a van, an ice cream van. At the time the only thing that was going through my mind was “where is my friend?”, so i decided to go in the ice cream van to check if he was there as i did the doors slowly started to close, bash! and the engine began to rem vrum, vrum, vrUM! louder and louder. Until the vehicle began to move. oh i just wish i stayed home in my comfy bed. If anything could have gotten worse this is it. Then I saw Jim. He was locked in a cage beside him was a fridge. I thought the driver must be an ice cream truck murdurer because why else would they be a cage?

    The boarding.

    For What seemed like days the van stopped and the doors opened to reveal… a man, Hazcumber! He had an accent that made my bones fry and my blood boil before I could run, he struck me round the face, knocking me out cold. Meanwhile at school everyone was wondering where I was. My friends tried to tell them but they didn't listen. They thought I was kidnaped just like Jim. “Im awake” i shouted but before i could get excited i realized i was in a cage to

    It was grimmy, and it smelt of rotten milk. My nose felt like a dustbin. Then I

    Realized i was on a ship that was rocking so much it made me fall asleep

    but before i could the cage stated to move bashing the lock on the cage strait

    off allowing me to clamber out of the cage. Getting out felt like heaven

    But then i realize that there was no Jim insight so i started to search i looked in every nook and cranny i even searched the van then i saw a small box on top of the fridge i was going to need a step ladder though, so i opened the fridge and climbed the shelfs then quickly jumping of because the fridge was about to fall over and when it did the box burst in two like a watermelon. inside was

    A key and a small picture of a boat. Then i remembered the door that

    the cage was bashed into. i just needed to wait for it to slide the other

    Way so I could unlock the door but before i could a small robot version

    Of the man with wheel entered. he held a small broom in his hand

    That i specifically remember it smelling like the beach but not

    A nice hot one instead, a cold rocky one. He then said in a robot voice that still made my bones freeze to the core “boss, a little human has esc..” I stomped on it. I had to, I couldn't meet that beast of a man any more at that moment I realized I had to get out. Meanwhile the town where having two search parties the south part of town where looking for jim the north part of town was looking for me the rest of team shazam where biting their fingernails as the police

    ask them what they knew.


    I gathered my thoughts and started looking for an escape or something that would get me out this prison of darkness, this hell of a place. I hated it there and I was beginning to get sea sick. Meanwhile two sets of parents crying, two sets of people dying, two sets of missing posters and two sets of people searching. The town had gotten empty without Jim and me. As team Shazam couldn't have any meetings without the brave leader. I then smelt this smell beyond all smells despite everything it smelt like love it smelt like happiness it smelt like home the closer i got it just kept smelling sweeter and sweeter until i reached two doors. One led to an escape, the other led to a beautiful smelling birthday cake. I had had enough so I decided I’m getting off this ship.

    Chapter two

    3 months later.

    “We wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year” “god i hate this time of year all i get is socks” i wigened “well you lucky you get anything” said my mum “in africa they don't get anything” well then give em my spotty socks” “there strippy this year” said my granny in a weird old sort of accent “uhhhhhh” i said then the lights turned off then the whole play stopped then the lights turned on but no one was there except from the man in that strange mask then he said “oh hello ben times past hasn't it champ i've been waiting to see

    You since you got of my ship maybe you will go back IN IT” “noo” i screamed “i'm not going back i'm not afraid of you” “well maybe you are now” he said in that same spine braking voice as he impaled a icicle in my rib i felt blood then bang i hit the floor dead. “Thank god it was all a dream” “breakfast” my dad shouted but i wasn't ready to go down i was still scared from that dream and it had only been three months from the incident so i said “i'll be down in a minute”

    So there I am eating my cereal wondering about that dream. “Was it a vision? Was it something

    Telling me I will meet him again? Is it a warnigh? What is it? What is it?” I thought . On my way to school I saw a poster that was scary enough to send shivers down anyone's bones and make their teeth grind to nothing “the world's most famous ice cream man, Hazcumber is coming to a circus near you”.

