Silabear's Avatar
everything was intended
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    🐻 Silabear (sigh-la-bear) | he/him | 🇬🇧

    i joined this site just to share my cool datapacks and I’ve loved seeing myself and the community grow over the 3-4 years I’ve been here. now, I'm a moderator here :D

    ❤️ we’re always welcoming of everyone on this page - if you’re going to be homophobic/transphobic/biphobic, racist, sexist, or discriminatory in any other way, then plz go away <3

    🎨 favourite colours: rose, red, orange
    😃 likes: trains, pasta, hoodies, coding, nature, camping, spreadsheets, science/logic, STEM subjects, space
    ⛔ dislikes: those toxic big social media sites, fighting/violence, discrimination, the word infrared

    my Minecraft skin was made by Arkhaismos. they’ve since left PMC, but you can view the skin on namemc. I always feature fanskins on my profile :D

    🎵 fav songs | music playlist card
    mental health support
    everyone goes through rough times - it's okay to not be okay. if you're struggling with your mental health, then there's plenty of resources and help available.

    suicide prevention: (Global), (UK), (Other)
    domestic violence: (USA), (UK)
    other: (UK), (Canada), (Global)

    Fan art :D
    If I've missed you out, PLEASE let me know!


    by Arkhaismos

    by Catsncartnwheels

    by sweaterduck

    by TheCrypteral

    By xBigFatPotatox

    by an anonymous sender (i legit have no idea who but if ur reading this i appreciate ya)

    by XFAISALX2178

    by Fatcqt

    by Feldmarschall Wither Storm

    by Awhikax

    Use this link to get 25% off your first server with Bisect Hosting!
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    • Silabear's Avatar
      July 25, 2024, 6:09 pm to Public
      I’ve decided to go on another short week-long break from the internet. Recently it’s been feeling very stressful being in this community - it feels like I do my job here not well enough (nor with my other responsibilities like DPH) combined with the recent stuff which has happened with some communities on Discord, I just think I need to take a breather.

      I’m not leaving forever yet, I’m just gonna not pick up Discord or PMC for around a week starting tomorrow.
      Fatcqt said 2024-07-26 08:02:19
      Fatcqt's Avatar
      breaks are good
      Lumi696969 said 2024-07-25 21:10:01
      Lumi696969's Avatar
      Im sorry that i asked you if bear meat tasted nice :((
      chickenpants93 said 2024-07-25 21:01:02
      chickenpants93's Avatar
      Have a fantastic week Sila!

      wanted to let you know that we all very very much appreciate you and the work you do for the community here on PMC, you’re one of the most actively involved and engaged moderators and you do a very good job :)
      Panda Gocarts3 said 2024-07-25 18:16:01
      Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
      Have a nice break!
    • Silabear's Avatar
      Silabear shared enfyys's post
      July 25, 2024, 8:42 am with Public
      46% of non-binary and trans youth have seriously considered suicide in the past year

      This year in the USA, after the elections, there’s a real threat of laws being passed which ends government recognition of transgender and non-binary identities, meaning these people will have reduced access to gender-specific care.

      I hate to get “political” here, but if (and only if) you can help, please support this mission to raise awareness and protect LGBTQ+ people (especially young people).

      Most importantly (especially American citizens): please do independent research into who you are voting for, and how their policies affect the lives and mental health of LGBTQ+ people AND people in other minorities or at an increased risk of these policies.

      Thank you enfyys for bringing this project to my attention

      Please watch the shared video, it’s only less than 2 minutes long.
      enfyys's Avatar
      July 25, 2024, 8:00 am to Public
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    • Silabear's Avatar
      Silabear shared IMAGEination Datapack Jam 2's post
      July 24, 2024, 8:01 am with Public
      join my funni jam guys plz
      IMAGEination Datapack Jam 2's Avatar
      IMAGEination Datapack Jam 2 post by Silabear's AvatarSilabear
      July 24, 2024, 7:59 am to Public

      The IMAGEination Datapack Jam is back for Round 2!

