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  • Usaki's Avatar
    June 6, 2024, 3:49 pm to Public
    ClayMan1077 replied to Ender Sparkle's comment below 2024-06-06 16:12:16
    ClayMan1077's Avatar
    My bad lol. Once again autocorrect as done me dirty!
    Ender Sparkle replied to ClayMan1077's comment below 2024-06-06 16:06:21
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    I wondered if I should block them
    ClayMan1077 replied to Ender Sparkle's comment below 2024-06-06 16:03:14
    ClayMan1077's Avatar
    Bro we’ve talked multiple times, what do you mean “should we block him”!?!?
    ClayMan1077 said 2024-06-06 16:02:21
    ClayMan1077's Avatar
    I mean you right but still, the truth hurts man lol
    Ender Sparkle replied to Usaki's comment below 2024-06-06 15:59:46
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    The what
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  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    June 5, 2024, 10:57 pm to Public
    i did nothing today...
    give me minecraft pvp arena build ideas plz
    EccentricEremite replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-06-06 20:32:19
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    What about other games?
    LBoomsky replied to EccentricEremite's comment below 2024-06-06 20:31:04
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    i dont like any
    EccentricEremite said 2024-06-05 22:58:59
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    What if there was one based off of a book or show or movie you really like?
  • Usaki's Avatar
    June 5, 2024, 7:29 pm to Public
    I'm Back!!
    Hey everyone! I'm back and oh boy do I have alot to tell you. So strap in this is a gonna be long one. First of all I'm no longer in a gender identity crisis anymore, so what gender am I? I'm transgender, from now on I identify as female and my pronouns are: She/Her Horse/Mare.

    So why the sudden change of who I am? Lots of complicated stuff that your tiny little brain wouldn't understand. I'm so glad that my friends were there to give me support, but most of all my love life. I was surprised she accepted me for who I am and changes. We are still in a relationship and she is the best girlfriend I could ask for.

    In a few months I'm going for gender reassignment surgery, so wish me luck on that. So whats the future for me on PMC? Not much really. My profile page will go through a rework soon. Anything else or news to share? Nope.. Oh wait yeah there is. I have a few new names, I'm still gonna go as Usaki but my other names are Mimi and CloudFilly.

    P.S. Happy Pride Month!! 💜
    Silabear said 2024-06-06 02:44:57
    Silabear's Avatar
    omg congrats!! 🏳️‍⚧️
    Usaki replied to ClayMan1077's comment below 2024-06-05 20:42:55
    Usaki's Avatar
    ClayMan1077 said 2024-06-05 20:39:23
    ClayMan1077's Avatar
    Congrats Mimi 🎉🏳️‍⚧️
    IGEBM said 2024-06-05 19:34:56
    IGEBM's Avatar
  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    June 5, 2024, 12:26 am to Public
    My mom refuses to talk to me about my future in conversation...
    She sends me random stuff on discord that I can't do anything with and she says that's all she can do for me.
    Just keeps sending me these contextless programs at her own discretion - the most recent one, not even a website provided, just a screenshot of the name and purpose of some program...

    I told her these aren't helpful and there's nothing I can do with this incomplete information..
    She says that's all she can do for my future.
    How will I ever get to collage...
    LBoomsky replied to TheGlitchedRobin's comment below 2024-06-05 22:52:28
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    silly confusion >w<
    TheGlitchedRobin replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-06-05 20:24:29
    TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
    BRO READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CONTEXT CLUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ive been misspelling college as collage up till recently
    TheGlitchedRobin replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-06-05 17:40:21
    TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
    Misspelling College, bro we were literally JUST talking about it
    TheGlitchedRobin replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-06-05 15:33:56
    TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
    I've been doing up till last month

    Im pretty much an adult
    LBoomsky replied to TheGlitchedRobin's comment below 2024-06-05 15:29:14
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    i'm so stupid i can't even spell college
    people always call it call age so I thought
    i'm never gonna get anywhere with my life
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  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    June 3, 2024, 10:47 pm to Public
    Whenever I feel happy I feel the urge to waste all my time doing whatever is gratifying and It just ends up with less time for doing what matters.
    I have to choose between living my life to the fullest, or wasting it seeking enjoyable things that will bring no lasting impact to others or myself.
    I think,
    Maybe I don't want to be happy.
    WaffleWolf- said 2024-06-04 03:09:01
    WaffleWolf-'s Avatar
    Felt this
    woosh_ replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-06-03 23:38:28
    woosh_'s Avatar
    It’s meant to describe and defend what makes up Christianity at its core (hence the title). It doesn’t concern itself with denominational differences or minor, subjective details. Instead it focuses on what Christianity itself is. (What you mention in the post is used near the beginning, as part of a logical demonstration of Christianity’s validity.)
    LBoomsky replied to woosh_'s comment below 2024-06-03 23:24:19
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    Il try to get it as an audiobook
    What's it about, ik it's gonna have something to do with christianity but what does the book discuss?
    woosh_ replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-06-03 23:00:44
    woosh_'s Avatar
    The logical extension of this phenomenon is detailed in a book called Mere Christianity…