    The terrible attack at school

    I was still wondering about that dream and the poster when the teacher says “today we will learn about jim bunting” “umm why are we learning about jim” i asked then the teacher shouted “were not where are learning about tim bunting pay attention mr chaple” the rest of the day went on fine until i was walking home when i heard a voice it sounded like jim he was screaming he was begging for help while hazcumber and this over person laugh the over person had a very deep voice that was louder than a lion roaring i fainted ”bedfnimmletmkdmejdgo!nhmifggluhshelpfngebdsvxcpleaseshAhh hhjdm” My mind was taken over i couldn't speak words but someone was talking it was rushing through my my head faster than the car from fast a furious “C0m3 clOseR B3n hA |-|a H/-\”

    ()h N0.

    The weeks in the hospital after I “woke up” were terrible i could speak but i still had a massive headache that felt like Joe Calzaghe had just punched me right in the forehead it hurt so much i could hear a ringing noise in my ear that sounded like a whistle that never stopped even if you were not blowing it and at the corner of my eye i could always see him, Hazcumber with his ever growing, black smile. Then one day my friends came to visit, I was so happy.

    The team shazam meeting 2.0.

    At the meeting after I explained the visions and thoughts I was having we talked about a full proof plan to destroy Hazcumber once and for all. we would go to the circus while lexi and Franklin would wait until the end of the show in hazcumber`s showroom and when he walks in hit him with a baseball bat.

    The plan 2.0.

    Everything went as planned, Franklin and Lexi were in Hzcumber`s showroom while I watched the performance on stage. The strange thing was it really felt like I could feel Hazcumber`s presence. Then he walked on stage in his white sailors uniform and his mask. He then raised his hand and said “greetings everyone” still in that spine chilling voice “i am glad you could make it…” then he looked dead at me and i swear i could see his mouth frown. “I am here to talk about my new ice cream flavor, salted caramel!” The crowd roared in a round of applause and even some cheered. I might have fallen asleep for the rest of the performance because I remember waking up to sirens but later that year lexi told me what happened so do keep in mind it may not be 100% accurate. The door flung up then all of a sudden… THuMp! The man fell to the floor. It was not Hazcumber but the circus manager. All me and my friends could think to do was run and run we did we ran,and ran, and ran.

    Chapter 3

    Eventually me and my friends manage to get to an abandoned cafeteria. On it in big bold letters was “Hazcumber’s finest ice cream” me and my friends knew it would be dangerous but we had no choice, we had to get a plan.

    The pan 3.0

    We all decided if we were going to take down Hazcumber we had to kill him,....
  • FAQs

    Who are you people?
    We are ice cream makers who love making the grossest ice creams you've ever seen
    Who is haza?
    Haza is the most wickedest and morbidest ice cream maker in the hole world every day he and his factory turns 3400 children into ice cream.
    Should I be concerned by the fact you turn children into ice cream.
  • this is the skin that gave me the confidence to show my real self.

    Image result for hazcumber thank you so so so so so so so much guts n pixels for making this skin for me without you i probably would have never shared or even told people who haza is
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  • our ice cream makers

    Guts n pixles
    order of chaos left
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    • Hazcumber.I.N.C's Avatar
      Hazcumber.I.N.C post by Haza's Avatar Haza
      December 7, 2023, 12:24 pm to Public
      should i romove this group?
      Tricolor said 2023-12-07 13:55:35
      Tricolor's Avatar
    • Hazcumber.I.N.C's Avatar
      Hazcumber.I.N.C post by Haza's Avatar Haza
      October 9, 2023, 12:42 pm to Public
      hi guys how are we doing
    • Hazcumber.I.N.C's Avatar
      Hazcumber.I.N.C post by Haza's Avatar Haza
      August 28, 2023, 3:34 pm to Public
      New haza Lore forget everything else said in hazas back story this is the new one.