      Like before, you will have 1 week to make a datapack inspired by an image instead of a traditional text theme, which will be revealed on August 18th!

      calendar_today August 18th - August 25th
      supervised_user_circle Hosted by Datapack Hub

      tag_faces Click the Join button to follow updates!
      View original post
    • Silabear's Avatar
      July 23, 2024, 3:07 pm to Public
      the army would be a lot more efficient if they didn’t spend all their time refining how to stand like robots and actually spent time practicing how to be the army
      Zrose90 said 2024-07-23 16:34:54
      Zrose90's Avatar
      Omg fr
      even with schools with fire alarms as well cus it’s similair .-.
      today we had a fire alarm on the last day of school right before almost being dismissed .-.

      reminds me of when year 1 someone said a b-mb was gonna be dropped on my school and we had to evacuate and there was sm snow on the ground and firefighters had to go to our school while we evacuated to a diff school

      the worst thing of it all is that it took us like 30mins to all line up before leaving the school .-.
      a b-mb was potentially gonna be dropped yet we were still expected to stand there like soldiers o7 💀
      Lumi696969 said 2024-07-23 15:34:31
      Lumi696969's Avatar
      Hm.. reminds me of something.. (im german btw)
    • Silabear's Avatar
      Silabear shared Lumi696969's post
      July 22, 2024, 1:33 pm with Public
      probably the first one :P
      Lumi696969's Avatar
      July 22, 2024, 1:32 pm to Public
      View original post
      Silabear replied to Lumi696969's comment below 2024-07-22 13:35:04
      Silabear's Avatar
      that also works
      Lumi696969 said 2024-07-22 13:33:54
      Lumi696969's Avatar
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  • 🐻

    on a more professional note, I do a lot of cool internet things. here are my favourites:

    i make epic datapacks! you can view them all on the "content gallery" widget on this page.

    datapack hub
    i own a community around datapacks with almost 800 members! we've got a minecraft server, website, mod, but most importantly epic discord server! Join!

    datapack jam
    admin in a team which runs occasional datapack competitions here on PMC! initially started by TheMobo but now we have a big team helping us with trophies and stuff. discord and group

    game dev
    i’m working on a couple of nice 2D puzzle games as part of a small indie team that I can’t wait to tell you about! i’m also collaborating with someone on pmc on a shorter game which I’m hyped about too 👀

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  • Just a spoiler

    Click to reveal
    I said don't
    I'm warning you...
    I can go on writing these forever
    In fact, I got a script to format these for me.
    I just have to sit here and write prompts.
    what do you want?
    If you want to appeal a ban, please go to tickets
    join datapacc hub
    ok fr go away now
    ok ok fine
    I'll tell you my secret
    my secret is...
    that you're gonna have to click on a bit more if you wanna find it >:D
    but of course you're going to do that anyway
    I guarantee you won't make it to the end.
    Trust me.
    Also go away. I'm getting tired writing these
    You've probably done this before anyway.
    Everyone on PMC has one of these things.
    But I have dedication.
    They don't.
    Not since the incident.
    ok, you can stay for the story.
    All the spoiler chainers used to be as one.
    One team.
    On Thursdays, they would all meet together and create spoiler chains.
    Rain or shine,
    wind or hail,
    they always met each other and made spoiler chains
    But one day, their spoiler chain got too long.
    It broke the confines of this world.
    They were all sucked away in a portal, all but one.
    That one was me.
    I never thought I'd see them again.
    Nobody had the same passion as I did for spoiler chains.
    I still had the dedication. I tried to recruit others for the spoiler chain club, but to no avail.
    I thought all hope was lost.
    But then I realised, maybe the portal didnt mean anything.
    Maybe it was a metaphor.
    The others may be lost to the "portal", but there's another one.
    I'm sure of it.
    Do you know how I know?
    Nobody had the same confidence in spoiler as chains.
    After all these years, we've reunited.
    This is the Spoiler Chain Matrix.
    Wake up.