    Whether or not you choose to believe it, it at least gives answers to these kinds of questions...
    LBoomsky said 2024-06-03 22:51:09
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    But on the other hand... What can I do that truly matters?
    What is there that I could possibly do that would have a lasting tangible impact on the world, right now?
  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    June 2, 2024, 11:35 pm to Public
    Emotions, whats are your thoughts on them?
    I mean, clearly they are more than thoughts, as a thought that creates an emotional reaction may carry on even after a thought is no longer being thought about.
    Maybe it's a subconscious state of being, maybe it's simply a chemical reaction that changes how we process our current thoughts for a limited time, to change our perception.
    LBoomsky replied to WaffleWolf-'s comment below 2024-06-03 09:09:34
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    look at my deleted comments lol
    WaffleWolf- said 2024-06-03 00:21:35
    WaffleWolf-'s Avatar
    I can have a whole in depth discussion about this lol

    I’d need a couple of days to organize my thoughts tho so I don’t go on a tangent and say random unrelated stuff that doesn’t even make sense
  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    June 2, 2024, 1:59 pm to Public
    my therapist told me about an audiobook site, that supposedly actually works.
    i've tried so many and they just haven't previously.
  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    June 1, 2024, 8:42 pm to Public
    I wish I had the strength to argue for the things I care about forever.

    People portray these depressing ideas that I can't help but argue against, but I can only do so much before it gets me burnt out.

    I don't have anything else to do...

    It's also hard to not understate what i'm doing, while not overstating any meaning it has...
    Its like my ego is fighting with my self doubt.

    I just want to make a difference.

    I've wasted more than a week of my summer.
  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    June 1, 2024, 4:32 pm to Public
    We should bring back capes omgosh
    Imagine how crazy it would be if ppl wore capes with fancy modern suits and a tie
    Very snazzy imo
    ajthepeach said 2024-06-01 17:12:40
    ajthepeach's Avatar
    oh yeeeah
  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    June 1, 2024, 1:46 am to Public
    I got ready for bed 2 hours ago
    I sit in bed listening to my brothers yell and scream and I find something important I need to search and write about
    They come upstairs and start fighting each other in the bathroom.

    My parents threaten to make the computer internet cut at 10 for the rest of the summer.
    My computer...
    I'm the one behaving...
    They know that my thoughts are what keep me going but my parents, they would rather keep me sad and silent.
  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    May 31, 2024, 9:04 pm to Public
    please tell me something to do ive done nothing with my life all day
    ScotsMiser replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-05-31 23:46:38
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    If you're looking for something small, a monomer of a wall would be interesting
    ["monomer" being the unit that gets repeated to make a long wall]

    Add corner and gatehoues units for additional challenge.

    If you're looking for something more technical, building an Overworld only MobB [​phantom] farm than allows treasure fishing while waiting for the spawns — while also keeping the player fully protected (except while actively harvesting membrane)

    I've some ideas on this but haven't gotten a round-2-it yet… so I'm not ab;e to say possitively that it will work.
    EccentricEremite replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-05-31 22:50:28
    EccentricEremite's Avatar
    Yeah, better not to go outside then.
    LBoomsky replied to EccentricEremite's comment below 2024-05-31 22:49:27
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    dark outside
    LBoomsky replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-05-31 22:49:14
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    do u have any build ideas, il love to build somethn
    i already cleaned my hard drive 3 days ago
    ScotsMiser said 2024-05-31 21:31:02
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    clean and orgainize your hard drive ¬_¬ . . . . try one of the experimental builds you've been wanting to
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  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    May 30, 2024, 8:02 pm to Public
    I don't understand masculine traits or their purpose...

    On closer inspection I don't truly understand femininity...

    I just wanna dress how I see myself...
  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    May 28, 2024, 4:10 pm to Public
    There are people who think cognizant abilities should determine the value of a person.
    This is deeply flawed - why should the parts of a person, these physical attributes determine the value of the self?
    We are NOT the sum of our parts.
    We can lose an arm, just as we can lose parts of our brain, but remain the same life, the same self.
    We either are alive or are not. No one is "partly" a person.