      Haza was an ordinary child that did what every normal child did but he wasnt normal he had an inspection of collecting animal bones and putting them together like a gig saw to create some sort of hellish creature his mum was on the verge she didnt know what to do with her son, she was on her last straw so one day they where on a walk like normal when all a sudden strangers that haza had never met before to him and sent him to an orphanage he hated his mother and wanted her and his father dead over the years he started to worsen he read many books on how to make ice cream famous serial killers and how to make robots he managed to make a friend who was almost like a brother to him called haz and together they would come up with ways to go kill and torture people but something went wrong on one of the experiments that caused a masive fire haz and the rest of the orphans burnt to a crisp but haza some how made it out he didnt know how and he ddint care he managed to find a abandoned cotage in a small forest named winzer where he continued to work and made his first robot in memory of his friend he named it haz and even designed a poison that could make someone so sick they where in a coma like state and created the Mask that made him iconic. Later on he managed to bye bye a shop where he became quite popular amongst the town and no one new that he was killing children under the very same shop floor they brought the ice cream. Then he worked in more robots and called them hazy bots. then he brought a island not to far way from the town and built a factory empire full of enslaved children and robots that made his sweet tasting frozen delight. A long time after haza worked at a local school selling ice cream where one day a boy asked for some ice cream and he was so polite thats haza gave it to him for free but asked for his name he said ben, Ben Cumberland hazs face glowed then haza asked if he had any friends that where as polite as him and the boy said yes actually my friend Jim bunting has a birthday coming up he is just inviting me to be honest hes only got me so haza said I should come i am sure you friend would love it so then the boy walked away and hazas plan was in set one of his family members must live around here somewhere and Mabey he could get the location of his parents, so as quick as a flash haza drove of to his gandads old house to see if mabey he stilled lived there but instead he found the found his mum and dad who barley got the chance to recognize him before they where choped up and turned into ice and the next day he sold them all to Ben who wasnt even aware that he was eating his own grandparents haza did make it to jims house were he kidnaped him and thats where this story ends
    • Hazcumber.I.N.C's Avatar
      Hazcumber.I.N.C post by Haza's Avatar Haza
      July 26, 2023, 12:19 pm to Public
      Hello fellow ice cream maker's the map for hazcumber inc is going amazing the concept art I have made so far looks great I can't wait to finnaly show you
    • Hazcumber.I.N.C's Avatar
      Hazcumber.I.N.C post by Haza's Avatar Haza
      May 23, 2023, 2:28 am to Public
      Hello fellow ice cream maker's, I know that recently hazcumber inc has been pretty boring and not much going on so from June 6th the hole of the hazcumber incorporated universe will be updated, I hope you enjoy.
    • Hazcumber.I.N.C's Avatar
      Hazcumber.I.N.C post by Haza's Avatar Haza
      April 15, 2023, 10:42 am to Public
      🚨Calling all ice cream workers🚨 the king, https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/silabear/will kill us all and throw is in jail if we do not turn him into a frosty ,

      My orders:
      Kill him and bring him to me
    • Hazcumber.I.N.C's Avatar
      Hazcumber.I.N.C post by FE98's Avatar FE98
      April 7, 2023, 6:43 am to Public
      I Made Haza Of My Pixel Art Style👍♥️✨

      You Don’t See Here
      FE98 replied to Haza's comment below 2023-04-07 13:44:42
      FE98's Avatar
      Thank You👍♥️✨ But I am Member Join Can I Be On Our Ice Cream Maker?
      Haza said 2023-04-07 10:20:51
      Haza's Avatar
      This is amazing
      IGEBM said 2023-04-07 07:22:08
      IGEBM's Avatar
      He looks so cute
    • Hazcumber.I.N.C's Avatar
      Hazcumber.I.N.C post by Haza's Avatar Haza
      February 22, 2023, 2:31 pm to Public
      Hello ice cream makers I have a challenge for you and that is to make as much ice cream related content as you can. (you don't have to)
    • Hazcumber.I.N.C's Avatar
      Hazcumber.I.N.C post by IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM
      February 8, 2023, 9:45 pm to Public
      The current release date for the map is sometime between April and May

      I don’t have a specific date yet as I haven’t started the map yet
      Haza said 2023-02-09 00:02:36
      Haza's Avatar
      I can't wait to see it
    • Hazcumber.I.N.C's Avatar
      Hazcumber.I.N.C post by Haza's Avatar Haza
      January 26, 2023, 1:50 am to Public
      Hello fellow ice cream maker's. Hazcumber.i.n.c has officially got a discord sever If you want to join out your username below
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