    Also when I say "these physical attributes" I mean quite literally even brain chemicals and signals are physical and tangible, making the brain an asset to support our living like other organs, rather than a way to measure the value of our existence.

    I've been watching a lot of philosophy lately and I feel so obligated to speak out about these things...

    I feel so alone with my ideas I wish I could tell every person what I have to say...
  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    May 27, 2024, 10:25 pm to Public
    whenever i jump, walk up the stairs or am running, my head makes a clicking sound to the right side, and its been doing this for months.
    It specifically happens right after the Hight up my elevation, as im starting to fall back downwards from my highest position.
    as usual, google has no relevant information :3
    Zitzabis said 2024-05-27 23:20:23
    Zitzabis's Avatar
    This happens to me on occasion. What I've come to believe is that I'm hearing my Eustachian tube clicking, or else just the middle ear. When running you are moving up and down, so that force is causing that spot to bend slightly or else make contact. That's why it sounds like it coming from inside your head and not from your ear. It is still the ear but deep inside it.

    The other two things I have found is posture when running. If I start to relax my neck muscles I'll get that clicking sound. But if I keep a good posture, I don't hear the sound. The second factor could be issues with your jaw. In my case, my jaw isn't seated properly and pops a lot.
    So it could be a variety of things, but I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    Helpful Reddit thread:

    MoonAstraea said 2024-05-27 22:44:33
    MoonAstraea's Avatar
    sounds like anxiety/muscle jerking

    i'm not entirely sure if it's what you're experiencing, but under a lot of stress/anxiety, it's not uncommon for it to cause a jerking motion/click sound in your neck, or other parts of your body.

    (this is from personal experience, i'm not a doctor)
  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    May 27, 2024, 8:16 pm to Public
    When I request assistance in knowledge for completing an assignment or goal of some kind, people tell me to "just do it", or "put the work in". Is there some sort of intrinsic methodology to completing tasks that you lack relevant context to succeeding in?

    I hope that's not a stupid question, but is there a genuine logical disconnect between me and successful people, that makes me so intolerably stupid?
    ScotsMiser replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-05-28 16:53:14
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    Can't help with parents…. (You might consider grandparents or an aunt or uncle, if such people are available.)

    For the US & UK it's election season (if you live in another country you'' need to extrapolate):
    You will be represented (at least in theory) by elected officiels at town/county/state/and national level (assuming USA)
    If you do a web search for "State Representative" or "State Senator" plus your zip code you should get links to the relevant politicos sites. [​Alternately try searching "what state district is zipcode 123456 in"]
    Take a look at what comes up, try to find a politico that you at least can tolerate and get in touch [​This will mean whatever high-level flunkie is in charge of volunteers— very unlikely to meet the panjandrum until you've shown yourself useful..]
    From there it's a matter of put in the time, keep your eyes and ears open, and learn what you can.
    LBoomsky replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-05-28 16:14:24
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    My peers are already know what colleges they are going to and my parents don't even have time to talk about it with me.
    I want to volunteer but I don't know where...
    McMeddon said 2024-05-28 06:39:48
    McMeddon's Avatar
    Thats because we are all clueless, and figure stuff out along the way. And basically find ways to make stuff work or usefull. Then we reiterate, improve, invent, repeat.

    if you have issues getting started, thats normal, take a look at other peoples works, break them down into pieces, understand them and then use that for your works in *your ways*.
    ScotsMiser replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-05-27 22:22:47
    ScotsMiser's Avatar
    WRT = with respect to
    JFGI = 'just flippin' google it' i.e. just use a search engine
    netiquette is a portmanteau word fromed from net + ettiquette (i.e. how to behave well on the net) similar to how smoke + fog became smog.

    One can get to a point where there doesn't appear to be any way to progress… [No problem solving technique works all the time :( ]
    One possibility is to try to breakup the overall task among different lines.
    Sleep on it sounds odd (and may not be applicable) but coming at a problem with 'fresh eyes' can be helpful [Doesn't need to be sleep, maybe do something else, just leave the thing alone for a while so you're fresh when you come back.]
    If you can find someone to talk to, going over how you've previously approached things may at least offer some new insights into the structure of the problem. [I sincerly wish you luck with finding someone; taht can be exceedingly hard. (Neither of my parents had much in the way of background in my interests.
    The school 'guidance counselors' were a running joke – one which, from what I've seen, the intervening decades haven't done much to improve either…)]

    From your saying you want to get into a prestigious college I'm inferring your mid- to late teens, which makes me doubt most of your peers have much of a clue. [Among other things, it is common for undergraduates to change majors at least once before graduating.]
    I'd not worry too much about specific steps at your age, concentrate on building up knowledge and abilities and see where they take you. [Overplanning can be limiting: back when I was at Uni, COBOL was king and punchcard machine operator was considered a secure career path. Only a few years later COBOL was a legacy language and punch card computing was effectively dead. ]

    Particularly given recent events, the value of a 'name' college is falling [rapidly]. Going to a campus that has a good reputation in you preferred area of study may be more important.

    Assuming you aren't from an 'over-represented' group, good grades and a decent spread of extra-curriculars typically works to gain admittance. (It also helps to test well, but that's harder to control.)

    In terms of learning the ropes for how a working politician operates, working (which almost certainly means volunteering) for one can be helpful. [You'll likely get stuck with all the inglorious scut work, but keep your eyes and ears open and you should be able to pick up a good bit of info.] Depending on your location, this could well be local, but I'd try for state/provincial offices if you can.
    LBoomsky replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-05-27 21:37:55
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    could u explain what u mean with smaller words...
    I don't know what netiquette or WRT or JFGI or what a if_you_need_to_ask_we_don't_wanna_know_you club is

    "One then proceeds to go as far as one can where one can, then reevaluates to see if the partial solutions one has been able to find offer insight into how to proceed" but at this point i've exhausted all available options im aware of to progress forwards, but the species never fit into place and i'm stuck at the point I am now.

    My goals like progressing in my career seem to follow a step by step path - I just don't know how to complete the next step, while all my peers know how to do it.
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  • LBoomsky's Avatar
    May 26, 2024, 6:36 pm to Public
    The school mentioned that everyone should start applying for scholarships - a year ago...
    No one mentioned how to apply for one and all the explanations online are non descriptive.
    Idk what to do...
    GoggleD0GG replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-05-27 23:50:09
    GoggleD0GG's Avatar
    look up something like "(your state/county) scholarships for high schoolers(or whatever you are)"
    LBoomsky replied to GoggleD0GG's comment below 2024-05-27 21:42:47
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    When I was at school my college help counselor just told me to search local ones up on the internet... But i'm abysmally terrible at internet research, especially for local stuff - so we went nowhere with it....
    GoggleD0GG replied to LBoomsky's comment below 2024-05-27 21:35:56
    GoggleD0GG's Avatar
    bold.org is one but it is mostly national ones
    for local ones, ask teachers or counselors
    most scholarships are now virtual so you'll just need to type an essay
    your school can usually mail applications for you if needed
    LBoomsky replied to GoggleD0GG's comment below 2024-05-27 21:27:03
    LBoomsky's Avatar
    Is there a tutorial on how to do that, how to find reputable websites and what to do once you are on them?
    I'm so website inept it quite literally took me years to figure out where the download button on github was.

    Not only bad at navigation, I also don't know how to mail a scholarship in the first place.
    I'm so lost...
    GoggleD0GG said 2024-05-27 21:02:08
    GoggleD0GG's Avatar
    there's a lot of reputable websites for scholarships that streamline the process, but i'd suggest finding local ones so you're not fighting a whole nation of students
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  • Usaki's Avatar
    May 26, 2024, 3:51 pm to Public
    Life Update: Hi yall I hope you're doing well. I'm gonna make this quick and short, I'm gonna leave PMC for a while. I'm currently going through a gender identity crisis atm and will need time to sort myself out, I'm glad that I'm getting support from friends and my gf. So as of now I don't know when ill be back but I hope to see you all again soon <3
    The new Texture Pack is still scheduled for next month so don't worry. Goodbye!
    SatoshiHikari said 2024-05-26 23:17:30
    SatoshiHikari's Avatar
    good luck usaki and just remember your perfect with who you where made to be :)
    Usaki replied to Silabear's comment below 2024-05-26 18:55:20
    Usaki's Avatar
    ClayMan1077 said 2024-05-26 16:27:30
    ClayMan1077's Avatar
    I wish you luck on your journey of self discovery, I hope you find what you’re looking for.

    Hope to see you soon!
    IGEBM said 2024-05-26 16:02:10
    IGEBM's Avatar
    Cya and gl!
    Silabear said 2024-05-26 15:53:00
    Silabear's Avatar
    take care! if you ever need support, loads of us here will be more than happy to give
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